*lightline.txt* A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim Version: 0.0 Author: itchyny (https://github.com/itchyny) License: MIT License Repository: https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim Last Change: 2016/05/26 21:57:34. CONTENTS *lightline-contents* Introduction |lightline-introduction| Spirit |lightline-spirit| Option |lightline-option| Font |lightline-font| Function |lightline-function| Component Expansion |lightline-component-expansion| Colorscheme |lightline-colorscheme| Examples |lightline-examples| Nice Examples |lightline-nice-examples| Powerful Example |lightline-powerful-example| Troubleshooting |lightline-troubleshooting| Changelog |lightline-changelog| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *lightline-introduction* The *lightline* plugin is a light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIRIT *lightline-spirit* Minimalism The core script is very small. Configurability You can create your own component and easily add to the statusline/tabline. Orthogonality Any plugin should not change the settings of another plugin. Such plugin-crossing settings should be written by users in .vimrc. You might find this plugin is not so useful by default. This plugin does not provide the branch information, which is a very basic component in existing plugins. The reason is that branch component is one of plugin-crossing settings so users should write the settings using the APIs of the both plugins. Hospitality makes a plugin messy. Good APIs keep a plugin clean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS *lightline-option* g:lightline *g:lightline* All the options are stored into this global variable. g:lightline.active *g:lightline.active* g:lightline.inactive *g:lightline.inactive* g:lightline.tabline *g:lightline.tabline* Dictionaries to specify the statusline/tabline components. The components are gathered from either |g:lightline.component|, |g:lightline.component_function| or |g:lightline.component_expand|. Note that right groups of components are stored from right to left. The default values are: > let g:lightline.active = { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], \ [ 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ], \ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ], \ [ 'percent' ], \ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] } let g:lightline.inactive = { \ 'left': [ [ 'filename' ] ], \ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ], \ [ 'percent' ] ] } let g:lightline.tabline = { \ 'left': [ [ 'tabs' ] ], \ 'right': [ [ 'close' ] ] } < g:lightline.tab *g:lightline.tab* Dictionaries to specify the components in each tabs. The components are gathered from either |g:lightline.tab_component| or |g:lightline.tab_component_function|. The default values are: > let g:lightline.tab = { \ 'active': [ 'tabnum', 'filename', 'modified' ], \ 'inactive': [ 'tabnum', 'filename', 'modified' ] } < g:lightline.component *g:lightline.component* Dictionary for statusline/tabline components. The default value is: > let g:lightline.component = { \ 'mode': '%{lightline#mode()}', \ 'absolutepath': '%F', \ 'relativepath': '%f', \ 'filename': '%t', \ 'modified': '%M', \ 'bufnum': '%n', \ 'paste': '%{&paste?"PASTE":""}', \ 'readonly': '%R', \ 'charvalue': '%b', \ 'charvaluehex': '%B', \ 'fileencoding': '%{&fenc!=#""?&fenc:&enc}', \ 'fileformat': '%{&ff}', \ 'filetype': '%{&ft!=#""?&ft:"no ft"}', \ 'percent': '%3p%%', \ 'percentwin': '%P', \ 'spell': '%{&spell?&spelllang:""}', \ 'lineinfo': '%3l:%-2v', \ 'line': '%l', \ 'column': '%c' \ 'close': '%999X X ' } < g:lightline.component_visible_condition *g:lightline.component_visible_condition* Dictionary of boolean expressions for the components. Each expression should correspond to the condition each component have non-zero length. The default value is: > let g:lightline.component_visible_condition = { \ 'modified': '&modified||!&modifiable', \ 'readonly': '&readonly', \ 'paste': '&paste', \ 'spell': '&spell' } < Users are recommended to set this option together with the component itself. g:lightline.component_function *g:lightline.component_function* Another dictionary for components. This is more convenient because the user does not have to set both component and component_visible_condition. If a component set to both component and component_function, the setting of component_function has priority. For example, if you want a component for read-only mark, which disappears in help windows: > let g:lightline = { \ 'active': { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], \ [ 'myreadonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ], \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'myreadonly': 'LightLineReadonly' \ }, \ } function! LightLineReadonly() return &ft !~? 'help' && &readonly ? 'RO' : '' endfunction < g:lightline.component_expand *g:lightline.component_expand* Another dictionary for components. You can create a component which has a special color. For example, error components or warning components. The functions should return one of: + a string + an array of three elements: [[ left ], [ middle ], [ right ]] The component in this dictionary has priority over |g:lightline.component| and |g:lightline.component_function|. Note that the return string is appended to the statusline string without any conversion. So you should replace all the % signs with %%. Otherwise, lightline will be disabled in case the text has a % sign. (example: return substitute(text, '%', '%%', 'g')). See |lightline-component-expansion| for more detail. > let g:lightline.component_expand = { \ 'tabs': 'lightline#tabs' } < g:lightline.component_type *g:lightline.component_type* A dictionary to specify the types for components in |g:lightline.component_expand|. The types are used to specify the color. Specifically, the type raw is used to specify a component which should not be wrapped by item group: %(...%). The default value is: > let g:lightline.component_type = { \ 'tabs': 'tabsel', \ 'close': 'raw' } < g:lightline.tab_component *g:lightline.tab_component* A dictionary for components in one tab. The default value is: > let g:lightline.tab_component = {} < g:lightline.tab_component_function *g:lightline.tab_component_function* Another dictionary for components in one tab. A function specified as a tab component takes one argument: the tab [count]. The default value is: > let g:lightline.tab_component_function = { \ 'filename': 'lightline#tab#filename', \ 'modified': 'lightline#tab#modified', \ 'readonly': 'lightline#tab#readonly', \ 'tabnum': 'lightline#tab#tabnum' } < g:lightline.colorscheme *g:lightline.colorscheme* The colorscheme for lightline.vim. Currently, wombat, solarized, powerline, jellybeans, Tomorrow, Tomorrow_Night, Tomorrow_Night_Blue, Tomorrow_Night_Eighties, PaperColor, seoul256, landscape and 16color are available. The default value is: > let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'default' < Note that the default colorscheme is exactly the same as the powerline theme. g:lightline.mode_map *g:lightline.mode_map* A dictionary of names for the modes. The keys are the return values of |mode()|. The default value is: > let g:lightline.mode_map = { \ 'n' : 'NORMAL', \ 'i' : 'INSERT', \ 'R' : 'REPLACE', \ 'v' : 'VISUAL', \ 'V' : 'V-LINE', \ "\": 'V-BLOCK', \ 'c' : 'COMMAND', \ 's' : 'SELECT', \ 'S' : 'S-LINE', \ "\": 'S-BLOCK', \ 't': 'TERMINAL', \ } < When you search a word, you get into the command mode. But if you want to keep the mode indicator as 'NORMAL', add > let g:lightline = { 'mode_map': { 'c': 'NORMAL' } } < to your .vimrc. g:lightline.separator *g:lightline.separator* g:lightline.subseparator *g:lightline.subseparator* Dictionaries to store separators. The default value is > let g:lightline.separator = { 'left': '', 'right': '' } let g:lightline.subseparator = { 'left': '|', 'right': '|' } < g:lightline.tabline_separator *g:lightline.tabline_separator* g:lightline.tabline_subseparator *g:lightline.tabline_subseparator* Dictionaries to store separators for the tabline. The default value is > let g:lightline.tabline_separator = g:lightline.separator let g:lightline.tabline_subseparator = g:lightline.subseparator < g:lightline.enable *g:lightline.enable* A dictionary to specify which feature is turned on. The default value is > let g:lightline.enable = { \ 'statusline': 1, \ 'tabline': 1 \ } < ============================================================================== FONT *lightline-font* You can use the patched font you used for |vim-powerline| and |powerline|. The patched fonts for |powerline| are available at https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts A tutorial to create a patched font for |vim-powerline| is available at https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/tree/develop/fontpatcher If you have installed the patched font for |powerline|, following settings look nice. > let g:lightline = { \ 'component': { \ 'lineinfo': ' %3l:%-2v', \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'readonly': 'LightLineReadonly', \ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive' \ }, \ 'separator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' } \ } function! LightLineReadonly() return &readonly ? '' : '' endfunction function! LightLineFugitive() if exists('*fugitive#head') let branch = fugitive#head() return branch !=# '' ? ''.branch : '' endif return '' endfunction < If you have installed the patched font for |vim-powerline|, following settings look nice. > let g:lightline = { \ 'component': { \ 'lineinfo': '⭡ %3l:%-2v', \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'readonly': 'LightLineReadonly', \ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive' \ }, \ 'separator': { 'left': '⮀', 'right': '⮂' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '⮁', 'right': '⮃' } \ } function! LightLineReadonly() return &readonly ? '⭤' : '' endfunction function! LightLineFugitive() if exists('*fugitive#head') let branch = fugitive#head() return branch !=# '' ? '⭠ '.branch : '' endif return '' endfunction < If the statusline does not correctly show the special characters, use the unicode numbers. For |powerline| font users: > \ 'separator': { 'left': "\ue0b0", 'right': "\ue0b2" }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': "\ue0b1", 'right': "\ue0b3" } < For |vim-powerline| font users: > \ 'separator': { 'left': "\u2b80", 'right': "\u2b82" }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': "\u2b81", 'right': "\u2b83" } < See |lightline-problem-9| for more detail. ============================================================================== FUNCTION *lightline-function* Exposed functions for lightline.vim. lightline#mode() *lightline#mode()* Returns the mode of the Vim using |g:lightline.mode_map|. lightline#init() *lightline#init()* Initializes the internal state from |g:lightline|. lightline#colorscheme() *lightline#colorscheme()* Initializes the colorscheme and the highlight groups. lightline#update() *lightline#update()* Updates all the statuslines of existing windows. lightline#update_once() *lightline#update_once()* Updates the statuslines only once. lightline#enable() *lightline#enable()* Enables |lightline|. lightline#disable() *lightline#disable()* Disables |lightline|. lightline#toggle() *lightline#toggle()* Toggles |lightline|. lightline#link([mode]) *lightline#link()* Creates links of the highlight groups for the active window. This function accepts an optional argument. It should be one of the return value of |mode()|. lightline#highlight() *lightline#highlight()* Set the highlight groups. lightline#statusline({inactive}) *lightline#statusline()* Returns |statusline| strings. If the argument is 0, it returns the statusline for active window, and the statusline for inactive window otherwise. lightline#tabline() *lightline#tabline()* Returns the tabline string. lightline#concatenate({list}, {num}) *lightline#concatenate()* A string concatenation function. Concatenating all the strings in {list} using the sub-separator of lightline. If {num} is 0, then the left sub-separator is used. Otherwise, the right sub-separator is used. lightline#palette() *lightline#palette()* Returns the palette data. ============================================================================== COMPONENT EXPANSION *lightline-component-expansion* You can create components, which have specific colors. This section gives an example using |syntastic|. If you want to add the |syntastic| flag to the statusline, an easy example is: > " Example A let g:lightline = { \ 'active': { \ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo', 'syntastic' ], \ [ 'percent' ], \ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'syntastic': 'SyntasticStatuslineFlag', \ } \ } let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'passive', \ 'active_filetypes': ['c', 'cpp'] } < However, the color of the syntastic component is the same as the lineinfo component. In order to change the syntastic component more outstanding, you have to use |g:lightline.component_expand|. See the following example: > " Example B let g:lightline = { \ 'active': { \ 'right': [ [ 'syntastic', 'lineinfo' ], \ [ 'percent' ], \ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_expand': { \ 'syntastic': 'SyntasticStatuslineFlag', \ }, \ 'component_type': { \ 'syntastic': 'error', \ } \ } let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'passive' } augroup AutoSyntastic autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp call s:syntastic() augroup END function! s:syntastic() SyntasticCheck call lightline#update() endfunction < In order to understand the above codes, you firstly should know how the colorschemes work in lightline.vim. Open the following file. autoload/lightline/colorscheme/powerline.vim The colorscheme is created by one dictionary: s:p (abbreviation for palette). See the value of s:p.normal.right. > let s:p.normal.right = [ ['gray5', 'gray10'], \ ['gray9', 'gray4'], \ ['gray8', 'gray2'] ] < This array corresponds to the structure of g:lightline.active.right. Recall the example A. > " Example A let g:lightline.active.right = [ [ 'lineinfo', 'syntastic' ], \ [ 'percent' ], \ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] < The colors are ([fgcolor, bgcolor): > (0) [ 'lineinfo', 'syntastic' ] --- s:p.normal.right[0] = ['gray5', 'gray10'] (1) [ 'percent' ] --- s:p.normal.right[1] = ['gray9', 'gray4'] (2) [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] --- s:p.normal.right[2] = ['gray8', 'gray2'] < Recall the example B. > " Example B let g:lightline.active.right = [ [ 'syntastic', 'lineinfo' ], \ [ 'percent' ], \ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] < If a component is specified in |g:lightline.component_expand|, lightline.vim expands the components before setting to statusline/tabline. In this example, the syntastic component is expanded using the |SyntasticStatuslineFlag| function. This function returns a {string}. Let us call it `syntastic_flag`. > let syntastic_flag = SyntasticStatuslineFlag() < The syntastic component is now expanded, so it go up to one component group. The type of the syntastic component is error, and the palette has error colors, the result is: > " Expanded result of Example B (error) [ syntastic_flag ] --- s:p.normal.error[0] = ['gray9', 'brightestred'] (0) [ 'lineinfo' ] --- s:p.normal.right[0] = ['gray5', 'gray10'] (1) [ 'percent' ] --- s:p.normal.right[1] = ['gray9', 'gray4'] (2) [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] --- s:p.normal.right[2] = ['gray8', 'gray2'] < Thus the syntastic component has the red color. Another example for |g:lightline.component_expand| is the tabs component. Actually, the expand feature is created for the tabs component. > let g:lightline.tabline.left = [ [ 'tabs' ] ] let g:lightline.component_expand = { \ 'tabs': 'lightline#tabs' } < Create three tabs and select the middle tab. Then execute > echo lightline#tabs() " [['%1T%{lightline#onetab(1,0)}'], " ['%2T%{lightline#onetab(2,1)}'], " ['%3T%{lightline#onetab(3,0)}%T']] < It returns an array of three elements. The expanded result is: > " Expanded result of tabline (0) ['%1T%{lightline#onetab(1,0)}'] --- s:p.tabline.left[0] = ['gray9', 'gray4'] (tabsel) ['%2T%{lightline#onetab(2,1)}'] --- s:p.tabline.tabsel[0] = ['gray9', 'gray1'] (0) ['%3T%{lightline#onetab(3,0)}%T'] --- s:p.tabline.left[0] = ['gray9', 'gray4'] < If the tabline components are > let g:lightline.tabline.left = [ [ 'A', 'B', 'tabs', 'C', 'D' ] ] < then the expanded result is: > (0) ['A', 'B', '%1T%{lightline#onetab(1,0)}'] --- s:p.tabline.left[0] (tabsel) ['%2T%{lightline#onetab(2,1)}'] --- s:p.tabline.tabsel[0] (0) ['%3T%{lightline#onetab(3,0)}%T', 'C', 'D'] --- s:p.tabline.left[0] < In summary, when a function in |g:lightline.component_expand| returns an array of three elements, the first element and the last element remains as a part of existing component group. And the middle element goes up to new component group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLORSCHEME *lightline-colorscheme* You can configure the colorscheme of lightline. For example, > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', \ } < The colorscheme files are found in the directory lightline.vim/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/ In each file, one global variable is defined. For example, in the landscape.vim file, you see > let g:lightline#colorscheme#landscape#palette = s:p < In the file, the colors for the landscape colorscheme are defined. For example, > let s:p.normal.left = [ ['#0000ff', '#ffffff', 21, 231, 'bold' ], [ '#ffffff', '#0000ff', 231, 21 ] ] < defines the colors for the components on the left hand side, in normal mode. > let s:p.tabline.tabsel = [ [ '#dadada', '#121212', 253, 233 ] ] < defines the colors for the selected tab in tabline. In general, each palette follows the following style: > let s:p.{mode}.{where} = [ [ {guifg}, {guibg}, {cuifg}, {cuibg} ], ... ] < Now, you can create your own colorscheme for lightline. Create a yourcolorscheme.vim at {one of the paths in &rtp}/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/yourcolorscheme.vim The following code gives the minimal palette definition for lightline. > let s:p = {'normal': {}} let s:p.normal.left = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.normal.right = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.normal.middle = [ [ ... ] ] let g:lightline#colorscheme#yourcolorscheme#palette = s:p < And if you add the colorscheme configuration to your .vimrc(_vimrc), > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'yourcolorscheme', \ } < you find it possible to change the lightline colors as you wish. Moreover, if you want to change the colors based on the mode of vim, write something like this: > let s:p.insert.left = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.insert.right = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.replace.left = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.replace.right = [ [ ... ] ] ... ... < For expanded components, you are recommended to define the following two colors. > let s:p.normal.error = [ [ ... ] ] let s:p.normal.warning = [ [ ... ] ] < For the complete list of components the color of which you should define in your colorscheme, see the colorscheme files in lightline. It is sometimes painful to write all the colors for both gui and cui. Actually, lightline has some useful functions for writing colorschemes. For example, see lightline.vim/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/Tomorrow_Night.vim