"============================================================================ " Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2022, Jeff Lanzarotta " All rights reserved. " " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or " without modification, are permitted provided that the " following conditions are met: " " * Redistributions of source code must retain the above " copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following " disclaimer. " " * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above " copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following " disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials " provided with the distribution. " " * Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its " contributors may be used to endorse or promote products " derived from this software without specific prior written " permission. " " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND " CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, " INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE " DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR " CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, " SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT " NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; " LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) " HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN " CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR " OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, " EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. " Name Of File: bufexplorer.vim " Description: Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin " Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (my name at gmail dot com) " Last Changed: Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022 " Version: See g:bufexplorer_version for version number. " Usage: This file should reside in the plugin directory and be " automatically sourced. " " You may use the default keymappings of " " <Leader>be - Opens BufExplorer " <Leader>bt - Toggles BufExplorer open or closed " <Leader>bs - Opens horizontally split window BufExplorer " <Leader>bv - Opens vertically split window BufExplorer " " Or you can override the defaults and define your own mapping " in your vimrc file, for example: " " nnoremap <silent> <F11> :BufExplorer<CR> " nnoremap <silent> <s-F11> :ToggleBufExplorer<CR> " nnoremap <silent> <m-F11> :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit<CR> " nnoremap <silent> <c-F11> :BufExplorerVerticalSplit<CR> " " Or you can use " " ":BufExplorer" - Opens BufExplorer " ":ToggleBufExplorer" - Opens/Closes BufExplorer " ":BufExplorerHorizontalSplit" - Opens horizontally window BufExplorer " ":BufExplorerVerticalSplit" - Opens vertically split window BufExplorer " " For more help see supplied documentation. " History: See supplied documentation. "============================================================================= " Exit quickly if already running or when 'compatible' is set. {{{1 if exists("g:bufexplorer_version") || &cp finish endif "1}}} " Version number let g:bufexplorer_version = "7.4.25" " Plugin Code {{{1 " Check for Vim version {{{2 if !exists("g:bufExplorerVersionWarn") let g:bufExplorerVersionWarn = 1 endif if v:version < 700 if g:bufExplorerVersionWarn echohl WarningMsg echo "Sorry, bufexplorer ".g:bufexplorer_version." required Vim 7.0 or greater." echohl None endif finish endif " Check to see if the version of Vim has the correct patch applied, if not, do " not used <nowait>. if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1261') && has('patch1264') " We are good to go. else if g:bufExplorerVersionWarn echohl WarningMsg echo "Sorry, bufexplorer ".g:bufexplorer_version." required Vim 7.3 or greater with patch1261 and patch1264." echohl None endif finish endif " Create commands {{{2 command! BufExplorer :call BufExplorer() command! ToggleBufExplorer :call ToggleBufExplorer() command! BufExplorerHorizontalSplit :call BufExplorerHorizontalSplit() command! BufExplorerVerticalSplit :call BufExplorerVerticalSplit() " Set {{{2 function! s:Set(var, default) if !exists(a:var) if type(a:default) execute "let" a:var "=" string(a:default) else execute "let" a:var "=" a:default endif return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Script variables {{{2 let s:MRU_Exclude_List = ["[BufExplorer]","__MRU_Files__","[Buf\ List]"] let s:MRUList = [] let s:name = '[BufExplorer]' let s:originBuffer = 0 let s:running = 0 let s:sort_by = ["number", "name", "fullpath", "mru", "extension"] let s:splitMode = "" let s:didSplit = 0 let s:types = {"fullname": ':p', "path": ':p:h', "relativename": ':~:.', "relativepath": ':~:.:h', "shortname": ':t'} " Setup the autocommands that handle the MRUList and other stuff. {{{2 autocmd VimEnter * call s:Setup() " Reset MRUList and buffer->tab associations after loading a session. {{{2 autocmd SessionLoadPost * call s:Reset() " Setup {{{2 function! s:Setup() call s:Reset() " Now that the MRUList is created, add the other autocmds. augroup BufExplorer autocmd! autocmd BufEnter,BufNew * call s:ActivateBuffer() autocmd BufWipeOut * call s:DeactivateBuffer(1) autocmd BufDelete * call s:DeactivateBuffer(0) autocmd BufWinEnter \[BufExplorer\] call s:Initialize() autocmd BufWinLeave \[BufExplorer\] call s:Cleanup() augroup END endfunction " Reset {{{2 function! s:Reset() " Build initial MRUList. This makes sure all the files specified on the " command line are picked up correctly. Check buffers exist so this also " works after wiping buffers and loading a session (e.g. sessionman.vim) let s:MRUList = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'bufexists(v:val)') " Initialize the association of buffers to tabs for any buffers " that have been created prior to now, e.g., files specified as " vim command line arguments call s:CatalogBuffers() endfunction " CatalogBuffers {{{2 " Create tab associations for any existing buffers function! s:CatalogBuffers() let ct = tabpagenr() for tab in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) silent execute 'normal! ' . tab . 'gt' for buf in tabpagebuflist() call s:UpdateTabBufData(buf) endfor endfor silent execute 'normal! ' . ct . 'gt' endfunction " AssociatedTab {{{2 " Return the number of the tab associated with the specified buffer. " If the buffer is associated with more than one tab, the first one " found is returned. If the buffer is not associated with any tabs, " -1 is returned. function! s:AssociatedTab(bufnr) for tab in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) let list = gettabvar(tab, 'bufexp_buf_list', []) let idx = index(list, a:bufnr) if idx != -1 return tab endif endfor return -1 endfunction " RemoveBufFromOtherTabs {{{2 " Remove the specified buffer from the buffer lists of all tabs " except the current tab. function! s:RemoveBufFromOtherTabs(bufnr) for tab in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) if tab == tabpagenr() continue endif let list = gettabvar(tab, 'bufexp_buf_list', []) let idx = index(list, a:bufnr) if idx == -1 continue endif call remove(list, idx) call settabvar(tab, 'bufexp_buf_list', list) endfor endfunction " AddBufToCurrentTab {{{2 " Add the specified buffer to the list of buffers associated " with the current tab function! s:AddBufToCurrentTab(bufnr) if index(t:bufexp_buf_list, a:bufnr) == -1 call add(t:bufexp_buf_list, a:bufnr) endif endfunction " IsInCurrentTab {{{2 " Returns whether the specified buffer is associated " with the current tab function! s:IsInCurrentTab(bufnr) " It shouldn't happen that the list of buffers is " not defined but if it does, play it safe and " include the buffer if !exists('t:bufexp_buf_list') return 1 endif return (index(t:bufexp_buf_list, a:bufnr) != -1) endfunction " UpdateTabBufData {{{2 " Update the tab buffer data for the specified buffer " " The current tab's list is updated. If a buffer is only " allowed to be associated with one tab, it is removed " from the lists of any other tabs with which it may have " been associated. " " The associations between tabs and buffers are maintained " in separate lists for each tab, which are stored in tab- " specific variables 't:bufexp_buf_list'. function! s:UpdateTabBufData(bufnr) " The first time we add a tab, Vim uses the current buffer " as its starting page even though we are about to edit a " new page, and another BufEnter for the new page is triggered " later. Use this first BufEnter to initialize the list of " buffers, but don't add the buffer number to the list if " it is already associated with another tab " " Unfortunately, this doesn't work right when the first " buffer opened in the tab should be associated with it, " such as when 'tab split +buffer N' is used if !exists("t:bufexp_buf_list") let t:bufexp_buf_list = [] if s:AssociatedTab(a:bufnr) != -1 return endif endif call s:AddBufToCurrentTab(a:bufnr) if g:bufExplorerOnlyOneTab call s:RemoveBufFromOtherTabs(a:bufnr) endif endfunction " ActivateBuffer {{{2 function! s:ActivateBuffer() let _bufnr = bufnr("%") call s:UpdateTabBufData(_bufnr) call s:MRUPush(_bufnr) endfunction " DeactivateBuffer {{{2 function! s:DeactivateBuffer(remove) let _bufnr = str2nr(expand("<abuf>")) call s:MRUPop(_bufnr) endfunction " MRUPop {{{2 function! s:MRUPop(bufnr) call filter(s:MRUList, 'v:val != '.a:bufnr) endfunction " MRUPush {{{2 function! s:MRUPush(buf) " Skip temporary buffer with buftype set. Don't add the BufExplorer window " to the list. if s:ShouldIgnore(a:buf) == 1 return endif " Remove the buffer number from the list if it already exists. call s:MRUPop(a:buf) " Add the buffer number to the head of the list. call insert(s:MRUList, a:buf) endfunction " ShouldIgnore {{{2 function! s:ShouldIgnore(buf) " Ignore temporary buffers with buftype set. if empty(getbufvar(a:buf, "&buftype")) == 0 return 1 endif " Ignore buffers with no name. if empty(bufname(a:buf)) == 1 return 1 endif " Ignore the BufExplorer buffer. if fnamemodify(bufname(a:buf), ":t") == s:name return 1 endif " Ignore any buffers in the exclude list. if index(s:MRU_Exclude_List, bufname(a:buf)) >= 0 return 1 endif " Else return 0 to indicate that the buffer was not ignored. return 0 endfunction " Initialize {{{2 function! s:Initialize() call s:SetLocalSettings() let s:running = 1 endfunction " Cleanup {{{2 function! s:Cleanup() if exists("s:_insertmode") let &insertmode = s:_insertmode endif if exists("s:_showcmd") let &showcmd = s:_showcmd endif if exists("s:_cpo") let &cpo = s:_cpo endif if exists("s:_report") let &report = s:_report endif let s:running = 0 let s:splitMode = "" let s:didSplit = 0 delmarks! endfunction " SetLocalSettings {{{2 function! s:SetLocalSettings() let s:_insertmode = &insertmode set noinsertmode let s:_showcmd = &showcmd set noshowcmd let s:_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:_report = &report let &report = 10000 setlocal nonumber setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal nofoldenable setlocal cursorline setlocal nospell setlocal nobuflisted setlocal filetype=bufexplorer endfunction " BufExplorerHorizontalSplit {{{2 function! BufExplorerHorizontalSplit() let s:splitMode = "sp" execute "BufExplorer" let s:splitMode = "" endfunction " BufExplorerVerticalSplit {{{2 function! BufExplorerVerticalSplit() let s:splitMode = "vsp" execute "BufExplorer" let s:splitMode = "" endfunction " ToggleBufExplorer {{{2 function! ToggleBufExplorer() if exists("s:running") && s:running == 1 && bufname(winbufnr(0)) == s:name call s:Close() else call BufExplorer() endif endfunction " BufExplorer {{{2 function! BufExplorer() let name = s:name if !has("win32") " On non-Windows boxes, escape the name so that is shows up correctly. let name = escape(name, "[]") endif " Make sure there is only one explorer open at a time. if s:running == 1 " Go to the open buffer. if has("gui") execute "drop" name endif return endif " Add zero to ensure the variable is treated as a number. let s:originBuffer = bufnr("%") + 0 silent let s:raw_buffer_listing = s:GetBufferInfo(0) " We may have to split the current window. if s:splitMode != "" " Save off the original settings. let [_splitbelow, _splitright] = [&splitbelow, &splitright] " Set the setting to ours. let [&splitbelow, &splitright] = [g:bufExplorerSplitBelow, g:bufExplorerSplitRight] let _size = (s:splitMode == "sp") ? g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize : g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize " Split the window either horizontally or vertically. if _size <= 0 execute 'keepalt ' . s:splitMode else execute 'keepalt ' . _size . s:splitMode endif " Restore the original settings. let [&splitbelow, &splitright] = [_splitbelow, _splitright] " Remember that a split was triggered let s:didSplit = 1 endif if !exists("b:displayMode") || b:displayMode != "winmanager" " Do not use keepalt when opening bufexplorer to allow the buffer that " we are leaving to become the new alternate buffer execute "silent keepjumps hide edit".name endif call s:DisplayBufferList() " Position the cursor in the newly displayed list on the line representing " the active buffer. The active buffer is the line with the '%' character " in it. execute search("%") endfunction " DisplayBufferList {{{2 function! s:DisplayBufferList() " Do not set bufhidden since it wipes out the data if we switch away from " the buffer using CTRL-^. setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal modifiable setlocal noreadonly setlocal noswapfile setlocal nowrap call s:SetupSyntax() call s:MapKeys() " Wipe out any existing lines in case BufExplorer buffer exists and the " user had changed any global settings that might reduce the number of " lines needed in the buffer. silent keepjumps 1,$d _ call setline(1, s:CreateHelp()) call s:BuildBufferList() call cursor(s:firstBufferLine, 1) if !g:bufExplorerResize normal! zz endif setlocal nomodifiable endfunction " MapKeys {{{2 function! s:MapKeys() if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <tab> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<CR> endif nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> <CR> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> <F1> :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> <s-cr> :call <SID>SelectBuffer("tab")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> a :call <SID>ToggleFindActive()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> b :call <SID>SelectBuffer("ask")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> d :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("delete")<CR> xnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> d :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("delete")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> D :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("wipe")<CR> xnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> D :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("wipe")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> f :call <SID>SelectBuffer("split", "sb")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> F :call <SID>SelectBuffer("split", "st")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> m :call <SID>MRUListShow()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> o :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> p :call <SID>ToggleSplitOutPathName()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> q :call <SID>Close()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> r :call <SID>SortReverse()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> R :call <SID>ToggleShowRelativePath()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> s :call <SID>SortSelect()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> S :call <SID>ReverseSortSelect()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> t :call <SID>SelectBuffer("tab")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> T :call <SID>ToggleShowTabBuffer()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> u :call <SID>ToggleShowUnlisted()<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> v :call <SID>SelectBuffer("split", "vr")<CR> nnoremap <script> <silent> <nowait> <buffer> V :call <SID>SelectBuffer("split", "vl")<CR> for k in ["G", "n", "N", "L", "M", "H"] execute "nnoremap <buffer> <silent>" k ":keepjumps normal!" k."<CR>" endfor endfunction " SetupSyntax {{{2 function! s:SetupSyntax() if has("syntax") syn match bufExplorerHelp "^\".*" contains=bufExplorerSortBy,bufExplorerMapping,bufExplorerTitle,bufExplorerSortType,bufExplorerToggleSplit,bufExplorerToggleOpen syn match bufExplorerOpenIn "Open in \w\+ window" contained syn match bufExplorerSplit "\w\+ split" contained syn match bufExplorerSortBy "Sorted by .*" contained contains=bufExplorerOpenIn,bufExplorerSplit syn match bufExplorerMapping "\" \zs.\+\ze :" contained syn match bufExplorerTitle "Buffer Explorer.*" contained syn match bufExplorerSortType "'\w\{-}'" contained syn match bufExplorerBufNbr /^\s*\d\+/ syn match bufExplorerToggleSplit "toggle split type" contained syn match bufExplorerToggleOpen "toggle open mode" contained syn match bufExplorerModBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{4}+.*/ syn match bufExplorerLockedBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{3}[\-=].*/ syn match bufExplorerHidBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{2}h.*/ syn match bufExplorerActBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{2}a.*/ syn match bufExplorerCurBuf /^\s*\d\+.%.*/ syn match bufExplorerAltBuf /^\s*\d\+.#.*/ syn match bufExplorerUnlBuf /^\s*\d\+u.*/ syn match bufExplorerInactBuf /^\s*\d\+ \{7}.*/ hi def link bufExplorerBufNbr Number hi def link bufExplorerMapping NonText hi def link bufExplorerHelp Special hi def link bufExplorerOpenIn Identifier hi def link bufExplorerSortBy String hi def link bufExplorerSplit NonText hi def link bufExplorerTitle NonText hi def link bufExplorerSortType bufExplorerSortBy hi def link bufExplorerToggleSplit bufExplorerSplit hi def link bufExplorerToggleOpen bufExplorerOpenIn hi def link bufExplorerActBuf Identifier hi def link bufExplorerAltBuf String hi def link bufExplorerCurBuf Type hi def link bufExplorerHidBuf Constant hi def link bufExplorerLockedBuf Special hi def link bufExplorerModBuf Exception hi def link bufExplorerUnlBuf Comment hi def link bufExplorerInactBuf Comment endif endfunction " ToggleHelp {{{2 function! s:ToggleHelp() let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp = !g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp setlocal modifiable " Save position. normal! ma " Remove old header. if s:firstBufferLine > 1 execute "keepjumps 1,".(s:firstBufferLine - 1) "d _" endif call append(0, s:CreateHelp()) silent! normal! g`a delmarks a setlocal nomodifiable if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" call WinManagerForceReSize("BufExplorer") endif endfunction " GetHelpStatus {{{2 function! s:GetHelpStatus() let ret = '" Sorted by '.((g:bufExplorerReverseSort == 1) ? "reverse " : "").g:bufExplorerSortBy let ret .= ' | '.((g:bufExplorerFindActive == 0) ? "Don't " : "")."Locate buffer" let ret .= ((g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted == 0) ? "" : " | Show unlisted") let ret .= ((g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer == 0) ? "" : " | Show buffers/tab") let ret .= ((g:bufExplorerOnlyOneTab == 0) ? "" : " | One tab/buffer") let ret .= ' | '.((g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath == 0) ? "Absolute" : "Relative") let ret .= ' '.((g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName == 0) ? "Full" : "Split")." path" return ret endfunction " CreateHelp {{{2 function! s:CreateHelp() if g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp == 0 && g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp == 0 let s:firstBufferLine = 1 return [] endif let header = [] if g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp == 1 call add(header, '" Buffer Explorer ('.g:bufexplorer_version.')') call add(header, '" --------------------------') call add(header, '" <F1> : toggle this help') call add(header, '" <enter> or o or Mouse-Double-Click : open buffer under cursor') call add(header, '" <shift-enter> or t : open buffer in another tab') call add(header, '" a : toggle find active buffer') call add(header, '" b : Fast buffer switching with b<any bufnum>') call add(header, '" B : toggle if to save/use recent tab or not') call add(header, '" d : delete buffer') call add(header, '" D : wipe buffer') call add(header, '" F : open buffer in another window above the current') call add(header, '" f : open buffer in another window below the current') call add(header, '" p : toggle splitting of file and path name') call add(header, '" q : quit') call add(header, '" r : reverse sort') call add(header, '" R : toggle showing relative or full paths') call add(header, '" s : cycle thru "sort by" fields '.string(s:sort_by).'') call add(header, '" S : reverse cycle thru "sort by" fields') call add(header, '" T : toggle if to show only buffers for this tab or not') call add(header, '" u : toggle showing unlisted buffers') call add(header, '" V : open buffer in another window on the left of the current') call add(header, '" v : open buffer in another window on the right of the current') else call add(header, '" Press <F1> for Help') endif if (!exists("b:displayMode") || b:displayMode != "winmanager") || (b:displayMode == "winmanager" && g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp == 1) call add(header, s:GetHelpStatus()) call add(header, '"=') endif let s:firstBufferLine = len(header) + 1 return header endfunction " GetBufferInfo {{{2 function! s:GetBufferInfo(bufnr) redir => bufoutput " Show all buffers including the unlisted ones. [!] tells Vim to show the " unlisted ones. buffers! redir END if a:bufnr > 0 " Since we are only interested in this specified buffer " remove the other buffers listed let bufoutput = substitute(bufoutput."\n", '^.*\n\(\s*'.a:bufnr.'\>.\{-}\)\n.*', '\1', '') endif let [all, allwidths, listedwidths] = [[], {}, {}] for n in keys(s:types) let allwidths[n] = [] let listedwidths[n] = [] endfor " Loop over each line in the buffer. for buf in split(bufoutput, '\n') let bits = split(buf, '"') " Use first and last components after the split on '"', in case a " filename with an embedded '"' is present. let b = {"attributes": bits[0], "line": substitute(bits[-1], '\s*', '', '')} let name = bufname(str2nr(b.attributes)) let b["hasNoName"] = empty(name) if b.hasNoName let name = "[No Name]" endif for [key, val] in items(s:types) let b[key] = fnamemodify(name, val) endfor if getftype(b.fullname) == "dir" && g:bufExplorerShowDirectories == 1 let b.shortname = "<DIRECTORY>" endif call add(all, b) for n in keys(s:types) call add(allwidths[n], s:StringWidth(b[n])) if b.attributes !~ "u" call add(listedwidths[n], s:StringWidth(b[n])) endif endfor endfor let [s:allpads, s:listedpads] = [{}, {}] for n in keys(s:types) let s:allpads[n] = repeat(' ', max(allwidths[n])) let s:listedpads[n] = repeat(' ', max(listedwidths[n])) endfor return all endfunction " BuildBufferList {{{2 function! s:BuildBufferList() let lines = [] " Loop through every buffer. for buf in s:raw_buffer_listing " Skip unlisted buffers if we are not to show them. if !g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted && buf.attributes =~ "u" " Skip unlisted buffers if we are not to show them. continue endif " Skip "No Name" buffers if we are not to show them. if g:bufExplorerShowNoName == 0 && buf.hasNoName continue endif " Are we to show only buffer(s) for this tab? if g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer && (!s:IsInCurrentTab(str2nr(buf.attributes))) continue endif let line = buf.attributes." " if exists("g:loaded_webdevicons") let line .= WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(buf.shortname) let line .= " " endif " Are we to split the path and file name? if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativepath" : "path" let path = buf[type] let pad = (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted) ? s:allpads.shortname : s:listedpads.shortname let line .= buf.shortname." ".strpart(pad.path, s:StringWidth(buf.shortname)) else let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativename" : "fullname" let path = buf[type] let line .= path endif let pads = (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted) ? s:allpads : s:listedpads if !empty(pads[type]) let line .= strpart(pads[type], s:StringWidth(path))." " endif let line .= buf.line call add(lines, line) endfor call setline(s:firstBufferLine, lines) call s:SortListing() endfunction " SelectBuffer {{{2 function! s:SelectBuffer(...) " Sometimes messages are not cleared when we get here so it looks like an " error has occurred when it really has not. "echo "" let _bufNbr = -1 if (a:0 == 1) && (a:1 == "ask") " Ask the user for input. call inputsave() let cmd = input("Enter buffer number to switch to: ") call inputrestore() " Clear the message area from the previous prompt. redraw | echo if strlen(cmd) > 0 let _bufNbr = str2nr(cmd) else call s:Error("Invalid buffer number, try again.") return endif else " Are we on a line with a file name? if line('.') < s:firstBufferLine execute "normal! \<CR>" return endif let _bufNbr = str2nr(getline('.')) " Check and see if we are running BufferExplorer via WinManager. if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" let _bufName = expand("#"._bufNbr.":p") if (a:0 == 1) && (a:1 == "tab") call WinManagerFileEdit(_bufName, 1) else call WinManagerFileEdit(_bufName, 0) endif return endif endif if bufexists(_bufNbr) if bufnr("#") == _bufNbr && !exists("g:bufExplorerChgWin") return s:Close() endif " Get the tab number where this bufer is located in. let tabNbr = s:GetTabNbr(_bufNbr) " Are we supposed to open the selected buffer in a tab? if (a:0 == 1) && (a:1 == "tab") " Restore [BufExplorer] buffer. execute "silent buffer!".s:originBuffer " Was the tab found? if tabNbr == 0 " _bufNbr is not opened in any tabs. Open a new tab with the " selected buffer in it. if v:version > 704 || ( v:version == 704 && has('patch2237') ) " new syntax for last tab as of 7.4.2237 execute "$tab split +buffer" . _bufNbr else execute "999tab split +buffer" . _bufNbr endif " Workaround for the issue mentioned in UpdateTabBufData. call s:UpdateTabBufData(_bufNbr) else " The _bufNbr is already opened in a tab, go to that tab. execute tabNbr . "tabnext" " Focus window. execute s:GetWinNbr(tabNbr, _bufNbr) . "wincmd w" endif " Are we supposed to open the selected buffer in a split? elseif (a:0 == 2) && (a:1 == "split") if g:bufExplorerFindActive call s:Close() endif " Was the tab found? if tabNbr != 0 " Yes, the buffer is located in a tab. Go to that tab instead of " opening split execute tabNbr . "tabnext" else "Nope, the buffer is not in a tab, open it accordingly let _bufName = expand("#"._bufNbr.":p") if (a:2 == "vl") execute _bufName ? \ "vert topleft sb ".escape(_bufName, " ") : \ "vert topleft sb "._bufNbr elseif (a:2 == "vr") execute _bufName ? \ "vert belowright sb ".escape(_bufName, " ") : \ "vert belowright sb "._bufNbr elseif (a:2 == "st") execute _bufName ? \ "topleft sb ".escape(_bufName, " ") : \ "topleft sb "._bufNbr else " = sb execute _bufName ? \ "belowright sb ".escape(_bufName, " ") : \ "belowright sb "._bufNbr endif endif " Switch to selected buffer execute "keepalt silent b!" _bufNbr " Default, open in current window else " Are we suppose to move to the tab where the active buffer is? if exists("g:bufExplorerChgWin") execute g:bufExplorerChgWin."wincmd w" elseif bufloaded(_bufNbr) && g:bufExplorerFindActive if g:bufExplorerFindActive call s:Close() endif " Was the tab found? if tabNbr != 0 " Yes, the buffer is located in a tab. Go to that tab number. execute tabNbr . "tabnext" else "Nope, the buffer is not in a tab. Simply switch to that "buffer. let _bufName = expand("#"._bufNbr.":p") execute _bufName ? "drop ".escape(_bufName, " ") : "buffer "._bufNbr endif endif " Switch to the selected buffer. execute "keepjumps keepalt silent b!" _bufNbr endif " Make the buffer 'listed' again. call setbufvar(_bufNbr, "&buflisted", "1") " Call any associated function references. g:bufExplorerFuncRef may be " an individual function reference or it may be a list containing " function references. It will ignore anything that's not a function " reference. " " See :help FuncRef for more on function references. if exists("g:BufExplorerFuncRef") if type(g:BufExplorerFuncRef) == 2 keepj call g:BufExplorerFuncRef() elseif type(g:BufExplorerFuncRef) == 3 for FncRef in g:BufExplorerFuncRef if type(FncRef) == 2 keepj call FncRef() endif endfor endif endif else call s:Error("Sorry, that buffer no longer exists, please select another") call s:DeleteBuffer(_bufNbr, "wipe") endif endfunction " RemoveBuffer {{{2 function! s:RemoveBuffer(mode) " Are we on a line with a file name? if line('.') < s:firstBufferLine return endif let mode = a:mode " These commands are to temporarily suspend the activity of winmanager. if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" call WinManagerSuspendAUs() end let _bufNbr = str2nr(getline('.')) if getbufvar(_bufNbr, '&modified') == 1 " Calling confirm() requires Vim built with dialog option if !has("dialog_con") && !has("dialog_gui") call s:Error("Sorry, no write since last change for buffer "._bufNbr.", unable to delete") return endif let answer = confirm('No write since last change for buffer '._bufNbr.'. Delete anyway?', "&Yes\n&No", 2) if a:mode == "delete" && answer == 1 let mode = "force_delete" elseif a:mode == "wipe" && answer == 1 let mode = "force_wipe" else return endif endif " Okay, everything is good, delete or wipe the buffer. call s:DeleteBuffer(_bufNbr, mode) " Reactivate winmanager autocommand activity. if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" call WinManagerForceReSize("BufExplorer") call WinManagerResumeAUs() end endfunction " DeleteBuffer {{{2 function! s:DeleteBuffer(buf, mode) " This routine assumes that the buffer to be removed is on the current line. try " Wipe/Delete buffer from Vim. if a:mode == "wipe" execute "silent bwipe" a:buf elseif a:mode == "force_wipe" execute "silent bwipe!" a:buf elseif a:mode == "force_delete" execute "silent bdelete!" a:buf else execute "silent bdelete" a:buf endif " Delete the buffer from the list on screen. setlocal modifiable normal! "_dd setlocal nomodifiable " Delete the buffer from the raw buffer list. call filter(s:raw_buffer_listing, 'v:val.attributes !~ " '.a:buf.' "') catch call s:Error(v:exception) endtry endfunction " ListedAndCurrentTab {{{2 " Returns whether the specified buffer is both listed and associated " with the current tab function! s:ListedAndCurrentTab(buf) return buflisted(a:buf) && s:IsInCurrentTab(a:buf) endfunction " Close {{{2 function! s:Close() " Get only the listed buffers associated with the current tab let listed = filter(copy(s:MRUList), "s:ListedAndCurrentTab(v:val)") if len(listed) == 0 let listed = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), "s:ListedAndCurrentTab(v:val)") endif " If we needed to split the main window, close the split one. if s:didSplit == 1 && bufwinnr(s:originBuffer) != -1 execute "wincmd c" endif " Check to see if there are anymore buffers listed. if len(listed) == 0 " Since there are no buffers left to switch to, open a new empty " buffers. execute "enew" else " Since there are buffers left to switch to, switch to the previous and " then the current. for b in reverse(listed[0:1]) execute "keepjumps silent b ".b endfor endif " Clear any messages. echo endfunction " ToggleSplitOutPathName {{{2 function! s:ToggleSplitOutPathName() let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName = !g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName call s:RebuildBufferList() call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " ToggleShowRelativePath {{{2 function! s:ToggleShowRelativePath() let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath = !g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath call s:RebuildBufferList() call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " ToggleShowTabBuffer {{{2 function! s:ToggleShowTabBuffer() let g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer = !g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer call s:RebuildBufferList(g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer) call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " ToggleOnlyOneTab {{{2 function! s:ToggleOnlyOneTab() let g:bufExplorerOnlyOneTab = !g:bufExplorerOnlyOneTab call s:RebuildBufferList() call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " ToggleShowUnlisted {{{2 function! s:ToggleShowUnlisted() let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted = !g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted let num_bufs = s:RebuildBufferList(g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted == 0) call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " ToggleFindActive {{{2 function! s:ToggleFindActive() let g:bufExplorerFindActive = !g:bufExplorerFindActive call s:UpdateHelpStatus() endfunction " RebuildBufferList {{{2 function! s:RebuildBufferList(...) setlocal modifiable let curPos = getpos('.') if a:0 && a:000[0] && (line('$') >= s:firstBufferLine) " Clear the list first. execute "silent keepjumps ".s:firstBufferLine.',$d _' endif let num_bufs = s:BuildBufferList() call setpos('.', curPos) setlocal nomodifiable return num_bufs endfunction " UpdateHelpStatus {{{2 function! s:UpdateHelpStatus() setlocal modifiable let text = s:GetHelpStatus() call setline(s:firstBufferLine - 2, text) setlocal nomodifiable endfunction " MRUCmp {{{2 function! s:MRUCmp(line1, line2) return index(s:MRUList, str2nr(a:line1)) - index(s:MRUList, str2nr(a:line2)) endfunction " SortReverse {{{2 function! s:SortReverse() let g:bufExplorerReverseSort = !g:bufExplorerReverseSort call s:ReSortListing() endfunction " SortSelect {{{2 function! s:SortSelect() let g:bufExplorerSortBy = get(s:sort_by, index(s:sort_by, g:bufExplorerSortBy) + 1, s:sort_by[0]) call s:ReSortListing() endfunction " ReverseSortSelect {{{2 function! s:ReverseSortSelect() let g:bufExplorerSortBy = get(s:sort_by, index(s:sort_by, g:bufExplorerSortBy) - 1, s:sort_by[-1]) call s:ReSortListing() endfunction " ReSortListing {{{2 function! s:ReSortListing() setlocal modifiable let curPos = getpos('.') call s:SortListing() call s:UpdateHelpStatus() call setpos('.', curPos) setlocal nomodifiable endfunction " SortListing {{{2 function! s:SortListing() let sort = s:firstBufferLine.",$sort".((g:bufExplorerReverseSort == 1) ? "!": "") if g:bufExplorerSortBy == "number" " Easiest case. execute sort 'n' elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "name" " Sort by full path first execute sort 'ir /\zs\f\+\ze\s\+line/' if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName execute sort 'ir /\d.\{7}\zs\f\+\ze/' else execute sort 'ir /\zs[^\/\\]\+\ze\s*line/' endif elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "fullpath" if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName " Sort twice - first on the file name then on the path. execute sort 'ir /\d.\{7}\zs\f\+\ze/' endif execute sort 'ir /\zs\f\+\ze\s\+line/' elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "extension" " Sort by full path... execute sort 'ir /\zs\f\+\ze\s\+line/' " Sort by name... if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName " Sort twice - first on the file name then on the path. execute sort 'ir /\d.\{7}\zs\f\+\ze/' endif " Sort by extension. execute sort 'ir /\.\zs\w\+\ze\s/' elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "mru" let l = getline(s:firstBufferLine, "$") call sort(l, "<SID>MRUCmp") if g:bufExplorerReverseSort call reverse(l) endif call setline(s:firstBufferLine, l) endif endfunction " MRUListShow {{{2 function! s:MRUListShow() echomsg "MRUList=".string(s:MRUList) endfunction " Error {{{2 " Display a message using ErrorMsg highlight group. function! s:Error(msg) echohl ErrorMsg echomsg a:msg echohl None endfunction " Warning {{{2 " Display a message using WarningMsg highlight group. function! s:Warning(msg) echohl WarningMsg echomsg a:msg echohl None endfunction " GetTabNbr {{{2 function! s:GetTabNbr(bufNbr) " Searching buffer bufno, in tabs. for i in range(tabpagenr("$")) if index(tabpagebuflist(i + 1), a:bufNbr) != -1 return i + 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " GetWinNbr" {{{2 function! s:GetWinNbr(tabNbr, bufNbr) " window number in tabpage. let tablist = tabpagebuflist(a:tabNbr) " Number: 0 " String: 1 " Funcref: 2 " List: 3 " Dictionary: 4 " Float: 5 if type(tablist) == 3 return index(tabpagebuflist(a:tabNbr), a:bufNbr) + 1 else return 1 endif endfunction " StringWidth" {{{2 if exists('*strwidth') function s:StringWidth(s) return strwidth(a:s) endfunction else function s:StringWidth(s) return len(a:s) endfunction endif " Winmanager Integration {{{2 let g:BufExplorer_title = "\[Buf\ List\]" call s:Set("g:bufExplorerResize", 1) call s:Set("g:bufExplorerMaxHeight", 25) " Handles dynamic resizing of the window. " function! to start display. Set the mode to 'winmanager' for this buffer. " This is to figure out how this plugin was called. In a standalone fashion " or by winmanager. function! BufExplorer_Start() let b:displayMode = "winmanager" call s:SetLocalSettings() call BufExplorer() endfunction " Returns whether the display is okay or not. function! BufExplorer_IsValid() return 0 endfunction " Handles dynamic refreshing of the window. function! BufExplorer_Refresh() let b:displayMode = "winmanager" call s:SetLocalSettings() call BufExplorer() endfunction function! BufExplorer_ReSize() if !g:bufExplorerResize return end let nlines = min([line("$"), g:bufExplorerMaxHeight]) execute nlines." wincmd _" " The following lines restore the layout so that the last file line is also " the last window line. Sometimes, when a line is deleted, although the " window size is exactly equal to the number of lines in the file, some of " the lines are pushed up and we see some lagging '~'s. let pres = getpos(".") normal! $ let _scr = &scrolloff let &scrolloff = 0 normal! z- let &scrolloff = _scr call setpos(".", pres) endfunction " Default values {{{2 call s:Set("g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping", 0) " Do not disable default key mappings. call s:Set("g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp", 1) " Show default help? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp", 0) " Show detailed help? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerFindActive", 1) " When selecting an active buffer, take you to the window where it is active? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerOnlyOneTab", 1) " If ShowTabBuffer = 1, only store the most recent tab for this buffer. call s:Set("g:bufExplorerReverseSort", 0) " Sort in reverse order by default? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowDirectories", 1) " (Dir's are added by commands like ':e .') call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath", 0) " Show listings with relative or absolute paths? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer", 0) " Show only buffer(s) for this tab? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted", 0) " Show unlisted buffers? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowNoName", 0) " Show 'No Name' buffers? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSortBy", "mru") " Sorting methods are in s:sort_by: call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitBelow", &splitbelow) " Should horizontal splits be below or above current window? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName", 1) " Split out path and file name? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitRight", &splitright) " Should vertical splits be on the right or left of current window? call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize", 0) " Height for a vertical split. If <=0, default Vim size is used. call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize", 0) " Height for a horizontal split. If <=0, default Vim size is used. " Default key mapping {{{2 if !hasmapto('BufExplorer') && g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping == 0 nnoremap <script> <silent> <unique> <Leader>be :BufExplorer<CR> endif if !hasmapto('ToggleBufExplorer') && g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping == 0 nnoremap <script> <silent> <unique> <Leader>bt :ToggleBufExplorer<CR> endif if !hasmapto('BufExplorerHorizontalSplit') && g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping == 0 nnoremap <script> <silent> <unique> <Leader>bs :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit<CR> endif if !hasmapto('BufExplorerVerticalSplit') && g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping == 0 nnoremap <script> <silent> <unique> <Leader>bv :BufExplorerVerticalSplit<CR> endif " vim:ft=vim foldmethod=marker sw=4