*vim-ruby.txt* *vim-ruby* *vim-ruby-faq* VIM/RUBY CONFIGURATION FILES The vim-ruby Project FAQ https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby The vim-ruby project maintains Ruby-related configuration files for Vim. This FAQ contains all you need to know about it. *** TOC *** ============================================================================== *vim-ruby-faq-X* What is the vim-ruby project? It maintains all the configuration files that help Vim edit Ruby code. By installing these files, Vim will properly highlight and indent Ruby files, and will be able to run them and go directly to the location of any errors. Rakefiles, ERB files, and unit tests are also identified and supported. If you make use of this project, make sure you read the installation and configuration instructions in this FAQ. *vim-ruby-faq-X* Doesn't Vim include these files? Yes it does. You should only want to download and install this project if it has changed since you last installed your version of Vim. Read the "News" section of the |vim-ruby-homepage| to see when the most recent release was made. *vim-ruby-faq-X* How do you get it? The easiest way is to run: > gem install vim-ruby (This really only downloads it. See installation instructions |vim-ruby-install| below.) If you don't have RubyGems, download a tarball from: > https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/downloads Again, see installation instructions below. *vim-ruby-faq-X* How do you install it? *vim-ruby-install* If you obtained the vim-ruby files via RubyGems, run: > vim-ruby-install.rb If you downloaded a tarball, unpack it, change to the created directory, and run: > ruby bin/vim-ruby-install.rb Whichever way you run it, the effect is the same. The installer will: - Search for a Vim config directory to put its files and ask you to confirm. - Copy the configuration files to the appropriate places underneath the directory you selected. Here is an example installation transcript: Possible Vim installation directories: ~ 1) D:/Gavin/vimfiles ~ 2) E:/Vim/vimfiles ~ ~ Please select one (or anything else to specify another directory): 2 ~ autoload/rubycomplete.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/autoload/rubycomplete.vim ~ compiler/eruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/compiler/eruby.vim ~ compiler/ruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/compiler/ruby.vim ~ compiler/rubyunit.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/compiler/rubyunit.vim ~ ftdetect/ruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/ruby.vim ~ ftplugin/eruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/eruby.vim ~ ftplugin/ruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/ruby.vim ~ indent/eruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/indent/eruby.vim ~ indent/ruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/indent/ruby.vim ~ syntax/eruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/syntax/eruby.vim ~ syntax/ruby.vim -> E:/Vim/vimfiles/syntax/ruby.vim ~ Existing files are overwritten. This is safe, because it's a slow-maturing project, so new files are better than old ones. However, if you had edited the files, you will have lost your changes. Better make your changes in, for instance: ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim ~ This file will be loaded _after_ the regular config files are loaded, so your customisations will definitely take effect. *vim-ruby-faq-X* What Vim config do I need? *vim-ruby-config* Without the following lines in your .vimrc, _vimrc, or other startup file, the files in the vim-ruby project will be largely useless. > set nocompatible " We're running Vim, not Vi! syntax on " Enable syntax highlighting filetype on " Enable filetype detection filetype indent on " Enable filetype-specific indenting filetype plugin on " Enable filetype-specific plugins compiler ruby " Enable compiler support for ruby See |.vimrc| for more information about this important Vim configuration file. See |matchit-install| for instructions on installing "matchit", which will allow you to use |%| to bounce between Ruby keywords (class, def, while, ...) and their respective "end" keywords. *vim-ruby-faq-X* How do I know that everything's working? If you've run the installer and added the configuration |vim-ruby-config| above, everything should be fine when you restart Vim. To test this: - Edit a Ruby file with Vim (make sure it has a .rb extension). - The code should be syntax highlighted. - Type in some code. When you start a new line, it should be automatically indented to the correct spot. - Add or remove some space from the beginning of a line of code and hit ==. That line should be reindented. - Put the cursor on a "class" or "def" keyword and hit %. The cursor should now be on the matching "end" keyword. - TODO: what else? *vim-ruby-faq-X* How do I use it? TODO: write. *vim-ruby-faq-X* How do I customise it? *vim-ruby-customize* The most important customisation for editing Ruby code is the amount of space to indent. The following is a typical setup. Look up the various options to read about them. > set expandtab set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 set autoindent TODO: is autoindent necessary? What other options should go here? What about Ruby comments? FIXME: Autoindent is good. maybe mention |i_CTRL_D| and |i_CTRL_T| for moving lines about in this context? COMMENT: I never use ^D and ^T in insert mode, though I always knew what they do. Might try them! *vim-ruby-faq-X* I want feature X. Will you include it? The idea of the vim-ruby project is to maintain configuration files that are actually distributed with Vim. Therefore all functionality should be helpful to all Vim/Ruby users. So the project does not deal with people's individual tastes. That said, we are considering creating a separate configuration file for less universal features, whose features users can pick and choose. So don't hesitate to send us your suggestions. *vim-ruby-faq-X* What are some other cool Ruby-related Vim tricks I can use? An example is the following (put it in ~/.vimrc/ftplugin/ruby_extra.vim or similar): [similar? |$VIMRUNTIME| or what?] > if !exists( "*EndToken" ) function EndToken() let current_line = getline( '.' ) let braces_at_end = '{\s*\(|\(,\|\s\|\w\)*|\s*\)\?$' if match( current_line, braces_at_end ) >= 0 return '}' else return 'end' endif endfunction endif imap :execute 'normal o' . EndToken()O This will help you create ruby blocks of code, by inserting "}" or "end" as appropriate. Try creating these lines of code and hitting SHIFT-ENTER: array.map { |elem| ~ def fibonacci(n) ~ For other suggestions, search the web or look at: > https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/wiki/VimRubySupport *vim-ruby-faq-X* How can I report a bug? *vim-ruby-bug-reporting* Bug reports are most welcome. In order of preference: - submit a bug at https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/issues - send an email to the mailing list (see below) - email the maintainer (email address appears in each configuration file) *vim-ruby-list* *vim-ruby-faq-X* Does the project have a mailing list? Yes: vim-ruby-devel@rubyforge.org. Only subscribers can post. To join, visit: > http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/vim-ruby-devel The list is mirrored at: > http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.editors.vim.vim%2druby.devel *vim-ruby-faq-X* Why is this project separate from Vim? We can't use Vim's CVS to keep track of these files, so we organise it ourselves and give Bram the latest files in time for each release of Vim. By keeping the Ruby stuff together, we can release it all at once and people can update it independently of Vim. *vim-ruby-faq-X* I have another question... The mailing list or the file maintainer is a good place to ask. Or perhaps comp.lang.ruby, but please make sure you've read the FAQ thoroughly before asking there. *vim-ruby-faq-X* Can you repeat all the web pages listed in this FAQ? Homepage *vim-ruby-homepage* : > https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/ Bug tracker: > https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/issues Relevant Wiki page: > https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/wiki Mailing list archives: > http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.editors.vim.vim%2druby.devel http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/vim-ruby-devel/ Mailing list join: > http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/vim-ruby-devel vim: ft=help tw=78 noet :