####################################################################### # C# Snippets for UltiSnips # ####################################################################### priority -50 ######################### # classes and structs # ######################### snippet namespace "namespace" b namespace ${1:MyNamespace} { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet class "class" w ${1:public} class ${2:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename`} { $0 } endsnippet snippet struct "struct" w struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename`} { $0 } endsnippet snippet interface "interface" w interface I${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename`} { $0 } endsnippet snippet enum "enumeration" b enum ${1:MyEnum} { ${2:Item} }; endsnippet ############ # Main() # ############ snippet sim "static int main" b static int Main(string[] args) { $0 } endsnippet snippet svm "static void main" b static void Main(string[] args) { $0 } endsnippet ################ # properties # ################ snippet prop "Simple property declaration" b public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; } endsnippet snippet propfull "Full property declaration" b private ${1:int} ${2:_myProperty}; public $1 ${3:MyProperty} { get { return $2; } set { $2 = value; } } endsnippet snippet propg "Property with a private setter" b public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; } endsnippet ############ # blocks # ############ snippet #if "#if #endif" b #if ${1:DEBUG} ${VISUAL}$0 #endif endsnippet snippet #region "#region #endregion" b #region ${1:Region} ${VISUAL}$0 #endregion endsnippet ########### # loops # ########### snippet for "for loop" b for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:10}; $1++) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet forr "for loop (reverse)" b for (int ${1:i} = ${2:10}; $1 >= 0; $1--) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet foreach "foreach loop" b foreach (${3:var} ${2:item} in ${1:items}) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet while "while loop" b while (${1:true}) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet do "do loop" b do { ${VISUAL}$0 } while (${1:true}); endsnippet ############### # branching # ############### snippet if "if statement" b if ($1) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet ife "if else statement" b if ($1) { ${VISUAL}$0 } else { } endsnippet snippet elif "else if" b else if ($1) { $0 } endsnippet snippet elseif "else if" b else if ($1) { $0 } endsnippet snippet ifnn "if not null" b if ($1 != null) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet switch "switch statement" b switch (${1:statement}) { case ${2:value}: break; default: $0break; } endsnippet snippet case "case" b case ${1:value}: $2 break; endsnippet ############## # wrappers # ############## snippet using "using statement" b using (${1:resource}) { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet unchecked "unchecked block" b unchecked { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet checked "checked block" b checked { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet snippet unsafe "unsafe" b unsafe { ${VISUAL}$0 } endsnippet ######################## # exception handling # ######################## snippet try "try catch block" b try { ${VISUAL}$0 } catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e}) { throw; } endsnippet snippet tryf "try finally block" b try { ${VISUAL}$0 } finally { } endsnippet snippet throw "throw" throw new $1Exception("$2"); endsnippet ########## # LINQ # ########## snippet from "LINQ syntax" b var ${1:seq} = from ${2:item1} in ${3:items1} join ${4:item2} in ${5:items2} on $2.${6:prop1} equals $4.${7:prop2} select ${8:$2.prop3} where ${9:clause} endsnippet ############################ # feedback and debugging # ############################ snippet da "Debug.Assert" b Debug.Assert(${1:true}); endsnippet snippet cw "Console.WriteLine" b Console.WriteLine("$1"); endsnippet snippet cr "Console.ReadLine" b Console.ReadLine(); endsnippet # as you first type comma-separated parameters on the right, {n} values appear in the format string snippet cwp "Console.WriteLine with parameters" b Console.WriteLine("${2:`!p snip.rv = ' '.join(['{' + str(i) + '}' for i in range(t[1].count(','))]) `}"${1:, something}); endsnippet snippet mbox "Message box" b MessageBox.Show("${1:message}"); endsnippet ############# # methods # ############# snippet equals "Equality for a type" b public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as ${1:TYPE}); public bool Equals($1 other) // IEquatable<$1> { if (object.ReferenceEquals(other, null)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; if (this.GetType() != other.GetType()) return false; $0 return base.Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() => base.GetHashCode(); public static bool operator ==($1 x, $1 y) => (object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) && object.ReferenceEquals(y, null)) || (!object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) && x.Equals(y)); public static bool operator !=($1 x, $1 y) => !(x == y); endsnippet snippet mth "Method" b ${1:public} ${2:void} ${3:MyMethod}(${4}) { $0 } endsnippet snippet mths "Static method" b ${1:public} static ${2:void} ${3:MyMethod}(${4}) { $0 } endsnippet ############### # constructor # ############### snippet ctor "Constructor" b ${1:public} ${2:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`}(${3}) { $0 } endsnippet ############## # comments # ############## snippet /// "XML summary comment" b /// <summary> /// $0 /// </summary> endsnippet snippet <p "XML pramameter comment" w <param name="${1}">${2}</param> endsnippet snippet <ex "XML exception comment" w <exception cref="${1:System.Exception}">${2}</exception> endsnippet snippet <r "XML returns comment" w <returns>$0</returns> endsnippet snippet <c "XML code comment" w <code>$0</code> endsnippet