" Author: w0rp " Description: Completion support for LSP linters " The omnicompletion menu is shown through a special Plug mapping which is " only valid in Insert mode. This way, feedkeys() won't send these keys if you " quit Insert mode quickly enough. inoremap (ale_show_completion_menu) " If we hit the key sequence in normal mode, then we won't show the menu, so " we should restore the old settings right away. nnoremap (ale_show_completion_menu) :call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions() cnoremap (ale_show_completion_menu) vnoremap (ale_show_completion_menu) onoremap (ale_show_completion_menu) let g:ale_completion_delay = get(g:, 'ale_completion_delay', 100) let g:ale_completion_excluded_words = get(g:, 'ale_completion_excluded_words', []) let g:ale_completion_max_suggestions = get(g:, 'ale_completion_max_suggestions', 50) let s:timer_id = -1 let s:last_done_pos = [] " CompletionItemKind values from the LSP protocol. let s:LSP_COMPLETION_TEXT_KIND = 1 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_METHOD_KIND = 2 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_FUNCTION_KIND = 3 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_CONSTRUCTOR_KIND = 4 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_FIELD_KIND = 5 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_VARIABLE_KIND = 6 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_CLASS_KIND = 7 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_INTERFACE_KIND = 8 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_MODULE_KIND = 9 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_PROPERTY_KIND = 10 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_UNIT_KIND = 11 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_VALUE_KIND = 12 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_ENUM_KIND = 13 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_KEYWORD_KIND = 14 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_SNIPPET_KIND = 15 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_COLOR_KIND = 16 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_FILE_KIND = 17 let s:LSP_COMPLETION_REFERENCE_KIND = 18 let s:LSP_INSERT_TEXT_FORMAT_PLAIN = 1 let s:LSP_INSERT_TEXT_FORMAT_SNIPPET = 2 let s:lisp_regex = '\v[a-zA-Z_\-][a-zA-Z_\-0-9]*$' " Regular expressions for checking the characters in the line before where " the insert cursor is. If one of these matches, we'll check for completions. let s:should_complete_map = { \ '': '\v[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*$|\.$', \ 'clojure': s:lisp_regex, \ 'lisp': s:lisp_regex, \ 'typescript': '\v[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*$|\.$|''$|"$', \ 'rust': '\v[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*$|\.$|::$', \} " Regular expressions for finding the start column to replace with completion. let s:omni_start_map = { \ '': '\v[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*$', \} " A map of exact characters for triggering LSP completions. let s:trigger_character_map = { \ '': ['.'], \ 'typescript': ['.', '''', '"'], \ 'rust': ['.', '::'], \} function! s:GetFiletypeValue(map, filetype) abort for l:part in reverse(split(a:filetype, '\.')) let l:regex = get(a:map, l:part, []) if !empty(l:regex) return l:regex endif endfor " Use the default regex for other files. return a:map[''] endfunction " Check if we should look for completions for a language. function! ale#completion#GetPrefix(filetype, line, column) abort let l:regex = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:should_complete_map, a:filetype) " The column we're using completions for is where we are inserting text, " like so: " abc " ^ " So we need check the text in the column before that position. return matchstr(getline(a:line)[: a:column - 2], l:regex) endfunction function! ale#completion#GetTriggerCharacter(filetype, prefix) abort if empty(a:prefix) return '' endif let l:char_list = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:trigger_character_map, a:filetype) if index(l:char_list, a:prefix) >= 0 return a:prefix endif return '' endfunction function! ale#completion#Filter(buffer, filetype, suggestions, prefix) abort let l:excluded_words = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'completion_excluded_words') if empty(a:prefix) let l:filtered_suggestions = a:suggestions else let l:triggers = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:trigger_character_map, a:filetype) " For completing... " foo. " ^ " We need to include all of the given suggestions. if index(l:triggers, a:prefix) >= 0 || empty(a:prefix) let l:filtered_suggestions = a:suggestions else let l:filtered_suggestions = [] " Filter suggestions down to those starting with the prefix we " used for finding suggestions in the first place. " " Some completion tools will include suggestions which don't even " start with the characters we have already typed. for l:item in a:suggestions " A List of String values or a List of completion item " Dictionaries is accepted here. let l:word = type(l:item) is v:t_string ? l:item : l:item.word " Add suggestions if the suggestion starts with a " case-insensitive match for the prefix. if l:word[: len(a:prefix) - 1] is? a:prefix call add(l:filtered_suggestions, l:item) endif endfor endif endif if !empty(l:excluded_words) " Copy the List if needed. We don't want to modify the argument. " We shouldn't make a copy if we don't need to. if l:filtered_suggestions is a:suggestions let l:filtered_suggestions = copy(a:suggestions) endif " Remove suggestions with words in the exclusion List. call filter( \ l:filtered_suggestions, \ 'index(l:excluded_words, type(v:val) is v:t_string ? v:val : v:val.word) < 0', \) endif return l:filtered_suggestions endfunction function! s:ReplaceCompletionOptions() abort let l:source = get(get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {}), 'source', '') if l:source is# 'ale-automatic' || l:source is# 'ale-manual' " Remember the old omnifunc value, if there is one. " If we don't store an old one, we'll just never reset the option. " This will stop some random exceptions from appearing. if !exists('b:ale_old_omnifunc') && !empty(&l:omnifunc) let b:ale_old_omnifunc = &l:omnifunc endif let &l:omnifunc = 'ale#completion#AutomaticOmniFunc' endif if l:source is# 'ale-automatic' if !exists('b:ale_old_completeopt') let b:ale_old_completeopt = &l:completeopt endif if &l:completeopt =~# 'preview' let &l:completeopt = 'menu,menuone,preview,noselect,noinsert' else let &l:completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noselect,noinsert' endif endif endfunction function! ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions() abort " Reset settings when completion is done. if exists('b:ale_old_omnifunc') if b:ale_old_omnifunc isnot# 'pythoncomplete#Complete' let &l:omnifunc = b:ale_old_omnifunc endif unlet b:ale_old_omnifunc endif if exists('b:ale_old_completeopt') let &l:completeopt = b:ale_old_completeopt unlet b:ale_old_completeopt endif endfunction function! ale#completion#GetCompletionPosition() abort if !exists('b:ale_completion_info') return 0 endif let l:line = b:ale_completion_info.line let l:column = b:ale_completion_info.column let l:regex = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:omni_start_map, &filetype) let l:up_to_column = getline(l:line)[: l:column - 2] let l:match = matchstr(l:up_to_column, l:regex) return l:column - len(l:match) - 1 endfunction function! ale#completion#GetCompletionResult() abort if exists('b:ale_completion_result') return b:ale_completion_result endif return v:null endfunction function! ale#completion#AutomaticOmniFunc(findstart, base) abort if a:findstart return ale#completion#GetCompletionPosition() else let l:result = ale#completion#GetCompletionResult() call s:ReplaceCompletionOptions() return l:result isnot v:null ? l:result : [] endif endfunction function! ale#completion#Show(result) abort if ale#util#Mode() isnot# 'i' return endif " Set the list in the buffer, temporarily replace omnifunc with our " function, and then start omni-completion. let b:ale_completion_result = a:result " Don't try to open the completion menu if there's nothing to show. if empty(b:ale_completion_result) return endif " Replace completion options shortly before opening the menu. call s:ReplaceCompletionOptions() let l:source = get(get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {}), 'source', '') if l:source is# 'ale-automatic' || l:source is# 'ale-manual' call timer_start( \ 0, \ {-> ale#util#FeedKeys("\(ale_show_completion_menu)")} \) endif endfunction function! s:CompletionStillValid(request_id) abort let [l:line, l:column] = getpos('.')[1:2] return ale#util#Mode() is# 'i' \&& has_key(b:, 'ale_completion_info') \&& b:ale_completion_info.request_id == a:request_id \&& b:ale_completion_info.line == l:line \&& ( \ b:ale_completion_info.column == l:column \ || b:ale_completion_info.source is# 'deoplete' \ || b:ale_completion_info.source is# 'ale-omnifunc' \) endfunction function! ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions(response) abort let l:names = [] for l:suggestion in a:response.body call add(l:names, l:suggestion.name) endfor return l:names endfunction function! ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails(response) abort let l:buffer = bufnr('') let l:results = [] let l:names_with_details = [] for l:suggestion in a:response.body let l:displayParts = [] for l:part in l:suggestion.displayParts call add(l:displayParts, l:part.text) endfor " Each one of these parts has 'kind' properties let l:documentationParts = [] for l:part in get(l:suggestion, 'documentation', []) call add(l:documentationParts, l:part.text) endfor if l:suggestion.kind is# 'className' let l:kind = 'f' elseif l:suggestion.kind is# 'parameterName' let l:kind = 'f' else let l:kind = 'v' endif " See :help complete-items call add(l:results, { \ 'word': l:suggestion.name, \ 'kind': l:kind, \ 'icase': 1, \ 'menu': join(l:displayParts, ''), \ 'info': join(l:documentationParts, ''), \}) endfor let l:names = getbufvar(l:buffer, 'ale_tsserver_completion_names', []) if !empty(l:names) && len(l:names) != len(l:results) let l:names_with_details = map(copy(l:results), 'v:val.word') let l:missing_names = filter( \ copy(l:names), \ 'index(l:names_with_details, v:val) < 0', \) for l:name in l:missing_names call add(l:results, { \ 'word': l:name, \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'menu': '', \ 'info': '', \}) endfor endif return l:results endfunction function! ale#completion#NullFilter(buffer, item) abort return 1 endfunction function! ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(response) abort let l:buffer = bufnr('') let l:info = get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {}) let l:Filter = get(l:info, 'completion_filter', v:null) if l:Filter is v:null let l:Filter = function('ale#completion#NullFilter') else let l:Filter = ale#util#GetFunction(l:Filter) endif let l:item_list = [] if type(get(a:response, 'result')) is v:t_list let l:item_list = a:response.result elseif type(get(a:response, 'result')) is v:t_dict \&& type(get(a:response.result, 'items')) is v:t_list let l:item_list = a:response.result.items endif let l:results = [] for l:item in l:item_list if !call(l:Filter, [l:buffer, l:item]) continue endif if get(l:item, 'insertTextFormat') is s:LSP_INSERT_TEXT_FORMAT_PLAIN \&& type(get(l:item, 'textEdit')) is v:t_dict let l:text = l:item.textEdit.newText elseif type(get(l:item, 'insertText')) is v:t_string let l:text = l:item.insertText else let l:text = l:item.label endif let l:word = matchstr(l:text, '\v^[^(]+') if empty(l:word) continue endif " See :help complete-items for Vim completion kinds if !has_key(l:item, 'kind') let l:kind = 'v' elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_METHOD_KIND let l:kind = 'm' elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_CONSTRUCTOR_KIND let l:kind = 'm' elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_FUNCTION_KIND let l:kind = 'f' elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_CLASS_KIND let l:kind = 'f' elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_INTERFACE_KIND let l:kind = 'f' else let l:kind = 'v' endif let l:doc = get(l:item, 'documentation', '') if type(l:doc) is v:t_dict && has_key(l:doc, 'value') let l:doc = l:doc.value endif call add(l:results, { \ 'word': l:word, \ 'kind': l:kind, \ 'icase': 1, \ 'menu': get(l:item, 'detail', ''), \ 'info': (type(l:doc) is v:t_string ? l:doc : ''), \}) endfor if has_key(l:info, 'prefix') let l:results = ale#completion#Filter(l:buffer, &filetype, l:results, l:info.prefix) endif return l:results[: g:ale_completion_max_suggestions - 1] endfunction function! ale#completion#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort if !s:CompletionStillValid(get(a:response, 'request_seq')) return endif if !has_key(a:response, 'body') return endif let l:buffer = bufnr('') let l:command = get(a:response, 'command', '') if l:command is# 'completions' let l:names = ale#completion#Filter( \ l:buffer, \ &filetype, \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions(a:response), \ b:ale_completion_info.prefix, \)[: g:ale_completion_max_suggestions - 1] " We need to remember some names for tsserver, as it doesn't send " details back for everything we send. call setbufvar(l:buffer, 'ale_tsserver_completion_names', l:names) if !empty(l:names) let b:ale_completion_info.request_id = ale#lsp#Send( \ b:ale_completion_info.conn_id, \ ale#lsp#tsserver_message#CompletionEntryDetails( \ l:buffer, \ b:ale_completion_info.line, \ b:ale_completion_info.column, \ l:names, \ ), \) endif elseif l:command is# 'completionEntryDetails' call ale#completion#Show( \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails(a:response), \) endif endfunction function! ale#completion#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort if !s:CompletionStillValid(get(a:response, 'id')) return endif call ale#completion#Show( \ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(a:response), \) endfunction function! s:OnReady(linter, lsp_details) abort let l:id = a:lsp_details.connection_id if !ale#lsp#HasCapability(l:id, 'completion') return endif let l:buffer = a:lsp_details.buffer " If we have sent a completion request already, don't send another. if b:ale_completion_info.request_id return endif let l:Callback = a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' \ ? function('ale#completion#HandleTSServerResponse') \ : function('ale#completion#HandleLSPResponse') call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback) if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Completions( \ l:buffer, \ b:ale_completion_info.line, \ b:ale_completion_info.column, \ b:ale_completion_info.prefix, \) else " Send a message saying the buffer has changed first, otherwise " completions won't know what text is nearby. call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:id, l:buffer) " For LSP completions, we need to clamp the column to the length of " the line. python-language-server and perhaps others do not implement " this correctly. let l:message = ale#lsp#message#Completion( \ l:buffer, \ b:ale_completion_info.line, \ b:ale_completion_info.column, \ ale#completion#GetTriggerCharacter(&filetype, b:ale_completion_info.prefix), \) endif let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message) if l:request_id let b:ale_completion_info.conn_id = l:id let b:ale_completion_info.request_id = l:request_id if has_key(a:linter, 'completion_filter') let b:ale_completion_info.completion_filter = a:linter.completion_filter endif endif endfunction " This function can be called to check if ALE can provide completion data for " the current buffer. 1 will be returned if there's a potential source of " completion data ALE can use, and 0 will be returned otherwise. function! ale#completion#CanProvideCompletions() abort for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(&filetype) if !empty(l:linter.lsp) return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " This function can be used to manually trigger autocomplete, even when " g:ale_completion_enabled is set to false function! ale#completion#GetCompletions(source) abort let [l:line, l:column] = getpos('.')[1:2] let l:prefix = ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, l:line, l:column) if a:source is# 'ale-automatic' && empty(l:prefix) return 0 endif let l:line_length = len(getline('.')) let b:ale_completion_info = { \ 'line': l:line, \ 'line_length': l:line_length, \ 'column': l:column, \ 'prefix': l:prefix, \ 'conn_id': 0, \ 'request_id': 0, \ 'source': a:source, \} unlet! b:ale_completion_result let l:buffer = bufnr('') let l:Callback = function('s:OnReady') let l:started = 0 for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(&filetype) if !empty(l:linter.lsp) if ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(l:buffer, l:linter, l:Callback) let l:started = 1 endif endif endfor return l:started endfunction function! ale#completion#OmniFunc(findstart, base) abort if a:findstart let l:started = ale#completion#GetCompletions('ale-omnifunc') if !l:started " This is the special value for cancelling completions silently. " See :help complete-functions return -3 endif return ale#completion#GetCompletionPosition() else let l:result = ale#completion#GetCompletionResult() while l:result is v:null && !complete_check() sleep 2ms let l:result = ale#completion#GetCompletionResult() endwhile return l:result isnot v:null ? l:result : [] endif endfunction function! s:TimerHandler(...) abort if !get(b:, 'ale_completion_enabled', g:ale_completion_enabled) return endif let s:timer_id = -1 let [l:line, l:column] = getpos('.')[1:2] " When running the timer callback, we have to be sure that the cursor " hasn't moved from where it was when we requested completions by typing. if s:timer_pos == [l:line, l:column] && ale#util#Mode() is# 'i' call ale#completion#GetCompletions('ale-automatic') endif endfunction " Stop any completion timer that is queued. This is useful for tests. function! ale#completion#StopTimer() abort if s:timer_id != -1 call timer_stop(s:timer_id) endif let s:timer_id = -1 endfunction function! ale#completion#Queue() abort if !get(b:, 'ale_completion_enabled', g:ale_completion_enabled) return endif let s:timer_pos = getpos('.')[1:2] if s:timer_pos == s:last_done_pos " Do not ask for completions if the cursor rests on the position we " last completed on. return endif " If we changed the text again while we're still waiting for a response, " then invalidate the requests before the timer ticks again. if exists('b:ale_completion_info') let b:ale_completion_info.request_id = 0 endif call ale#completion#StopTimer() let s:timer_id = timer_start(g:ale_completion_delay, function('s:TimerHandler')) endfunction function! ale#completion#Done() abort silent! pclose call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions() let s:last_done_pos = getpos('.')[1:2] endfunction function! s:Setup(enabled) abort augroup ALECompletionGroup autocmd! if a:enabled autocmd TextChangedI * call ale#completion#Queue() autocmd CompleteDone * call ale#completion#Done() endif augroup END if !a:enabled augroup! ALECompletionGroup endif endfunction function! ale#completion#Enable() abort let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1 call s:Setup(1) endfunction function! ale#completion#Disable() abort let g:ale_completion_enabled = 0 call s:Setup(0) endfunction