This project is a colleciton of vim scripts that relate to the Mako templating engine for python. Most of thse are not at all written by me, just packaged here from the vim-script site. The purpose is to make them easy to use with pathogen.vim. Useful configuration variables: * `g:mako_detect_lang_from_ext`: when set to 1 (the default), the ftdetect script will attempt to figure out the "outer" filetype of the file by stripping the ".mako" extension (eg: index.html.mako will be treated as HTML, while script.cpp.mako will be treated as C++). Set to 0 to prevent this detection. * `g:mako_default_outer_lang`: if ftdetect cannot detect the "outer" filetype of the file, this sets the default filetype used. If not set, defaults to "html". * `g:mako_extension`: set to the default string (with leading dot). Default is ".mako" About mako: Externally sourced scripts: * [indent/mako.vim]( 0.4 by Scott Torborg * [syntax/mako.vim]( 0.6.1 by Armin Ronacher