if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_makeprg_autoload") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_makeprg_autoload = 1 "Returns a makeprg of the form " "[exe] [args] [filename] [post_args] [tail] " "A (made up) example: " ruby -a -b -c test_file.rb --more --args > /tmp/output " "To generate this you would call: " " let makeprg = syntastic#makeprg#build({ " \ 'exe': 'ruby', " \ 'args': '-a -b -c', " \ 'post_args': '--more --args', " \ 'tail': '> /tmp/output', " \ 'filetype': 'ruby', " \ 'subchecker': 'mri' }) " "Note that the current filename is added by default - but can be overridden by "passing in an 'fname' arg. " "Arguments 'filetype' and 'subchecker' are mandatory, handling of composite "types and user-defined variables breaks if you omit them. " "All other options can be overriden by the user with global variables - even "when not specified by the checker in syntastic#makeprg#build(). " "E.g. They could override the checker exe with " " let g:syntastic_ruby_mri_exe="another_ruby_checker_exe.rb" " "The general form of the override option is: " syntastic_[filetype]_[subchecker]_[option-name] " function! syntastic#makeprg#build(opts) let builder = g:SyntasticMakeprgBuilder.New( \ get(a:opts, 'exe', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'args', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'fname', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'post_args', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'tail', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'filetype', ''), \ get(a:opts, 'subchecker', '') ) return builder.makeprg() endfunction