*vim-ruby.txt* 1. Ruby motions |ruby-motion| 2. Ruby text objects |ruby-text-objects| ============================================================================== 1. Ruby motions *ruby-motion* Vim provides motions such as |[m| and |]m| for jumping to the start or end of a method definition. Out of the box, these work for curly-bracket languages, but not for ruby. The |vim-ruby| plugin enhances these motions, by making them also work on ruby files. *ruby-]m* ]m Go to start of next method definition. *ruby-]M* ]M Go to end of next method definition. *ruby-[m* [m Go to start of previous method definition. *ruby-[M* [M Go to end of previous method definition. *ruby-]]* ]] Go to start of next module or class definition. *ruby-][* ][ Go to end of next module or class definition. *ruby-[[* [[ Go to start of previous module or class definition. *ruby-[]* [] Go to end of previous module or class definition. ============================================================================== 2. Ruby text objects *ruby-text-objects* Vim's |text-objects| can be used to select or operate upon regions of text that are defined by structure. The |vim-ruby| plugin adds text objects for operating on methods and classes. *ruby-v_am* *ruby-am* am "a method", select from "def" until matching "end" keyword. *ruby-v_im* *ruby-im* im "inner method", select contents of "def"/"end" block, excluding the "def" and "end" themselves. *ruby-v_aM* *ruby-aM* aM "a class", select from "class" until matching "end" keyword. *ruby-v_iM* *ruby-iM* iM "inner class", select contents of "class"/"end" block, excluding the "class" and "end" themselves. vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:ft=help:norl: