require "minitest/autorun" require "vimrunner" require "fileutils" require "tempfile" MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.define_singleton_method(:test_order) do :alpha end begin require "minitest/reporters" MiniTest::Reporters.use! rescue LoadError end $vimrc = File.expand_path("../vimrc", __FILE__) $vim = => $vimrc).start Minitest::Unit.after_tests { $vim.kill } module WithTemporaryDirectory def self.included(base) require "tmpdir" end def setup super # Mac has the temporary directory symlinked, so need File.realpath to # match the paths that Vim returns. @dir = File.realpath(Dir.mktmpdir) end def teardown FileUtils.remove_entry_secure @dir super end end def touch(path, contents = nil) FileUtils.mkpath File.dirname(path) return FileUtils.touch(path) if contents.nil? || contents.empty?, "w") {|f| f.write contents } end CORE_MODULES = %w[_debugger _http_agent _http_client _http_common _http_incoming _http_outgoing _http_server _linklist _stream_duplex _stream_passthrough _stream_readable _stream_transform _stream_writable _tls_legacy _tls_wrap assert buffer child_process cluster console constants crypto dgram dns domain events freelist fs http https module net node os path punycode querystring readline repl smalloc stream string_decoder sys timers tls tty url util vm zlib]