" Author: Roeland Moors - https://github.com/roelandmoors " based on the ale ruumba and robocop linters " Description: ERB Lint, support for https://github.com/Shopify/erb-lint call ale#Set('eruby_erblint_executable', 'erblint') call ale#Set('eruby_erblint_options', '') function! ale_linters#eruby#erblint#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'eruby_erblint_executable') return ale#ruby#EscapeExecutable(l:executable, 'erblint') \ . ' --format json ' \ . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'eruby_erblint_options') \ . ' --stdin %s' endfunction function! ale_linters#eruby#erblint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort if empty(a:lines) return [] endif let l:errors = ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(a:lines[0], []) if !has_key(l:errors, 'summary') \|| l:errors['summary']['offenses'] == 0 \|| empty(l:errors['files']) return [] endif let l:output = [] for l:error in l:errors['files'][0]['offenses'] call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': l:error['location']['start_line'] + 0, \ 'col': l:error['location']['start_column'] + 0, \ 'end_col': l:error['location']['last_column'] + 0, \ 'code': l:error['linter'], \ 'text': l:error['message'], \ 'type': 'W', \}) endfor return l:output endfunction call ale#linter#Define('eruby', { \ 'name': 'erblint', \ 'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'eruby_erblint_executable')}, \ 'command': function('ale_linters#eruby#erblint#GetCommand'), \ 'callback': 'ale_linters#eruby#erblint#Handle', \})