" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim scriptencoding utf-8 if !exists('s:state') let s:state = { \ 'rpcid': 1, \ 'running': 0, \ 'currentThread': {}, \ 'localVars': {}, \ 'functionArgs': {}, \ 'message': [], \} if go#util#HasDebug('debugger-state') call go#config#SetDebugDiag(s:state) endif endif if !exists('s:start_args') let s:start_args = [] endif function! s:groutineID() abort return s:state['currentThread'].goroutineID endfunction function! s:complete(job, exit_status, data) abort let l:gotready = get(s:state, 'ready', 0) " copy messages to a:data _only_ when dlv exited non-zero and it was never " detected as ready (e.g. there was a compiler error). if a:exit_status > 0 && !l:gotready " copy messages to data so that vim-go's usual handling of errors from " async jobs will occur. call extend(a:data, s:state['message']) endif " return early instead of clearing any variables when the current job is not " a:job if has_key(s:state, 'job') && s:state['job'] != a:job return endif if has_key(s:state, 'job') call remove(s:state, 'job') endif if has_key(s:state, 'ready') call remove(s:state, 'ready') endif if has_key(s:state, 'ch') call remove(s:state, 'ch') endif call s:clearState() endfunction function! s:logger(prefix, ch, msg) abort let l:cur_win = bufwinnr('') let l:log_win = bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_OUTPUT__')) if l:log_win == -1 return endif exe l:log_win 'wincmd w' try setlocal modifiable if getline(1) == '' call setline('$', a:prefix . a:msg) else call append('$', a:prefix . a:msg) endif normal! G setlocal nomodifiable finally exe l:cur_win 'wincmd w' endtry endfunction function! s:call_jsonrpc(method, ...) abort if go#util#HasDebug('debugger-commands') echom 'sending to dlv ' . a:method endif let l:args = a:000 let s:state['rpcid'] += 1 let l:req_json = json_encode({ \ 'id': s:state['rpcid'], \ 'method': a:method, \ 'params': l:args, \}) try let l:ch = s:state['ch'] if has('nvim') call chansend(l:ch, l:req_json) while len(s:state.data) == 0 sleep 50m if get(s:state, 'ready', 0) == 0 return endif endwhile let resp_json = s:state.data[0] let s:state.data = s:state.data[1:] else call ch_sendraw(l:ch, req_json) let l:resp_raw = ch_readraw(l:ch) let resp_json = json_decode(l:resp_raw) endif if go#util#HasDebug('debugger-commands') let g:go_debug_commands = add(go#config#DebugCommands(), { \ 'request': l:req_json, \ 'response': l:resp_json, \ }) endif if type(l:resp_json) == v:t_dict && has_key(l:resp_json, 'error') && !empty(l:resp_json.error) throw l:resp_json.error endif return l:resp_json catch throw substitute(v:exception, '^Vim', '', '') endtry endfunction " Update the location of the current breakpoint or line we're halted on based on " response from dlv. function! s:update_breakpoint(res) abort if type(a:res) ==# type(v:null) return endif let state = a:res.result.State if !has_key(state, 'currentThread') return endif let s:state['currentThread'] = state.currentThread let bufs = filter(map(range(1, winnr('$')), '[v:val,bufname(winbufnr(v:val))]'), 'v:val[1]=~"\.go$"') if len(bufs) == 0 return endif exe bufs[0][0] 'wincmd w' let filename = state.currentThread.file let linenr = state.currentThread.line let oldfile = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs!\\!/!') if oldfile != filename silent! exe 'edit' filename endif silent! exe 'norm!' linenr.'G' silent! normal! zvzz silent! sign unplace 9999 silent! exe 'sign place 9999 line=' . linenr . ' name=godebugcurline file=' . filename endfunction " Populate the stacktrace window. function! s:show_stacktrace(res) abort if !has_key(a:res, 'result') return endif let l:stack_win = bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_STACKTRACE__')) if l:stack_win == -1 return endif let l:cur_win = bufwinnr('') exe l:stack_win 'wincmd w' try setlocal modifiable silent %delete _ for i in range(len(a:res.result.Locations)) let loc = a:res.result.Locations[i] call setline(i+1, printf('%s - %s:%d', loc.function.name, fnamemodify(loc.file, ':p'), loc.line)) endfor finally setlocal nomodifiable exe l:cur_win 'wincmd w' endtry endfunction " Populate the variable window. function! s:show_variables() abort let l:var_win = bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_VARIABLES__')) if l:var_win == -1 return endif let l:cur_win = bufwinnr('') exe l:var_win 'wincmd w' try setlocal modifiable silent %delete _ let v = [] let v += ['# Local Variables'] if type(get(s:state, 'localVars', [])) is type([]) for c in s:state['localVars'] let v += split(s:eval_tree(c, 0), "\n") endfor endif let v += [''] let v += ['# Function Arguments'] if type(get(s:state, 'functionArgs', [])) is type([]) for c in s:state['functionArgs'] let v += split(s:eval_tree(c, 0), "\n") endfor endif call setline(1, v) finally setlocal nomodifiable exe l:cur_win 'wincmd w' endtry endfunction function! s:clearState() abort let s:state['currentThread'] = {} let s:state['localVars'] = {} let s:state['functionArgs'] = {} let s:state['message'] = [] silent! sign unplace 9999 endfunction function! s:stop() abort let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Detach', {'kill': v:true}) if has_key(s:state, 'job') call go#job#Wait(s:state['job']) " while waiting, the s:complete may have already removed job from s:state. if has_key(s:state, 'job') call remove(s:state, 'job') endif endif if has_key(s:state, 'ready') call remove(s:state, 'ready') endif if has_key(s:state, 'ch') call remove(s:state, 'ch') endif call s:clearState() endfunction function! go#debug#Stop() abort " Remove all commands and add back the default commands. for k in map(split(execute('command GoDebug'), "\n")[1:], 'matchstr(v:val, "^\\s*\\zs\\S\\+")') exe 'delcommand' k endfor command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,go#package#Complete GoDebugStart call go#debug#Start(0, ) command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,go#package#Complete GoDebugTest call go#debug#Start(1, ) command! -nargs=? GoDebugBreakpoint call go#debug#Breakpoint() " Remove all mappings. for k in map(split(execute('map (go-debug-'), "\n")[1:], 'matchstr(v:val, "^n\\s\\+\\zs\\S\\+")') exe 'unmap' k endfor call s:stop() let bufs = filter(map(range(1, winnr('$')), '[v:val,bufname(winbufnr(v:val))]'), 'v:val[1]=~"\.go$"') if len(bufs) > 0 exe bufs[0][0] 'wincmd w' else wincmd p endif silent! exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_STACKTRACE__')) 'wincmd c' silent! exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_VARIABLES__')) 'wincmd c' silent! exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_OUTPUT__')) 'wincmd c' if has('balloon_eval') let &ballooneval=s:ballooneval let &balloonexpr=s:balloonexpr endif augroup vim-go-debug autocmd! augroup END augroup! vim-go-debug endfunction function! s:goto_file() abort let m = matchlist(getline('.'), ' - \(.*\):\([0-9]\+\)$') if m[1] == '' return endif let bufs = filter(map(range(1, winnr('$')), '[v:val,bufname(winbufnr(v:val))]'), 'v:val[1]=~"\.go$"') if len(bufs) == 0 return endif exe bufs[0][0] 'wincmd w' let filename = m[1] let linenr = m[2] let oldfile = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs!\\!/!') if oldfile != filename silent! exe 'edit' filename endif silent! exe 'norm!' linenr.'G' silent! normal! zvzz endfunction function! s:delete_expands() let nr = line('.') while 1 let l = getline(nr+1) if empty(l) || l =~ '^\S' return endif silent! exe (nr+1) . 'd _' endwhile silent! exe 'norm!' nr.'G' endfunction function! s:expand_var() abort " Get name from struct line. let name = matchstr(getline('.'), '^[^:]\+\ze: [a-zA-Z0-9\.ยท]\+{\.\.\.}$') " Anonymous struct if name == '' let name = matchstr(getline('.'), '^[^:]\+\ze: struct {.\{-}}$') endif if name != '' setlocal modifiable let not_open = getline(line('.')+1) !~ '^ ' let l = line('.') call s:delete_expands() if not_open call append(l, split(s:eval(name), "\n")[1:]) endif silent! exe 'norm!' l.'G' setlocal nomodifiable return endif " Expand maps let m = matchlist(getline('.'), '^[^:]\+\ze: map.\{-}\[\(\d\+\)\]$') if len(m) > 0 && m[1] != '' setlocal modifiable let not_open = getline(line('.')+1) !~ '^ ' let l = line('.') call s:delete_expands() if not_open " TODO: Not sure how to do this yet... Need to get keys of the map. " let vs = '' " for i in range(0, min([10, m[1]-1])) " let vs .= ' ' . s:eval(printf("%s[%s]", m[0], )) " endfor " call append(l, split(vs, "\n")) endif silent! exe 'norm!' l.'G' setlocal nomodifiable return endif " Expand string. let m = matchlist(getline('.'), '^\([^:]\+\)\ze: \(string\)\[\([0-9]\+\)\]\(: .\{-}\)\?$') if len(m) > 0 && m[1] != '' setlocal modifiable let not_open = getline(line('.')+1) !~ '^ ' let l = line('.') call s:delete_expands() if not_open let vs = '' for i in range(0, min([10, m[3]-1])) let vs .= ' ' . s:eval(m[1] . '[' . i . ']') endfor call append(l, split(vs, "\n")) endif silent! exe 'norm!' l.'G' setlocal nomodifiable return endif " Expand slice. let m = matchlist(getline('.'), '^\([^:]\+\)\ze: \(\[\]\w\{-}\)\[\([0-9]\+\)\]$') if len(m) > 0 && m[1] != '' setlocal modifiable let not_open = getline(line('.')+1) !~ '^ ' let l = line('.') call s:delete_expands() if not_open let vs = '' for i in range(0, min([10, m[3]-1])) let vs .= ' ' . s:eval(m[1] . '[' . i . ']') endfor call append(l, split(vs, "\n")) endif silent! exe 'norm!' l.'G' setlocal nomodifiable return endif endfunction function! s:start_cb() abort let l:winid = win_getid() silent! only! let winnum = bufwinnr(bufnr('__GODEBUG_STACKTRACE__')) if winnum != -1 return endif let debugwindows = go#config#DebugWindows() if has_key(debugwindows, "stack") && debugwindows['stack'] != '' exe 'silent ' . debugwindows['stack'] silent file `='__GODEBUG_STACKTRACE__'` setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodified nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap nonumber nocursorline setlocal filetype=godebugstacktrace nmap :call goto_file() nmap q (go-debug-stop) endif if has_key(debugwindows, "out") && debugwindows['out'] != '' exe 'silent ' . debugwindows['out'] silent file `='__GODEBUG_OUTPUT__'` setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodified nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap nonumber nocursorline setlocal filetype=godebugoutput nmap q (go-debug-stop) endif if has_key(debugwindows, "vars") && debugwindows['vars'] != '' exe 'silent ' . debugwindows['vars'] silent file `='__GODEBUG_VARIABLES__'` setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodified nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap nonumber nocursorline setlocal filetype=godebugvariables call append(0, ["# Local Variables", "", "# Function Arguments"]) nmap :call expand_var() nmap q (go-debug-stop) endif silent! delcommand GoDebugStart silent! delcommand GoDebugTest command! -nargs=0 GoDebugContinue call go#debug#Stack('continue') command! -nargs=0 GoDebugNext call go#debug#Stack('next') command! -nargs=0 GoDebugStep call go#debug#Stack('step') command! -nargs=0 GoDebugStepOut call go#debug#Stack('stepOut') command! -nargs=0 GoDebugRestart call go#debug#Restart() command! -nargs=0 GoDebugStop call go#debug#Stop() command! -nargs=* GoDebugSet call go#debug#Set() command! -nargs=1 GoDebugPrint call go#debug#Print() nnoremap (go-debug-breakpoint) :call go#debug#Breakpoint() nnoremap (go-debug-next) :call go#debug#Stack('next') nnoremap (go-debug-step) :call go#debug#Stack('step') nnoremap (go-debug-stepout) :call go#debug#Stack('stepout') nnoremap (go-debug-continue) :call go#debug#Stack('continue') nnoremap (go-debug-stop) :call go#debug#Stop() nnoremap (go-debug-print) :call go#debug#Print(expand('')) if has('balloon_eval') let s:balloonexpr=&balloonexpr let s:ballooneval=&ballooneval set balloonexpr=go#debug#BalloonExpr() set ballooneval endif call win_gotoid(l:winid) augroup vim-go-debug autocmd! * autocmd FileType go nmap (go-debug-continue) autocmd FileType go nmap (go-debug-print) autocmd FileType go nmap (go-debug-breakpoint) autocmd FileType go nmap (go-debug-next) autocmd FileType go nmap (go-debug-step) augroup END doautocmd vim-go-debug FileType go endfunction function! s:err_cb(ch, msg) abort if get(s:state, 'ready', 0) != 0 call call('s:logger', ['ERR: ', a:ch, a:msg]) return endif let s:state['message'] += [a:msg] endfunction function! s:out_cb(ch, msg) abort if get(s:state, 'ready', 0) != 0 call call('s:logger', ['OUT: ', a:ch, a:msg]) return endif let s:state['message'] += [a:msg] if stridx(a:msg, go#config#DebugAddress()) != -1 if has('nvim') let s:state['data'] = [] let l:state = {'databuf': ''} " explicitly bind callback to state so that within it, self will " always refer to state. See :help Partial for more information. let l:state.on_data = function('s:on_data', [], l:state) let l:ch = sockconnect('tcp', go#config#DebugAddress(), {'on_data': l:state.on_data, 'state': l:state}) if l:ch == 0 call go#util#EchoError("could not connect to debugger") call go#job#Stop(s:state['job']) return endif else let l:ch = ch_open(go#config#DebugAddress(), {'mode': 'raw', 'timeout': 20000}) if ch_status(l:ch) !=# 'open' call go#util#EchoError("could not connect to debugger") call go#job#Stop(s:state['job']) return endif endif let s:state['ch'] = l:ch " After this block executes, Delve will be running with all the " breakpoints setup, so this callback doesn't have to run again; just log " future messages. let s:state['ready'] = 1 " replace all the breakpoints set before delve started so that the ids won't overlap. let l:breakpoints = s:list_breakpoints() for l:bt in s:list_breakpoints() exe 'sign unplace '. l:bt.id call go#debug#Breakpoint(l:bt.line, l:bt.file) endfor call s:start_cb() endif endfunction function! s:on_data(ch, data, event) dict abort let l:data = self.databuf for l:msg in a:data let l:data .= l:msg endfor try let l:res = json_decode(l:data) let s:state['data'] = add(s:state['data'], l:res) let self.databuf = '' catch " there isn't a complete message in databuf: buffer l:data and try " again when more data comes in. let self.databuf = l:data finally endtry endfunction " Start the debug mode. The first argument is the package name to compile and " debug, anything else will be passed to the running program. function! go#debug#Start(is_test, ...) abort call go#cmd#autowrite() if !go#util#has_job() call go#util#EchoError('This feature requires either Vim 8.0.0087 or newer with +job or Neovim.') return endif " It's already running. if has_key(s:state, 'job') return s:state['job'] endif let s:start_args = a:000 if go#util#HasDebug('debugger-state') call go#config#SetDebugDiag(s:state) endif let dlv = go#path#CheckBinPath("dlv") if empty(dlv) return endif try let l:cmd = [ \ dlv, \ (a:is_test ? 'test' : 'debug'), \] " append the package when it's given. if len(a:000) > 0 let l:pkgname = a:1 if l:pkgname[0] == '.' let l:pkgabspath = fnamemodify(l:pkgname, ':p') let l:cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd' let l:dir = getcwd() execute l:cd fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) try let l:pkgname = go#package#FromPath(l:pkgabspath) if type(l:pkgname) == type(0) call go#util#EchoError('could not determine package name') return endif finally execute l:cd fnameescape(l:dir) endtry endif let l:cmd += [l:pkgname] endif let l:cmd += [ \ '--output', tempname(), \ '--headless', \ '--api-version', '2', \ '--listen', go#config#DebugAddress(), \] let l:debugLogOutput = go#config#DebugLogOutput() if l:debugLogOutput != '' let cmd += ['--log', '--log-output', l:debugLogOutput] endif let l:buildtags = go#config#BuildTags() if buildtags isnot '' let l:cmd += ['--build-flags', '--tags=' . buildtags] endif if len(a:000) > 1 let l:cmd += ['--'] + a:000[1:] endif let s:state['message'] = [] let l:opts = { \ 'for': 'GoDebug', \ 'statustype': 'debug', \ 'complete': function('s:complete'), \ } let l:opts = go#job#Options(l:opts) let l:opts.out_cb = function('s:out_cb') let l:opts.err_cb = function('s:err_cb') let l:opts.stoponexit = 'kill' let s:state['job'] = go#job#Start(l:cmd, l:opts) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry return s:state['job'] endfunction " Translate a reflect kind constant to a human string. function! s:reflect_kind(k) " Kind constants from Go's reflect package. return [ \ 'Invalid Kind', \ 'Bool', \ 'Int', \ 'Int8', \ 'Int16', \ 'Int32', \ 'Int64', \ 'Uint', \ 'Uint8', \ 'Uint16', \ 'Uint32', \ 'Uint64', \ 'Uintptr', \ 'Float32', \ 'Float64', \ 'Complex64', \ 'Complex128', \ 'Array', \ 'Chan', \ 'Func', \ 'Interface', \ 'Map', \ 'Ptr', \ 'Slice', \ 'String', \ 'Struct', \ 'UnsafePointer', \ ][a:k] endfunction function! s:eval_tree(var, nest) abort if a:var.name =~ '^\~' return '' endif let nest = a:nest let v = '' let kind = s:reflect_kind(a:var.kind) if !empty(a:var.name) let v .= repeat(' ', nest) . a:var.name . ': ' if kind == 'Bool' let v .= printf("%s\n", a:var.value) elseif kind == 'Struct' " Anonymous struct if a:var.type[:8] == 'struct { ' let v .= printf("%s\n", a:var.type) else let v .= printf("%s{...}\n", a:var.type) endif elseif kind == 'String' let v .= printf("%s[%d]%s\n", a:var.type, a:var.len, \ len(a:var.value) > 0 ? ': ' . a:var.value : '') elseif kind == 'Slice' || kind == 'String' || kind == 'Map' || kind == 'Array' let v .= printf("%s[%d]\n", a:var.type, a:var.len) elseif kind == 'Chan' || kind == 'Func' || kind == 'Interface' let v .= printf("%s\n", a:var.type) elseif kind == 'Ptr' " TODO: We can do something more useful here. let v .= printf("%s\n", a:var.type) elseif kind == 'Complex64' || kind == 'Complex128' let v .= printf("%s%s\n", a:var.type, a:var.value) " Int, Float else let v .= printf("%s(%s)\n", a:var.type, a:var.value) endif else let nest -= 1 endif if index(['Chan', 'Complex64', 'Complex128'], kind) == -1 && a:var.type != 'error' for c in a:var.children let v .= s:eval_tree(c, nest+1) endfor endif return v endfunction function! s:eval(arg) abort try let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.State') let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Eval', { \ 'expr': a:arg, \ 'scope': {'GoroutineID': l:res.result.State.currentThread.goroutineID} \ }) return s:eval_tree(l:res.result.Variable, 0) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) return '' endtry endfunction function! go#debug#BalloonExpr() abort silent! let l:v = s:eval(v:beval_text) return l:v endfunction function! go#debug#Print(arg) abort try echo substitute(s:eval(a:arg), "\n$", "", 0) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry endfunction function! s:update_variables() abort " FollowPointers requests pointers to be automatically dereferenced. " MaxVariableRecurse is how far to recurse when evaluating nested types. " MaxStringLen is the maximum number of bytes read from a string " MaxArrayValues is the maximum number of elements read from an array, a slice or a map. " MaxStructFields is the maximum number of fields read from a struct, -1 will read all fields. let l:cfg = { \ 'scope': {'GoroutineID': s:groutineID()}, \ 'cfg': {'MaxStringLen': 20, 'MaxArrayValues': 20} \ } try let res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.ListLocalVars', l:cfg) let s:state['localVars'] = res.result['Variables'] catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry try let res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.ListFunctionArgs', l:cfg) let s:state['functionArgs'] = res.result['Args'] catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry call s:show_variables() endfunction function! go#debug#Set(symbol, value) abort try let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.State') call s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Set', { \ 'symbol': a:symbol, \ 'value': a:value, \ 'scope': {'GoroutineID': l:res.result.State.currentThread.goroutineID} \ }) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry call s:update_variables() endfunction function! s:update_stacktrace() abort try let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Stacktrace', {'id': s:groutineID(), 'depth': 5}) call s:show_stacktrace(l:res) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry endfunction function! s:stack_cb(res) abort let s:stack_name = '' if empty(a:res) || !has_key(a:res, 'result') return endif call s:update_breakpoint(a:res) call s:update_stacktrace() call s:update_variables() endfunction " Send a command to change the cursor location to Delve. " " a:name must be one of continue, next, step, or stepOut. function! go#debug#Stack(name) abort let l:name = a:name " Run continue if the program hasn't started yet. if s:state.running is 0 let s:state.running = 1 let l:name = 'continue' endif " Add a breakpoint to the main.Main if the user didn't define any. if len(s:list_breakpoints()) is 0 if go#debug#Breakpoint() isnot 0 let s:state.running = 0 return endif endif try " TODO: document why this is needed. if l:name is# 'next' && get(s:, 'stack_name', '') is# 'next' call s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.CancelNext') endif let s:stack_name = l:name try let res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Command', {'name': l:name}) call s:stack_cb(res) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) call s:clearState() call go#debug#Restart() endtry catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry endfunction function! go#debug#Restart() abort call go#cmd#autowrite() try call s:stop() let s:state = { \ 'rpcid': 1, \ 'running': 0, \ 'currentThread': {}, \ 'localVars': {}, \ 'functionArgs': {}, \ 'message': [], \} call call('go#debug#Start', s:start_args) catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) endtry endfunction " Report if debugger mode is active. function! s:isActive() return len(s:state['message']) > 0 endfunction " Toggle breakpoint. Returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. function! go#debug#Breakpoint(...) abort let l:filename = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs!\\!/!') let l:linenr = line('.') " Get line number from argument. if len(a:000) > 0 let l:linenr = str2nr(a:1) if l:linenr is 0 call go#util#EchoError('not a number: ' . a:1) return 0 endif if len(a:000) > 1 let l:filename = a:2 endif endif try " Check if we already have a breakpoint for this line. let l:found = {} for l:bt in s:list_breakpoints() if l:bt.file is# l:filename && l:bt.line is# l:linenr let l:found = l:bt break endif endfor " Remove breakpoint. if type(l:found) == v:t_dict && !empty(l:found) exe 'sign unplace '. l:found.id .' file=' . l:found.file if s:isActive() let res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.ClearBreakpoint', {'id': l:found.id}) endif " Add breakpoint. else if s:isActive() let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.CreateBreakpoint', {'Breakpoint': {'file': l:filename, 'line': l:linenr}}) let l:bt = res.result.Breakpoint exe 'sign place '. l:bt.id .' line=' . l:bt.line . ' name=godebugbreakpoint file=' . l:bt.file else let l:id = len(s:list_breakpoints()) + 1 exe 'sign place ' . l:id . ' line=' . l:linenr . ' name=godebugbreakpoint file=' . l:filename endif endif catch call go#util#EchoError(v:exception) return 1 endtry return 0 endfunction function! s:list_breakpoints() " :sign place " --- Signs --- " Signs for a.go: " line=15 id=2 name=godebugbreakpoint " line=16 id=1 name=godebugbreakpoint " Signs for a_test.go: " line=6 id=3 name=godebugbreakpoint let l:signs = [] let l:file = '' for l:line in split(execute('sign place'), '\n')[1:] if l:line =~# '^Signs for ' let l:file = l:line[10:-2] continue endif if l:line !~# 'name=godebugbreakpoint' continue endif let l:sign = matchlist(l:line, '\vline\=(\d+) +id\=(\d+)') call add(l:signs, { \ 'id': l:sign[2], \ 'file': fnamemodify(l:file, ':p'), \ 'line': str2nr(l:sign[1]), \ }) endfor return l:signs endfunction sign define godebugbreakpoint text=> texthl=GoDebugBreakpoint sign define godebugcurline text== texthl=GoDebugCurrent linehl=GoDebugCurrent " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et