" autoload/editorconfig_core/fnmatch.vim: Globbing for " editorconfig-vim. Ported from the Python core's fnmatch.py. " Copyright (c) 2012-2019 EditorConfig Team {{{1 " All rights reserved. " " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without " modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: " " 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. " 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation " and/or other materials provided with the distribution. " " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" " AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE " IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE " ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR " CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF " SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS " INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN " CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) " ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE " POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. }}}1 "Filename matching with shell patterns. " "fnmatch(FILENAME, PATH, PATTERN) matches according to the local convention. "fnmatchcase(FILENAME, PATH, PATTERN) always takes case in account. " "The functions operate by translating the pattern into a regular "expression. They cache the compiled regular expressions for speed. " "The function translate(PATTERN) returns a regular expression "corresponding to PATTERN. (It does not compile it.) let s:saved_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " variables {{{1 if !exists('g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug') let g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug = 0 endif " }}}1 " === Regexes =========================================================== {{{1 let s:LEFT_BRACE = '\v[\\]@8= 128) ? ' . \ 'printf("%%U%08x", char2nr(submatch(1))) : ' . \ '("\\" . submatch(1))' . \ ')' lockvar s:replacement_expr " Escaper for very-magic regexes function! s:re_escape(text) return substitute(a:text, '\v([^0-9a-zA-Z_])', s:replacement_expr, 'g') endfunction "def translate(pat, nested=0): " Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression. " There is no way to quote meta-characters. function! editorconfig_core#fnmatch#translate(pat, ...) let l:nested = 0 if a:0 let l:nested = a:1 endif if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom '- fnmatch#translate: pattern ' . a:pat echom printf( \ '- %d chars', strlen(substitute(a:pat, ".", "x", "g"))) call s:dump_chars(a:pat) endif let l:pat = a:pat " TODO remove if we wind up not needing this " Note: the Python sets MULTILINE and DOTALL, but Vim has \_. " instead of DOTALL, and \_^ / \_$ instead of MULTILINE. let l:is_escaped = 0 " Find out whether the pattern has balanced braces. let l:left_braces=[] let l:right_braces=[] call substitute(l:pat, s:LEFT_BRACE, '\=add(l:left_braces, 1)', 'g') call substitute(l:pat, s:RIGHT_BRACE, '\=add(l:right_braces, 1)', 'g') " Thanks to http://jeromebelleman.gitlab.io/posts/productivity/vimsub/ let l:matching_braces = (len(l:left_braces) == len(l:right_braces)) " Unicode support (#2). Indexing l:pat[l:index] returns bytes, per " https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/68#issue-28114985 . " Instead, use split() per vimdoc to break the input string into an " array of *characters*, and process that. let l:characters = split(l:pat, '\zs') let l:index = 0 " character index let l:length = len(l:characters) let l:brace_level = 0 let l:in_brackets = 0 let l:result = '' let l:numeric_groups = [] while l:index < l:length let l:current_char = l:characters[l:index] let l:index += 1 " if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug " echom ' - fnmatch#translate: ' . l:current_char . '@' . " \ (l:index-1) . '; result ' . l:result " endif if l:current_char ==# '*' let l:pos = l:index if l:pos < l:length && l:characters[l:pos] ==# '*' let l:result .= '\_.*' let l:index += 1 " skip the second star else let l:result .= '[^/]*' endif elseif l:current_char ==# '?' let l:result .= '\_[^/]' elseif l:current_char ==# '[' if l:in_brackets let l:result .= '\[' else let l:pos = l:index let l:has_slash = 0 while l:pos < l:length && l:characters[l:pos] != ']' if l:characters[l:pos] ==# '/' && l:characters[l:pos-1] !=# '\' let has_slash = 1 break endif let l:pos += 1 endwhile if l:has_slash " POSIX IEEE 1003.1-2017 sec. 2.13.3: '/' cannot occur " in a bracket expression, so [/] matches a literal " three-character string '[' . '/' . ']'. let l:result .= '\[' \ . s:re_escape(join(l:characters[l:index : l:pos-1], '')) \ . '\/' " escape the slash let l:index = l:pos + 1 " resume after the slash else if l:index < l:length && l:characters[l:index] =~# '\v%(\^|\!)' let l:index += 1 let l:result .= '[^' else let l:result .= '[' endif let l:in_brackets = 1 endif endif elseif l:current_char ==# '-' if l:in_brackets let l:result .= l:current_char else let l:result .= '\' . l:current_char endif elseif l:current_char ==# ']' if l:in_brackets && !l:is_escaped let l:result .= ']' let l:in_brackets = 0 elseif l:is_escaped let l:result .= '\]' let l:is_escaped = 0 else let l:result .= '\]' endif elseif l:current_char ==# '{' let l:pos = l:index let l:has_comma = 0 while l:pos < l:length && (l:characters[l:pos] !