this colorscheme is defined using only gui color numbers. And convert to the normal colorscheme form using: > let g:lightline#colorscheme#Tomorrow_Night#palette = lightline#colorscheme#fill(s:p) < This function fills the cui colors for a palette which has only gui colors, or vice versa. However, note that using the convenient function sources an additional Vim script file (autoload/lightline/colorscheme.vim), which causes a little slow down. If you want to avoid this situation, write all the colors as done in autoload/lightline/colorscheme/landscape.vim; firstly create the colorscheme using the fill function, and see the result, in a sense, the compiled version of your colorscheme. > echo g:lightline#colorscheme#yourcolorscheme#palette < Then copy and paste the result to the colorscheme file. ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *lightline-examples* You can configure the appearance of statusline. Write the following examples in you .vimrc(_vimrc). In order to change the colorscheme: > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', \ } < In order to define your own component: > let g:lightline = { \ 'active': { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'myfilename' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'myfilename': 'LightLineFilename', \ 'myreadonly': 'LightLineReadonly', \ 'mymodified': 'LightLineModified', \ } \ } function! LightLineFilename() return ('' != LightLineReadonly() ? LightLineReadonly() . ' ' : '') . \ (&ft == 'vimfiler' ? vimfiler#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'unite' ? unite#get_status_string() : \ '' != expand('%:t') ? expand('%:t') : '[No Name]') . \ ('' != LightLineModified() ? ' ' . LightLineModified() : '') endfunction function! LightLineReadonly() return &ft !~? 'help' && &readonly ? 'RO' : '' endfunction function! LightLineModified() return &modifiable && &modified ? '+' : '' endfunction < Separators settings: > let g:lightline = { \ 'separator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '|', 'right': '|' } \ } < For |powerline| font users: > let g:lightline = { \ 'separator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' } \ } < For |vim-powerline| font users: > let g:lightline = { \ 'separator': { 'left': '⮀', 'right': '⮂' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '⮁', 'right': '⮃' } \ } < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NICE EXAMPLES *lightline-nice-examples* A nice example for non-patched font users. > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', \ 'active': { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'fugitive', 'filename' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive', \ 'filename': 'LightLineFilename' \ } \ } function! LightLineModified() return &ft =~ 'help\|vimfiler' ? '' : &modified ? '+' : &modifiable ? '' : '-' endfunction function! LightLineReadonly() return &ft !~? 'help\|vimfiler' && &readonly ? 'RO' : '' endfunction function! LightLineFilename() return ('' != LightLineReadonly() ? LightLineReadonly() . ' ' : '') . \ (&ft == 'vimfiler' ? vimfiler#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'unite' ? unite#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'vimshell' ? vimshell#get_status_string() : \ '' != expand('%:t') ? expand('%:t') : '[No Name]') . \ ('' != LightLineModified() ? ' ' . LightLineModified() : '') endfunction function! LightLineFugitive() if &ft !~? 'vimfiler' && exists('*fugitive#head') return fugitive#head() endif return '' endfunction < A nice example for |vim-powerline| font users: > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', \ 'active': { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'fugitive', 'filename' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive', \ 'filename': 'LightLineFilename' \ }, \ 'separator': { 'left': '⮀', 'right': '⮂' }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '⮁', 'right': '⮃' } \ } function! LightLineModified() return &ft =~ 'help\|vimfiler' ? '' : &modified ? '+' : &modifiable ? '' : '-' endfunction function! LightLineReadonly() return &ft !~? 'help\|vimfiler' && &readonly ? '⭤' : '' endfunction function! LightLineFilename() return ('' != LightLineReadonly() ? LightLineReadonly() . ' ' : '') . \ (&ft == 'vimfiler' ? vimfiler#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'unite' ? unite#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'vimshell' ? vimshell#get_status_string() : \ '' != expand('%:t') ? expand('%:t') : '[No Name]') . \ ('' != LightLineModified() ? ' ' . LightLineModified() : '') endfunction function! LightLineFugitive() if &ft !~? 'vimfiler' && exists('*fugitive#head') let branch = fugitive#head() return branch !=# '' ? '⭠ '.branch : '' endif return '' endfunction < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWERFUL EXAMPLE *lightline-powerful-example* For users who uses lots of plugins: > let g:lightline = { \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', \ 'active': { \ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'fugitive', 'filename' ], ['ctrlpmark'] ], \ 'right': [ [ 'syntastic', 'lineinfo' ], ['percent'], [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ] \ }, \ 'component_function': { \ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive', \ 'filename': 'LightLineFilename', \ 'fileformat': 'LightLineFileformat', \ 'filetype': 'LightLineFiletype', \ 'fileencoding': 'LightLineFileencoding', \ 'mode': 'LightLineMode', \ 'ctrlpmark': 'CtrlPMark', \ }, \ 'component_expand': { \ 'syntastic': 'SyntasticStatuslineFlag', \ }, \ 'component_type': { \ 'syntastic': 'error', \ }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '|', 'right': '|' } \ } function! LightLineModified() return &ft =~ 'help' ? '' : &modified ? '+' : &modifiable ? '' : '-' endfunction function! LightLineReadonly() return &ft !~? 'help' && &readonly ? 'RO' : '' endfunction function! LightLineFilename() let fname = expand('%:t') return fname == 'ControlP' && has_key(g:lightline, 'ctrlp_item') ? g:lightline.ctrlp_item : \ fname == '__Tagbar__' ? g:lightline.fname : \ fname =~ '__Gundo\|NERD_tree' ? '' : \ &ft == 'vimfiler' ? vimfiler#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'unite' ? unite#get_status_string() : \ &ft == 'vimshell' ? vimshell#get_status_string() : \ ('' != LightLineReadonly() ? LightLineReadonly() . ' ' : '') . \ ('' != fname ? fname : '[No Name]') . \ ('' != LightLineModified() ? ' ' . LightLineModified() : '') endfunction function! LightLineFugitive() try if expand('%:t') !~? 'Tagbar\|Gundo\|NERD' && &ft !~? 'vimfiler' && exists('*fugitive#head') let mark = '' " edit here for cool mark let branch = fugitive#head() return branch !=# '' ? mark.branch : '' endif catch endtry return '' endfunction function! LightLineFileformat() return winwidth(0) > 70 ? &fileformat : '' endfunction function! LightLineFiletype() return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (&filetype !=# '' ? &filetype : 'no ft') : '' endfunction function! LightLineFileencoding() return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (&fenc !=# '' ? &fenc : &enc) : '' endfunction function! LightLineMode() let fname = expand('%:t') return fname == '__Tagbar__' ? 'Tagbar' : \ fname == 'ControlP' ? 'CtrlP' : \ fname == '__Gundo__' ? 'Gundo' : \ fname == '__Gundo_Preview__' ? 'Gundo Preview' : \ fname =~ 'NERD_tree' ? 'NERDTree' : \ &ft == 'unite' ? 'Unite' : \ &ft == 'vimfiler' ? 'VimFiler' : \ &ft == 'vimshell' ? 'VimShell' : \ winwidth(0) > 60 ? lightline#mode() : '' endfunction function! CtrlPMark() if expand('%:t') =~ 'ControlP' && has_key(g:lightline, 'ctrlp_item') call lightline#link('iR'[g:lightline.ctrlp_regex]) return lightline#concatenate([g:lightline.ctrlp_prev, g:lightline.ctrlp_item \ , g:lightline.ctrlp_next], 0) else return '' endif endfunction let g:ctrlp_status_func = { \ 'main': 'CtrlPStatusFunc_1', \ 'prog': 'CtrlPStatusFunc_2', \ } function! CtrlPStatusFunc_1(focus, byfname, regex, prev, item, next, marked) let g:lightline.ctrlp_regex = a:regex let g:lightline.ctrlp_prev = a:prev let g:lightline.ctrlp_item = a:item let g:lightline.ctrlp_next = a:next return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction function! CtrlPStatusFunc_2(str) return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction let g:tagbar_status_func = 'TagbarStatusFunc' function! TagbarStatusFunc(current, sort, fname, ...) abort let g:lightline.fname = a:fname return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction augroup AutoSyntastic autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp call s:syntastic() augroup END function! s:syntastic() SyntasticCheck call lightline#update() endfunction let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 let g:vimshell_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TROUBLESHOOTING *lightline-troubleshooting* Problem 1: |lightline-problem-1| How to install this plugin. Problem 2: |lightline-problem-2| How to update this plugin. Problem 3: |lightline-problem-3| How to uninstall this plugin. Problem 4: |lightline-problem-4| Cool statuslines appear only on |:vsp|. Problem 5: |lightline-problem-5| The statusline does not seem to be correctly colored. Problem 6: |lightline-problem-6| How to install a patched font. Problem 7: |lightline-problem-7| Right triangles do not stick to the right components with the patched font. Problem 8: |lightline-problem-8| Triangles do not appear. Triangles look weird. Problem 9: |lightline-problem-9| Where can I find the list of all the cool characters for patched fonts? Problem 10: |lightline-problem-10| Cool statusline disappears in |unite|, |vimfiler| and |vimshell| buffers. Problem 11: |lightline-problem-11| Cool statusline disappears in |CtrlP|, |Tagbar| buffers. Problem 12: |lightline-problem-12| How to make the plus sign red like |powerline|? Problem 13: |lightline-problem-13| How to change the lightline colorscheme on the fly. Problem 14: |lightline-problem-14| The 'E541' warning appears on the right hand side. Many components disable the statusline of lightline. Problem 15: |lightline-problem-15| Do not deal with the tabline. Do not use the fancy separators in the tabline. Problem 16: |lightline-problem-16| When changed the component to a function component to an expanding component, the statusline of lightline is sometimes disabled. Problem 17: |lightline-problem-17| Found a bug of this plugin. Got many errors while using this plugin. Vim hangs while using this plugin. Want this plugin to be more configurable. This troubleshooting is not helpful. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Problem 1: *lightline-problem-1* How to install this plugin. If you are to install this plugin manually: 1. Put all the files under $VIM. If you are using |vim-pathogen|, install this plugin with the following command. > git clone https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim \ ~/.vim/bundle/lightline.vim < If you are to install this plugin using |Vundle|: 1. Add the following configuration to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > Plugin 'itchyny/lightline.vim' < 2. Install with |:PluginInstall|. If you are to install this plugin using |NeoBundle|: 1. Add the following configuration to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > NeoBundle 'itchyny/lightline.vim' < 2. Install with |:NeoBundleInstall|. If you are to install this plugin using |vim-plug|: 1. Add the following configuration to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' < 2. Install with |:PlugInstall|. Problem 2: *lightline-problem-2* How to update this plugin. If you have installed this plugin manually: 1. Access https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim . 2. Download the latest scripts. 3. Place the scripts as written in Problem 1. If you have installed this plugin using Vundle: 1. Execute |:PluginUpdate|. If you have installed this plugin using NeoBundle: 1. Execute |:NeoBundleUpdate|. If you have installed this plugin using vim-plug: 1. Execute |:PlugUpdate|. Problem 3: *lightline-problem-3* How to uninstall this plugin. If you have installed this plugin manually: 1. Remove all the lightline.*s under $VIM. If you have installed this plugin using Vundle: 1. Remove the :Plugin 'itchyny/lightline.vim' configuration from your .vimrc(_vimrc). 2. Update with |:PluginClean|. If you have installed this plugin using NeoBundle: 1. Remove the :NeoBundle 'itchyny/lightline.vim' configuration from your .vimrc(_vimrc). 2. Update with |:NeoBundleClean|. If you have installed this plugin using vim-plug: 1. Remove the :Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' configuration from your .vimrc(_vimrc). 2. Update with |:PlugClean|. Problem 4: *lightline-problem-4* Cool statuslines appear only on |:vsp|. Add the following setting to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > set laststatus=2 < Problem 5: *lightline-problem-5* The statusline does not seem to be correctly colored. Add > export TERM=xterm-256color < to your .*shrc and add > if !has('gui_running') set t_Co=256 endif < to your .vimrc(_vimrc). Problem 6: *lightline-problem-6* How to install a patched font. There are two kinds of patched fonts: + The patched fonts for |vim-powerline| (https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline): follow the guide https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/tree/develop/fontpatcher + The patched fonts for |powerline| (https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline): download from https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts Problem 7: *lightline-problem-7* Right triangles do not stick to the right components with patched font. Remove the following setting from your .vimrc(_vimrc). > set ambiwidth=double < If you want to keep this setting, try the patched font for |vim-powerline|. Problem 8: *lightline-problem-8* Triangles do not appear. Triangles look weird. If the triangles do not appear (but you get some spaces or weird characters like or ¿), firstly try adding > scriptencoding utf-8 set encoding=utf-8 < to the head of your .vimrc(_vimrc). Still you have weird characters, use the unicode numbers. For |powerline| font users: > \ 'separator': { 'left': "\ue0b0", 'right': "\ue0b2" }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': "\ue0b1", 'right': "\ue0b3" } < For |vim-powerline| font users: > \ 'separator': { 'left': "\u2b80", 'right': "\u2b82" }, \ 'subseparator': { 'left': "\u2b81", 'right': "\u2b83" } < The full list of unicode numbers for fancy characters is shown in |lightline-problem-9|. If the triangles are shown in appropriate characters but the colors do not look correctly, see the following. If you are using iTerm2, change the following settings. + set Profiles>Colors>Minimum contrast to the Lowest. + set Profiles>Window>Transparency to the Opaquest. For other terminals, this weird-triangle problem will be resolved by disabling transparency or contrast adjustment. Problem 9: *lightline-problem-9* Where can I find the list of all the cool characters for patched fonts? Default powerline vim-powerline separator.left '' '' (\ue0b0) '⮀' (\u2b80) separator.right '' '' (\ue0b2) '⮂' (\u2b82) subseparator.left '|' '' (\ue0b1) '⮁' (\u2b81) subseparator.right '|' '' (\ue0b3) '⮃' (\u2b83) branch symbol -- '' (\ue0a0) '⭠' (\u2b60) readonly symbol -- '' (\ue0a2) '⭤' (\u2b64) linecolumn symbol -- '' (\ue0a1) '⭡' (\u2b81) Problem 10: *lightline-problem-10* Cool statusline disappears on |unite|, |vimfiler| and |vimshell| buffers. Add the following settings to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 let g:vimshell_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 < Problem 11: *lightline-problem-11* Cool statusline disappears in |CtrlP|, |Tagbar| buffers. Add the following settings to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > let g:ctrlp_status_func = { \ 'main': 'CtrlPStatusFunc_1', \ 'prog': 'CtrlPStatusFunc_2', \ } function! CtrlPStatusFunc_1(focus, byfname, regex, prev, item, next, marked) return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction function! CtrlPStatusFunc_2(str) return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction let g:tagbar_status_func = 'TagbarStatusFunc' function! TagbarStatusFunc(current, sort, fname, ...) abort return lightline#statusline(0) endfunction < See |lightline-powerful-example| for more cool settings for these plugins. Problem 12: *lightline-problem-12* How to make the plus sign red like |powerline|? Use the following setings. > let g:lightline = { \ 'component': { \ 'modified': '%#ModifiedColor#%{LightLineModified()}', \ } \ } function! LightLineModified() let map = { 'V': 'n', "\": 'n', 's': 'n', 'v': 'n', "\": 'n', 'c': 'n', 'R': 'n'} let mode = get(map, mode()[0], mode()[0]) let bgcolor = {'n': [240, '#585858'], 'i': [31, '#0087af']} let color = get(bgcolor, mode, bgcolor.n) exe printf('hi ModifiedColor ctermfg=196 ctermbg=%d guifg=#ff0000 guibg=%s term=bold cterm=bold', \ color[0], color[1]) return &modified ? '+' : &modifiable ? '' : '-' endfunction < It's surely complicated. There's no easy API to do a thing like this. But it means that your request does not match the spirit of lightline. Problem 13: *lightline-problem-13* How to change the lightline colorscheme on the fly. Add the following settings to your .vimrc(_vimrc). > augroup LightLineColorscheme autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call s:lightline_update() augroup END function! s:lightline_update() if !exists('g:loaded_lightline') return endif try if g:colors_name =~# 'wombat\|solarized\|landscape\|jellybeans\|seoul256\|Tomorrow' let g:lightline.colorscheme = \ substitute(substitute(g:colors_name, '-', '_', 'g'), '256.*', '', '') . \ (g:colors_name ==# 'solarized' ? '_' . &background : '') call lightline#init() call lightline#colorscheme() call lightline#update() endif catch endtry endfunction < Problem 14: *lightline-problem-14* The 'E541' warning appears on the right hand side. Many components disable the statusline of lightline. The number of items in statusline/tabline is limited to 80 (see |E541|). You cannot register too much components. Problem 15: *lightline-problem-15* Do not deal with the tabline. Do not use the fancy separators in the tabline. You can disable the tabline feature of lightline.vim using: > let g:lightline = { \ 'enable': { 'tabline': 0 }, \ } < If you don't like the separators in the tabline, use: > let g:lightline = { \ 'tabline_separator': { 'left': "", 'right': "" }, \ 'tabline_subseparator': { 'left': "", 'right': "" }, \ } < Problem 16: *lightline-problem-16* When changed the component to a function component to an expanding component, the statusline of lightline is sometimes disabled. When you changed from > \ 'component_function': { \ 'my': 'My', \ } < to > \ 'component_expand': { \ 'my': 'My', \ } < the statusline of lightline is disabled unexpectedly. In such a case, the text returned by 'My' function may include the '%' character. Replace all the '%' signs with '%%'. > function My() ... return substitute(text, '%', '%%', 'g') endfunction < Problem 17: *lightline-problem-17* Found a bug of this plugin. Got many errors while using this plugin. Vim hangs while using this plugin. Want this plugin to be more configurable. This troubleshooting is not helpful. Report/Request the issue/feature at https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim/issues. ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *lightline-changelog* 0.0 2013-08-21, ... - Initial commit and implementation ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet: