This is a Vim extension that emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText or text files.

It requires [goyo.vim]( and it works by setting global Goyo callbacks that triggers special setup for Markdown, reStructuredText and text files.

This is an improvement of my initial version called [vim-zenroom]( Please read more here [
zenroom for Vim: Focusing only on the essential](

Please note that this might not work perfectly with your colorscheme. Patches are welcome to fix this :-)

## Installation and usage

* Install [goyo.vim](
* In command mode type :Goyo

Additionally you may want to have a shortcut. Add this to your vimrc:

    nnoremap <silent> <leader>z :Goyo<cr>

## Inspirations/Similar
* [Writing Markdown With Style in Vim](
* [lite-dfm](
* [vimroom](
* [vim-zenroom](

## How it looks in action

![Screenshot 3](

![Screenshot 4](