################# # Rust Snippets # ################# # Functions snippet fn "Function definition" fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3} { ${0} } snippet pfn "Function definition" pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3} { ${0} } snippet test "Unit test function" #[test] fn ${1:test_function_name}() { ${0} } snippet bench "Bench function" b #[bench] fn ${1:bench_function_name}(b: &mut test::Bencher) { b.iter(|| { ${0} }) } snippet new "Constructor function" pub fn new(${2}) -> ${1:Name} { $1 { ${3} } } snippet main "Main function" pub fn main() { ${0} } snippet let "let variable declaration with type inference" let ${1} = ${2}; snippet lett "let variable declaration with explicit type annotation" let ${1}: ${2} = ${3}; snippet letm "let mut variable declaration with type inference" let mut ${1} = ${2}; snippet lettm "let mut variable declaration with explicit type annotation" let mut ${1}: ${2} = ${3}; snippet pri "print!" print!("${1}"); snippet pri, "print! with format param" print!("${1}", ${2}); snippet pln "println!" println!("${1}"); snippet pln, "println! with format param" println!("${1}", ${2}); snippet fmt "format!" format!("${1}", ${2}); # Modules snippet ec "extern crate" extern crate ${1:sync}; snippet ecl "extern crate log" #[macro_use] extern crate log; snippet mod mod ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} { ${0} } /* $1 */ snippet testmod "Test module" b #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::${1:*}; test${0} } # Attributes snippet allow "allow lint attribute" b #[allow(${1:unused_variable})] snippet cfg "cfg attribute" b #[cfg(${1:target_os = "linux"})] snippet feat "feature attribute" b #![feature(${1:plugin})] snippet der "#[derive(..)]" b #[derive(${1:Debug})] snippet attr "#[..]" b #[${1:inline}] snippet crate "Define create meta attributes" // Crate name #![crate_name = "${1:crate_name}"] // Additional metadata attributes #![desc = "${2:Descrption.}"] #![license = "${3:BSD}"] #![comment = "${4:Comment.}"] // Specify the output type #![crate_type = "${5:lib}"] # Common types snippet opt "Option<T>" Option<${1:i32}> snippet res "Result<T, E>" Result<${1:~str}, ${2:()}> # Control structures snippet if if ${1} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } snippet ife "if / else" if ${1} { ${2:${VISUAL}} } else { ${0} } snippet el "else" else { ${0:${VISUAL}} } snippet eli "else if" else if ${1} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } snippet mat "match pattern" match ${1} { ${2} => ${3} } snippet case "Case clause of pattern match" ${1:_} => ${2:expression} snippet loop "loop {}" b loop { ${0:${VISUAL}} } snippet wh "while loop" while ${1:condition} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } snippet for "for ... in ... loop" for ${1:i} in ${2} { ${0} } # TODO commenting snippet todo "TODO comment" // [TODO]: ${0:Description} snippet fixme "FIXME comment" // FIXME: $0 # Struct snippet st "Struct definition" struct ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} { ${0} } snippet impl "Struct/Trait implementation" impl ${1:Type/Trait}${2: for ${3:Type}} { ${0} } snippet stn "Struct with new constructor" pub struct ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} { ${0} } impl $1 { pub fn new(${2}) -> Self { $1 { ${3} } } } snippet type "Type alias" type ${1:NewName} = $2; snippet enum "enum definition" enum ${1:Name} { ${2}, } # Traits snippet trait "Trait definition" trait ${1:Name} { ${0} } snippet drop "Drop trait implementation (destructor)" impl Drop for ${1:Name} { fn drop(&mut self) { ${0} } } # Statics snippet ss "static string declaration" static ${1}: &'static str = "${0}"; snippet stat "static item declaration" static ${1}: ${2:usize} = ${0}; # Concurrency snippet scoped "spawn a scoped thread" thread::scoped(${1:move }|| { ${0} }); snippet spawn "spawn a thread" thread::spawn(${1:move }|| { ${0} }); snippet chan "Declare (Sender, Receiver) pair of asynchronous channel()" let (${1:tx}, ${2:rx}): (Sender<${3:i32}>, Receiver<${4:i32}>) = channel(); # Testing snippet as "assert!" assert!(${1:predicate}); snippet ase "assert_eq!" assert_eq!(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});