let s:current_dir = expand('%:p:h') let s:test_repo = s:current_dir.'/test-repo' let s:bufnr = bufnr('') " " Helpers " " Ignores unexpected keys in actual. function s:assert_list_of_dicts(expected, actual) if empty(a:expected) call assert_equal([], a:actual) return endif let expected_keys = keys(a:expected[0]) for dict in a:actual for k in keys(dict) if index(expected_keys, k) == -1 call remove(dict, k) endif endfor endfor call assert_equal(a:expected, a:actual) endfunction " Ignores unexpected keys. " " expected - list of signs function s:assert_signs(expected, filename) let actual = sign_getplaced(a:filename, {'group': 'gitgutter'})[0].signs call s:assert_list_of_dicts(a:expected, actual) endfunction function s:git_diff(...) return split(system('git diff -U0 '.(a:0 ? a:1 : 'fixture.txt')), '\n') endfunction function s:git_diff_staged(...) return split(system('git diff -U0 --staged '.(a:0 ? a:1 : 'fixture.txt')), '\n') endfunction function s:trigger_gitgutter() doautocmd CursorHold endfunction " " SetUp / TearDown " function SetUp() call system("git init ".s:test_repo. \ " && cd ".s:test_repo. \ " && cp ../fixture.txt .". \ " && cp ../fixture_dos.txt .". \ " && git add . && git commit -m 'initial'". \ " && git config diff.mnemonicPrefix false") execute ':cd' s:test_repo edit! fixture.txt call gitgutter#sign#reset() " FIXME why won't vim autoload the file? execute 'source' '../../autoload/gitgutter/diff_highlight.vim' execute 'source' '../../autoload/gitgutter/fold.vim' endfunction function TearDown() " delete all buffers except this one " TODO: move to runner.vim, accounting for multiple test files if s:bufnr > 1 silent! execute '1,'.s:bufnr-1.'bdelete!' endif silent! execute s:bufnr+1.',$bdelete!' execute ':cd' s:current_dir call system("rm -rf ".s:test_repo) endfunction " " The tests " function Test_add_lines() normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded', 'group': 'gitgutter', 'priority': 10}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_add_lines_fish() let _shell = &shell set shell=/usr/local/bin/fish normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') let &shell = _shell endfunction function Test_modify_lines() normal ggi* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineModified'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_remove_lines() execute '5d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 4, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemoved'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_remove_first_lines() execute '1d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_priority() let g:gitgutter_sign_priority = 5 execute '1d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([{'priority': 5}], 'fixture.txt') let g:gitgutter_sign_priority = 10 endfunction function Test_overlapping_hunks() execute '3d' execute '1d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemovedAboveAndBelow'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_edit_file_with_same_name_as_a_branch() normal 5Gi* call system('git checkout -b fixture.txt') call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 5, 'name': 'GitGutterLineModified'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_file_added_to_git() let tmpfile = 'fileAddedToGit.tmp' call system('touch '.tmpfile.' && git add '.tmpfile) execute 'edit '.tmpfile normal ihello call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fileAddedToGit.tmp') endfunction function Test_filename_with_equals() call system('touch =fixture=.txt && git add =fixture=.txt') edit =fixture=.txt normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, '=fixture=.txt') endfunction function Test_filename_with_square_brackets() call system('touch fix[tu]re.txt && git add fix[tu]re.txt') edit fix[tu]re.txt normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fix[tu]re.txt') endfunction function Test_filename_leading_dash() call system('touch -- -fixture.txt && git add -- -fixture.txt') edit -fixture.txt normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, '-fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_filename_umlaut() call system('touch -- fixtüre.txt && git add -- fixtüre.txt') edit fixtüre.txt normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixtüre.txt') endfunction " FIXME: this test fails when it is the first (or only) test to be run function Test_follow_symlink() let tmp = 'symlink' call system('ln -nfs fixture.txt '.tmp) execute 'edit '.tmp 6d call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 5, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemoved'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'symlink') endfunction function Test_keep_alt() enew execute "normal! \<C-^>" call assert_equal('fixture.txt', bufname('')) call assert_equal('', bufname('#')) normal ggx call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal('', bufname('#')) endfunction function Test_keep_modified() normal 5Go* call assert_equal(1, getbufvar('', '&modified')) call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal(1, getbufvar('', '&modified')) endfunction function Test_keep_op_marks() normal 5Go* call assert_equal([0,6,1,0], getpos("'[")) call assert_equal([0,6,2,0], getpos("']")) call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal([0,6,1,0], getpos("'[")) call assert_equal([0,6,2,0], getpos("']")) endfunction function Test_no_modifications() call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_orphaned_signs() execute "normal 5GoX\<CR>Y" call s:trigger_gitgutter() 6d call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 6, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_untracked_file_outside_repo() let tmp = tempname() call system('touch '.tmp) execute 'edit '.tmp call s:assert_signs([], tmp) endfunction function Test_untracked_file_within_repo() let tmp = 'untrackedFileWithinRepo.tmp' call system('touch '.tmp) execute 'edit '.tmp normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], tmp) call assert_equal(-2, b:gitgutter.path) call system('rm '.tmp) endfunction function Test_untracked_file_square_brackets_within_repo() let tmp = '[un]trackedFileWithinRepo.tmp' call system('touch '.tmp) execute 'edit '.tmp normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], tmp) call system('rm '.tmp) endfunction function Test_hunk_outside_noop() 5 GitGutterStageHunk call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged()) GitGutterUndoHunk call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_preview() normal 5Gi* GitGutterPreviewHunk wincmd P call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('-e', getline(1)) call assert_equal('+*e', getline(2)) wincmd p endfunction function Test_preview_dos() edit! fixture_dos.txt normal 5Gi* GitGutterPreviewHunk wincmd P call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('-e', getline(1)) call assert_equal('+*e', getline(2)) wincmd p endfunction function Test_hunk_stage() let _shell = &shell set shell=foo normal 5Gi* GitGutterStageHunk call assert_equal('foo', &shell) let &shell = _shell call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') " Buffer is unsaved let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index ae8e546..f5c6aff 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5 +5 @@ d', \ '-*e', \ '+e' \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) " Index has been updated let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..ae8e546 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5 +5 @@ d', \ '-e', \ '+*e' \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) " Save the buffer write call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_nearby_hunk() execute "normal! 2Gox\<CR>y\<CR>z" normal 2jdd normal k GitGutterStageHunk let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 3, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 4, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 5, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') " Buffer is unsaved let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 53b13df..f5c6aff 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -3,0 +4 @@ c', \ '+d', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) " Index has been updated let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..53b13df 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -4 +3,0 @@ c', \ '-d', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) " Save the buffer write let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 53b13df..8fdfda7 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,3 @@ b', \ '+x', \ '+y', \ '+z', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_partial_visual_added() call append(5, ['A','B','C','D']) execute "normal 7GVj:GitGutterStageHunk\<CR>" let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 6, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 9, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 8a7026e..f5c6aff 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ e', \ '-B', \ '-C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..8a7026e 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5,0 +6,2 @@ e', \ '+B', \ '+C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_partial_cmd_added() call append(5, ['A','B','C','D']) 6 7,8GitGutterStageHunk let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 6, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 9, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 8a7026e..f5c6aff 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ e', \ '-B', \ '-C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..8a7026e 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5,0 +6,2 @@ e', \ '+B', \ '+C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_partial_preview_added() call append(5, ['A','B','C','D']) 6 GitGutterPreviewHunk wincmd P " remove C and A so we stage B and D 3delete 1delete GitGutterStageHunk write let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 6, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 8, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 975852f..3dd23a3 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5,0 +6 @@ e', \ '+A', \ '@@ -6,0 +8 @@ B', \ '+C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..975852f 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5,0 +6,2 @@ e', \ '+B', \ '+D', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_preview_write() call append(5, ['A','B','C','D']) 6 GitGutterPreviewHunk wincmd P " preview window call feedkeys(":w\<CR>", 'tx') " original window write call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..3dd23a3 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5,0 +6,4 @@ e', \ '+A', \ '+B', \ '+C', \ '+D', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_hunk_stage_partial_preview_added_removed() 4,5delete call append(3, ['A','B','C','D']) 4 GitGutterPreviewHunk wincmd P " -d " -e " +A " +B " +C " +D " remove D and d so they do not get staged 6delete 1delete GitGutterStageHunk write let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 3, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemoved'}, \ {'lnum': 7, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index 9a19589..e63fb0a 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -4 +3,0 @@ c', \ '-d', \ '@@ -7,0 +7 @@ C', \ '+D', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..9a19589 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -5 +5,3 @@ d', \ '-e', \ '+A', \ '+B', \ '+C', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged()) endfunction function Test_hunk_undo() let _shell = &shell set shell=foo normal 5Gi* GitGutterUndoHunk call assert_equal('foo', &shell) let &shell = _shell call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged()) call assert_equal('e', getline(5)) endfunction function Test_hunk_undo_dos() edit! fixture_dos.txt normal 5Gi* GitGutterUndoHunk call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture_dos.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff('fixture_dos.txt')) call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged('fixture_dos.txt')) call assert_equal('e', getline(5)) endfunction function Test_undo_nearby_hunk() execute "normal! 2Gox\<CR>y\<CR>z" normal 2jdd normal k call s:trigger_gitgutter() GitGutterUndoHunk call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 3, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 4, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}, \ {'lnum': 5, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'} \ ] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal([], s:git_diff()) call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged()) " Save the buffer write let expected = [ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,3 @@ b', \ '+x', \ '+y', \ '+z', \ ] call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff()) endfunction function Test_overlapping_hunk_op() func Answer(char) call feedkeys(a:char."\<CR>") endfunc " Undo upper execute '3d' execute '1d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() normal gg call timer_start(100, {-> Answer('u')} ) GitGutterUndoHunk call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemoved'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') " Undo lower execute '1d' call s:trigger_gitgutter() normal gg call timer_start(100, {-> Answer('l')} ) GitGutterUndoHunk call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 1, 'name': 'GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') endfunction function Test_write_option() set nowrite normal ggo* call s:trigger_gitgutter() let expected = [{'lnum': 2, 'name': 'GitGutterLineAdded'}] call s:assert_signs(expected, 'fixture.txt') set write endfunction function Test_inner_text_object() execute "normal! 2Gox\<CR>y\<CR>z\<CR>\<CR>" call s:trigger_gitgutter() normal dic call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal(readfile('fixture.txt'), getline(1,'$')) " Excludes trailing lines normal 9Gi* normal 10Gi* call s:trigger_gitgutter() execute "normal vic\<Esc>" call assert_equal([9, 10], [line("'<"), line("'>")]) endfunction function Test_around_text_object() execute "normal! 2Gox\<CR>y\<CR>z\<CR>\<CR>" call s:trigger_gitgutter() normal dac call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'fixture.txt') call assert_equal(readfile('fixture.txt'), getline(1,'$')) " Includes trailing lines normal 9Gi* normal 10Gi* call s:trigger_gitgutter() execute "normal vac\<Esc>" call assert_equal([9, 11], [line("'<"), line("'>")]) endfunction function Test_user_autocmd() autocmd User GitGutter let s:autocmd_user = g:gitgutter_hook_context.bufnr " Verify not fired when nothing changed. let s:autocmd_user = 0 call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal(0, s:autocmd_user) " Verify fired when there was a change. normal ggo* let bufnr = bufnr('') call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal(bufnr, s:autocmd_user) endfunction function Test_fix_file_references() " No special characters let hunk_diff = join([ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644', \ '--- a/fixture.txt', \ '+++ b/fixture.txt', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,1 @@ b', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" let filepath = 'blah.txt' let expected = join([ \ 'diff --git a/blah.txt b/blah.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644', \ '--- a/blah.txt', \ '+++ b/blah.txt', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,1 @@ b', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#hunk#fix_file_references(filepath, hunk_diff)) " diff.mnemonicPrefix; spaces in filename let hunk_diff = join([ \ 'diff --git i/x/cat dog w/x/cat dog', \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644', \ '--- i/x/cat dog', \ '+++ w/x/cat dog', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,1 @@ b', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" let filepath = 'blah.txt' let expected = join([ \ 'diff --git i/blah.txt w/blah.txt', \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644', \ '--- i/blah.txt', \ '+++ w/blah.txt', \ '@@ -2,0 +3,1 @@ b', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#hunk#fix_file_references(filepath, hunk_diff)) " Backslashes in filename; quotation marks let hunk_diff = join([ \ 'diff --git "a/C:\\Users\\FOO~1.PAR\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\nvimJcmSv9\\11.1.vim" "b/C:\\Users\\FOO~1.PAR\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\nvimJcmSv9\\12.1.vim"', \ 'index f42aeb0..4930403 100644', \ '--- "a/C:\\Users\\FOO~1.PAR\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\nvimJcmSv9\\11.1.vim"', \ '+++ "b/C:\\Users\\FOO~1.PAR\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\nvimJcmSv9\\12.1.vim"', \ '@@ -172,0 +173 @@ stuff', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" let filepath = 'init.vim' let expected = join([ \ 'diff --git "a/init.vim" "b/init.vim"', \ 'index f42aeb0..4930403 100644', \ '--- "a/init.vim"', \ '+++ "b/init.vim"', \ '@@ -172,0 +173 @@ stuff', \ '+x' \ ], "\n")."\n" call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#hunk#fix_file_references(filepath, hunk_diff)) endfunction function Test_encoding() call system('cp ../cp932.txt . && git add cp932.txt') edit ++enc=cp932 cp932.txt call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'cp932.txt') endfunction function Test_empty_file() " 0-byte file call system('touch empty.txt && git add empty.txt') edit empty.txt call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'empty.txt') " File consisting only of a newline call system('echo "" > newline.txt && git add newline.txt') edit newline.txt call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'newline.txt') " 1 line file without newline " Vim will force a newline unless we tell it not to. call system('echo -n a > oneline.txt && git add oneline.txt') set noeol nofixeol edit! oneline.txt call s:trigger_gitgutter() call s:assert_signs([], 'oneline.txt') set eol fixeol endfunction function Test_quickfix() call setline(5, ['A', 'B']) call setline(9, ['C', 'D']) write GitGutterQuickFix let expected = [ \ {'lnum': 5, 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'text': '-e'}, \ {'lnum': 9, 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'text': '-i'} \ ] call s:assert_list_of_dicts(expected, getqflist()) endfunction function Test_common_prefix() " zero length call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('', 'foo')) call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('foo', '')) " nothing in common call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abcde', '+pqrst')) call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abcde', 'pqrst')) " something in common call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abcde', '+abcpq')) call assert_equal(2, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abcde', 'abcpq')) call assert_equal(0, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abc', 'apq')) " everything in common call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abcde', '+abcde')) call assert_equal(4, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abcde', 'abcde')) " different lengths call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abcde', '+abx')) call assert_equal(1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abcde', 'abx')) call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abx', '+abcde')) call assert_equal(1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abx', 'abcde')) call assert_equal(-1, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('-abcde', '+abc')) call assert_equal(2, gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_prefix('abcde', 'abc')) endfunction function Test_common_suffix() " nothing in common call assert_equal([6,6], gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_suffix('-abcde', '+pqrst', 0)) " something in common call assert_equal([3,3], gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_suffix('-abcde', '+pqcde', 0)) " everything in common call assert_equal([5,5], gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_suffix('-abcde', '+abcde', 5)) " different lengths call assert_equal([4,2], gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_suffix('-abcde', '+xde', 0)) call assert_equal([2,4], gitgutter#diff_highlight#common_suffix('-xde', '+abcde', 0)) endfunction " Note the order of lists within the overall returned list does not matter. function Test_diff_highlight() " Ignores mismatched number of added and removed lines. call assert_equal([], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(['-foo'])) call assert_equal([], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(['+foo'])) call assert_equal([], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(['-foo','-bar','+baz'])) " everything changed let hunk = ['-foo', '+cat'] let expected = [] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " change in middle let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+foo zip baz'] let expected = [[1, '-', 6, 8], [2, '+', 6, 8]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " change at start let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+zip bar baz'] let expected = [[1, '-', 2, 4], [2, '+', 2, 4]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " change at end let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+foo bar zip'] let expected = [[1, '-', 10, 12], [2, '+', 10, 12]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " removed in middle let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+foo baz'] let expected = [[1, '-', 8, 11]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " added in middle let hunk = ['-foo baz', '+foo bar baz'] let expected = [[2, '+', 8, 11]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two insertions at start let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+(foo) bar baz'] let expected = [[2, '+', 2, 2], [2, '+', 6, 6]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two insertions in middle let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+foo (bar) baz'] let expected = [[2, '+', 6, 6], [2, '+', 10, 10]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two insertions at end let hunk = ['-foo bar baz', '+foo bar (baz)'] let expected = [[2, '+', 10, 10], [2, '+', 14, 14]] call assert_equal(expected, gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " singular insertion let hunk = ['-The cat in the hat.', '+The furry cat in the hat.'] call assert_equal([[2, '+', 6, 11]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " singular deletion let hunk = ['-The cat in the hat.', '+The cat.'] call assert_equal([[1, '-', 9, 19]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two insertions let hunk = ['-The cat in the hat.', '+The furry cat in the teal hat.'] call assert_equal([[2, '+', 6, 11], [2, '+', 22, 26]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two deletions let hunk = ['-The furry cat in the teal hat.', '+The cat in the hat.'] call assert_equal([[1, '-', 6, 11], [1, '-', 22, 26]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " two edits let hunk = ['-The cat in the hat.', '+The ox in the box.'] call assert_equal([[1, '-', 6, 8], [2, '+', 6, 7], [1, '-', 17, 19], [2, '+', 16, 18]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) " Requires s:gap_between_regions = 2 to pass. " let hunk = ['-foo: bar.zap', '+foo: quux(bar)'] " call assert_equal([[2, '+', 7, 11], [1, '-', 10, 13], [2, '+', 15, 15]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) let hunk = ['-gross_value: transaction.unexplained_amount', '+gross_value: amount(transaction)'] call assert_equal([[2, '+', 15, 21], [1, '-', 26, 44], [2, '+', 33, 33]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) let hunk = ['-gem "contact_sport", "~> 1.0.2"', '+gem ("contact_sport"), "~> 1.2"'] call assert_equal([[2, '+', 6, 6], [2, '+', 22, 22], [1, '-', 28, 29]], gitgutter#diff_highlight#process(hunk)) endfunction function Test_lcs() call assert_equal('', gitgutter#diff_highlight#lcs('', 'foo')) call assert_equal('', gitgutter#diff_highlight#lcs('foo', '')) call assert_equal('bar', gitgutter#diff_highlight#lcs('foobarbaz', 'bbart')) call assert_equal('transaction', gitgutter#diff_highlight#lcs('transaction.unexplained_amount', 'amount(transaction)')) endfunction function Test_split() call assert_equal(['foo', 'baz'], gitgutter#diff_highlight#split('foobarbaz', 'bar')) call assert_equal(['', 'barbaz'], gitgutter#diff_highlight#split('foobarbaz', 'foo')) call assert_equal(['foobar', ''], gitgutter#diff_highlight#split('foobarbaz', 'baz')) call assert_equal(['1', '2'], gitgutter#diff_highlight#split('1~2', '~')) endfunction function Test_foldtext() 8d call s:trigger_gitgutter() call assert_equal(0, gitgutter#fold#is_changed()) let v:foldstart = 5 let v:foldend = 9 call assert_equal(1, gitgutter#fold#is_changed()) call assert_equal('+- 5 lines (*): e', gitgutter#fold#foldtext()) let v:foldstart = 1 let v:foldend = 3 call assert_equal(0, gitgutter#fold#is_changed()) call assert_equal('+- 3 lines: a', gitgutter#fold#foldtext()) endfunction