=# '}' || l:is_escaped) if l:characters[l:pos] ==# ',' && ! l:is_escaped let l:has_comma = 1 break endif let l:is_escaped = l:characters[l:pos] ==# '\' && ! l:is_escaped let l:pos += 1 endwhile if ! l:has_comma && l:pos < l:length let l:num_range = \ matchlist(join(l:characters[l:index : l:pos-1], ''), \ s:NUMERIC_RANGE) if len(l:num_range) > 0 " Remember the ranges call add(l:numeric_groups, [ 0+l:num_range[1], 0+l:num_range[2] ]) let l:result .= '([+-]?\d+)' else let l:inner_xlat = editorconfig_core#fnmatch#translate( \ join(l:characters[l:index : l:pos-1], ''), 1) let l:inner_result = l:inner_xlat[0] let l:inner_groups = l:inner_xlat[1] let l:result .= '\{' . l:inner_result . '\}' let l:numeric_groups += l:inner_groups endif let l:index = l:pos + 1 elseif l:matching_braces let l:result .= '%(' let l:brace_level += 1 else let l:result .= '\{' endif elseif l:current_char ==# ',' if l:brace_level > 0 && ! l:is_escaped let l:result .= '|' else let l:result .= '\,' endif elseif l:current_char ==# '}' if l:brace_level > 0 && ! l:is_escaped let l:result .= ')' let l:brace_level -= 1 else let l:result .= '\}' endif elseif l:current_char ==# '/' if join(l:characters[l:index : (l:index + 2)], '') ==# '**/' let l:result .= '%(/|/\_.*/)' let l:index += 3 else let l:result .= '\/' endif elseif l:current_char != '\' let l:result .= s:re_escape(l:current_char) endif if l:current_char ==# '\' if l:is_escaped let l:result .= s:re_escape(l:current_char) endif let l:is_escaped = ! l:is_escaped else let l:is_escaped = 0 endif endwhile if ! l:nested let l:result .= '\_$' endif return [l:result, l:numeric_groups] endfunction " #editorconfig_core#fnmatch#translate let s:_cache = {} function! s:cached_translate(pat) if ! has_key(s:_cache, a:pat) "regex = re.compile(res) let s:_cache[a:pat] = \ editorconfig_core#fnmatch#translate(a:pat) " we don't compile the regex endif return s:_cache[a:pat] endfunction " cached_translate " }}}1 " === Matching functions ================================================ {{{1 function! editorconfig_core#fnmatch#fnmatch(name, path, pattern) "def fnmatch(name, pat): " """Test whether FILENAME matches PATH/PATTERN. " " Patterns are Unix shell style: " " - ``*`` matches everything except path separator " - ``**`` matches everything " - ``?`` matches any single character " - ``[seq]`` matches any character in seq " - ``[!seq]`` matches any char not in seq " - ``{s1,s2,s3}`` matches any of the strings given (separated by commas) " " An initial period in FILENAME is not special. " Both FILENAME and PATTERN are first case-normalized " if the operating system requires it. " If you don't want this, use fnmatchcase(FILENAME, PATTERN). " """ " " Note: This throws away the backslash in '\.txt' on Cygwin, but that " makes sense since it's Windows under the hood. " We don't care about shellslash since we're going to change backslashes " to slashes in just a moment anyway. let l:localname = fnamemodify(a:name, ':p') if editorconfig_core#util#is_win() " normalize let l:localname = substitute(tolower(l:localname), '\v\\', '/', 'g') let l:path = substitute(tolower(a:path), '\v\\', '/', 'g') let l:pattern = tolower(a:pattern) else let l:localname = l:localname let l:path = a:path let l:pattern = a:pattern endif if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom '- fnmatch#fnmatch testing <' . l:localname . '> against <' . \ l:pattern . '> wrt <' . l:path . '>' endif return editorconfig_core#fnmatch#fnmatchcase(l:localname, l:path, l:pattern) endfunction " fnmatch function! editorconfig_core#fnmatch#fnmatchcase(name, path, pattern) "def fnmatchcase(name, pat): " """Test whether FILENAME matches PATH/PATTERN, including case. " " This is a version of fnmatch() which doesn't case-normalize " its arguments. " """ " let [regex, num_groups] = s:cached_translate(a:pattern) let l:escaped_path = s:re_escape(a:path) let l:regex = '\v' . l:escaped_path . l:regex if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom '- fnmatch#fnmatchcase: regex ' . l:regex call s:dump_chars(l:regex) echom '- fnmatch#fnmatchcase: checking ' . a:name call s:dump_chars(a:name) endif let l:match_groups = matchlist(a:name, l:regex)[1:] " [0] = full match if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom printf(' Got %d matches', len(l:match_groups)) endif if len(l:match_groups) == 0 return 0 endif " Check numeric ranges let pattern_matched = 1 for l:idx in range(0,len(l:match_groups)) let l:num = l:match_groups[l:idx] if l:num ==# '' break endif let [min_num, max_num] = num_groups[l:idx] if (min_num > (0+l:num)) || ((0+l:num) > max_num) let pattern_matched = 0 break endif " Reject leading zeros without sign. This is very odd --- " see editorconfig/editorconfig#371. if match(l:num, '\v^0') != -1 let pattern_matched = 0 break endif endfor if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom '- fnmatch#fnmatchcase: ' . (pattern_matched ? 'matched' : 'did not match') endif return pattern_matched endfunction " fnmatchcase " }}}1 " === Copyright notices ================================================= {{{1 " Based on code from fnmatch.py file distributed with Python 2.6. " Portions Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Python Software Foundation; " All Rights Reserved. Licensed under PSF License (see LICENSE.PSF file). " " Changes to original fnmatch: " " - translate function supports ``*`` and ``**`` similarly to fnmatch C library " }}}1 let &cpo = s:saved_cpo unlet! s:saved_cpo " vi: set fdm=marker: