" to execute, `rake test` on parent dir describe 'go#coverage#Buffer' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:samplecover = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/sample.out' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample execute "buffer " . bufnr("$") end after execute "bprev" execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample close! end it 'puts match to the list' call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 5 call go#coverlay#Clearlay() Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 5 call go#coverlay#Clearlay() Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 5 call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 5 call go#coverlay#Clearlay() Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 end end describe 'go#coverage#Buffer fail' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'failtest/sample.go' let g:sampletest = 'failtest/sample_test.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'failtest/sample.go' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample execute "buffer " . bufnr("$") end after execute "bprev" execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sampletest execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample end it 'does nothing if test fail' call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 Expect len(getqflist()) == 1 end end describe 'go#coverage#Buffer build fail' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'buildfail/sample.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'buildfail/sample.go' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample execute "buffer " . bufnr("$") end after execute "bprev" execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample end it 'does nothing if test fail' call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 end end describe 'go#coverage#Buffer build test fail' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'buildtestfail/sample.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'buildtestfail/sample.go' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample execute "buffer " . bufnr("$") end after execute "bprev" execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample end it 'does nothing if test fail' call go#coverage#Buffer(0) Expect len(go#coverlay#matches()) == 0 end end describe 'go#coverlay#findbufnr' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:sample2 = 'pkg2/sample.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:sampleabs2 = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg2/sample.go' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample2 end after execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample2 execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample close! end it 'returns BUFNR if FILE is opened at BUFNR' Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr('_' . g:sampleabs) == bufnr(g:sampleabs) Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr(g:sample) == bufnr(g:sampleabs) Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr('_' . g:sampleabs2) == bufnr(g:sampleabs2) Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr(g:sample2) == bufnr(g:sampleabs2) end it 'returns -1 if FILE is not exists' Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr('pkg1/NOTEXISTS.go') == -1 Expect go#coverlay#findbufnr('_' . g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/NOTEXISTS.go') == -1 end end describe 'go#coverlay#isopenedon' before new let g:curdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/' let g:srcpath = 't/fixtures/src/' let g:sample = 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:sampleabs = g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/sample.go' let g:go_gopath = g:curdir . 't/fixtures' execute "badd " . g:srcpath . g:sample end after execute "bdelete " . g:srcpath . g:sample close! end it 'returns 1 if FILE is opened at BUFNR' Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon('_' . g:sampleabs, bufnr(g:sampleabs)) == 1 Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon(g:sample, bufnr(g:sampleabs)) == 1 end it 'returns 0 if FILE is not opened at BUFNR' Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon('_' . g:sampleabs, 42) == 0 Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon(g:sample, 42) == 0 end it 'returns 0 if FILE is not exists' Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon('_' . g:curdir . g:srcpath . 'pkg1/NOTEXISTS', bufnr(g:sampleabs)) == 0 Expect go#coverlay#isopenedon('pkg1/NOTEXISTS.go', bufnr(g:sampleabs)) == 0 end end describe 'go#coverlay#parsegocoverline' it 'parses a go cover output line and returns as dict' let d = {'file': 'f',"startline": "1", "startcol": "2", "endline": "3", "endcol": "4", "numstmt": "5", "cnt": "6"} " file:startline.col,endline.col numstmt count Expect go#coverlay#parsegocoverline("f:1.2,3.4 5 6") == d end end describe 'go#coverlay#genmatch' it 'generate mark pattern from cover data' let d = {'file': 'f',"startline": "1", "startcol": "2", "endline": "3", "endcol": "4", "numstmt": "5", "cnt": "6"} Expect go#coverlay#genmatch(d) == {'group': 'covered', "pattern": '\%>1l\_^\s\+\%<3l\|\%1l\_^\s\+\|\%3l\_^\s\+\(\}$\)\@!', "priority": 6} let d = {'file': 'f',"startline": "1", "startcol": "2", "endline": "3", "endcol": "4", "numstmt": "5", "cnt": "0"} Expect go#coverlay#genmatch(d) == {'group': 'uncover', "pattern": '\%>1l\_^\s\+\%<3l\|\%1l\_^\s\+\|\%3l\_^\s\+\(\}$\)\@!', "priority": 5} end end