# file containing most useful mappings only # when editing this file please be aware that there is ZenCoding and sparkup # html 5 is recommended from now on snippet html5 $2 $3 $4 # ==== TAGS # you always need these: snippet . class="${1}"${2} snippet n name="${1}"${2} snippet r rel="${1}"${2} snippet t title="${1}"${2} # not using # because id is faster to type snippet id id="${1}"${2} snippet idn id="${1}" name="${2:$1}" snippet label_and_input ${7} # FORMS # use idn . or n to add id snippet input ${7} snippet submit ${7} snippet textarea # if you need id or class use snippets above snippet form
# other tags snippet br
snippet a $3 snippet img $2 # JS/CSS snippet css_file ${3} snippet css_block snippet script_block snippet script_file