import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim' import { Disposable, ParameterInformation, SignatureInformation } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol' import Signature from '../../handler/signature' import languages from '../../languages' import { disposeAll } from '../../util' import workspace from '../../workspace' import helper from '../helper' let nvim: Neovim let signature: Signature let disposables: Disposable[] = [] beforeAll(async () => { await helper.setup() nvim = helper.nvim signature = helper.plugin.getHandler().signature }) afterAll(async () => { await helper.shutdown() }) afterEach(async () => { await helper.reset() disposeAll(disposables) disposables = [] }) describe('signatureHelp', () => { describe('triggerSignatureHelp', () => { it('should show signature by api', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, [])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines[2]).toMatch('my signature') }) it('should use 0 when activeParameter is undefined', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo(a)', 'my signature', { label: 'a' })], activeParameter: undefined, activeSignature: null } } }, [])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let highlights = await win.getVar('highlights') expect(highlights).toBeDefined() expect(highlights[0].hlGroup).toBe('CocUnderline') }) it('should trigger by space', async () => { let promise = new Promise(resolve => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { resolve(undefined) return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, [' '])) }) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('i') await helper.wait(30) await nvim.input(' ') await promise }) it('should show signature help with param label as string', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [ SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature'), SignatureInformation.create('foo(a, b)', 'my signature', ParameterInformation.create('a', 'description')), ], activeParameter: 0, activeSignature: 1 } } }, [])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines.join('\n')).toMatch(/description/) }) }) describe('events', () => { it('should trigger signature help', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo(x, y)', 'my signature')], activeParameter: 0, activeSignature: 0 } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') await nvim.input('(') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines[2]).toMatch('my signature') }) it('should cancel trigger on InsertLeave', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: async (_doc, _position, token) => { return new Promise(resolve => { let timer = setTimeout(() => { resolve({ signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null }) }, 1000) token.onCancellationRequested(() => { clearTimeout(timer) resolve(undefined) }) }) } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') let p = signature.triggerSignatureHelp() await helper.wait(10) await nvim.command('stopinsert') await'feedkeys', [String.fromCharCode(27), 'in']) let res = await p expect(res).toBe(false) }) it('should not close signature on type', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo(') await helper.wait(100) await nvim.input('bar') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines[2]).toMatch('my signature') }) it('should close signature float when empty signatures returned', async () => { let empty = false disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { if (empty) return undefined return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo(') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() empty = true await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() await helper.wait(50) let res = await'coc#float#valid', []) expect(res).toBe(0) }) }) describe('float window', () => { it('should align signature window to top', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() let buf = await nvim.buffer await buf.setLines(['', '', '', '', ''], { start: 0, end: -1, strictIndexing: true }) await'cursor', [5, 1]) await nvim.input('foo(') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines[2]).toMatch('my signature') let res = await'GetFloatCursorRelative', []) as any expect(res.row).toBeLessThan(0) }) it('should show parameter docs', async () => { disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo(a, b)', 'my signature', ParameterInformation.create('a', 'foo'), ParameterInformation.create([7, 8], 'bar'))], activeParameter: 1, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() let buf = await nvim.buffer await buf.setLines(['', '', '', '', ''], { start: 0, end: -1, strictIndexing: true }) await'cursor', [5, 1]) await nvim.input('foo(a,') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeDefined() let lines = await helper.getWinLines( expect(lines.join('\n')).toMatch('bar') }) }) describe('configurations', () => { let { configurations } = workspace afterEach(() => { configurations.updateUserConfig({ '': 'float', 'signature.hideOnTextChange': false, 'signature.enable': true, 'signature.triggerSignatureWait': 500 }) }) it('should cancel signature on timeout', async () => { configurations.updateUserConfig({ 'signature.triggerSignatureWait': 50 }) disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position, token) => { return new Promise(resolve => { token.onCancellationRequested(() => { clearTimeout(timer) resolve(undefined) }) let timer = setTimeout(() => { resolve({ signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null }) }, 200) }) } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeUndefined() configurations.updateUserConfig({ 'signature.triggerSignatureWait': 100 }) }) it('should hide signature window on text change', async () => { configurations.updateUserConfig({ 'signature.hideOnTextChange': true }) disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('ifoo(') let winid = await helper.waitFloat() await nvim.input('x') await helper.wait(100) let res = await'coc#float#valid', [winid]) expect(res).toBe(0) configurations.updateUserConfig({ 'signature.hideOnTextChange': false }) }) it('should disable signature help trigger', async () => { configurations.updateUserConfig({ 'signature.enable': false }) disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo()', 'my signature')], activeParameter: null, activeSignature: null } } }, ['(', ','])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo') await nvim.input('(') await helper.wait(100) let win = await helper.getFloat() expect(win).toBeUndefined() }) it('should echo simple signature help', async () => { let idx = 0 let activeSignature = null configurations.updateUserConfig({ '': 'echo' }) disposables.push(languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider([{ scheme: 'file' }], { provideSignatureHelp: (_doc, _position) => { return { signatures: [SignatureInformation.create('foo(a, b)', 'my signature', ParameterInformation.create('a', 'foo'), ParameterInformation.create([7, 8], 'bar')), SignatureInformation.create('a'.repeat(workspace.env.columns + 10)) ], activeParameter: idx, activeSignature } } }, [])) await helper.createDocument() await nvim.input('foo(') await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() let line = await helper.getCmdline() expect(line).toMatch('(a, b)') await nvim.input('a,') idx = 1 await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() line = await helper.getCmdline() expect(line).toMatch('foo(a, b)') activeSignature = 1 await signature.triggerSignatureHelp() line = await helper.getCmdline() expect(line).toMatch('aaaaaa') }) }) })