" Tabular: Align columnar data using regex-designated column boundaries " Maintainer: Matthew Wozniski (godlygeek@gmail.com) " Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 20:49:32 -0400 " Version: 1.0 " " Long Description: " Sometimes, it's useful to line up text. Naturally, it's nicer to have the " computer do this for you, since aligning things by hand quickly becomes " unpleasant. While there are other plugins for aligning text, the ones I've " tried are either impossibly difficult to understand and use, or too simplistic " to handle complicated tasks. This plugin aims to make the easy things easy " and the hard things possible, without providing an unnecessarily obtuse " interface. It's still a work in progress, and criticisms are welcome. " " License: " Copyright (c) 2012, Matthew J. Wozniski " All rights reserved. " " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without " modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: " * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. " * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright " notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the " documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. " * The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote " products derived from this software without specific prior written " permission. " " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES " OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN " NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, " INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT " LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, " OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING " NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, " EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. " Stupid vimscript crap {{{1 let s:savecpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Private Functions {{{1 " Return the number of bytes in a string after expanding tabs to spaces. {{{2 " This expansion is done based on the current value of 'tabstop' if exists('*strdisplaywidth') " Needs vim 7.3 let s:Strlen = function("strdisplaywidth") else function! s:Strlen(string) " Implement the tab handling part of strdisplaywidth for vim 7.2 and " earlier - not much that can be done about handling doublewidth " characters. let rv = 0 let i = 0 for char in split(a:string, '\zs') if char == "\t" let rv += &ts - i let i = 0 else let rv += 1 let i = (i + 1) % &ts endif endfor return rv endfunction endif " Align a string within a field {{{2 " These functions do not trim leading and trailing spaces. " Right align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth' function! s:Right(string, fieldwidth) let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string) return matchstr(a:string, '^\s*') . repeat(" ", spaces) . substitute(a:string, '^\s*', '', '') endfunction " Left align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth' function! s:Left(string, fieldwidth) let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string) return a:string . repeat(" ", spaces) endfunction " Center align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth' function! s:Center(string, fieldwidth) let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string) let right = spaces / 2 let left = right + (right * 2 != spaces) return repeat(" ", left) . a:string . repeat(" ", right) endfunction " Remove spaces around a string {{{2 " Remove all trailing spaces from a string. function! s:StripTrailingSpaces(string) return matchstr(a:string, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunction " Remove all leading spaces from a string. function! s:StripLeadingSpaces(string) return matchstr(a:string, '^\s*\zs.*$') endfunction " Split a string into fields and delimiters {{{2 " Like split(), but include the delimiters as elements " All odd numbered elements are delimiters " All even numbered elements are non-delimiters (including zero) function! s:SplitDelim(string, delim) let rv = [] let beg = 0 let len = len(a:string) let searchoff = 0 while 1 let mid = match(a:string, a:delim, beg + searchoff, 1) if mid == -1 || mid == len break endif let matchstr = matchstr(a:string, a:delim, beg + searchoff, 1) let length = strlen(matchstr) if length == 0 && beg == mid " Zero-length match for a zero-length delimiter - advance past it let searchoff += 1 continue endif if beg == mid let rv += [ "" ] else let rv += [ a:string[beg : mid-1] ] endif let rv += [ matchstr ] let beg = mid + length let searchoff = 0 endwhile let rv += [ strpart(a:string, beg) ] return rv endfunction " Replace lines from `start' to `start + len - 1' with the given strings. {{{2 " If more lines are needed to show all strings, they will be added. " If there are too few strings to fill all lines, lines will be removed. function! s:SetLines(start, len, strings) if a:start > line('$') + 1 || a:start < 1 throw "Invalid start line!" endif if len(a:strings) > a:len let fensave = &fen let view = winsaveview() call append(a:start + a:len - 1, repeat([''], len(a:strings) - a:len)) call winrestview(view) let &fen = fensave elseif len(a:strings) < a:len let fensave = &fen let view = winsaveview() sil exe (a:start + len(a:strings)) . ',' . (a:start + a:len - 1) . 'd_' call winrestview(view) let &fen = fensave endif call setline(a:start, a:strings) endfunction " Runs the given commandstring argument as an expression. {{{2 " The commandstring expression is expected to reference the a:lines argument. " If the commandstring expression returns a list the items of that list will " replace the items in a:lines, otherwise the expression is assumed to have " modified a:lines itself. function! s:FilterString(lines, commandstring) exe 'let rv = ' . a:commandstring if type(rv) == type(a:lines) && rv isnot a:lines call filter(a:lines, 0) call extend(a:lines, rv) endif endfunction " Public API {{{1 if !exists("g:tabular_default_format") let g:tabular_default_format = "l1" endif let s:formatelempat = '\%([lrc]\d\+\)' function! tabular#ElementFormatPattern() return s:formatelempat endfunction " Given a list of strings and a delimiter, split each string on every " occurrence of the delimiter pattern, format each element according to either " the provided format (optional) or the default format, and join them back " together with enough space padding to guarantee that the nth delimiter of " each string is aligned. function! tabular#TabularizeStrings(strings, delim, ...) if a:0 > 1 echoerr "TabularizeStrings accepts only 2 or 3 arguments (got ".(a:0+2).")" return 1 endif let formatstr = (a:0 ? a:1 : g:tabular_default_format) if formatstr !~? s:formatelempat . '\+' echoerr "Tabular: Invalid format \"" . formatstr . "\" specified!" return 1 endif let format = split(formatstr, s:formatelempat . '\zs') let lines = map(a:strings, 's:SplitDelim(v:val, a:delim)') " Strip spaces " - Only from non-delimiters; spaces in delimiters must have been matched " intentionally " - Don't strip leading spaces from the first element; we like indenting. for line in lines if len(line) == 1 && s:do_gtabularize continue " Leave non-matching lines unchanged for GTabularize endif if line[0] !~ '^\s*$' let line[0] = s:StripTrailingSpaces(line[0]) endif if len(line) >= 3 for i in range(2, len(line)-1, 2) let line[i] = s:StripLeadingSpaces(s:StripTrailingSpaces(line[i])) endfor endif endfor " Find the max length of each field let maxes = [] for line in lines if len(line) == 1 && s:do_gtabularize continue " non-matching lines don't affect field widths for GTabularize endif for i in range(len(line)) if i == len(maxes) let maxes += [ s:Strlen(line[i]) ] else let maxes[i] = max( [ maxes[i], s:Strlen(line[i]) ] ) endif endfor endfor let lead_blank = empty(filter(copy(lines), 'v:val[0] =~ "\\S"')) " Concatenate the fields, according to the format pattern. for idx in range(len(lines)) let line = lines[idx] if len(line) == 1 && s:do_gtabularize let lines[idx] = line[0] " GTabularize doesn't change non-matching lines continue endif for i in range(len(line)) let how = format[i % len(format)][0] let pad = format[i % len(format)][1:-1] if how =~? 'l' let field = s:Left(line[i], maxes[i]) elseif how =~? 'r' let field = s:Right(line[i], maxes[i]) elseif how =~? 'c' let field = s:Center(line[i], maxes[i]) endif let line[i] = field . (lead_blank && i == 0 ? '' : repeat(" ", pad)) endfor let lines[idx] = s:StripTrailingSpaces(join(line, '')) endfor endfunction " Apply 0 or more filters, in sequence, to selected text in the buffer {{{2 " The lines to be filtered are determined as follows: " If the function is called with a range containing multiple lines, then " those lines will be used as the range. " If the function is called with no range or with a range of 1 line, then " if GTabularize mode is being used, " the range will not be adjusted " if "includepat" is not specified, " that 1 line will be filtered, " if "includepat" is specified and that line does not match it, " no lines will be filtered " if "includepat" is specified and that line does match it, " all contiguous lines above and below the specified line matching the " pattern will be filtered. " " The remaining arguments must each be a filter to apply to the text. " Each filter must either be a String evaluating to a function to be called. function! tabular#PipeRange(includepat, ...) range exe a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline \ . 'call tabular#PipeRangeWithOptions(a:includepat, a:000, {})' endfunction " Extended version of tabular#PipeRange, which " 1) Takes the list of filters as an explicit list rather than as varargs " 2) Supports passing a dictionary of options to control the routine. " Currently, the only supported option is 'mode', which determines whether " to behave as :Tabularize or as :GTabularize " This allows me to add new features here without breaking API compatibility " in the future. function! tabular#PipeRangeWithOptions(includepat, filterlist, options) range let top = a:firstline let bot = a:lastline let s:do_gtabularize = (get(a:options, 'mode', '') ==# 'GTabularize') if !s:do_gtabularize " In the default mode, apply range extension logic if a:includepat != '' && top == bot if top < 0 || top > line('$') || getline(top) !~ a:includepat return endif while top > 1 && getline(top-1) =~ a:includepat let top -= 1 endwhile while bot < line('$') && getline(bot+1) =~ a:includepat let bot += 1 endwhile endif endif let lines = map(range(top, bot), 'getline(v:val)') for filter in a:filterlist if type(filter) != type("") echoerr "PipeRange: Bad filter: " . string(filter) endif call s:FilterString(lines, filter) unlet filter endfor call s:SetLines(top, bot - top + 1, lines) endfunction " Part of the public interface so interested pipelines can query this and " adjust their behavior appropriately. function! tabular#DoGTabularize() return s:do_gtabularize endfunction function! s:SplitDelimTest(string, delim, expected) let result = s:SplitDelim(a:string, a:delim) if result !=# a:expected echomsg 'Test failed!' echomsg ' string=' . string(a:string) . ' delim=' . string(a:delim) echomsg ' Returned=' . string(result) echomsg ' Expected=' . string(a:expected) endif endfunction function! tabular#SplitDelimUnitTest() let assignment = '[|&+*/%<>=!~-]\@<!\([<>!=]=\|=\~\)\@![|&+*/%<>=!~-]*=' let two_spaces = ' ' let ternary_operator = '^.\{-}\zs?\|:' let cpp_io = '<<\|>>' let pascal_assign = ':=' let trailing_c_comments = '\/\*\|\*\/\|\/\/' call s:SplitDelimTest('a+=b', assignment, ['a', '+=', 'b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a-=b', assignment, ['a', '-=', 'b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a!=b', assignment, ['a!=b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a==b', assignment, ['a==b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a&=b', assignment, ['a', '&=', 'b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a|=b', assignment, ['a', '|=', 'b']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a=b=c', assignment, ['a', '=', 'b', '=', 'c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a b c', two_spaces, ['a', ' ', 'b', ' ', 'c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a b c', two_spaces, ['a b', ' ', ' c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('ab c', two_spaces, ['ab', ' ', '', ' ', 'c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a?b:c', ternary_operator, ['a', '?', 'b', ':', 'c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a<<b<<c', cpp_io, ['a', '<<', 'b', '<<', 'c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('a:=b=c', pascal_assign, ['a', ':=', 'b=c']) call s:SplitDelimTest('x//foo', trailing_c_comments, ['x', '//', 'foo']) call s:SplitDelimTest('x/*foo*/',trailing_c_comments, ['x', '/*', 'foo', '*/', '']) call s:SplitDelimTest('#ab#cd#ef', '[^#]*', ['#', 'ab', '#', 'cd', '#', 'ef', '']) call s:SplitDelimTest('#ab#cd#ef', '#\zs', ['#', '', 'ab#', '', 'cd#', '', 'ef']) endfunction " Stupid vimscript crap, part 2 {{{1 let &cpo = s:savecpo unlet s:savecpo " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 fdm=marker: