RUBY *ruby.vim* *ft-ruby-syntax* There are a number of options to the Ruby syntax highlighting. 1. Ruby operators |ruby_operators| 2. Whitespace errors |ruby_space_errors| 3. Folds |ruby_fold| 4. Reducing expensive operations |ruby_no_expensive| |ruby_minlines| 1. Ruby operators *ruby_operators* Ruby operators can be highlighted. This is enabled by defining "ruby_operators": > :let ruby_operators = 1 < 2. Whitespace errors *ruby_space_errors* Whitespace errors can be highlighted by defining "ruby_space_errors": > :let ruby_space_errors = 1 < This will highlight trailing whitespace and tabs preceded by a space character as errors. This can be refined by defining "ruby_no_trail_space_error" and "ruby_no_tab_space_error" which will ignore trailing whitespace and tabs after spaces respectively. 3. Folds *ruby_fold* Folds can be enabled by defining "ruby_fold": > :let ruby_fold = 1 < This will set the value |foldmethod| to "syntax" locally to the current buffer or window, which will enable syntax-based folding when editing Ruby filetypes. 4. Reducing expensive operations *ruby_no_expensive* By default, the "end" keyword is colorized according to the opening statement of the block it closes. While useful, this feature can be expensive; if you experience slow redrawing (or you are on a terminal with poor color support) you may want to turn it off by defining the "ruby_no_expensive" variable: > :let ruby_no_expensive = 1 < In this case the same color will be used for all control keywords. *ruby_minlines* If you do want this feature enabled, but notice highlighting errors while scrolling backwards, which are fixed when redrawing with CTRL-L, try setting the "ruby_minlines" variable to a value larger than 50: > :let ruby_minlines = 100 < Ideally, this value should be a number of lines large enough to embrace your largest class or module. vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:ft=help:norl: