diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index df54a364..808530e1 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ temp_dirs/yankring_history_v2.txt sources_forked/yankring/doc/tags sources_non_forked/tlib/doc/tags systags +my_configs.vim +tags diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index bc0fba7b..792584bf 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ The awesome version includes a lot of great plugins, configurations and color sc git clone git://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh +I also recommend using [Source Code Pro font from Adobe](http://store1.adobe.com/cfusion/store/html/index.cfm?event=displayFontPackage&code=1960) (it's free and awesome font for writing and programming). The Awesome vimrc is already setup to try to use it ## How to install on Windows? @@ -53,8 +54,11 @@ Opening recently opened files [mru.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/mru.vim): This vimrc even works on Windows! ![Screenshot 4](http://files1.wedoist.com/4e85163d97b81422240c822c82022f2f/as/screenshot_4.png) +Distraction free mode (using goyo.vim and vim-zenroom2): +![Screenshot 5](https://d2dq6e731uoz0t.cloudfront.net/a5182977c3d6c2a6cd3f9e97398ca8ca/as/zen_mode.jpg) -## What plugins are included? + +## Included Plugins I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each of them provide a much better Vim experience! @@ -63,19 +67,24 @@ I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each of * [snipMate.vim](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate): snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim * [bufexplorer.zip](https://github.com/vim-scripts/bufexplorer.zip): Buffer Explorer / Browser. This plugin can be opened with `` * [NERD Tree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree): A tree explorer plugin for vim -* [ack.vim](github.com/mileszs/ack.vim): Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' -* [vim-powerline](https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline): The ultimate vim statusline utility +* [ack.vim](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim): Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' * [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim): Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. In my config it's mapped to ``, because `` is used by YankRing * [mru.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/mru.vim): Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files. Includes my own fork which adds syntax highlighting to MRU. This plugin can be opened with `` * [open_file_under_cursor.vim](https://github.com/amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim): Open file under cursor when pressing `gf` -* [zencoding](https://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim): Expanding abbreviation like zen-coding, very useful for editing XML, HTML. +* [zencoding](https://github.com/mattn/emmet-vim): Expanding abbreviation like zen-coding, very useful for editing XML, HTML. * [vim-indent-object](https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object): Defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts * [taglist.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/taglist.vim): Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) * [vim-multiple-cursors](https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors): Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim, CTRL+N is remapped to CTRL+S (due to YankRing) * [vim-expand-region](https://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region): Allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination. +* [vim-airline](https://github.com/bling/vim-airline): Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air (replacing powerline) +* [vim-fugitive](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive): A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal +* [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and [vim-zenroom2](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom2): +Remove all clutter and focus only on the essential. Similar to iA Writer or Write Room [Read more here](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19744) +* [vim-commentary](https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary): Comment stuff out. Use `gcc` to comment out a line (takes a count), `gc` to comment out the target of a motion. `gcu` uncomments a set of adjacent commented lines. +* [syntastic](https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic): Syntax checking hacks for vim -## What color schemes are included? +## Included color schemes * [peaksea](https://github.com/vim-scripts/peaksea): My favorite! * [vim-colors-solarized](https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized) @@ -84,13 +93,14 @@ I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each of * [vim-pyte](https://github.com/therubymug/vim-pyte) -## What modes are included? +## Included modes * [vim-coffee-script](https://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script) * [vim-less](https://github.com/groenewege/vim-less) * [vim-bundle-mako](https://github.com/sophacles/vim-bundle-mako) * [vim-markdown](https://github.com/tpope/vim-markdown) * [nginx.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/nginx.vim): Highlights configuration files for nginx +* [vim-golang](https://github.com/jnwhiteh/vim-golang) ## How to include your own stuff? @@ -135,6 +145,10 @@ Managing the [NERD Tree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree) plugin: map nb :NERDTreeFromBookmark map nf :NERDTreeFind +[goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and [vim-zenroom2](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom2) lets you only focus on one thing at a time. It removes all the distractions and centers the content. It has a special look when editing Markdown, reStructuredText and textfiles. It only has one mapping. + + map z :Goyo + ### Normal mode mappings Fast saving of a buffer: @@ -300,7 +314,6 @@ Vimscript mappings: map n :cn map p :cp - ## Useful blog tips regarding my Vim setup * [Vim: Annotate strings with gettext (the macro way)](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19678#Vim-Annotate-strings-with-gettext-the-macro-way) @@ -310,3 +323,5 @@ Vimscript mappings: * [Vim 7.3: Persistent undo and encryption!](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19548#Vim-7-3-Persistent-undo-and-encryption) * [Vim tips: Visual Search](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19334#Vim-tips-Visual-Search) * [Folding in Vim](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19132#Folding-in-Vim) +* [ +Zen room for Vim: Focusing only on the essential](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19744#zenroom-for-Vim-Focsuing-only-on-the-essential) diff --git a/autoload/.svn/entries b/autoload/.svn/entries deleted file mode 100644 index b5d86893..00000000 --- a/autoload/.svn/entries +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -10 - -dir -24 -svn://orangoo.com/vim/autoload -svn://orangoo.com/vim - - - -2010-01-15T19:53:13.037300Z -2 -amix - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f0bd9f4a-2ac3-40fc-bab3-7711922a5bd5 - -fuf -dir - -fuf.vim -file - - - - -2009-12-03T15:37:36.000000Z -cd795290ec0c8e87d61563c8553f6a5a -2010-01-15T19:52:41.083563Z -1 -amix - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -34950 - -snipMate.vim -file - - - - -2010-01-15T16:14:44.000000Z -935ed920e29eeb56885cba09798db5ce -2010-01-15T19:52:41.083563Z -1 -amix - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -14083 - diff --git a/autoload/.svn/text-base/fuf.vim.svn-base b/autoload/.svn/text-base/fuf.vim.svn-base deleted file mode 100644 index 0a91d3a5..00000000 --- a/autoload/.svn/text-base/fuf.vim.svn-base +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1155 +0,0 @@ -"============================================================================= -" Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Takeshi NISHIDA -" -"============================================================================= -" LOAD GUARD {{{1 - -if exists('g:loaded_autoload_fuf') || v:version < 702 - finish -endif -let g:loaded_autoload_fuf = 1 - -" }}}1 -"============================================================================= -" GLOBAL FUNCTIONS {{{1 - - - -function fuf#getPathSeparator() - return (!&shellslash && (has('win32') || has('win64')) ? '\' : '/') -endfunction - -" Removes duplicates -" this function doesn't change list of argument. -function fuf#unique(items) - let sorted = sort(a:items) - if len(sorted) < 2 - return sorted - endif - let last = remove(sorted, 0) - let result = [last] - for item in sorted - if item != last - call add(result, item) - let last = item - endif - endfor - return result -endfunction - -" [ [0], [1,2], [3] ] -> [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] -" this function doesn't change list of argument. -function fuf#concat(items) - let result = [] - for l in a:items - let result += l - endfor - return result -endfunction - -" filter() with the maximum number of items -" this function doesn't change list of argument. -function fuf#filterWithLimit(items, expr, limit) - if a:limit <= 0 - return filter(copy(a:items), a:expr) - endif - let result = [] - let stride = a:limit * 3 / 2 " x1.5 - for i in range(0, len(a:items) - 1, stride) - let result += filter(a:items[i : i + stride - 1], a:expr) - if len(result) >= a:limit - return remove(result, 0, a:limit - 1) - endif - endfor - return result -endfunction - -" -function fuf#countModifiedFiles(files, time) - return len(filter(copy(a:files), 'getftime(v:val) > a:time')) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#getCurrentTagFiles() - return sort(filter(map(tagfiles(), 'fnamemodify(v:val, '':p'')'), 'filereadable(v:val)')) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#mapToSetSerialIndex(in, offset) - for i in range(len(a:in)) - let a:in[i].index = i + a:offset - endfor - return a:in -endfunction - -" -function fuf#updateMruList(mrulist, newItem, maxItem, exclude) - let result = copy(a:mrulist) - let result = filter(result,'v:val.word != a:newItem.word') - let result = insert(result, a:newItem) - let result = filter(result, 'v:val.word !~ a:exclude') - return result[0 : a:maxItem - 1] -endfunction - -" takes suffix number. if no digits, returns -1 -function fuf#suffixNumber(str) - let s = matchstr(a:str, '\d\+$') - return (len(s) ? str2nr(s) : -1) -endfunction - -" "foo/bar/buz/hoge" -> { head: "foo/bar/buz/", tail: "hoge" } -function fuf#splitPath(path) - let head = matchstr(a:path, '^.*[/\\]') - return { - \ 'head' : head, - \ 'tail' : a:path[strlen(head):] - \ } -endfunction - -" "foo/.../bar/...hoge" -> "foo/.../bar/../../hoge" -function fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(pattern) - return substitute(a:pattern, '^\(.*[/\\]\)\?\zs\.\(\.\+\)\ze[^/\\]*$', - \ '\=repeat(".." . fuf#getPathSeparator(), len(submatch(2)))', '') -endfunction - -" -function fuf#hash224(str) - let a = 0x00000800 " shift 11 bit - let b = 0x001fffff " extract 11 bit - let nHash = 7 - let hashes = repeat([0], nHash) - for i in range(len(a:str)) - let iHash = i % nHash - let hashes[iHash] = hashes[iHash] * a + hashes[iHash] / b - let hashes[iHash] += char2nr(a:str[i]) - endfor - return join(map(hashes, 'printf("%08x", v:val)'), '') -endfunction - -" -function fuf#formatPrompt(prompt, partialMatching) - let indicator = (a:partialMatching ? '!' : '') - return substitute(a:prompt, '[]', indicator, 'g') -endfunction - -" -function fuf#getFileLines(file) - let bufnr = (type(a:file) ==# type(0) ? a:file : bufnr('^' . a:file . '$')) - let lines = getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$') - if !empty(lines) - return lines - endif - try - return readfile(expand(a:file)) - catch /.*/ - endtry - return [] -endfunction - -" -function fuf#makePreviewLinesAround(lines, indices, page, maxHeight) - let index = ((empty(a:indices) ? 0 : a:indices[0]) - \ + a:page * a:maxHeight) % len(a:lines) - if empty(a:lines) || a:maxHeight <= 0 - return [] - endif - let beg = max([0, index - a:maxHeight / 2]) - let end = min([beg + a:maxHeight, len(a:lines)]) - let beg = max([0, end - a:maxHeight]) - let lines = [] - for i in range(beg, end - 1) - let mark = (count(a:indices, i) ? '>' : ' ') - call add(lines, printf('%s%4d ', mark, i + 1) . a:lines[i]) - endfor - return lines -endfunction - -" a:file: a path string or a buffer number -function fuf#makePreviewLinesForFile(file, count, maxHeight) - let lines = fuf#getFileLines(a:file) - if empty(lines) - return [] - endif - let bufnr = (type(a:file) ==# type(0) ? a:file : bufnr('^' . a:file . '$')) - if exists('s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr]') - let indices = [s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr][1] - 1] - else - let indices = [] - endif - return fuf#makePreviewLinesAround( - \ lines, indices, a:count, a:maxHeight) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#echoWithHl(msg, hl) - execute "echohl " . a:hl - echo a:msg - echohl None -endfunction - -" -function fuf#inputHl(prompt, text, hl) - execute "echohl " . a:hl - let s = input(a:prompt, a:text) - echohl None - return s -endfunction - -" -function fuf#openBuffer(bufNr, mode, reuse) - if a:reuse && ((a:mode == s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT && - \ s:moveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:bufNr)) || - \ (a:mode == s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT && - \ s:moveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:bufNr)) || - \ (a:mode == s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB && - \ s:moveToWindowOfBufferInOtherTabPage(a:bufNr))) - return - endif - execute printf({ - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : '%sbuffer' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : '%ssbuffer' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical %ssbuffer', - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab %ssbuffer' , - \ }[a:mode], a:bufNr) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#openFile(path, mode, reuse) - let bufNr = bufnr('^' . a:path . '$') - if bufNr > -1 - call fuf#openBuffer(bufNr, a:mode, a:reuse) - else - execute { - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'edit ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'split ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vsplit ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tabedit ', - \ }[a:mode] . fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':~:.')) - endif -endfunction - -" -function fuf#openTag(tag, mode) - execute { - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'tjump ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'stjump ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical stjump ', - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab stjump ' , - \ }[a:mode] . a:tag -endfunction - -" -function fuf#openHelp(tag, mode) - execute { - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : 'help ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'help ' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vertical help ', - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab help ' , - \ }[a:mode] . a:tag -endfunction - -" -function fuf#prejump(mode) - execute { - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT : '' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT : 'split' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT : 'vsplit' , - \ s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB : 'tab split', - \ }[a:mode] -endfunction - -" -function fuf#compareRanks(i1, i2) - if exists('a:i1.ranks') && exists('a:i2.ranks') - for i in range(min([len(a:i1.ranks), len(a:i2.ranks)])) - if a:i1.ranks[i] > a:i2.ranks[i] - return +1 - elseif a:i1.ranks[i] < a:i2.ranks[i] - return -1 - endif - endfor - endif - return 0 -endfunction - -" -function fuf#makePathItem(fname, menu, appendsDirSuffix) - let pathPair = fuf#splitPath(a:fname) - let dirSuffix = (a:appendsDirSuffix && isdirectory(a:fname) - \ ? fuf#getPathSeparator() - \ : '') - return { - \ 'word' : a:fname . dirSuffix, - \ 'wordForPrimaryHead': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.head), - \ 'wordForPrimaryTail': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.tail), - \ 'wordForBoundary' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(s:getWordBoundaries(pathPair.tail)), - \ 'wordForRefining' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:fname . dirSuffix), - \ 'wordForRank' : s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pathPair.tail), - \ 'menu' : a:menu, - \ } -endfunction - -" -function fuf#makeNonPathItem(word, menu) - let wordL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:word) - return { - \ 'word' : a:word, - \ 'wordForPrimary' : wordL, - \ 'wordForBoundary': s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(s:getWordBoundaries(a:word)), - \ 'wordForRefining': wordL, - \ 'wordForRank' : wordL, - \ 'menu' : a:menu, - \ } -endfunction - -" -function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForPathTail(pattern) - let pattern = fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:pattern) - let pairL = fuf#splitPath(s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pattern)) - return { - \ 'primary' : pattern, - \ 'primaryForRank': pairL.tail, - \ 'matchingPairs' : [['v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', pairL.tail],], - \ } -endfunction - -" -function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForPath(pattern) - let pattern = fuf#expandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:pattern) - let patternL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(pattern) - let pairL = fuf#splitPath(patternL) - if g:fuf_splitPathMatching - let matches = [ - \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryHead', pairL.head], - \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', pairL.tail], - \ ] - else - let matches = [ - \ ['v:val.wordForPrimaryHead . v:val.wordForPrimaryTail', patternL], - \ ] - endif - return { - \ 'primary' : pattern, - \ 'primaryForRank': pairL.tail, - \ 'matchingPairs' : matches, - \ } -endfunction - -" -function s:interpretPrimaryPatternForNonPath(pattern) - let patternL = s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(a:pattern) - return { - \ 'primary' : a:pattern, - \ 'primaryForRank': patternL, - \ 'matchingPairs' : [['v:val.wordForPrimary', patternL],], - \ } -endfunction - -" -function fuf#makePatternSet(patternBase, interpreter, partialMatching) - let MakeMatchingExpr = function(a:partialMatching - \ ? 's:makePartialMatchingExpr' - \ : 's:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr') - let [primary; refinings] = split(a:patternBase, g:fuf_patternSeparator, 1) - let elements = call(a:interpreter, [primary]) - let primaryExprs = map(elements.matchingPairs, 'MakeMatchingExpr(v:val[0], v:val[1])') - let refiningExprs = map(refinings, 's:makeRefiningExpr(v:val)') - return { - \ 'primary' : elements.primary, - \ 'primaryForRank': elements.primaryForRank, - \ 'filteringExpr' : join(primaryExprs + refiningExprs, ' && '), - \ } -endfunction - -" -function fuf#enumExpandedDirsEntries(dir, exclude) - " Substitutes "\" because on Windows, "**\" doesn't include ".\", - " but "**/" include "./". I don't know why. - let dirNormalized = substitute(a:dir, '\', '/', 'g') - let entries = split(glob(dirNormalized . "*" ), "\n") + - \ split(glob(dirNormalized . ".*"), "\n") - " removes "*/." and "*/.." - call filter(entries, 'v:val !~ ''\v(^|[/\\])\.\.?$''') - call map(entries, 'fuf#makePathItem(v:val, "", 1)') - if len(a:exclude) - call filter(entries, 'v:val.word !~ a:exclude') - endif - return entries -endfunction - -" -function fuf#mapToSetAbbrWithSnippedWordAsPath(items) - let maxLenStats = {} - call map(a:items, 's:makeFileAbbrInfo(v:val, maxLenStats)') - let snippedHeads = - \ map(maxLenStats, 's:getSnippedHead(v:key[: -2], v:val)') - return map(a:items, 's:setAbbrWithFileAbbrData(v:val, snippedHeads)') -endfunction - -" -function fuf#setAbbrWithFormattedWord(item, abbrIndex) - let lenMenu = (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0) - let abbrPrefix = (exists('a:item.abbrPrefix') ? a:item.abbrPrefix : '') - let a:item.abbr = abbrPrefix . a:item.word - if a:abbrIndex - let a:item.abbr = printf('%4d: ', a:item.index) . a:item.abbr - endif - let a:item.abbr = s:snipTail(a:item.abbr, g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - lenMenu, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK) - return a:item -endfunction - -" -function fuf#defineLaunchCommand(CmdName, modeName, prefixInitialPattern) - execute printf('command! -bang -narg=? %s call fuf#launch(%s, %s . , len())', - \ a:CmdName, string(a:modeName), a:prefixInitialPattern) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#defineKeyMappingInHandler(key, func) - " hacks to be able to use feedkeys(). - execute printf( - \ 'inoremap %s =fuf#getRunningHandler().%s ? "" : ""', - \ a:key, a:func) -endfunction - -" -function fuf#launch(modeName, initialPattern, partialMatching) - if exists('s:runningHandler') - call fuf#echoWithHl('FuzzyFinder is running.', 'WarningMsg') - endif - if count(g:fuf_modes, a:modeName) == 0 - echoerr 'This mode is not available: ' . a:modeName - return - endif - let s:runningHandler = fuf#{a:modeName}#createHandler(copy(s:handlerBase)) - let s:runningHandler.info = fuf#loadInfoFile(s:runningHandler.getModeName()) - let s:runningHandler.partialMatching = a:partialMatching - let s:runningHandler.bufNrPrev = bufnr('%') - let s:runningHandler.lastCol = -1 - call s:runningHandler.onModeEnterPre() - call s:setTemporaryGlobalOption('completeopt', 'menuone') - call s:setTemporaryGlobalOption('ignorecase', 0) - if s:runningHandler.getPreviewHeight() > 0 - call s:setTemporaryGlobalOption( - \ 'cmdheight', s:runningHandler.getPreviewHeight() + 1) - endif - call s:activateFufBuffer() - augroup FufLocal - autocmd! - autocmd CursorMovedI call s:runningHandler.onCursorMovedI() - autocmd InsertLeave nested call s:runningHandler.onInsertLeave() - augroup END - for [key, func] in [ - \ [ g:fuf_keyOpen , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT . ', 0)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenSplit , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT . ', 0)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenVsplit , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT . ', 0)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyOpenTabpage , 'onCr(' . s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB . ', 0)' ], - \ [ '' , 'onBs()' ], - \ [ '' , 'onBs()' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyPreview , 'onPreviewBase()' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyNextMode , 'onSwitchMode(+1)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyPrevMode , 'onSwitchMode(-1)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keySwitchMatching, 'onSwitchMatching()' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyPrevPattern , 'onRecallPattern(+1)' ], - \ [ g:fuf_keyNextPattern , 'onRecallPattern(-1)' ], - \ ] - call fuf#defineKeyMappingInHandler(key, func) - endfor - " Starts Insert mode and makes CursorMovedI event now. Command prompt is - " needed to forces a completion menu to update every typing. - call setline(1, s:runningHandler.getPrompt() . a:initialPattern) - call s:runningHandler.onModeEnterPost() - call feedkeys("A", 'n') " startinsert! does not work in InsertLeave event handler - redraw -endfunction - -" -function fuf#loadInfoFile(modeName) - try - let lines = readfile(expand(g:fuf_infoFile)) - " compatibility check - if count(lines, s:INFO_FILE_VERSION_LINE) == 0 - call s:warnOldInfoFile() - let g:fuf_infoFile = '' - throw 1 - endif - catch /.*/ - let lines = [] - endtry - let s:lastInfoMap = s:deserializeInfoMap(lines) - if !exists('s:lastInfoMap[a:modeName]') - let s:lastInfoMap[a:modeName] = {} - endif - return extend(s:lastInfoMap[a:modeName], { 'data': [], 'stats': [] }, 'keep') -endfunction - -" if a:modeName is empty, a:info is treated as a map of information -function fuf#saveInfoFile(modeName, info) - if empty(a:modeName) - let s:lastInfoMap = a:info - else - let s:lastInfoMap[a:modeName] = a:info - endif - let lines = [ s:INFO_FILE_VERSION_LINE ] + s:serializeInfoMap(s:lastInfoMap) - try - call writefile(lines, expand(g:fuf_infoFile)) - catch /.*/ - endtry -endfunction - -" -function fuf#editInfoFile() - new - silent file `='[fuf-info]'` - let s:bufNrInfo = bufnr('%') - setlocal filetype=vim - setlocal bufhidden=delete - setlocal buftype=acwrite - setlocal noswapfile - augroup FufInfo - autocmd! - autocmd BufWriteCmd call s:onBufWriteCmdInfoFile() - augroup END - execute '0read ' . expand(g:fuf_infoFile) - setlocal nomodified -endfunction - -" -function fuf#getRunningHandler() - return s:runningHandler -endfunction - -" -function fuf#onComplete(findstart, base) - return s:runningHandler.onComplete(a:findstart, a:base) -endfunction - -" }}}1 -"============================================================================= -" LOCAL FUNCTIONS/VARIABLES {{{1 - -let s:INFO_FILE_VERSION_LINE = "VERSION\t300" -let s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK = '...' -let s:OPEN_TYPE_CURRENT = 1 -let s:OPEN_TYPE_SPLIT = 2 -let s:OPEN_TYPE_VSPLIT = 3 -let s:OPEN_TYPE_TAB = 4 - -" wildcard -> regexp -function s:convertWildcardToRegexp(expr) - let re = escape(a:expr, '\') - for [pat, sub] in [ [ '*', '\\.\\*' ], [ '?', '\\.' ], [ '[', '\\[' ], ] - let re = substitute(re, pat, sub, 'g') - endfor - return '\V' . re -endfunction - -" a:pattern: 'str' -> '\V\.\*s\.\*t\.\*r\.\*' -function s:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr(target, pattern) - let wi = '' - for c in split(a:pattern, '\zs') - if wi =~# '[^*?]$' && c !~ '[*?]' - let wi .= '*' - endif - let wi .= c - endfor - return s:makePartialMatchingExpr(a:target, wi) -endfunction - -" a:pattern: 'str' -> '\Vstr' -" 'st*r' -> '\Vst\.\*r' -function s:makePartialMatchingExpr(target, pattern) - let patternMigemo = s:makeAdditionalMigemoPattern(a:pattern) - if a:pattern !~ '[*?]' && empty(patternMigemo) - " NOTE: stridx is faster than regexp matching - return 'stridx(' . a:target . ', ' . string(a:pattern) . ') >= 0' - endif - return a:target . ' =~# ' . - \ string(s:convertWildcardToRegexp(a:pattern)) . patternMigemo -endfunction - -" -function s:makeRefiningExpr(pattern) - let expr = s:makePartialMatchingExpr('v:val.wordForRefining', a:pattern) - if a:pattern =~# '\D' - return expr - else - return '(' . expr . ' || v:val.index == ' . string(a:pattern) . ')' - endif -endfunction - -" -function s:makeAdditionalMigemoPattern(pattern) - if !g:fuf_useMigemo || a:pattern =~# '[^\x01-\x7e]' - return '' - endif - return '\|\m' . substitute(migemo(a:pattern), '\\_s\*', '.*', 'g') -endfunction - -" Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len -function s:snipHead(str, len, mask) - if a:len >= len(a:str) - return a:str - elseif a:len <= len(a:mask) - return a:mask - endif - return a:mask . a:str[-a:len + len(a:mask):] -endfunction - -" Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len -function s:snipTail(str, len, mask) - if a:len >= len(a:str) - return a:str - elseif a:len <= len(a:mask) - return a:mask - endif - return a:str[:a:len - 1 - len(a:mask)] . a:mask -endfunction - -" Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len -function s:snipMid(str, len, mask) - if a:len >= len(a:str) - return a:str - elseif a:len <= len(a:mask) - return a:mask - endif - let len_head = (a:len - len(a:mask)) / 2 - let len_tail = a:len - len(a:mask) - len_head - return (len_head > 0 ? a:str[: len_head - 1] : '') . a:mask . - \ (len_tail > 0 ? a:str[-len_tail :] : '') -endfunction - -" -function s:getWordBoundaries(word) - return substitute(a:word, '\a\zs\l\+\|\zs\A', '', 'g') -endfunction - -" -function s:toLowerForIgnoringCase(str) - return (g:fuf_ignoreCase ? tolower(a:str) : a:str) -endfunction - -" -function s:setRanks(item, pattern, exprBoundary, stats) - "let word2 = substitute(a:eval_word, '\a\zs\l\+\|\zs\A', '', 'g') - let a:item.ranks = [ - \ s:evaluateLearningRank(a:item.word, a:stats), - \ -s:scoreSequentialMatching(a:item.wordForRank, a:pattern), - \ -s:scoreBoundaryMatching(a:item.wordForBoundary, - \ a:pattern, a:exprBoundary), - \ a:item.index, - \ ] - return a:item -endfunction - -" -function s:evaluateLearningRank(word, stats) - for i in range(len(a:stats)) - if a:stats[i].word ==# a:word - return i - endif - endfor - return len(a:stats) -endfunction - -let g:s = "" -" range of return value is [0.0, 1.0] -function s:scoreSequentialMatching(word, pattern) - if empty(a:pattern) - return 0.0 - endif - let pos = stridx(a:word, a:pattern) - if pos < 0 - return 0.0 - endif - let lenRest = len(a:word) - len(a:pattern) - pos - return (pos == 0 ? 0.5 : 0.0) + 0.5 / (lenRest + 1) -endfunction - -" range of return value is [0.0, 1.0] -function s:scoreBoundaryMatching(wordForBoundary, pattern, exprBoundary) - if empty(a:pattern) - return 0.0 - endif - if !eval(a:exprBoundary) - return 0 - endif - return 0.5 + 0.5 * s:scoreSequentialMatching(a:wordForBoundary, a:pattern) -endfunction - -" -function s:highlightPrompt(prompt) - syntax clear - execute printf('syntax match %s /^\V%s/', g:fuf_promptHighlight, escape(a:prompt, '\')) -endfunction - -" -function s:highlightError() - syntax clear - syntax match Error /^.*$/ -endfunction - -" returns 0 if the buffer is not found. -function s:moveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(bufNr) - if count(tabpagebuflist(), a:bufNr) == 0 - return 0 - endif - execute bufwinnr(a:bufNr) . 'wincmd w' - return 1 -endfunction - -" returns 0 if the buffer is not found. -function s:moveToOtherTabPageOpeningBuffer(bufNr) - for tabNr in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) - if tabNr != tabpagenr() && count(tabpagebuflist(tabNr), a:bufNr) > 0 - execute 'tabnext ' . tabNr - return 1 - endif - endfor - return 0 -endfunction - -" returns 0 if the buffer is not found. -function s:moveToWindowOfBufferInOtherTabPage(bufNr) - if !s:moveToOtherTabPageOpeningBuffer(a:bufNr) - return 0 - endif - return s:moveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:bufNr) -endfunction - -" -function s:expandAbbrevMap(pattern, abbrevMap) - let result = [a:pattern] - for [pattern, subs] in items(a:abbrevMap) - let exprs = result - let result = [] - for expr in exprs - let result += map(copy(subs), 'substitute(expr, pattern, escape(v:val, ''\''), "g")') - endfor - endfor - return fuf#unique(result) -endfunction - -" -function s:makeFileAbbrInfo(item, maxLenStats) - let head = matchstr(a:item.word, '^.*[/\\]\ze.') - let a:item.abbr = { 'head' : head, - \ 'tail' : a:item.word[strlen(head):], - \ 'key' : head . '.', - \ 'prefix' : printf('%4d: ', a:item.index), } - if exists('a:item.abbrPrefix') - let a:item.abbr.prefix .= a:item.abbrPrefix - endif - let len = len(a:item.abbr.prefix) + len(a:item.word) + - \ (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0) - if !exists('a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key]') || len > a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key] - let a:maxLenStats[a:item.abbr.key] = len - endif - return a:item -endfunction - -" -function s:getSnippedHead(head, baseLen) - return s:snipMid(a:head, len(a:head) + g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - a:baseLen, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK) -endfunction - -" -function s:setAbbrWithFileAbbrData(item, snippedHeads) - let lenMenu = (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0) - let abbr = a:item.abbr.prefix . a:snippedHeads[a:item.abbr.key] . a:item.abbr.tail - let a:item.abbr = s:snipTail(abbr, g:fuf_maxMenuWidth - lenMenu, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK) - return a:item -endfunction - -let s:bufNrFuf = -1 - -" -function s:openFufBuffer() - if !bufexists(s:bufNrFuf) - topleft 1new - silent file `='[fuf]'` - let s:bufNrFuf = bufnr('%') - elseif bufwinnr(s:bufNrFuf) == -1 - topleft 1split - execute 'silent ' . s:bufNrFuf . 'buffer' - delete _ - elseif bufwinnr(s:bufNrFuf) != bufwinnr('%') - execute bufwinnr(s:bufNrFuf) . 'wincmd w' - endif -endfunction - -function s:setLocalOptionsForFufBuffer() - setlocal filetype=fuf - setlocal bufhidden=delete - setlocal buftype=nofile - setlocal noswapfile - setlocal nobuflisted - setlocal modifiable - setlocal nocursorline " for highlighting - setlocal nocursorcolumn " for highlighting - setlocal omnifunc=fuf#onComplete -endfunction - -" -function s:activateFufBuffer() - " lcd . : To avoid the strange behavior that unnamed buffer changes its cwd - " if 'autochdir' was set on. - lcd . - let cwd = getcwd() - call s:openFufBuffer() - " lcd ... : countermeasure against auto-cd script - lcd `=cwd` - call s:setLocalOptionsForFufBuffer() - redraw " for 'lazyredraw' - if exists(':AcpLock') - AcpLock - elseif exists(':AutoComplPopLock') - AutoComplPopLock - endif -endfunction - -" -function s:deactivateFufBuffer() - if exists(':AcpUnlock') - AcpUnlock - elseif exists(':AutoComplPopUnlock') - AutoComplPopUnlock - endif - " must close after returning to previous window - wincmd p - execute s:bufNrFuf . 'bdelete' -endfunction - -let s:originalGlobalOptions = {} - -" -function s:setTemporaryGlobalOption(name, value) - call extend(s:originalGlobalOptions, { a:name : eval('&' . a:name) }, 'keep') - execute printf('let &%s = a:value', a:name) -endfunction - -" -function s:restoreTemporaryGlobalOptions() - for [name, value] in items(s:originalGlobalOptions) - execute printf('let &%s = value', name) - endfor - let s:originalGlobalOptions = {} -endfunction - -" -function s:warnOldInfoFile() - call fuf#echoWithHl(printf("=================================================================\n" . - \ " Sorry, but your information file for FuzzyFinder is no longer \n" . - \ " compatible with this version of FuzzyFinder. Please remove \n" . - \ " %-63s\n" . - \ "=================================================================\n" , - \ '"' . expand(g:fuf_infoFile) . '".'), - \ 'WarningMsg') - echohl Question - call input('Press Enter') - echohl None -endfunction - -" -function s:serializeInfoMap(infoMap) - let lines = [] - for [m, info] in items(a:infoMap) - for [key, value] in items(info) - let lines += map(copy(value), 'm . "\t" . key . "\t" . string(v:val)') - endfor - endfor - return lines -endfunction - -" -function s:deserializeInfoMap(lines) - let infoMap = {} - for e in filter(map(a:lines, 'matchlist(v:val, ''^\v(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$'')'), '!empty(v:val)') - if !exists('infoMap[e[1]]') - let infoMap[e[1]] = {} - endif - if !exists('infoMap[e[1]][e[2]]') - let infoMap[e[1]][e[2]] = [] - endif - call add(infoMap[e[1]][e[2]], eval(e[3])) - endfor - return infoMap -endfunction - -" -function s:onBufWriteCmdInfoFile() - call fuf#saveInfoFile('', s:deserializeInfoMap(getline(1, '$'))) - setlocal nomodified - execute printf('%dbdelete! ', s:bufNrInfo) - echo "Information file updated" -endfunction - -" }}}1 -"============================================================================= -" s:handlerBase {{{1 - -let s:handlerBase = {} - -"----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -" PURE VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS {{{2 -" -" " -" s:handler.getModeName() -" -" " -" s:handler.getPrompt() -" -" " returns true if the mode deals with file paths. -" s:handler.targetsPath() -" -" " -" s:handler.getCompleteItems(patternSet) -" -" " -" s:handler.onOpen(word, mode) -" -" " Before entering FuzzyFinder buffer. This function should return in a short time. -" s:handler.onModeEnterPre() -" -" " After entering FuzzyFinder buffer. -" s:handler.onModeEnterPost() -" -" " After leaving FuzzyFinder buffer. -" s:handler.onModeLeavePost(opened) -" -" }}}2 -"----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -" -function s:handlerBase.concretize(deriv) - call extend(self, a:deriv, 'error') - return self -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.addStat(pattern, word) - let stat = { 'pattern' : a:pattern, 'word' : a:word } - call filter(self.info.stats, 'v:val !=# stat') - call insert(self.info.stats, stat) - let self.info.stats = self.info.stats[0 : g:fuf_learningLimit - 1] -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.getMatchingCompleteItems(patternBase) - let MakeMatchingExpr = function(self.partialMatching - \ ? 's:makePartialMatchingExpr' - \ : 's:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr') - let patternSet = self.makePatternSet(a:patternBase) - let exprBoundary = s:makeFuzzyMatchingExpr('a:wordForBoundary', patternSet.primaryForRank) - let stats = filter( - \ copy(self.info.stats), 'v:val.pattern ==# patternSet.primaryForRank') - let items = self.getCompleteItems(patternSet.primary) - " NOTE: In order to know an excess, plus 1 to limit number - let items = fuf#filterWithLimit( - \ items, patternSet.filteringExpr, g:fuf_enumeratingLimit + 1) - return map(items, - \ 's:setRanks(v:val, patternSet.primaryForRank, exprBoundary, stats)') -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onComplete(findstart, base) - if a:findstart - return 0 - elseif !self.existsPrompt(a:base) - return [] - endif - call s:highlightPrompt(self.getPrompt()) - let items = [] - for patternBase in s:expandAbbrevMap(self.removePrompt(a:base), g:fuf_abbrevMap) - let items += self.getMatchingCompleteItems(patternBase) - if len(items) > g:fuf_enumeratingLimit - let items = items[ : g:fuf_enumeratingLimit - 1] - call s:highlightError() - break - endif - endfor - if empty(items) - call s:highlightError() - else - call sort(items, 'fuf#compareRanks') - call feedkeys("\\", 'n') - let self.lastFirstWord = items[0].word - endif - return items -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.existsPrompt(line) - return strlen(a:line) >= strlen(self.getPrompt()) && - \ a:line[:strlen(self.getPrompt()) -1] ==# self.getPrompt() -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.removePrompt(line) - return a:line[(self.existsPrompt(a:line) ? strlen(self.getPrompt()) : 0):] -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.restorePrompt(line) - let i = 0 - while i < len(self.getPrompt()) && i < len(a:line) && self.getPrompt()[i] ==# a:line[i] - let i += 1 - endwhile - return self.getPrompt() . a:line[i : ] -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onCursorMovedI() - if !self.existsPrompt(getline('.')) - call setline('.', self.restorePrompt(getline('.'))) - call feedkeys("\", 'n') - elseif col('.') <= len(self.getPrompt()) - " if the cursor is moved before command prompt - call feedkeys(repeat("\", len(self.getPrompt()) - col('.') + 1), 'n') - elseif col('.') > strlen(getline('.')) && col('.') != self.lastCol - " if the cursor is placed on the end of the line and has been actually moved. - let self.lastCol = col('.') - let self.lastPattern = self.removePrompt(getline('.')) - call feedkeys("\\", 'n') - endif -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onInsertLeave() - unlet s:runningHandler - let lastPattern = self.removePrompt(getline('.')) - call s:restoreTemporaryGlobalOptions() - call s:deactivateFufBuffer() - call fuf#saveInfoFile(self.getModeName(), self.info) - let fOpen = exists('s:reservedCommand') - if fOpen - call self.onOpen(s:reservedCommand[0], s:reservedCommand[1]) - unlet s:reservedCommand - endif - call self.onModeLeavePost(fOpen) - if exists('s:reservedMode') - call fuf#launch(s:reservedMode, lastPattern, self.partialMatching) - unlet s:reservedMode - endif -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onCr(openType, fCheckDir) - if pumvisible() - call feedkeys(printf("\\=fuf#getRunningHandler().onCr(%d, %d) ? '' : ''\", - \ a:openType, self.targetsPath()), 'n') - return - endif - if !empty(self.lastPattern) - call self.addStat(self.lastPattern, self.removePrompt(getline('.'))) - endif - if a:fCheckDir && getline('.') =~# '[/\\]$' - " To clear i_ expression (fuf#getRunningHandler().onCr...) - echo '' - return - endif - let s:reservedCommand = [self.removePrompt(getline('.')), a:openType] - call feedkeys("\", 'n') " stopinsert behavior is strange... -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onBs() - let pattern = self.removePrompt(getline('.')[ : col('.') - 2]) - if empty(pattern) - let numBs = 0 - elseif !g:fuf_smartBs - let numBs = 1 - elseif pattern[-len(g:fuf_patternSeparator) : ] ==# g:fuf_patternSeparator - let numBs = len(split(pattern, g:fuf_patternSeparator, 1)[-2]) - \ + len(g:fuf_patternSeparator) - elseif self.targetsPath() && pattern[-1 : ] =~# '[/\\]' - let numBs = len(matchstr(pattern, '[^/\\]*.$')) - else - let numBs = 1 - endif - call feedkeys((pumvisible() ? "\" : "") . repeat("\", numBs), 'n') -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onPreviewBase() - if self.getPreviewHeight() <= 0 - return - elseif !pumvisible() - return - elseif !self.existsPrompt(getline('.')) - let word = self.removePrompt(getline('.')) - elseif !exists('self.lastFirstWord') - return - else - let word = self.lastFirstWord - endif - redraw - if exists('self.lastPreviewInfo') && self.lastPreviewInfo.word ==# word - let self.lastPreviewInfo.count += 1 - else - let self.lastPreviewInfo = {'word': word, 'count': 0} - endif - let lines = self.makePreviewLines(word, self.lastPreviewInfo.count) - let lines = lines[: self.getPreviewHeight() - 1] - call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\t", repeat(" ", &tabstop), "g")') - call map(lines, 's:snipTail(v:val, &columns - 1, s:ABBR_SNIP_MASK)') - echo join(lines, "\n") -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onSwitchMode(shift) - let modes = copy(g:fuf_modes) - call map(modes, '{ "ranks": [ fuf#{v:val}#getSwitchOrder(), v:val ] }') - call filter(modes, 'v:val.ranks[0] >= 0') - call sort(modes, 'fuf#compareRanks') - let s:reservedMode = self.getModeName() - for i in range(len(modes)) - if modes[i].ranks[1] ==# self.getModeName() - let s:reservedMode = modes[(i + a:shift) % len(modes)].ranks[1] - break - endif - endfor - call feedkeys("\", 'n') " stopinsert doesn't work. -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onSwitchMatching() - let self.partialMatching = !self.partialMatching - let self.lastCol = -1 - call setline('.', self.restorePrompt(self.lastPattern)) - call feedkeys("\", 'n') - "call self.onCursorMovedI() -endfunction - -" -function s:handlerBase.onRecallPattern(shift) - let patterns = map(copy(self.info.stats), 'v:val.pattern') - if !exists('self.indexRecall') - let self.indexRecall = -1 - endif - let self.indexRecall += a:shift - if self.indexRecall < 0 - let self.indexRecall = -1 - elseif self.indexRecall >= len(patterns) - let self.indexRecall = len(patterns) - 1 - else - call setline('.', self.getPrompt() . patterns[self.indexRecall]) - call feedkeys("\", 'n') - endif -endfunction - -" }}}1 -"============================================================================= -" INITIALIZATION {{{1 - -augroup FufGlobal - autocmd! - autocmd BufLeave * let s:bufferCursorPosMap[bufnr('')] = getpos('.') -augroup END - -let s:bufferCursorPosMap = {} - -" }}}1 -"============================================================================= -" vim: set fdm=marker: - diff --git a/autoload/.svn/text-base/snipMate.vim.svn-base b/autoload/.svn/text-base/snipMate.vim.svn-base deleted file mode 100644 index dcd28f66..00000000 --- a/autoload/.svn/text-base/snipMate.vim.svn-base +++ /dev/null @@ -1,433 +0,0 @@ -fun! Filename(...) - let filename = expand('%:t:r') - if filename == '' | return a:0 == 2 ? a:2 : '' | endif - return !a:0 || a:1 == '' ? filename : substitute(a:1, '$1', filename, 'g') -endf - -fun s:RemoveSnippet() - unl! g:snipPos s:curPos s:snipLen s:endCol s:endLine s:prevLen - \ s:lastBuf s:oldWord - if exists('s:update') - unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update - if exists('s:oldVars') | unl s:oldVars s:oldEndCol | endif - endif - aug! snipMateAutocmds -endf - -fun snipMate#expandSnip(snip, col) - let lnum = line('.') | let col = a:col - - let snippet = s:ProcessSnippet(a:snip) - " Avoid error if eval evaluates to nothing - if snippet == '' | return '' | endif - - " Expand snippet onto current position with the tab stops removed - let snipLines = split(substitute(snippet, '$\d\+\|${\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g'), "\n", 1) - - let line = getline(lnum) - let afterCursor = strpart(line, col - 1) - " Keep text after the cursor - if afterCursor != "\t" && afterCursor != ' ' - let line = strpart(line, 0, col - 1) - let snipLines[-1] .= afterCursor - else - let afterCursor = '' - " For some reason the cursor needs to move one right after this - if line != '' && col == 1 && &ve != 'all' && &ve != 'onemore' - let col += 1 - endif - endif - - call setline(lnum, line.snipLines[0]) - - " Autoindent snippet according to previous indentation - let indent = matchend(line, '^.\{-}\ze\(\S\|$\)') + 1 - call append(lnum, map(snipLines[1:], "'".strpart(line, 0, indent - 1)."'.v:val")) - - " Open any folds snippet expands into - if &fen | sil! exe lnum.','.(lnum + len(snipLines) - 1).'foldopen' | endif - - let [g:snipPos, s:snipLen] = s:BuildTabStops(snippet, lnum, col - indent, indent) - - if s:snipLen - aug snipMateAutocmds - au CursorMovedI * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(0) - au InsertEnter * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(1) - aug END - let s:lastBuf = bufnr(0) " Only expand snippet while in current buffer - let s:curPos = 0 - let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] - - call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]) - let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')] - if g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1 | return s:SelectWord() | endif - else - unl g:snipPos s:snipLen - " Place cursor at end of snippet if no tab stop is given - let newlines = len(snipLines) - 1 - call cursor(lnum + newlines, indent + len(snipLines[-1]) - len(afterCursor) - \ + (newlines ? 0: col - 1)) - endif - return '' -endf - -" Prepare snippet to be processed by s:BuildTabStops -fun s:ProcessSnippet(snip) - let snippet = a:snip - " Evaluate eval (`...`) expressions. - " Using a loop here instead of a regex fixes a bug with nested "\=". - if stridx(snippet, '`') != -1 - while match(snippet, '`.\{-}`') != -1 - let snippet = substitute(snippet, '`.\{-}`', - \ substitute(eval(matchstr(snippet, '`\zs.\{-}\ze`')), - \ "\n\\%$", '', ''), '') - endw - let snippet = substitute(snippet, "\r", "\n", 'g') - endif - - " Place all text after a colon in a tab stop after the tab stop - " (e.g. "${#:foo}" becomes "${:foo}foo"). - " This helps tell the position of the tab stops later. - let snippet = substitute(snippet, '${\d\+:\(.\{-}\)}', '&\1', 'g') - - " Update the a:snip so that all the $# become the text after - " the colon in their associated ${#}. - " (e.g. "${1:foo}" turns all "$1"'s into "foo") - let i = 1 - while stridx(snippet, '${'.i) != -1 - let s = matchstr(snippet, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}') - if s != '' - let snippet = substitute(snippet, '$'.i, s.'&', 'g') - endif - let i += 1 - endw - - if &et " Expand tabs to spaces if 'expandtab' is set. - return substitute(snippet, '\t', repeat(' ', &sts ? &sts : &sw), 'g') - endif - return snippet -endf - -" Counts occurences of haystack in needle -fun s:Count(haystack, needle) - let counter = 0 - let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle) - while index != -1 - let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1) - let counter += 1 - endw - return counter -endf - -" Builds a list of a list of each tab stop in the snippet containing: -" 1.) The tab stop's line number. -" 2.) The tab stop's column number -" (by getting the length of the string between the last "\n" and the -" tab stop). -" 3.) The length of the text after the colon for the current tab stop -" (e.g. "${1:foo}" would return 3). If there is no text, -1 is returned. -" 4.) If the "${#:}" construct is given, another list containing all -" the matches of "$#", to be replaced with the placeholder. This list is -" composed the same way as the parent; the first item is the line number, -" and the second is the column. -fun s:BuildTabStops(snip, lnum, col, indent) - let snipPos = [] - let i = 1 - let withoutVars = substitute(a:snip, '$\d\+', '', 'g') - while stridx(a:snip, '${'.i) != -1 - let beforeTabStop = matchstr(withoutVars, '^.*\ze${'.i.'\D') - let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutVars, '${\('.i.'\D\)\@!\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g') - - let j = i - 1 - call add(snipPos, [0, 0, -1]) - let snipPos[j][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeTabStop, "\n") - let snipPos[j][1] = a:indent + len(matchstr(withoutOthers, '.*\(\n\|^\)\zs.*\ze${'.i.'\D')) - if snipPos[j][0] == a:lnum | let snipPos[j][1] += a:col | endif - - " Get all $# matches in another list, if ${#:name} is given - if stridx(withoutVars, '${'.i.':') != -1 - let snipPos[j][2] = len(matchstr(withoutVars, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}')) - let dots = repeat('.', snipPos[j][2]) - call add(snipPos[j], []) - let withoutOthers = substitute(a:snip, '${\d\+.\{-}}\|$'.i.'\@!\d\+', '', 'g') - while match(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)') != -1 - let beforeMark = matchstr(withoutOthers, '^.\{-}\ze'.dots.'$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)') - call add(snipPos[j][3], [0, 0]) - let snipPos[j][3][-1][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeMark, "\n") - let snipPos[j][3][-1][1] = a:indent + (snipPos[j][3][-1][0] > a:lnum - \ ? len(matchstr(beforeMark, '.*\n\zs.*')) - \ : a:col + len(beforeMark)) - let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\ze\(\D\|$\)', '', '') - endw - endif - let i += 1 - endw - return [snipPos, i - 1] -endf - -fun snipMate#jumpTabStop(backwards) - let leftPlaceholder = exists('s:origWordLen') - \ && s:origWordLen != g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - if leftPlaceholder && exists('s:oldEndCol') - let startPlaceholder = s:oldEndCol + 1 - endif - - if exists('s:update') - call s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops() - else - call s:UpdateTabStops() - endif - - " Don't reselect placeholder if it has been modified - if leftPlaceholder && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1 - if exists('startPlaceholder') - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = startPlaceholder - else - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = col('.') - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = 0 - endif - endif - - let s:curPos += a:backwards ? -1 : 1 - " Loop over the snippet when going backwards from the beginning - if s:curPos < 0 | let s:curPos = s:snipLen - 1 | endif - - if s:curPos == s:snipLen - let sMode = s:endCol == g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][1]+g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][2] - call s:RemoveSnippet() - return sMode ? "\" : TriggerSnippet() - endif - - call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]) - - let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] - let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')] - - return g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] == -1 ? '' : s:SelectWord() -endf - -fun s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops() - let changeLen = s:origWordLen - g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update - if !exists('s:oldVars') | return | endif - " Update tab stops in snippet if text has been added via "$#" - " (e.g., in "${1:foo}bar$1${2}"). - if changeLen != 0 - let curLine = line('.') - - for pos in g:snipPos - if pos == g:snipPos[s:curPos] | continue | endif - let changed = pos[0] == curLine && pos[1] > s:oldEndCol - let changedVars = 0 - let endPlaceholder = pos[2] - 1 + pos[1] - " Subtract changeLen from each tab stop that was after any of - " the current tab stop's placeholders. - for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars - if lnum > pos[0] | break | endif - if pos[0] == lnum - if pos[1] > col || (pos[2] == -1 && pos[1] == col) - let changed += 1 - elseif col < endPlaceholder - let changedVars += 1 - endif - endif - endfor - let pos[1] -= changeLen * changed - let pos[2] -= changeLen * changedVars " Parse variables within placeholders - " e.g., "${1:foo} ${2:$1bar}" - - if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif - " Do the same to any placeholders in the other tab stops. - for nPos in pos[3] - let changed = nPos[0] == curLine && nPos[1] > s:oldEndCol - for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars - if lnum > nPos[0] | break | endif - if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col - let changed += 1 - endif - endfor - let nPos[1] -= changeLen * changed - endfor - endfor - endif - unl s:endCol s:oldVars s:oldEndCol -endf - -fun s:UpdateTabStops() - let changeLine = s:endLine - g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] - let changeCol = s:endCol - g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - if exists('s:origWordLen') - let changeCol -= s:origWordLen - unl s:origWordLen - endif - let lnum = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] - let col = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - " Update the line number of all proceeding tab stops if has - " been inserted. - if changeLine != 0 - let changeLine -= 1 - for pos in g:snipPos - if pos[0] >= lnum - if pos[0] == lnum | let pos[1] += changeCol | endif - let pos[0] += changeLine - endif - if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif - for nPos in pos[3] - if nPos[0] >= lnum - if nPos[0] == lnum | let nPos[1] += changeCol | endif - let nPos[0] += changeLine - endif - endfor - endfor - elseif changeCol != 0 - " Update the column of all proceeding tab stops if text has - " been inserted/deleted in the current line. - for pos in g:snipPos - if pos[1] >= col && pos[0] == lnum - let pos[1] += changeCol - endif - if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif - for nPos in pos[3] - if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif - if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] >= col - let nPos[1] += changeCol - endif - endfor - endfor - endif -endf - -fun s:SelectWord() - let s:origWordLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - let s:oldWord = strpart(getline('.'), g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1, - \ s:origWordLen) - let s:prevLen[1] -= s:origWordLen - if !empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3]) - let s:update = 1 - let s:endCol = -1 - let s:startCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1 - endif - if !s:origWordLen | return '' | endif - let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : '' - if &sel == 'exclusive' - return "\".l.'v'.s:origWordLen."l\" - endif - return s:origWordLen == 1 ? "\".l.'gh' - \ : "\".l.'v'.(s:origWordLen - 1)."l\" -endf - -" This updates the snippet as you type when text needs to be inserted -" into multiple places (e.g. in "${1:default text}foo$1bar$1", -" "default text" would be highlighted, and if the user types something, -" UpdateChangedSnip() would be called so that the text after "foo" & "bar" -" are updated accordingly) -" -" It also automatically quits the snippet if the cursor is moved out of it -" while in insert mode. -fun s:UpdateChangedSnip(entering) - if exists('g:snipPos') && bufnr(0) != s:lastBuf - call s:RemoveSnippet() - elseif exists('s:update') " If modifying a placeholder - if !exists('s:oldVars') && s:curPos + 1 < s:snipLen - " Save the old snippet & word length before it's updated - " s:startCol must be saved too, in case text is added - " before the snippet (e.g. in "foo$1${2}bar${1:foo}"). - let s:oldEndCol = s:startCol - let s:oldVars = deepcopy(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3]) - endif - let col = col('.') - 1 - - if s:endCol != -1 - let changeLen = col('$') - s:prevLen[1] - let s:endCol += changeLen - else " When being updated the first time, after leaving select mode - if a:entering | return | endif - let s:endCol = col - 1 - endif - - " If the cursor moves outside the snippet, quit it - if line('.') != g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] || col < s:startCol || - \ col - 1 > s:endCol - unl! s:startCol s:origWordLen s:oldVars s:update - return s:RemoveSnippet() - endif - - call s:UpdateVars() - let s:prevLen[1] = col('$') - elseif exists('g:snipPos') - if !a:entering && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1 - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = -2 - endif - - let col = col('.') - let lnum = line('.') - let changeLine = line('$') - s:prevLen[0] - - if lnum == s:endLine - let s:endCol += col('$') - s:prevLen[1] - let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')] - endif - if changeLine != 0 - let s:endLine += changeLine - let s:endCol = col - endif - - " Delete snippet if cursor moves out of it in insert mode - if (lnum == s:endLine && (col > s:endCol || col < g:snipPos[s:curPos][1])) - \ || lnum > s:endLine || lnum < g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] - call s:RemoveSnippet() - endif - endif -endf - -" This updates the variables in a snippet when a placeholder has been edited. -" (e.g., each "$1" in "${1:foo} $1bar $1bar") -fun s:UpdateVars() - let newWordLen = s:endCol - s:startCol + 1 - let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), s:startCol, newWordLen) - if newWord == s:oldWord || empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3]) - return - endif - - let changeLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - newWordLen - let curLine = line('.') - let startCol = col('.') - let oldStartSnip = s:startCol - let updateTabStops = changeLen != 0 - let i = 0 - - for [lnum, col] in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3] - if updateTabStops - let start = s:startCol - if lnum == curLine && col <= start - let s:startCol -= changeLen - let s:endCol -= changeLen - endif - for nPos in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][(i):] - " This list is in ascending order, so quit if we've gone too far. - if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif - if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col - let nPos[1] -= changeLen - endif - endfor - if lnum == curLine && col > start - let col -= changeLen - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][i][1] = col - endif - let i += 1 - endif - - " "Very nomagic" is used here to allow special characters. - call setline(lnum, substitute(getline(lnum), '\%'.col.'c\V'. - \ escape(s:oldWord, '\'), escape(newWord, '\&'), '')) - endfor - if oldStartSnip != s:startCol - call cursor(0, startCol + s:startCol - oldStartSnip) - endif - - let s:oldWord = newWord - let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = newWordLen -endf -" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim diff --git a/autoload/pathogen.vim b/autoload/pathogen.vim old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 3accbe6d..a13ae08f --- a/autoload/pathogen.vim +++ b/autoload/pathogen.vim @@ -1,44 +1,56 @@ " pathogen.vim - path option manipulation " Maintainer: Tim Pope -" Version: 2.0 +" Version: 2.3 " Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload). " " For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or -" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `call pathogen#infect()` to your .vimrc -" prior to `filetype plugin indent on` is the only other setup necessary. +" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `execute pathogen#infect()` to the top of your +" .vimrc is the only other setup necessary. " -" The API is documented inline below. For maximum ease of reading, -" :set foldmethod=marker +" The API is documented inline below. if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_pathogen = 1 -" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a directory name to invoke -" pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() (defaults to "bundle"), or a full path -" to invoke pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(). Afterwards, -" pathogen#cycle_filetype() is invoked. -function! pathogen#infect(...) abort " {{{1 - let source_path = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle' - if source_path =~# '[\\/]' - call pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(source_path) - else - call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(source_path) - endif +" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a relative path to invoke +" pathogen#interpose() (defaults to "bundle/{}"), or an absolute path to invoke +" pathogen#surround(). Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand(): +" "bundle/{}" finds all subdirectories inside "bundle" inside all directories +" in the runtime path. +function! pathogen#infect(...) abort + for path in a:0 ? filter(reverse(copy(a:000)), 'type(v:val) == type("")') : ['bundle/{}'] + if path =~# '^\%({\=[$~\\/]\|{\=\w:[\\/]\).*[{}*]' + call pathogen#surround(path) + elseif path =~# '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#surround(path . '/{}') + elseif path =~# '[{}*]' + call pathogen#interpose(path) + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#interpose(path . '/{}') + endif + endfor call pathogen#cycle_filetype() -endfunction " }}}1 + if pathogen#is_disabled($MYVIMRC) + return 'finish' + endif + return '' +endfunction " Split a path into a list. -function! pathogen#split(path) abort " {{{1 +function! pathogen#split(path) abort if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif + if empty(a:path) | return [] | endif let split = split(a:path,'\\\@"),'!isdirectory(v:val)')) && (!filereadable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags') || filewritable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags')) - helptags `=dir.'/doc'` - endif - endfor -endfunction " }}}1 - -command! -bar Helptags :call pathogen#helptags() - -" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. -function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) "{{{1 - let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) - return fnamemodify(findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count),':p') -endfunction " }}}1 - " Backport of fnameescape(). -function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) " {{{1 +function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) abort if exists('*fnameescape') return fnameescape(a:string) elseif a:string ==# '-' @@ -189,24 +236,79 @@ function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) " {{{1 else return substitute(escape(a:string," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<"),'^[+>]','\\&','') endif -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction -function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) " {{{1 +" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. +function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) abort "{{{1 + let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) + let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count) + if file ==# '' + return '' + else + return fnamemodify(file,':p') + endif +endfunction + +" Section: Deprecated + +function! s:warn(msg) abort + echohl WarningMsg + echomsg a:msg + echohl NONE +endfunction + +" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all 'after' +" directories in those subdirectories. Deprecated. +function! pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(path) abort + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories('.string(a:path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:path.'/{}').')') + return pathogen#surround(a:path . pathogen#slash() . '{}') +endfunction + +function! pathogen#incubate(...) abort + let name = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle/{}' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#incubate('.(a:0 ? string(a:1) : '').') to pathogen#infect('.string(name).')') + return pathogen#interpose(name) +endfunction + +" Deprecated alias for pathogen#interpose(). +function! pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(...) abort + if a:0 + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles('.string(a:1).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:1.'/{}').')') + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() to pathogen#infect()') + endif + return pathogen#interpose(a:0 ? a:1 . '/{}' : 'bundle/{}') +endfunction + +if exists(':Vedit') + finish +endif + +let s:vopen_warning = 0 + +function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&runtimepath)) let file = pathogen#runtime_findfile(a:file,a:count) if file ==# '' return "echoerr 'E345: Can''t find file \"".a:file."\" in runtimepath'" - elseif a:lcd + endif + if !s:vopen_warning + let s:vopen_warning = 1 + let warning = '|echohl WarningMsg|echo "Install scriptease.vim to continue using :V'.a:cmd.'"|echohl NONE' + else + let warning = '' + endif + if a:lcd let path = file[0:-strlen(a:file)-2] execute 'lcd `=path`' - return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) . warning else - return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) . warning endif -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction -function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1 - let sep = pathogen#separator() +function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) + let sep = pathogen#slash() let cheats = { \'a': 'autoload', \'d': 'doc', @@ -219,7 +321,7 @@ function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1 else let request = a:A endif - let pattern = substitute(request,'\'.sep,'*'.sep,'g').'*' + let pattern = substitute(request,'/\|\'.sep,'*'.sep,'g').'*' let found = {} for path in pathogen#split(&runtimepath) let path = expand(path, ':p') @@ -231,7 +333,7 @@ function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1 endfor endfor return sort(keys(found)) -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Ve :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) @@ -242,4 +344,4 @@ command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabed command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit :execute s:find(,'pedit',,1) command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread :execute s:find(,'read',,1) -" vim:set ft=vim ts=8 sw=2 sts=2: +" vim:set et sw=2 foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^\"\ Section\:'?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^fu'?'a1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^endf'?'s1'\:'=': diff --git a/sources_forked/peaksea/colors/peaksea.vim b/sources_forked/peaksea/colors/peaksea.vim index 7b95aadd..78481e0f 100644 --- a/sources_forked/peaksea/colors/peaksea.vim +++ b/sources_forked/peaksea/colors/peaksea.vim @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif -let g:colors_name = expand(":t:r") +let g:colors_name = "peaksea" " I don't want to abuse folding, but here folding is used to avoid confusion. if &background=='light' @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ elseif &background=='dark' hi ModeMsg guifg=fg guibg=#000080 gui=NONE hi VisualNOS guifg=fg guibg=#000080 gui=NONE hi SpecialKey guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=NONE gui=NONE - hi NonText guifg=#6080f0 guibg=#101010 gui=NONE + hi NonText guifg=#202020 guibg=#202020 gui=NONE hi Directory guifg=#80c0e0 guibg=NONE gui=NONE hi ErrorMsg guifg=#d0d090 guibg=#800000 gui=NONE hi MoreMsg guifg=#c0e080 guibg=NONE gui=NONE @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ elseif &background=='dark' hi DiffChange guifg=NONE guibg=#800080 gui=NONE hi DiffDelete guifg=#6080f0 guibg=#202020 gui=NONE hi DiffText guifg=#000000 guibg=#c0e080 gui=NONE - hi SignColumn guifg=#e0e0e0 guibg=#008000 gui=NONE + hi SignColumn guifg=#e0e0e0 guibg=#202020 gui=NONE hi IncSearch guifg=White guibg=DarkRed gui=NONE hi StatusLineNC guifg=#000000 guibg=#c0c0c0 gui=NONE hi VertSplit guifg=#000000 guibg=#c0c0c0 gui=NONE diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/Powerline_default_default_compatible.cache b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/Powerline_default_default_compatible.cache deleted file mode 100644 index 498b4f63..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/Powerline_default_default_compatible.cache +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline_cache_revision = 7 -let g:Pl#HL = ['hi Ple7ffffffa0d70000b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=160 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#d70000 gui=bold', 'hi Pla0d70000f0585858N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Plc4ff0000f0585858b ctermfg=196 ctermbg=240 cterm=bold guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#585858 gui=bold', 'hi Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N ctermfg=252 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#d0d0d0 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7fffffff0585858b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=240 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#585858 gui=bold', 'hi Plf0585858ec303030N ctermfg=240 ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=#585858 guibg=#303030 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffffec303030N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#303030 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf79e9e9eec303030N ctermfg=247 ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=#9e9e9e guibg=#303030 gui=NONE', 'hi Plec303030ec303030N ctermfg=236 ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=#303030 guibg=#303030 gui=NONE', 'hi Plfabcbcbcf0585858N ctermfg=250 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#bcbcbc guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Plec303030fcd0d0d0b ctermfg=236 ctermbg=252 cterm=bold guifg=#303030 guibg=#d0d0d0 gui=bold', 'hi Plf4808080fcd0d0d0N ctermfg=244 ctermbg=252 cterm=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=#d0d0d0 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000f1626262N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=241 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#626262 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7fffffff1626262b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=241 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#626262 gui=bold', 'hi Plf1626262f0585858N ctermfg=241 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#626262 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl58870000e9121212N ctermfg=88 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#870000 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf1626262e9121212N ctermfg=241 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#626262 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf58a8a8ae9121212b ctermfg=245 ctermbg=233 cterm=bold guifg=#8a8a8a guibg=#121212 gui=bold', 'hi Ple9121212e9121212N ctermfg=233 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#121212 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffffe9121212N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf0585858eb262626N ctermfg=240 ctermbg=235 cterm=NONE guifg=#585858 guibg=#262626 gui=NONE', 'hi Pleb262626e9121212N ctermfg=235 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#262626 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf58a8a8aeb262626b ctermfg=245 ctermbg=235 cterm=bold guifg=#8a8a8a guibg=#262626 gui=bold', 'hi Plf1626262eb262626N ctermfg=241 ctermbg=235 cterm=NONE guifg=#626262 guibg=#262626 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000d0ff8700N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=208 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#ff8700 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl58870000d0ff8700b ctermfg=88 ctermbg=208 cterm=bold guifg=#870000 guibg=#ff8700 gui=bold', 'hi Pld0ff8700f0585858N ctermfg=208 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#ff8700 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000e7ffffffN ctermfg=160 ctermbg=231 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#ffffff gui=NONE', 'hi Pl17005f5fe7ffffffb ctermfg=23 ctermbg=231 cterm=bold guifg=#005f5f guibg=#ffffff gui=bold', 'hi Ple7ffffff1f0087afN ctermfg=231 ctermbg=31 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0087af gui=NONE', 'hi Plc4ff00001f0087afb ctermfg=196 ctermbg=31 cterm=bold guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#0087af gui=bold', 'hi Pl7587d7ff1f0087afN ctermfg=117 ctermbg=31 cterm=NONE guifg=#87d7ff guibg=#0087af gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff1f0087afb ctermfg=231 ctermbg=31 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0087af gui=bold', 'hi Pl1f0087af18005f87N ctermfg=31 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#0087af guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff18005f87N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl7587d7ff18005f87N ctermfg=117 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#87d7ff guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl18005f8718005f87N ctermfg=24 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#005f87 guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl17005f5f7587d7ffb ctermfg=23 ctermbg=117 cterm=bold guifg=#005f5f guibg=#87d7ff gui=bold', 'hi Pl17005f5f7587d7ffN ctermfg=23 ctermbg=117 cterm=NONE guifg=#005f5f guibg=#87d7ff gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d7000094afd700N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=148 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#afd700 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl16005f0094afd700b ctermfg=22 ctermbg=148 cterm=bold guifg=#005f00 guibg=#afd700 gui=bold', 'hi Pl94afd700f0585858N ctermfg=148 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#afd700 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff7caf0000b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=124 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#af0000 gui=bold', 'hi Pl7caf000058870000N ctermfg=124 ctermbg=88 cterm=NONE guifg=#af0000 guibg=#870000 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff58870000N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=88 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#870000 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl5887000058870000N ctermfg=88 ctermbg=88 cterm=NONE guifg=#870000 guibg=#870000 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000345f0000b ctermfg=160 ctermbg=52 cterm=bold guifg=#d70000 guibg=#5f0000 gui=bold', 'hi Pl345f0000345f0000N ctermfg=52 ctermbg=52 cterm=NONE guifg=#5f0000 guibg=#5f0000 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff345f0000N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=52 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#5f0000 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000345f0000N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=52 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#5f0000 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7fffffff0585858N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Plf58a8a8aeb262626N ctermfg=245 ctermbg=235 cterm=NONE guifg=#8a8a8a guibg=#262626 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff465faf00b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=70 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#5faf00 gui=bold', 'hi Pl465faf001c008700N ctermfg=70 ctermbg=28 cterm=NONE guifg=#5faf00 guibg=#008700 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl94afd7001c008700N ctermfg=148 ctermbg=28 cterm=NONE guifg=#afd700 guibg=#008700 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl1c0087001c008700N ctermfg=28 ctermbg=28 cterm=NONE guifg=#008700 guibg=#008700 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff1c008700N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=28 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#008700 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl465faf0016005f00b ctermfg=70 ctermbg=22 cterm=bold guifg=#5faf00 guibg=#005f00 gui=bold', 'hi Pl465faf0016005f00N ctermfg=70 ctermbg=22 cterm=NONE guifg=#5faf00 guibg=#005f00 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl16005f0016005f00N ctermfg=22 ctermbg=22 cterm=NONE guifg=#005f00 guibg=#005f00 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff16005f00N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=22 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#005f00 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff62875fd7N ctermfg=231 ctermbg=98 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#875fd7 gui=NONE', 'hi Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN ctermfg=98 ctermbg=231 cterm=NONE guifg=#875fd7 guibg=#ffffff gui=NONE', 'hi Pl375f00afe7ffffffb ctermfg=55 ctermbg=231 cterm=bold guifg=#5f00af guibg=#ffffff gui=bold', 'hi Pl62875fd7375f00afN ctermfg=98 ctermbg=55 cterm=NONE guifg=#875fd7 guibg=#5f00af gui=NONE', 'hi Plc4ff0000375f00afb ctermfg=196 ctermbg=55 cterm=bold guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#5f00af gui=bold', 'hi Pl375f00af375f00afN ctermfg=55 ctermbg=55 cterm=NONE guifg=#5f00af guibg=#5f00af gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff375f00afN ctermfg=231 ctermbg=55 cterm=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#5f00af gui=NONE', 'hi Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN ctermfg=189 ctermbg=55 cterm=NONE guifg=#d7d7ff guibg=#5f00af gui=NONE', 'hi Pl375f00afe7ffffffN ctermfg=55 ctermbg=231 cterm=NONE guifg=#5f00af guibg=#ffffff gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d7000000000000N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=0 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#000000 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff00000000b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=0 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=bold', 'hi Pl00000000f0585858N ctermfg=0 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d70000e9121212N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE', 'hi Plfcd0d0d0e9121212b ctermfg=252 ctermbg=233 cterm=bold guifg=#d0d0d0 guibg=#121212 gui=bold', 'hi Ple9121212f0585858N ctermfg=233 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#121212 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE', 'hi Pla0d7000018005f87N ctermfg=160 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#d70000 guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE', 'hi Ple7ffffff18005f87b ctermfg=231 ctermbg=24 cterm=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#005f87 gui=bold', 'hi Pl18005f87f0585858N ctermfg=24 ctermbg=240 cterm=NONE guifg=#005f87 guibg=#585858 gui=NONE'] -let g:Pl#THEME = [{'mode_statuslines': {'r': '%(%(%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b# %{&paste ? "PASTE" : ""} %)%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b#│%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b# %{Powerline#Functions#GetMode()} %)%#Pla0d70000f0585858N#%)%( %(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%{&readonly ? "RO" : ""} %)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath()}%)%(%#Ple7fffffff0585858b#%t %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%M %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%H%W %)%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%)%<%#Ple7ffffffec303030N#%=%(%#Plec303030ec303030N#%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{&fileformat} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{(&fenc == "" ? &enc : &fenc)} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{strlen(&ft) ? &ft : "no ft"} %)%)%(%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%(%#Plfabcbcbcf0585858N# %3p%% %)%)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%(%#Plec303030fcd0d0d0b# LN %3l%)%(%#Plf4808080fcd0d0d0N#:%-2v%) %)', 's': '%(%(%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b# %{&paste ? "PASTE" : ""} %)%#Pla0d70000f1626262N#%)%(%(%#Ple7fffffff1626262b# %{Powerline#Functions#GetMode()} %)%#Plf1626262f0585858N#%)%( %(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%{&readonly ? "RO" : ""} %)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath()}%)%(%#Ple7fffffff0585858b#%t %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%M %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%H%W %)%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%)%<%#Ple7ffffffec303030N#%=%(%#Plec303030ec303030N#%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{&fileformat} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{(&fenc == "" ? &enc : &fenc)} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{strlen(&ft) ? &ft : "no ft"} %)%)%(%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%(%#Plfabcbcbcf0585858N# %3p%% %)%)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%(%#Plec303030fcd0d0d0b# LN %3l%)%(%#Plf4808080fcd0d0d0N#:%-2v%) %)', 'N': '%( %(%#Pl58870000e9121212N#%{&readonly ? "RO" : ""} %)%(%#Plf1626262e9121212N#%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath()}%)%(%#Plf58a8a8ae9121212b#%t %)%(%#Pl58870000e9121212N#%M %)%(%#Pl58870000e9121212N#%H%W %)%#Ple9121212e9121212N#%)%<%#Ple7ffffffe9121212N#%=%(%#Pleb262626e9121212N#%(%#Plf0585858eb262626N# %3p%% %)%)%(%#Plf58a8a8aeb262626b#│%(%#Plf58a8a8aeb262626b# LN %3l%)%(%#Plf1626262eb262626N#:%-2v%) %)', 'v': '%(%(%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b# %{&paste ? "PASTE" : ""} %)%#Pla0d7000018005f87N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff18005f87b# %{Powerline#Functions#GetMode()} %)%#Pl18005f87f0585858N#%)%( %(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%{&readonly ? "RO" : ""} %)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath()}%)%(%#Ple7fffffff0585858b#%t %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%M %)%(%#Plc4ff0000f0585858b#%H%W %)%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%)%<%#Ple7ffffffec303030N#%=%(%#Plec303030ec303030N#%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{&fileformat} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{(&fenc == "" ? &enc : &fenc)} %)%)%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N#│%(%#Plf79e9e9eec303030N# %{strlen(&ft) ? &ft : "no ft"} %)%)%(%#Plf0585858ec303030N#%(%#Plfabcbcbcf0585858N# %3p%% %)%)%(%#Plfcd0d0d0f0585858N#%(%#Plec303030fcd0d0d0b# LN %3l%)%(%#Plf4808080fcd0d0d0N#:%-2v%) %)', 'i': '%(%(%#Ple7ffffffa0d70000b# %{&paste ? "PASTE" : ""} %)%#Pla0d70000e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl17005f5fe7ffffffb# %{Powerline#Functions#GetMode()} %)%#Ple7ffffff1f0087afN#%)%( %(%#Plc4ff00001f0087afb#%{&readonly ? 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PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%3"} %)%#Pl62875fd7e7ffffffN#%)%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffb# %-9{"%4"} %)%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N#%)%(%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %-3{"%5"} %)%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%)%(%(%#Plc4ff0000375f00afb# %{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)} %)%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl375f00af375f00afN#%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%0"} %)%)%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN#│%(%#Plbdd7d7ff375f00afN# %{"%1"} %)%)%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_main"'], ['function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog(...){{NEWLINE}}return Pl#StatuslineCallback(''%(%(%#Pl375f00afe7ffffffN# %-6{"%0"} %)%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%)%<%#Ple7ffffff375f00afN#%=%(%#Pl62875fd7375f00afN#%(%#Ple7ffffff62875fd7N# %{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")} %)%)'', a:000){{NEWLINE}}endfunction', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "PowerlineStatuslineCallback_ctrlp_prog"']] diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/README.md b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/README.rst b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/README.rst deleted file mode 100755 index 72cd84f2..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/README.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -================= -Powerline for vim -================= - -:Author: Kim Silkebækken (kim.silkebaekken+vim@gmail.com) -:Source: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline -:Version: β - -Introduction ------------- - -Powerline is a utility plugin which allows you to create better-looking, -more functional vim statuslines. See the screenshots below for -a demonstration of the plugin's capabilities. - -It's recommended that you install the plugin using Pathogen_ or Vundle_. -After the plugin is installed update your help tags and see ``:help -Powerline`` for instructions on how to enable and configure the plugin. - -See the `Troubleshooting`_ section below if you're having any issues with -the plugin or the font patcher. - -**Note:** You need a patched font to be able to use the symbols in the -statusline. An experimental Python/fontforge-based font patcher is included -in the ``fontpatcher`` directory. See ``fontpatcher/README.rst`` for usage -instructions. - -.. _Pathogen: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen -.. _Vundle: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle - -Screenshots ------------ - -.. image:: http://i.imgur.com/MsuIB.png - -Troubleshooting ---------------- - -I can't see the fancy symbols, what's wrong? - Make sure that you have ``let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy'`` in your - ``vimrc`` file. The settings may be loaded too late if you have this in - ``gvimrc``, so always put this in your ``vimrc``. - - Clear the cache using ``:PowerlineClearCache`` and restart vim. - - Make sure that you've configured gvim or your terminal emulator to use - a patched font. - - Make sure that vim is compiled with the ``--with-features=big`` flag. - -The fancy symbols look a bit blurry or "off"! - Make sure that you have patched all variants of your font (i.e. both the - regular and the bold font files). - -I'm unable to patch my font, what should I do? - Font patching is only known to work on most Linux and OS X machines. If - you have followed the instructions in the fontpatcher README and still - have problems, please submit an issue on GitHub. - - You can download some community-contributed patched fonts from the - `Powerline wiki`_ if you don't want to mess around with the font - patcher. - -The Syntastic/Fugitive statusline flags don't work! - These flags should work without any configuration. If you installed - either plugin after Powerline, you'll have to clear the cache using - ``:PowerlineClearCache`` and restart vim. - -The colors are weird in the default OS X Terminal app! - The default OS X Terminal app is known to have some issues with the - Powerline colors. Please use another terminal emulator. iTerm2 should - work fine. - - The arrows may have the wrong colors if you have changed the "minimum - contrast" slider in the color tab of your OS X settings. - -The statusline has strange characters like ``^B`` in it! - Please add ``set encoding=utf-8`` to your ``vimrc``. - - You may also need to set your ``LANG`` and ``LC_*`` environment - variables to a UTF-8 locale (e.g. ``LANG=en_US.utf8``). Consult your - Linux distro's documentation for information about setting these - variables correctly. - -The statusline has a lot of ``^`` or underline characters in it! - You need to configure the ``fillchars`` setting to disable statusline - fillchars (see ``:h fillchars`` for details). Add this to your - ``vimrc`` to solve this issue:: - - set fillchars+=stl:\ ,stlnc:\ - -The statusline is hidden/only appears in split windows! - Make sure that you have ``set laststatus=2`` in your ``vimrc``. - -I'm using tmux and Powerline looks like crap, what's wrong? - You need to tell tmux that it has 256-color capabilities. Add this to - your ``.tmux.conf`` to solve this issue:: - - set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" - - If you use iTerm2, make sure that you have enabled the setting 'Set - locale variables automatically' in Profiles > Terminal > Environment. - -If you have any other issues and you can't find the answer in the docs, -please submit an issue on GitHub. - -.. _`Powerline wiki`: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/wiki/Patched-fonts diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl.vim deleted file mode 100755 index c933030d..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -" Powerline - The ultimate statusline utility -" -" Author: Kim Silkebækken -" Source repository: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline - -" Script variables {{{ - let g:Pl#OLD_STL = '' - let g:Pl#THEME = [] - let g:Pl#THEME_CALLBACKS = [] - let g:Pl#HL = [] - - " Cache revision, this must be incremented whenever the cache format is changed - let s:CACHE_REVISION = 7 -" }}} -" Script initialization {{{ - function! Pl#LoadCache() " {{{ - if filereadable(g:Powerline_cache_file) && g:Powerline_cache_enabled - exec 'source' escape(g:Powerline_cache_file, ' \') - - if ! exists('g:Powerline_cache_revision') || g:Powerline_cache_revision != s:CACHE_REVISION - " Cache revision differs, cache is invalid - unlet! g:Powerline_cache_revision - - return 0 - endif - - " Create highlighting groups - for hi_cmd in g:Pl#HL - exec hi_cmd - endfor - - " Run theme callbacks - for callback in g:Pl#THEME_CALLBACKS - " Substitute {{NEWLINE}} with newlines (strings must be - " stored without newlines characters to avoid vim errors) - exec substitute(callback[0], "{{NEWLINE}}", "\n", 'g') - exec substitute(callback[1], "{{NEWLINE}}", "\n", 'g') - endfor - - return 1 - endif - - return 0 - endfunction " }}} - function! Pl#ClearCache() " {{{ - if filereadable(g:Powerline_cache_file) - " Delete the cache file - call delete(g:Powerline_cache_file) - endif - - echo 'Powerline cache cleared. Please restart vim for the changes to take effect.' - endfunction " }}} - function! Pl#ReloadColorscheme() " {{{ - call Pl#ClearCache() - - " The colorscheme and theme files must be manually sourced because - " vim won't reload previously autoloaded files - " - " This is a bit hackish, but it works - unlet! g:Powerline#Colorschemes#{g:Powerline_colorscheme}#colorscheme - exec "source" split(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/'. g:Powerline_colorscheme .'.vim', 1), '\n')[0] - - unlet! g:Powerline#Themes#{g:Powerline_theme}#theme - exec "source" split(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/Powerline/Themes/'. g:Powerline_theme .'.vim', 1), '\n')[0] - - let g:Pl#THEME = [] - - call Pl#Load() - endfunction " }}} - function! Pl#Load() " {{{ - if empty(g:Pl#OLD_STL) - " Store old statusline - let g:Pl#OLD_STL = &statusline - endif - - if ! Pl#LoadCache() - try - " Autoload the theme dict first - let raw_theme = g:Powerline#Themes#{g:Powerline_theme}#theme - catch - echom 'Invalid Powerline theme! Please check your theme and colorscheme settings.' - - return - endtry - - " Create list with parsed statuslines - for buffer_statusline in raw_theme - unlet! mode_statuslines - let mode_statuslines = Pl#Parser#GetStatusline(buffer_statusline.segments) - - if ! empty(buffer_statusline.callback) - " The callback function passes its arguments on to - " Pl#StatuslineCallback along with the normal/current mode - " statusline. - let s:cb_func = "function! PowerlineStatuslineCallback_". buffer_statusline.callback[1] ."(...)\n" - let s:cb_func .= "return Pl#StatuslineCallback(". string(mode_statuslines['n']) .", a:000)\n" - let s:cb_func .= "endfunction" - - " The callback expression should be used to initialize any - " variables that will use the callback function. The - " expression requires a %s which will be replaced by the - " callback function name. - let s:cb_expr = printf(buffer_statusline.callback[2], 'PowerlineStatuslineCallback_'. buffer_statusline.callback[1]) - - exec s:cb_func - exec s:cb_expr - - " Newlines must be substituted with another character - " because vim doesn't like newlines in strings - call add(g:Pl#THEME_CALLBACKS, [substitute(s:cb_func, "\n", "{{NEWLINE}}", 'g'), substitute(s:cb_expr, "\n", "{{NEWLINE}}", 'g')]) - - unlet! s:cb_func s:cb_expr - - continue - endif - - " Store the statuslines for matching specific buffers - call add(g:Pl#THEME, { - \ 'matches': buffer_statusline.matches, - \ 'mode_statuslines': mode_statuslines - \ }) - endfor - - if ! g:Powerline_cache_enabled - " Don't cache anything if caching is disabled or cache file isn't writeable - return - endif - - " Prepare commands and statuslines for caching - let cache = [ - \ 'let g:Powerline_cache_revision = '. string(s:CACHE_REVISION), - \ 'let g:Pl#HL = '. string(g:Pl#HL), - \ 'let g:Pl#THEME = '. string(g:Pl#THEME), - \ 'let g:Pl#THEME_CALLBACKS = '. string(g:Pl#THEME_CALLBACKS), - \ ] - - call writefile(cache, g:Powerline_cache_file) - endif - endfunction " }}} -" }}} -" Statusline updater {{{ - function! Pl#Statusline(statusline, current) " {{{ - let mode = mode() - - if ! a:current - let mode = 'N' " Normal (non-current) - elseif mode =~# '\v(v|V|)' - let mode = 'v' " Visual mode - elseif mode =~# '\v(s|S|)' - let mode = 's' " Select mode - elseif mode =~# '\vi' - let mode = 'i' " Insert mode - elseif mode =~# '\v(R|Rv)' - let mode = 'r' " Replace mode - else - " Fallback to normal mode - let mode = 'n' " Normal (current) - endif - - return g:Pl#THEME[a:statusline].mode_statuslines[mode] - endfunction " }}} - function! Pl#StatuslineCallback(statusline, args) " {{{ - " Replace %1, %2, etc. in the statusline with the callback args - return substitute( - \ a:statusline, - \ '\v\%(\d+)', - \ '\=a:args[submatch(1)]', - \ 'g') - endfunction " }}} - function! Pl#UpdateStatusline(current) " {{{ - if empty(g:Pl#THEME) - " Load statuslines if they aren't loaded yet - call Pl#Load() - endif - - for i in range(0, len(g:Pl#THEME) - 1) - if Pl#Match#Validate(g:Pl#THEME[i]) - " Update window-local statusline - let &l:statusline = '%!Pl#Statusline('. i .','. a:current .')' - endif - endfor - endfunction " }}} -" }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Colorscheme.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Colorscheme.vim deleted file mode 100755 index ec15e461..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Colorscheme.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -function! Pl#Colorscheme#Init(hi) " {{{ - let colorscheme = {} - - for hi in a:hi - " Ensure that the segments are a list - let segments = type(hi[0]) == type('') ? [ hi[0] ] : hi[0] - let mode_hi_dict = hi[1] - - for segment in segments - let colorscheme[segment] = mode_hi_dict - endfor - endfor - - return colorscheme -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Colorscheme#Apply(colorscheme, buffer_segments) " {{{ - " Set color parameters for all segments in a:buffer_segments - - " TODO This function should be recursive and work on both segments and groups - " TODO We could probably handle the NS stuff here... - - try - let colorscheme = g:Powerline#Colorschemes#{a:colorscheme}#colorscheme - catch - echom 'Color scheme "'. a:colorscheme .'" doesn''t exist!' - - return - endtry - - let buffer_segments = a:buffer_segments - - " This is a bit complex, I'll walk you through exactly what happens here... - " - " First of all we loop through the buffer_segments, which are the segments that - " this specific buffer will have. - for buffer_segment in buffer_segments - " The buffer_segment consists of a 'matches' list and a 'segments' list. - " The 'matches' list has conditions to limit this statusline to specific buffers/windows. - " The 'segments' list has each segment and segment group for this buffer - for segment in buffer_segment.segments - let type = get(segment, 'type', '') - - if type == 'segment_group' - " We're going to handle segment groups different from single segments. Segment groups - " have child segments which may have their own highlighting (e.g. fileinfo.flags), - " and these child segments may be grouped (e.g. fileinfo.flags.ro) to provide very - " specific highlighting. So here we'll handle all that: - - " Set the default/fallback colors for this group - for i in range(len(segment.variants), 0, -1) - " Check for available highlighting for the main group segment - " - " This works like the segment highlighting below - " TODO Create a function for this - let seg_variants = join(segment.variants[0:i], '.') - - let seg_name = i > 0 ? segment.name .'.'. seg_variants : segment.name - let seg_ns_name = len(segment.ns) > 0 ? segment.ns .':'. seg_name : seg_name - - if has_key(colorscheme, seg_ns_name) - " We have a namespaced highlight group - let segment.colors = colorscheme[seg_ns_name] - break - elseif has_key(colorscheme, seg_name) - " We have a non-namespaced group - let segment.colors = colorscheme[seg_name] - break - endif - endfor - - " The reason why we need to deepcopy the group's segments is that the child segments - " all point to the same base segments and that screws up highlighting if we highlight - " some child segments with different namespaced colors - let segment.segments = deepcopy(segment.segments) - - " Apply colors to each child segment - for child_segment in segment.segments - " Check if this child segment is grouped (e.g. fileinfo.flags.group.subgroup) - " We're going to prioritize the most specific grouping and then work back to the - " most common group (e.g. fileinfo.flags) - - " FIXME We don't have the variants from before because group children aren't run through Pl#Segment#Get - let child_segment.variants = [seg_name] + split(child_segment.name, '\.') - - " Use the parent group's namespace - let child_segment.ns = segment.ns - - for i in range(len(child_segment.variants), 0, -1) - " Check for available highlighting for the main group segment - let child_seg_name = join(child_segment.variants[0:i], '.') - - let child_seg_ns_name = len(child_segment.ns) > 0 ? child_segment.ns .':'. child_seg_name : child_seg_name - - if has_key(colorscheme, child_seg_ns_name) - " We have a namespaced highlight group - let child_segment.colors = colorscheme[child_seg_ns_name] - break - elseif has_key(colorscheme, child_seg_name) - " We have a non-namespaced group - let child_segment.colors = colorscheme[child_seg_name] - break - endif - endfor - endfor - elseif type == 'segment' - for i in range(len(segment.variants), 0, -1) - " Check for available highlighting - " - " This is done in the following manner, using the segment gundo:static_filename.text.buffer as an example: - " - " * Look for the hl group: gundo:static_filename.text.buffer - " * Look for the hl group: static_filename.text.buffer - " * Look for the hl group: gundo:static_filename.text - " * Look for the hl group: static_filename.text - " * Look for the hl group: gundo:static_filename - " * Look for the hl group: static_filename - " * Return the segment without highlighting, causing an error in the parser - let seg_variants = join(segment.variants[0:i], '.') - - let seg_name = i > 0 ? segment.name .'.'. seg_variants : segment.name - let seg_ns_name = len(segment.ns) > 0 ? segment.ns .':'. seg_name : seg_name - - if has_key(colorscheme, seg_ns_name) - " We have a namespaced highlight group - let segment.colors = colorscheme[seg_ns_name] - break - elseif has_key(colorscheme, seg_name) - " We have a non-namespaced group - let segment.colors = colorscheme[seg_name] - break - endif - endfor - endif - - unlet! segment - endfor - endfor - - " Good luck parsing this return value - " - " It's a huge dict with all segments for all buffers with their respective syntax highlighting. - " It will be parsed by the main Powerline code, where all the data will be shortened to a simple - " array consiting of a statusline for each mode, with generated highlighting groups and dividers. - return buffer_segments -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Hi.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Hi.vim deleted file mode 100755 index f6b3eea2..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Hi.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -" cterm -> gui color dict {{{ -let s:cterm2gui_dict = { - \ 16: 0x000000, 17: 0x00005f, 18: 0x000087, 19: 0x0000af, 20: 0x0000d7, 21: 0x0000ff, - \ 22: 0x005f00, 23: 0x005f5f, 24: 0x005f87, 25: 0x005faf, 26: 0x005fd7, 27: 0x005fff, - \ 28: 0x008700, 29: 0x00875f, 30: 0x008787, 31: 0x0087af, 32: 0x0087d7, 33: 0x0087ff, - \ 34: 0x00af00, 35: 0x00af5f, 36: 0x00af87, 37: 0x00afaf, 38: 0x00afd7, 39: 0x00afff, - \ 40: 0x00d700, 41: 0x00d75f, 42: 0x00d787, 43: 0x00d7af, 44: 0x00d7d7, 45: 0x00d7ff, - \ 46: 0x00ff00, 47: 0x00ff5f, 48: 0x00ff87, 49: 0x00ffaf, 50: 0x00ffd7, 51: 0x00ffff, - \ 52: 0x5f0000, 53: 0x5f005f, 54: 0x5f0087, 55: 0x5f00af, 56: 0x5f00d7, 57: 0x5f00ff, - \ 58: 0x5f5f00, 59: 0x5f5f5f, 60: 0x5f5f87, 61: 0x5f5faf, 62: 0x5f5fd7, 63: 0x5f5fff, - \ 64: 0x5f8700, 65: 0x5f875f, 66: 0x5f8787, 67: 0x5f87af, 68: 0x5f87d7, 69: 0x5f87ff, - \ 70: 0x5faf00, 71: 0x5faf5f, 72: 0x5faf87, 73: 0x5fafaf, 74: 0x5fafd7, 75: 0x5fafff, - \ 76: 0x5fd700, 77: 0x5fd75f, 78: 0x5fd787, 79: 0x5fd7af, 80: 0x5fd7d7, 81: 0x5fd7ff, - \ 82: 0x5fff00, 83: 0x5fff5f, 84: 0x5fff87, 85: 0x5fffaf, 86: 0x5fffd7, 87: 0x5fffff, - \ 88: 0x870000, 89: 0x87005f, 90: 0x870087, 91: 0x8700af, 92: 0x8700d7, 93: 0x8700ff, - \ 94: 0x875f00, 95: 0x875f5f, 96: 0x875f87, 97: 0x875faf, 98: 0x875fd7, 99: 0x875fff, - \ 100: 0x878700, 101: 0x87875f, 102: 0x878787, 103: 0x8787af, 104: 0x8787d7, 105: 0x8787ff, - \ 106: 0x87af00, 107: 0x87af5f, 108: 0x87af87, 109: 0x87afaf, 110: 0x87afd7, 111: 0x87afff, - \ 112: 0x87d700, 113: 0x87d75f, 114: 0x87d787, 115: 0x87d7af, 116: 0x87d7d7, 117: 0x87d7ff, - \ 118: 0x87ff00, 119: 0x87ff5f, 120: 0x87ff87, 121: 0x87ffaf, 122: 0x87ffd7, 123: 0x87ffff, - \ 124: 0xaf0000, 125: 0xaf005f, 126: 0xaf0087, 127: 0xaf00af, 128: 0xaf00d7, 129: 0xaf00ff, - \ 130: 0xaf5f00, 131: 0xaf5f5f, 132: 0xaf5f87, 133: 0xaf5faf, 134: 0xaf5fd7, 135: 0xaf5fff, - \ 136: 0xaf8700, 137: 0xaf875f, 138: 0xaf8787, 139: 0xaf87af, 140: 0xaf87d7, 141: 0xaf87ff, - \ 142: 0xafaf00, 143: 0xafaf5f, 144: 0xafaf87, 145: 0xafafaf, 146: 0xafafd7, 147: 0xafafff, - \ 148: 0xafd700, 149: 0xafd75f, 150: 0xafd787, 151: 0xafd7af, 152: 0xafd7d7, 153: 0xafd7ff, - \ 154: 0xafff00, 155: 0xafff5f, 156: 0xafff87, 157: 0xafffaf, 158: 0xafffd7, 159: 0xafffff, - \ 160: 0xd70000, 161: 0xd7005f, 162: 0xd70087, 163: 0xd700af, 164: 0xd700d7, 165: 0xd700ff, - \ 166: 0xd75f00, 167: 0xd75f5f, 168: 0xd75f87, 169: 0xd75faf, 170: 0xd75fd7, 171: 0xd75fff, - \ 172: 0xd78700, 173: 0xd7875f, 174: 0xd78787, 175: 0xd787af, 176: 0xd787d7, 177: 0xd787ff, - \ 178: 0xd7af00, 179: 0xd7af5f, 180: 0xd7af87, 181: 0xd7afaf, 182: 0xd7afd7, 183: 0xd7afff, - \ 184: 0xd7d700, 185: 0xd7d75f, 186: 0xd7d787, 187: 0xd7d7af, 188: 0xd7d7d7, 189: 0xd7d7ff, - \ 190: 0xd7ff00, 191: 0xd7ff5f, 192: 0xd7ff87, 193: 0xd7ffaf, 194: 0xd7ffd7, 195: 0xd7ffff, - \ 196: 0xff0000, 197: 0xff005f, 198: 0xff0087, 199: 0xff00af, 200: 0xff00d7, 201: 0xff00ff, - \ 202: 0xff5f00, 203: 0xff5f5f, 204: 0xff5f87, 205: 0xff5faf, 206: 0xff5fd7, 207: 0xff5fff, - \ 208: 0xff8700, 209: 0xff875f, 210: 0xff8787, 211: 0xff87af, 212: 0xff87d7, 213: 0xff87ff, - \ 214: 0xffaf00, 215: 0xffaf5f, 216: 0xffaf87, 217: 0xffafaf, 218: 0xffafd7, 219: 0xffafff, - \ 220: 0xffd700, 221: 0xffd75f, 222: 0xffd787, 223: 0xffd7af, 224: 0xffd7d7, 225: 0xffd7ff, - \ 226: 0xffff00, 227: 0xffff5f, 228: 0xffff87, 229: 0xffffaf, 230: 0xffffd7, 231: 0xffffff, - \ 232: 0x080808, 233: 0x121212, 234: 0x1c1c1c, 235: 0x262626, 236: 0x303030, 237: 0x3a3a3a, - \ 238: 0x444444, 239: 0x4e4e4e, 240: 0x585858, 241: 0x626262, 242: 0x6c6c6c, 243: 0x767676, - \ 244: 0x808080, 245: 0x8a8a8a, 246: 0x949494, 247: 0x9e9e9e, 248: 0xa8a8a8, 249: 0xb2b2b2, - \ 250: 0xbcbcbc, 251: 0xc6c6c6, 252: 0xd0d0d0, 253: 0xdadada, 254: 0xe4e4e4, 255: 0xeeeeee -\ } -" }}} -" Allocated color dict {{{ -let s:allocated_colors = { - \ 'NONE': 'NONE', - \ } -" }}} -function! s:Cterm2GUI(cterm) " {{{ - if toupper(a:cterm) == 'NONE' - return 'NONE' - endif - - if ! has_key(s:cterm2gui_dict, a:cterm) - return 0xff0000 - endif - - return s:cterm2gui_dict[a:cterm] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Hi#Segments(segments, mode_colors) " {{{ - let mode_translate = { - \ 'normal': 'n', - \ 'noncurrent': 'N', - \ 'insert': 'i', - \ 'visual': 'v', - \ 'replace': 'r', - \ 'select': 's', - \ } - - let attributes = ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'] - - let segments = a:segments - let mode_hi_dict = {} - - " Mode dict - for [mode, colors] in items(a:mode_colors) - if has_key(mode_translate, mode) - let mode = mode_translate[mode] - endif - - unlet! fg - let fg = s:allocated_colors[colors[0]] - - let hi = { - \ 'cterm': [fg['cterm'], ''], - \ 'gui' : [fg['gui'], ''], - \ 'attr' : [] - \ } - - if exists('colors[1]') - if type(colors[1]) == type([]) - " We don't have a BG color, but we have attributes - let hi.attr = colors[1] - else - " The second parameter is the background color - unlet! bg - let bg = s:allocated_colors[colors[1]] - - let hi.cterm[1] = bg['cterm'] - let hi.gui[1] = bg['gui'] - endif - endif - - if exists('colors[2]') && type(colors[2]) == type([]) - " The third parameter is always an attribute list - let hi.attr = colors[2] - endif - - let mode_hi_dict[mode] = { - \ 'ctermfg': (empty(hi['cterm'][0]) ? '' : (string(hi['cterm'][0]) == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : hi['cterm'][0])), - \ 'ctermbg': (empty(hi['cterm'][1]) ? '' : (string(hi['cterm'][1]) == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : hi['cterm'][1])), - \ 'guifg' : (empty(hi['gui'][0]) ? '' : (string(hi['gui'][0]) == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : hi['gui'][0])), - \ 'guibg' : (empty(hi['gui'][1]) ? '' : (string(hi['gui'][1]) == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : hi['gui'][1])), - \ 'attr' : (! len(hi['attr']) ? 'NONE' : join(hi['attr'], ',')) - \ } - endfor - - return [segments, mode_hi_dict] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Hi#Allocate(colors) " {{{ - for [key, color] in items(a:colors) - if type(color) == type(0) - " Only terminal color - let cterm = color - let gui = s:Cterm2GUI(color) - elseif type(color) == type([]) && len(color) == 2 - " Terminal and GUI colors - let cterm = color[0] - let gui = color[1] - endif - - let s:allocated_colors[key] = { - \ 'cterm': cterm, - \ 'gui': gui, - \ } - - unlet! color - endfor -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Match.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Match.vim deleted file mode 100755 index b05f5851..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Match.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -function! Pl#Match#Add(pat, expr) " {{{ - return [a:pat, a:expr] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Match#Any(...) " {{{ - let matches = [] - - for match_name in a:000 - if empty(match_name) - " Skip empty match parameters - continue - endif - - if has_key(g:Powerline#Matches#matches, match_name) - call add(matches, g:Powerline#Matches#matches[match_name]) - endif - - unlet! match_name - endfor - - return ['match', 'any', matches] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Match#Validate(theme) " {{{ - let match = a:theme.matches[1] - - if match == 'none' - return 0 - elseif match == 'any' - let matches = a:theme.matches[2] - - if ! len(matches) - " Empty match array matches everything - return 1 - endif - - for [eval, re] in matches - if match(eval(eval), '\v'. re) != -1 - return 1 - endif - endfor - - return 0 - endif -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Mod.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Mod.vim deleted file mode 100755 index fdfb5718..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Mod.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -let s:segment_mods = [] - -function! Pl#Mod#AddSegmentMod(action, properties) " {{{ - call add(s:segment_mods, [a:action, a:properties]) -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Mod#ApplySegmentMods(theme) " {{{ - let theme = deepcopy(a:theme) - - for mod in s:segment_mods - let [action, properties] = mod - - " We have to loop through the segments instead of using index() because some - " segments are lists! - let target_seg_idx = -1 - - for i in range(0, len(theme) - 1) - unlet! segment - let segment = theme[i] - - if type(segment) == type(properties.target_segment) && segment == properties.target_segment - let target_seg_idx = i - break - endif - endfor - - if action == 'insert_segment' - " Insert segment - if target_seg_idx != -1 - call insert(theme, properties.new_segment, (properties.where == 'before' ? target_seg_idx : target_seg_idx + 1)) - endif - elseif action == 'remove_segment' - " Remove segment - if target_seg_idx != -1 - call remove(theme, target_seg_idx) - endif - endif - endfor - - return theme -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Parser.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Parser.vim deleted file mode 100755 index a6f3428a..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Parser.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ -let g:Pl#Parser#Symbols = { - \ 'compatible': { - \ 'dividers': [ '', [0x2502], '', [0x2502] ] - \ , 'symbols' : { - \ 'BRANCH': 'BR:' - \ , 'RO' : 'RO' - \ , 'FT' : 'FT' - \ , 'LINE' : 'LN' - \ } - \ }, - \ 'unicode': { - \ 'dividers': [ [0x25b6], [0x276f], [0x25c0], [0x276e] ] - \ , 'symbols' : { - \ 'BRANCH': [0x26a1] - \ , 'RO' : [0x2613] - \ , 'FT' : [0x2691] - \ , 'LINE' : [0x204b] - \ }, - \ }, - \ 'fancy': { - \ 'dividers': [ [0x2b80], [0x2b81], [0x2b82], [0x2b83] ] - \ , 'symbols' : { - \ 'BRANCH': [0x2b60] - \ , 'RO' : [0x2b64] - \ , 'FT' : [0x2b62, 0x2b63] - \ , 'LINE' : [0x2b61] - \ } - \ } -\ } - -" Handle symbol overrides -for [s:key, s:value] in items(g:Powerline_symbols_override) - let g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].symbols[s:key] = s:value - - unlet! s:key s:value -endfor - -" Handle divider overrides -if len(g:Powerline_dividers_override) == 4 - let g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].dividers = g:Powerline_dividers_override -endif - -let s:LEFT_SIDE = 0 -let s:RIGHT_SIDE = 2 - -let s:PADDING = 1 - -let s:EMPTY_SEGMENT = { 'type': 'empty' } - -let s:HARD_DIVIDER = 0 -let s:SOFT_DIVIDER = 1 - -function! Pl#Parser#GetStatusline(segments) " {{{ - let statusline = { - \ 'n': '' - \ , 'N': '' - \ , 'v': '' - \ , 'i': '' - \ , 'r': '' - \ , 's': '' - \ } - - " Run through the different modes and create the statuslines - for mode in keys(statusline) - " Create an empty statusline list - let stl = [] - - call extend(stl, s:ParseSegments(mode, s:LEFT_SIDE, a:segments)) - - let statusline[mode] .= join(stl, '') - endfor - - return statusline -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Parser#ParseChars(arg) " {{{ - " Handles symbol arrays which can be either an array of hex values, - " or a string. Will convert the hex array to a string, or return the - " string as-is. - let arg = a:arg - - if type(arg) == type([]) - " Hex array - call map(arg, 'nr2char(v:val)') - - return join(arg, '') - endif - - " Anything else, just return it as it is - return arg -endfunction " }}} -function! s:ParseSegments(mode, side, segments, ...) " {{{ - let mode = a:mode - let side = a:side - let segments = a:segments - - let level = exists('a:1') ? a:1 : 0 - let base_color = exists('a:2') ? a:2 : {} - - let ret = [] - - for i in range(0, len(segments) - 1) - unlet! seg_prev seg_curr seg_next - - " Prepare some resources (fetch previous, current and next segment) - let seg_curr = deepcopy(get(segments, i)) - - " Find previous segment - let seg_prev = s:EMPTY_SEGMENT - - " If we're currently at i = 0 we have to start on 0 or else we will start on the last segment (list[-1]) - let range_start = (i == 0 ? i : i - 1) - for j in range(range_start, 0, -1) - let seg = deepcopy(get(segments, j)) - if get(seg, 'name') ==# 'TRUNCATE' - " Skip truncate segments - continue - endif - - " Look ahead for another segment that's visible in this mode - if index(get(seg, 'modes'), mode) != -1 - " Use this segment - let seg_prev = seg - - break - endif - endfor - - "" Find next segment - let seg_next = s:EMPTY_SEGMENT - - " If we're currently at i = len(segments) - 1 we have to start on i or else we will get an error because the index doesn't exist - let range_start = (i == len(segments) - 1 ? i : i + 1) - for j in range(range_start, len(segments) - 1, 1) - let seg = deepcopy(get(segments, j)) - if get(seg, 'name') ==# 'TRUNCATE' - " Skip truncate segments - continue - endif - - " Look ahead for another segment that's visible in this mode - if index(get(seg, 'modes'), mode) != -1 - " Use this segment - let seg_next = seg - - break - endif - endfor - - if index(get(seg_curr, 'modes', []), mode) == -1 - " The segment is invisible in this mode, skip it - " FIXME When two segments after each other are hidden, a gap appears where the segments would be, this is probably due to segment padding - continue - endif - - " Handle the different segment types - if seg_curr.type == 'segment' - if seg_curr.name ==# 'TRUNCATE' - " Truncate statusline - call add(ret, '%<') - elseif seg_curr.name ==# 'SPLIT' - " Split statusline - - " Switch sides - let side = s:RIGHT_SIDE - - " Handle highlighting - let mode_colors = get(seg_curr.colors, mode, seg_curr.colors['n']) - let hl_group = s:HlCreate(mode_colors) - - " Add segment text - call add(ret, '%#'. hl_group .'#%=') - else - " Add segment text - let text = seg_curr.text - - " Decide on whether to use the group's colors or the segment's colors - let colors = get(seg_curr, 'colors', base_color) - - " Fallback to normal (current) highlighting if we don't have mode-specific highlighting - let mode_colors = get(colors, mode, get(colors, 'n', {})) - - if empty(mode_colors) - echom 'Segment doesn''t have any colors! NS: "'. seg_curr.ns .'" SEG: "'. seg_curr.name .'"' - - continue - endif - - " Check if we're in a group (level > 0) - if level > 0 - " If we're in a group we don't have dividers between - " segments, so we should only pad one side, but only pad - " if the segment doesn't have Pl#Segment#NoPadding() set - let padding_right = (seg_curr.padding && side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '') - let padding_left = (seg_curr.padding && side == s:RIGHT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '') - - " Check if we lack a bg/fg color for this segment - " If we do, use the bg/fg color from base_color - let base_color_mode = ! has_key(base_color, mode) ? base_color['n'] : base_color[mode] - - for col in ['ctermbg', 'ctermfg', 'guibg', 'guifg'] - if empty(mode_colors[col]) - let mode_colors[col] = base_color_mode[col] - endif - endfor - else - "" If we're outside a group we have dividers and must pad both sides - let padding_left = repeat(' ', s:PADDING) - let padding_right = repeat(' ', s:PADDING) - endif - - " Get main hl group for segment - let hl_group = s:HlCreate(mode_colors) - - " Prepare segment text - let text = '%(%#'. hl_group .'#'. padding_left . text . padding_right . '%)' - - if level == 0 - " Add divider to single segments - let text = s:AddDivider(text, side, mode, colors, seg_prev, seg_curr, seg_next) - endif - - call add(ret, text) - endif - elseif seg_curr.type == 'segment_group' - " Recursively parse segment group - let func_params = [mode, side, seg_curr.segments, level + 1] - - if has_key(seg_curr, 'colors') - " Pass the base colors on to the child segments - call add(func_params, seg_curr.colors) - endif - - " Get segment group string - let text = join(call('s:ParseSegments', func_params), '') - - " Pad on the opposite side of the divider - let padding_right = (side == s:RIGHT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '') - let padding_left = (side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? repeat(' ', s:PADDING) : '') - - let text = s:AddDivider(padding_left . text . padding_right, side, mode, seg_curr.colors, seg_prev, seg_curr, seg_next) - - call add(ret, text) - endif - endfor - - return ret -endfunction " }}} -function! s:HlCreate(hl) " {{{ - " Create a short and unique highlighting group name - " It uses the hex values of all the color properties and an attribute flag at the end - " NONE colors are translated to NN for cterm and NNNNNN for gui colors - let hi_group = printf('Pl%s%s%s%s%s' - \ , (a:hl['ctermfg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NN' : printf('%02x', a:hl['ctermfg'])) - \ , (a:hl['guifg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NNNNNN' : printf('%06x', a:hl['guifg'] )) - \ , (a:hl['ctermbg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NN' : printf('%02x', a:hl['ctermbg'])) - \ , (a:hl['guibg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NNNNNN' : printf('%06x', a:hl['guibg'] )) - \ , substitute(a:hl['attr'], '\v([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z]*,?', '\1', 'g') - \ ) - - if ! s:HlExists(hi_group) - let ctermbg = a:hl['ctermbg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('%d', a:hl['ctermbg']) - if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !has('gui_running') && ctermbg != 'NONE' && ctermbg > 128 - let ctermbg -= 128 - endif - let hi_cmd = printf('hi %s ctermfg=%s ctermbg=%s cterm=%s guifg=%s guibg=%s gui=%s' - \ , hi_group - \ , a:hl['ctermfg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('%d', a:hl['ctermfg']) - \ , ctermbg - \ , a:hl['attr'] - \ , (a:hl['guifg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('#%06x', a:hl['guifg'])) - \ , (a:hl['guibg'] == 'NONE' ? 'NONE' : printf('#%06x', a:hl['guibg'])) - \ , a:hl['attr'] - \ ) - - exec hi_cmd - - " Add command to Pl#HL list for caching - call add(g:Pl#HL, hi_cmd) - endif - - " Return only the highlighting group name - return hi_group -endfunction " }}} -function! s:HlExists(hl) " {{{ - if ! hlexists(a:hl) - return 0 - endif - - redir => hlstatus - silent exec 'hi' a:hl - redir END - - return (hlstatus !~ 'cleared') -endfunction " }}} -function! s:AddDivider(text, side, mode, colors, prev, curr, next) " {{{ - let seg_prev = a:prev - let seg_curr = a:curr - let seg_next = a:next - - " Set default color/type for the divider - let div_colors = get(a:colors, a:mode, a:colors['n']) - let div_type = s:SOFT_DIVIDER - - " Define segment to compare - let cmp_seg = a:side == s:LEFT_SIDE ? seg_next : seg_prev - - let cmp_all_colors = get(cmp_seg, 'colors', {}) - let cmp_colors = get(cmp_all_colors, a:mode, get(cmp_all_colors, 'n', {})) - - if ! empty(cmp_colors) - " Compare the highlighting groups - " - " If the background color for cterm is equal, use soft divider with the current segment's highlighting - " If not, use hard divider with a new highlighting group - " - " Note that if the previous/next segment is the split, a hard divider is always used - if get(div_colors, 'ctermbg') != get(cmp_colors, 'ctermbg') || get(seg_next, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT' || get(seg_prev, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT' - let div_type = s:HARD_DIVIDER - - " Create new highlighting group - if div_colors['attr'] =~ 'reverse' && cmp_colors['attr'] =~ 'reverse' - " Use FG = CURRENT FG, BG = CMP FG - let div_colors['ctermbg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'ctermfg') - let div_colors['guibg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'guifg') - - let div_colors['attr'] = div_colors['attr'] =~ 'bold' ? 'bold' : 'NONE' - elseif div_colors['attr'] =~ 'reverse' - " Use FG = CURRENT FG, BG = CMP BG - let div_colors['ctermbg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'ctermbg') - let div_colors['guibg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'guibg') - - let div_colors['attr'] = div_colors['attr'] =~ 'bold' ? 'bold' : 'NONE' - elseif cmp_colors['attr'] =~ 'reverse' - " Use FG = CMP FG, BG = CURRENT BG : reversed - let div_colors['ctermfg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'ctermfg') - let div_colors['guifg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'guifg') - - let div_colors['attr'] = 'reverse' - - else - " Use FG = CURRENT BG, BG = CMP BG - let div_colors['ctermfg'] = get(div_colors, 'ctermbg') - let div_colors['guifg'] = get(div_colors, 'guibg') - - let div_colors['ctermbg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'ctermbg') - let div_colors['guibg'] = get(cmp_colors, 'guibg') - - let div_colors['attr'] = 'NONE' - endif - endif - endif - - " Prepare divider - let divider_raw = deepcopy(g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].dividers[a:side + div_type]) - let divider = Pl#Parser#ParseChars(divider_raw) - - " Don't add dividers for segments adjacent to split (unless it's a hard divider) - if ((get(seg_next, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT' || get(seg_prev, 'name') ==# 'SPLIT') && div_type != s:HARD_DIVIDER) - return '' - endif - - if a:side == s:LEFT_SIDE - " Left side - " Divider to the right - return printf('%%(%s%%#%s#%s%%)', a:text, s:HlCreate(div_colors), divider) - else - " Right side - " Divider to the left - return printf('%%(%%#%s#%s%s%%)', s:HlCreate(div_colors), divider, a:text) - endif -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Segment.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Segment.vim deleted file mode 100755 index bb09438c..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Segment.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -let s:default_modes = ['n', 'N', 'v', 'i', 'r', 's'] - -function! s:CheckConditions(params) " {{{ - " Check conditions for a segment/group - " Integer parameters are always conditions - for param in a:params - if type(param) == type(0) && param == 0 - " Break here if it's an integer parameter and it's false (0) - return 0 - endif - unlet! param - endfor - - return 1 -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Create(name, ...) " {{{ - " Check condition parameters - if ! s:CheckConditions(a:000) - return {} - endif - - let name = a:name - let modes = s:default_modes - let padding = 1 - let segments = [] - - for param in a:000 - " Lookup modes for this segment/group - if type(param) == type([]) && param[0] == 'modes' - let modes = param[1] - elseif type(param) == type([]) && param[0] == 'nopadding' - let padding = 0 - elseif type(a:1) == type([]) && a:1[0] == 'segment' - call add(segments, param[1]) - endif - - unlet! param - endfor - - if type(a:1) == type([]) && a:1[0] == 'segment' - " This is a segment group - return ['segment_group', { - \ 'type': 'segment_group' - \ , 'name': name - \ , 'segments': segments - \ , 'modes': modes - \ , 'padding': padding - \ }] - else - " This is a single segment - let text = a:1 - - " Search/replace symbols - for [key, symbol] in items(g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].symbols) - let text = substitute( - \ text, - \ '\v\$('. key .')', - \ '\=Pl#Parser#ParseChars(g:Pl#Parser#Symbols[g:Powerline_symbols].symbols[submatch(1)])', - \ 'g') - - unlet! key symbol - endfor - - return ['segment', { - \ 'type': 'segment' - \ , 'name': name - \ , 'text': text - \ , 'modes': modes - \ , 'padding': padding - \ }] - endif - -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Init(params) " {{{ - " Check condition parameters - if ! s:CheckConditions(a:params) - return {} - endif - - let segments = {} - let ns = '' - - for param in a:params - if type(param) == type('') - " String parameters is the namespace - let ns = param - elseif type(param) == type([]) - " The data dict is in param[1] - " By default we don't have a namespace for the segment - let segment = param[1] - - if ! empty(ns) - " Update segment so that it includes the namespace - " Add the namespace to the segment dict key - let segment.ns = ns - let segment.name = join([segment.ns, segment.name], ':') - endif - - let key = segment.name - - let segments[key] = segment - endif - - unlet! param - endfor - - return segments -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Modes(modes) " {{{ - " Handle modes for both segments and groups - let modes = split(a:modes, '\zs') - - if modes[0] == '!' - " Filter modes (e.g. "!nr" will ignore the segment in normal and replace modes) - let modes = filter(deepcopy(s:default_modes), 'v:val !~# "['. join(modes[1:]) .']"') - endif - - return ['modes', modes] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#NoPadding() " {{{ - return ['nopadding'] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Split(...) " {{{ - return a:0 ? a:1 .':SPLIT' : 'SPLIT' -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Truncate() " {{{ - return 'TRUNCATE' -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Segment#Get(name) " {{{ - " Return a segment data dict - let args = [] - - " Check for printf segments (lists) - if type(a:name) == type([]) - " We're dealing with a segment with printf arguments - let seg_orig_name = a:name[0] - let args = a:name[1:] - else - let seg_orig_name = a:name - endif - - " Fetch namespace and variants for storing in the segment dict - let seg_ns = '' - let seg_variants = [] - - " Retrieve color scheme variants - let seg_name_split = split(seg_orig_name, '\v\.') - if len(seg_name_split) > 1 - let seg_variants = seg_name_split[1:] - endif - - " Retrieve segment name and namespace - " Use the first piece of the split string, we can't have variants in the final segment name - let seg_name_split = split(seg_name_split[0], '\v:') - let seg_name = seg_name_split[0] - - if len(seg_name_split) > 1 - let seg_ns = seg_name_split[0] - let seg_name = seg_name_split[-1] - endif - - try - " If we have a namespace, try to use the namespaced segment first (i.e. search for the segment in the namespaced file first) - let return_segment = deepcopy(g:Powerline#Segments#{seg_ns}#segments[seg_ns .':'. seg_name]) - catch - try - " We didn't find a namespaced segment, fall back to common segments - let return_segment = deepcopy(g:Powerline#Segments#segments[seg_name]) - catch - " Didn't find the segment among the common segments either, just skip it - return {} - endtry - endtry - - if len(args) && has_key(return_segment, 'text') - " Handle segment printf arguments - " printf doesn't accept lists as its second argument, so we have to work around that - let return_segment.text = call('printf', [ return_segment.text ] + args) - endif - - " Assign namespace, name and variants - let return_segment.ns = seg_ns - let return_segment.name = seg_name - let return_segment.orig_name = seg_orig_name - let return_segment.variants = seg_variants - - return return_segment -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Theme.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Theme.vim deleted file mode 100755 index da1581e2..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Pl/Theme.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -function! Pl#Theme#Create(...) " {{{ - let buffer_segments = [] - - for buffer_segment in a:000 - " Remove empty segments (e.g. 'Pl#Theme#Function's) - if empty(buffer_segment) - continue - endif - - call add(buffer_segments, buffer_segment) - endfor - - let buffer_segments = Pl#Colorscheme#Apply(g:Powerline_colorscheme, buffer_segments) - - return buffer_segments -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Theme#Callback(name, expr) " {{{ - return ['callback', a:name, a:expr] -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Theme#Buffer(ns, ...) " {{{ - let segments = [] - let ns = ! empty(a:ns) ? a:ns .':' : '' - - " Match namespace parameter by default - let matches = Pl#Match#Any(a:ns) - let callback = [] - - let args = a:000 - let args = Pl#Mod#ApplySegmentMods(args) - - " Fetch segment data dicts - for item in args - if type(item) == type([]) - if item[0] == 'match' - " Match item, overrides default namespace match - let matches = item - - unlet! item - continue - elseif item[0] == 'callback' - " Store the item as a callback expression - let matches = ['match', 'none'] - let callback = [a:ns, item[1], item[2]] - - unlet! item - continue - endif - - " printf segment, append ns to first item in list - let item[0] = ns . item[0] - else - let item = ns . item - endif - - let segment = Pl#Segment#Get(item) - - if ! empty(segment) - " Skip empty (possible disabled) segments - call add(segments, segment) - endif - - unlet! item - endfor - - return { - \ 'matches': matches - \ , 'callback': callback - \ , 'segments': segments - \ } -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Theme#InsertSegment(new_segment, where, target_segment) " {{{ - " It's very important to NOT refer to the theme dict until everything's loaded! - " - " Because these functions are called from the vimrc, we need to put the - " actions in a list which will be parsed later. - " - " These functions don't accept a name parameter, because they work on the - " currently selected theme (will change any selected theme) - call Pl#Mod#AddSegmentMod('insert_segment', { - \ 'new_segment': a:new_segment, - \ 'where': a:where, - \ 'target_segment': a:target_segment - \ }) -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment(target_segment) " {{{ - " It's very important to NOT refer to the theme dict until everything's loaded! - " - " Because these functions are called from the vimrc, we need to put the - " actions in a list which will be parsed later. - " - " These functions don't accept a name parameter, because they work on the - " currently selected theme (will change any selected theme) - call Pl#Mod#AddSegmentMod('remove_segment', { - \ 'target_segment': a:target_segment - \ }) -endfunction " }}} -function! Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment(old_segment, new_segment) " {{{ - call Pl#Theme#InsertSegment(a:new_segment, 'after', a:old_segment) - call Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment(a:old_segment) -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/default.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/default.vim deleted file mode 100755 index b28a4871..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/default.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -call Pl#Hi#Allocate({ - \ 'black' : 16, - \ 'white' : 231, - \ - \ 'darkestgreen' : 22, - \ 'darkgreen' : 28, - \ 'mediumgreen' : 70, - \ 'brightgreen' : 148, - \ - \ 'darkestcyan' : 23, - \ 'mediumcyan' : 117, - \ - \ 'darkestblue' : 24, - \ 'darkblue' : 31, - \ - \ 'darkestred' : 52, - \ 'darkred' : 88, - \ 'mediumred' : 124, - \ 'brightred' : 160, - \ 'brightestred' : 196, - \ - \ 'darkestpurple' : 55, - \ 'mediumpurple' : 98, - \ 'brightpurple' : 189, - \ - \ 'brightorange' : 208, - \ 'brightestorange': 214, - \ - \ 'gray0' : 233, - \ 'gray1' : 235, - \ 'gray2' : 236, - \ 'gray3' : 239, - \ 'gray4' : 240, - \ 'gray5' : 241, - \ 'gray6' : 244, - \ 'gray7' : 245, - \ 'gray8' : 247, - \ 'gray9' : 250, - \ 'gray10' : 252, - \ }) - -let g:Powerline#Colorschemes#default#colorscheme = Pl#Colorscheme#Init([ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'gray2'], - \ 'N': ['white', 'gray0'], - \ 'i': ['white', 'darkestblue'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['mode_indicator'], { - \ 'n': ['gray10', 'gray0', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan', 'white', ['bold']], - \ 'v': ['white', 'darkestblue', ['bold']], - \ 'r': ['white', 'brightred', ['bold']], - \ 's': ['white', 'gray5', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['branch', 'scrollpercent', 'raw', 'filesize'], { - \ 'n': ['gray9', 'gray4'], - \ 'N': ['gray4', 'gray1'], - \ 'i': ['mediumcyan', 'darkblue'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo', 'filename'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'gray4', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray7', 'gray0', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['white', 'darkblue', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo.filepath'], { - \ 'n': ['gray10'], - \ 'N': ['gray5'], - \ 'i': ['mediumcyan'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['static_str'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'gray4'], - \ 'N': ['gray7', 'gray1'], - \ 'i': ['white', 'darkblue'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo.flags'], { - \ 'n': ['brightestred', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['darkred'], - \ 'i': ['brightestred', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['currenttag', 'fullcurrenttag', 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'pwd', 'filetype', 'rvm:string', 'rvm:statusline', 'virtualenv:statusline', 'charcode', 'currhigroup'], { - \ 'n': ['gray8', 'gray2'], - \ 'i': ['mediumcyan', 'darkestblue'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lineinfo'], { - \ 'n': ['gray2', 'gray10', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray7', 'gray1', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan', 'mediumcyan', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['errors'], { - \ 'n': ['brightestorange', 'gray2', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['brightestorange', 'darkestblue', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lineinfo.line.tot'], { - \ 'n': ['gray6'], - \ 'N': ['gray5'], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['paste_indicator', 'ws_marker'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'brightred', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:static_str.name', 'command_t:static_str.name'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'mediumred', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['brightred', 'darkestred', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:static_str.buffer', 'command_t:raw.line'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'darkred'], - \ 'N': ['brightred', 'darkestred'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:SPLIT', 'command_t:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'darkred'], - \ 'N': ['white', 'darkestred'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:static_str.name', 'minibufexplorer:static_str.name', 'nerdtree:raw.name', 'tagbar:static_str.name'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'mediumgreen', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['mediumgreen', 'darkestgreen', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:static_str.buffer', 'tagbar:static_str.buffer'], { - \ 'n': ['brightgreen', 'darkgreen'], - \ 'N': ['mediumgreen', 'darkestgreen'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:SPLIT', 'minibufexplorer:SPLIT', 'nerdtree:SPLIT', 'tagbar:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'darkgreen'], - \ 'N': ['white', 'darkestgreen'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:focus', 'ctrlp:byfname'], { - \ 'n': ['brightpurple', 'darkestpurple'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:prev', 'ctrlp:next', 'ctrlp:pwd'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'mediumpurple'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:item'], { - \ 'n': ['darkestpurple', 'white', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:marked'], { - \ 'n': ['brightestred', 'darkestpurple', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:count'], { - \ 'n': ['darkestpurple', 'white'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'darkestpurple'], - \ }), - \ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/skwp.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/skwp.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 798caa44..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/skwp.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -" This theme is based on Solarized-dark colors, combined -" with Powerline native colors -call Pl#Hi#Allocate({ - \ 'black' : 16, - \ 'white' : 231, - \ - \ 'darkestgreen' : 22, - \ 'darkgreen' : 28, - \ 'mediumgreen' : 70, - \ 'brightgreen' : 148, - \ - \ 'darkestcyan' : 23, - \ 'mediumcyan' : 117, - \ - \ 'darkestblue' : 24, - \ 'darkblue' : 31, - \ - \ 'darkestred' : 52, - \ 'darkred' : 88, - \ 'mediumred' : 124, - \ 'brightred' : 160, - \ 'brightestred' : 196, - \ - \ 'darkestpurple' : 55, - \ 'mediumpurple' : 98, - \ 'brightpurple' : 189, - \ - \ 'brightorange' : 208, - \ 'brightestorange': 214, - \ - \ 'gray0' : 233, - \ 'gray1' : 235, - \ 'gray2' : 236, - \ 'gray3' : 239, - \ 'gray4' : 240, - \ 'gray5' : 241, - \ 'gray6' : 244, - \ 'gray7' : 245, - \ 'gray8' : 247, - \ 'gray9' : 250, - \ 'gray10' : 252, - \ - \ 'base00' : [241, 0x657b83], - \ 'base01' : [240, 0x586e75], - \ 'base02' : [0, 0x073642], - \ 'base03' : [234, 0x002b36], - \ 'base0' : [244, 0x839496], - \ 'base1' : [245, 0x93a1a1], - \ 'base2' : [254, 0xeee8d5], - \ 'base3' : [230, 0xfdf6e3], - \ 'yellow' : [136, 0xb58900], - \ 'orange' : [166, 0xcb4b16], - \ 'red' : [160, 0xdc322f], - \ 'magenta' : [125, 0xd33682], - \ 'violet' : [61, 0x6c71c4], - \ 'blue' : [33, 0x268bd2], - \ 'cyan' : [37, 0x2aa198], - \ 'green' : [64, 0x859900], - \ }) - -let g:Powerline#Colorschemes#skwp#colorscheme = Pl#Colorscheme#Init([ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'base02'], - \ 'N': ['white', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['mode_indicator'], { - \ 'n': ['darkestgreen', 'brightgreen', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan', 'white', ['bold']], - \ 'v': ['red', 'brightorange', ['bold']], - \ 'r': ['white', 'violet', ['bold']], - \ 's': ['white', 'gray5', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['branch', 'raw', 'filesize'], { - \ 'n': ['base03', 'blue'], - \ 'N': ['gray5', 'base03'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['scrollpercent'], { - \ 'n': ['gray7', 'gray2'], - \ 'N': ['base2', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo', 'filename', 'filepath'], { - \ 'n': ['base2', 'darkestblue', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['base1', 'base02', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo.filepath'], { - \ 'n': ['gray10'], - \ 'N': ['gray5'], - \ 'i': ['mediumcyan'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['static_str'], { - \ 'n': ['base3', 'violet'], - \ 'N': ['base1', 'base02'], - \ 'i': ['white', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['fileinfo.flags'], { - \ 'n': ['base03', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray5'], - \ 'i': ['base03', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['currenttag', 'fullcurrenttag', 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'pwd', 'filetype', 'rvm:string', 'rvm:statusline', 'virtualenv:statusline', 'charcode', 'currhigroup'], { - \ 'n': ['gray5', 'gray2'], - \ 'i': ['mediumcyan', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lineinfo'], { - \ 'n': ['gray2', 'gray10', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray7', 'gray1', ['bold']], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan', 'mediumcyan', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['errors'], { - \ 'n': ['orange', 'base02', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray5', 'base03', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lineinfo.line.tot'], { - \ 'n': ['gray6'], - \ 'N': ['gray5'], - \ 'i': ['darkestcyan'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['paste_indicator', 'ws_marker'], { - \ 'n': ['base3', 'red', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:static_str.name', 'command_t:static_str.name'], { - \ 'n': ['base3', 'darkblue', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['base1', 'base03', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:static_str.buffer', 'command_t:raw.line'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'base02'], - \ 'N': ['gray5', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['gundo:SPLIT', 'command_t:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'base02'], - \ 'N': ['white', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:static_str.name', 'minibufexplorer:static_str.name', 'nerdtree:raw.name', 'tagbar:static_str.name'], { - \ 'n': ['gray10', 'darkestblue', ['bold']], - \ 'N': ['gray3', 'base02', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:static_str.buffer', 'tagbar:static_str.buffer'], { - \ 'n': ['base3', 'blue'], - \ 'N': ['gray5', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['lustyexplorer:SPLIT', 'minibufexplorer:SPLIT', 'nerdtree:SPLIT', 'tagbar:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['gray3', 'base02'], - \ 'N': ['gray3', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:focus', 'ctrlp:byfname'], { - \ 'n': ['green', 'base03'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:prev', 'ctrlp:next', 'ctrlp:pwd'], { - \ 'n': ['green', 'base02'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:item'], { - \ 'n': ['base2', 'darkestblue', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:marked'], { - \ 'n': ['brightgreen', 'base03', ['bold']], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:count'], { - \ 'n': ['base0', 'base03'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['ctrlp:SPLIT'], { - \ 'n': ['white', 'base03'], - \ }), - \ - \ Pl#Hi#Segments(['status'], { - \ 'n': ['green', 'base02'], - \ 'N': ['gray5', 'base02'], - \ }), -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 26db9b36..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -" Recalculate the trailing whitespace warning when idle, and after saving -autocmd CursorHold,BufWritePost,InsertLeave * unlet! b:statusline_trailing_space_warning - -function! Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath() " {{{ - " Recalculate the filepath when cwd changes. - let cwd = getcwd() - if exists("b:Powerline_cwd") && cwd != b:Powerline_cwd - unlet! b:Powerline_filepath - endif - let b:Powerline_cwd = cwd - - if exists('b:Powerline_filepath') - return b:Powerline_filepath - endif - - let dirsep = has('win32') && ! &shellslash ? '\' : '/' - let filepath = expand('%:p') - - if empty(filepath) - return '' - endif - - let ret = '' - - if g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'short' - " Display a short path where the first directory is displayed with its - " full name, and the subsequent directories are shortened to their - " first letter, i.e. "/home/user/foo/foo/bar/baz.vim" becomes - " "~/foo/f/b/baz.vim" - " - " This displays the shortest possible path, relative to ~ or the - " current directory. - let mod = (exists('+acd') && &acd) ? ':~:h' : ':~:.:h' - let fpath = split(fnamemodify(filepath, mod), dirsep) - let fpath_shortparts = map(fpath[1:], 'v:val[0]') - let ret = join(extend([fpath[0]], fpath_shortparts), dirsep) . dirsep - elseif g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'relative' - " Display a relative path, similar to the %f statusline item - let ret = fnamemodify(filepath, ':~:.:h') . dirsep - elseif g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'full' - " Display the full path, similar to the %F statusline item - let ret = fnamemodify(filepath, ':h') . dirsep - endif - - if ret == ('.' . dirsep) - let ret = '' - endif - - let b:Powerline_filepath = ret - return ret -endfunction " }}} -function! Powerline#Functions#GetShortPath(threshold) " {{{ - let fullpath = split(substitute(expand('%:p:h'), $HOME, '~', 'g'), '/') - - if len(fullpath) > a:threshold - let fullpath = [fullpath[0], '…'] + fullpath[-a:threshold + 1 :] - endif - - return join(fullpath, '/') -endfunction " }}} -function! Powerline#Functions#GetMode() " {{{ - let mode = mode() - - if mode ==# 'v' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_v", "VISUAL") - elseif mode ==# 'V' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_V", "V⋅LINE") - elseif mode ==# '' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_cv", "V⋅BLOCK") - elseif mode ==# 's' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_s", "SELECT") - elseif mode ==# 'S' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_S", "S⋅LINE") - elseif mode ==# '' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_cs", "S⋅BLOCK") - elseif mode =~# '\vi' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_i", "INSERT") - elseif mode =~# '\v(R|Rv)' - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_R", "REPLACE") - else - " Fallback to normal mode - let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_n", "NORMAL") - endif - - return mode -endfunction " }}} -function! Powerline#Functions#GetFilesize() " {{{ - let bytes = getfsize(expand("%:p")) - - if bytes <= 0 - return '' - endif - - if bytes < 1024 - return bytes . 'B' - else - return (bytes / 1024) . 'kB' - endif -endfunction "}}} -function! Powerline#Functions#GetCharCode() " {{{ - " Get the output of :ascii - redir => ascii - silent! ascii - redir END - - if match(ascii, 'NUL') != -1 - return 'NUL' - endif - - " Zero pad hex values - let nrformat = '0x%02x' - - let encoding = (&fenc == '' ? &enc : &fenc) - - if encoding == 'utf-8' - " Zero pad with 4 zeroes in unicode files - let nrformat = '0x%04x' - endif - - " Get the character and the numeric value from the return value of :ascii - " This matches the two first pieces of the return value, e.g. - " " 70" => char: 'F', nr: '70' - let [str, char, nr; rest] = matchlist(ascii, '\v\<(.{-1,})\>\s*([0-9]+)') - - " Format the numeric value - let nr = printf(nrformat, nr) - - return "'". char ."' ". nr -endfunction "}}} -function! Powerline#Functions#GetWSMarker() " {{{ - " Return '...' if trailing white space is detected - " Return '' otherwise - if ! exists("b:statusline_trailing_space_warning") - if search('\s$', 'nw') != 0 - let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = ' … ' - else - let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = '' - endif - endif - return b:statusline_trailing_space_warning -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/ft_man.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/ft_man.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 29135e43..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/ft_man.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -function! Powerline#Functions#ft_man#GetName() " {{{ - let matches = matchlist(getline(1), '\v^([a-zA-Z_\.\-]+)\((\d+)\)') - - if ! len(matches) - return 'n/a' - endif - - let file = tolower(matches[1]) - let num = matches[2] - - return file -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/fugitive.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/fugitive.vim deleted file mode 100755 index bb001315..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/fugitive.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -function! Powerline#Functions#fugitive#GetBranch(symbol) " {{{ - let ret = fugitive#statusline() - - let ret = substitute(ret, '\c\v\[?GIT\(([a-z0-9\-_\./:]+)\)\]?', a:symbol .' \1', 'g') - - return ret -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/hgrev.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/hgrev.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 61d94adf..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/hgrev.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -function! Powerline#Functions#hgrev#Status(symbol) " {{{ - if ! exists('*HGRev') - " HGRev hasn't been loaded yet - return '' - endif - if !exists("b:statusline_hg_status") - silent execute "RefreshMercurialRev" - endif - let b:statusline_hg_status=HGRev() - if b:statusline_hg_status != '-' - let ret = "\u26A1". '' . substitute(b:statusline_hg_status, '^[^ ]*', '\1', 'g') - let ret=substitute(ret,' M$','+','g') - else - let ret='' - endif - return ret -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/syntastic.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/syntastic.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 70c8849e..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Functions/syntastic.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -function! Powerline#Functions#syntastic#GetErrors(line_symbol) " {{{ - if ! exists('g:syntastic_stl_format') - " Syntastic hasn't been loaded yet - return '' - endif - - " Temporarily change syntastic output format - let old_stl_format = g:syntastic_stl_format - let g:syntastic_stl_format = '%E{ ERRORS (%e) '. a:line_symbol .' %fe }%W{ WARNINGS (%w) '. a:line_symbol .' %fw }' - - let ret = SyntasticStatuslineFlag() - - let g:syntastic_stl_format = old_stl_format - - return ret -endfunction " }}} diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Matches.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Matches.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 5cce4756..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Matches.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Matches#matches = { - \ 'command_t' : Pl#Match#Add('bufname("%")', 'GoToFile'), - \ 'bt_help' : Pl#Match#Add('&bt' , 'help'), - \ 'ft_man' : Pl#Match#Add('&ft' , 'man'), - \ 'ft_qf' : Pl#Match#Add('&ft' , 'qf'), - \ 'ft_vimpager' : Pl#Match#Add('&ft' , 'vimpager'), - \ 'gundo_preview' : Pl#Match#Add('bufname("%")', '__Gundo_Preview__'), - \ 'gundo_tree' : Pl#Match#Add('bufname("%")', '__Gundo__'), - \ 'lustyexplorer' : Pl#Match#Add('bufname("%")', '\[LustyExplorer-Buffers\]'), - \ 'minibufexplorer' : Pl#Match#Add('bufname("%")', '\-MiniBufExplorer\-'), - \ 'tagbar' : Pl#Match#Add('&ft' , 'tagbar'), - \ 'nerdtree' : Pl#Match#Add('&ft' , 'nerdtree'), -\ } diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments.vim deleted file mode 100755 index c74c34f3..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#segments = Pl#Segment#Init([ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('SPLIT' , '__split__'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('TRUNCATE', '__truncate__'), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('paste_indicator' , '%{&paste ? "PASTE" : ""}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('mode_indicator' , '%{Powerline#Functions#GetMode()}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('fileinfo', - \ Pl#Segment#Create('flags.ro' , '%{&readonly ? "$RO" : ""}'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filepath' , '%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath()}', Pl#Segment#NoPadding()), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filename' , '%t'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('flags.mod' , '%M'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('flags.type' , '%H%W'), - \ ), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filename' , '%t'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filesize' , '%{Powerline#Functions#GetFilesize()}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('pwd' , '%{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")}'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('static_str' , '%%{"%s"}'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('raw' , '%s'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('fileformat' , '%{&fileformat}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('fileencoding' , '%{(&fenc == "" ? &enc : &fenc)}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filetype' , '%{strlen(&ft) ? &ft : "no ft"}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('scrollpercent' , '%3p%%'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('lineinfo', - \ Pl#Segment#Create('line.cur' , '$LINE %3l'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('line.tot' , ':%-2v', Pl#Segment#NoPadding()), - \ ), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('charcode' , '%{Powerline#Functions#GetCharCode()}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('currhigroup' , '%{synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('ws_marker' , '%{Powerline#Functions#GetWSMarker()}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ctrlp.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ctrlp.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 41c5ebfc..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ctrlp.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -if !exists("g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#focus ") - let g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#focus = '%{"%0"}' -endif -if !exists("g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#prev ") - let g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#prev = '%-3{"%3"}' -endif -if !exists("g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#next ") - let g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#next = '%-3{"%5"}' -endif - -let g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['ctrlp' - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('focus', g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#focus) - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('byfname', '%{"%1"}') - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('prev', g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#prev) - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('item', '%-9{"%4"}') - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('next', g:Powerline#Segments#ctrlp#segments#next) - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('marked', '%{"%6" == " <+>" ? "" : strpart("%6", 2, len("%6") - 3)}') - \ - \ , Pl#Segment#Create('count', '%-6{"%0"}') -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ft_man.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ft_man.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 6ed0cc30..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/ft_man.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#ft_man#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['ft_man', - \ Pl#Segment#Create('filename', '%{Powerline#Functions#ft_man#GetName()}') -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/fugitive.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/fugitive.vim deleted file mode 100755 index bb46eeca..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/fugitive.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#fugitive#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['fugitive', - \ (exists('g:loaded_fugitive') && g:loaded_fugitive == 1), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('branch', '%{Powerline#Functions#fugitive#GetBranch("$BRANCH")}') -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/hgrev.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/hgrev.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 3e651d13..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/hgrev.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#hgrev#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['hgrev', - \ (exists('hgrev_loaded')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('branch', '%{Powerline#Functions#hgrev#Status("$BRANCH")}') - \ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/rvm.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/rvm.vim deleted file mode 100755 index c840632d..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/rvm.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#rvm#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['rvm', - \ (exists('g:loaded_rvm') && g:loaded_rvm == 1), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('string', '%{rvm#string()}'), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('statusline', '%{rvm#statusline()}') -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/syntastic.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/syntastic.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 5a893d6e..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/syntastic.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#syntastic#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['syntastic', - \ (exists('g:loaded_syntastic_plugin') && g:loaded_syntastic_plugin == 1), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('errors', '%{Powerline#Functions#syntastic#GetErrors("$LINE")}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')) -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/tagbar.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/tagbar.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 5db8cd95..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/tagbar.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#tagbar#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['tagbar', - \ (exists(':Tagbar') > 0), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('currenttag', '%{tagbar#currenttag("%s", "")}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')), - \ Pl#Segment#Create('fullcurrenttag', '%{tagbar#currenttag("%s", "", "f")}', Pl#Segment#Modes('!N')) -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/virtualenv.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/virtualenv.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 8c7d6fb5..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Segments/virtualenv.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Segments#virtualenv#segments = Pl#Segment#Init(['virtualenv', - \ has('python') && (exists('g:virtualenv_loaded') && g:virtualenv_loaded == 1), - \ - \ Pl#Segment#Create('statusline', '%{virtualenv#statusline()}') -\ ]) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/default.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/default.vim deleted file mode 100755 index a97d5b9c..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/default.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -let g:Powerline#Themes#default#theme = Pl#Theme#Create( - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('' - \ , 'paste_indicator' - \ , 'mode_indicator' - \ , 'fugitive:branch' - \ , 'hgrev:branch' - \ , 'fileinfo' - \ , 'syntastic:errors' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , 'tagbar:currenttag' - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'rvm:string' - \ , 'virtualenv:statusline' - \ , 'fileformat' - \ , 'fileencoding' - \ , 'filetype' - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ , 'lineinfo' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('command_t' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Command-T'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , ['raw.line', '%10(Match #%l%)'] - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('gundo', Pl#Match#Any('gundo_tree') - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Gundo'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Undo tree'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('gundo', Pl#Match#Any('gundo_preview') - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Gundo'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Diff preview'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('bt_help' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Help'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_vimpager' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Pager'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('lustyexplorer' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'LustyExplorer'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Buffer list'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_man' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Man page'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('minibufexplorer' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'MiniBufExplorer'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_qf' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Quickfix'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('tagbar' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Tagbar'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Tree'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ctrlp', Pl#Theme#Callback('ctrlp_main', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "%s"') - \ , 'ctrlp:prev' - \ , 'ctrlp:item' - \ , 'ctrlp:next' - \ , 'ctrlp:marked' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'ctrlp:focus' - \ , 'ctrlp:byfname' - \ , 'pwd' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ctrlp', Pl#Theme#Callback('ctrlp_prog', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "%s"') - \ , 'ctrlp:count' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'pwd' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('nerdtree' - \ , ['raw.name', '%{Powerline#Functions#GetShortPath(4)}'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ) -\ ) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/skwp.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/skwp.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 64ed1342..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/autoload/Powerline/Themes/skwp.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -" Disabled: -" Add the following line into the first theme group to see the highlight -" group -" \ , 'currhigroup' -" -" Line info taken out - I know which line number I'm on from the gutter -"\ , 'lineinfo' -let g:Powerline#Themes#skwp#theme = Pl#Theme#Create( - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('' - \ , 'fugitive:branch' - \ , 'fileinfo' - \ , 'flags.mod' - \ , 'syntastic:errors' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'sass:status' - \ , 'rvm:string' - \ , 'paste_indicator' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('command_t' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Command-T'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , ['raw.line', '%10(Match #%l%)'] - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('gundo', Pl#Match#Any('gundo_tree') - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Gundo'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Undo tree'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('gundo', Pl#Match#Any('gundo_preview') - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Gundo'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Diff preview'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('bt_help' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Help'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_vimpager' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Pager'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('lustyexplorer' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'LustyExplorer'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Buffer list'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_man' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Man page'] - \ , 'filename' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'scrollpercent' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('minibufexplorer' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'MiniBufExplorer'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ft_qf' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Quickfix'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('tagbar' - \ , ['static_str.name', 'Tagbar'] - \ , ['static_str.buffer', 'Tree'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ctrlp', Pl#Theme#Callback('ctrlp_main', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.main = "%s"') - \ , 'ctrlp:prev' - \ , 'ctrlp:item' - \ , 'ctrlp:next' - \ , 'ctrlp:marked' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'ctrlp:focus' - \ , 'ctrlp:byfname' - \ , 'pwd' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('ctrlp', Pl#Theme#Callback('ctrlp_prog', 'if ! exists("g:ctrlp_status_func") | let g:ctrlp_status_func = {} | endif | let g:ctrlp_status_func.prog = "%s"') - \ , 'ctrlp:count' - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ , 'pwd' - \ ), - \ - \ Pl#Theme#Buffer('nerdtree' - \ , ['raw.name', '%{Powerline#Functions#GetShortPath(4)}'] - \ , Pl#Segment#Truncate() - \ , Pl#Segment#Split() - \ ) -\ ) diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/Powerline.txt b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/Powerline.txt deleted file mode 100755 index 33d136fd..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/Powerline.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,429 +0,0 @@ -*Powerline.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2011 Nov 23 - - ______ - _________ \ /__ - \_____ \______ _ _____________ / /'__' ___ ____ - | ___/ _ \ \/ \/ / __ \_ ___\ / | |/ \_/ __ \ - | | | (_) \ _ / ___/| | / /__| | | \ ___/ - '___' \____/ \/ \/ \___ |__' /___ /'__'__| /\___ \ - \/ / / \/ \/ - | / - |/ - ' - -============================================================================== -CONTENTS *Powerline-contents* - - 1. Introduction ....................... |Powerline-introduction| - 2. Usage .............................. |Powerline-usage| - 3. Requirements ....................... |Powerline-requirements| - 3.1 Recommended settings ........... |Powerline-recommended-settings| - 4. Configuration ...................... |Powerline-configuration| - 4.1 Powerline_cache_file ........... |Powerline_cache_file| - 4.1.1 Clearing the cache ....... |:PowerlineClearCache| - 4.2 Powerline_cache_enabled ........ |Powerline_cache_enabled| - 4.3 Powerline_symbols .............. |Powerline_symbols| - 4.3.1 Compatible symbols ....... |Powerline-symbols-compatible| - 4.3.2 Fancy symbols ............ |Powerline-symbols-fancy| - 4.3.3 Overriding symbols ....... |Powerline_symbols_override| - 4.3.4 Overriding dividers ...... |Powerline_dividers_override| - 4.4 Powerline_theme ................ |Powerline_theme| - 4.5 Powerline_colorscheme .......... |Powerline_colorscheme| - 4.6 Powerline_stl_path_style ....... |Powerline_stl_path_style| - 5. Fonts .............................. |Powerline-fonts| - 6. Customization ...................... |Powerline-customization| - 6.1 Basic customization ............ |Powerline-basic-customization| - 6.2 Advanced customization ......... |Powerline-advanced-customization| - 6.2.1 Colorschemes ............. |Powerline-cust-colorschemes| - 6.2.2 Functions ................ |Powerline-cust-functions| - 6.2.3 Segments ................. |Powerline-cust-segments| - 6.2.4 Themes ................... |Powerline-cust-themes| - 7. License ............................ |Powerline-license| - 8. Known issues ....................... |Powerline-known-issues| - 9. Contributing ....................... |Powerline-contributing| - -============================================================================== -1. Introduction *Powerline* *Powerline-introduction* - -Powerline is a utility plugin which allows you to create better-looking, more -functional Vim statuslines. - -============================================================================== -2. Usage *Powerline-usage* - -Powerline is automatically enabled when it's installed, either by unzipping -the provided archive or by adding it as a Pathogen/Vundle bundle. - -Powerline replaces the standard Vim 'statusline' with a custom statusline made -up of Powerline segments. - -Powerline ignores any 'statusline' customizations you have defined in your -|vimrc|. If you remove Powerline, your 'statusline' customizations are -restored. - -============================================================================== -3. Requirements *Powerline-requirements* - -Powerline has been developed and tested in Vim 7.3, but it should run without -any problems in Vim 7.2. The default configuration requires a Unix-like system -to work properly. - -The plugin only works with Vim running in an 88/256-color terminal or Gvim. - -Vi-compatible mode must be disabled. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -3.1 Recommended settings *Powerline-recommended-settings* - -The following configuration options should be set in your |vimrc|: > - - set nocompatible " Disable vi-compatibility - set laststatus=2 " Always show the statusline - set encoding=utf-8 " Necessary to show Unicode glyphs - -Note: If you're using an 88/256-color terminal but still don't see the colored -statusline, you may have to set the following option as well: > - - set t_Co=256 " Explicitly tell Vim that the terminal supports 256 colors - -============================================================================== -4. Configuration *Powerline-configuration* - -Powerline will work fine without any user configuration, but default behavior -can be overridden by setting configuration variables globally in your |vimrc| -file. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.1 Powerline_cache_file *Powerline_cache_file* - -By default Powerline caches all the statuslines and colors in a cache file in -the plugin's directory (or the Vim directory, depending on the installation -method used). - -It's recommended that you enable the cache, as this dramatically improves Vim -startup time after the cache file has been generated (the plugin usually loads -within ~100ms without the cache and ~1ms with the cache). - -Note: The default cache filename includes the current theme, colorscheme and -symbol settings in order to tie the cache file to your current configuration, -so the cache file will be regenerated when you change any settings. This may -leave several old cache files in your Vim folder, and these may safely be -deleted. - -Defaults: "/Powerline___.cache" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.1.1 Clearing the cache *:PowerlineClearCache* - -Powerline provides a command to easily clear the cache after changing your -settings or updating your theme. Simply run the following command to clear -your cache, and restart Vim afterwards: > - - :PowerlineClearCache -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.2 Powerline_cache_enabled *Powerline_cache_enabled* - -It's possible to disable statusline caching by setting this option to 0. This -is mostly useful when developing statuslines. - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_cache_enabled = 0 -< - -Default: 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3 Powerline_symbols *Powerline_symbols* - -This option defines which set of symbols and dividers you want to use. There -are currently three available options: "compatible", "unicode" and "fancy". - - TYPE DESCRIPTION ~ - compatible Doesn't use any special characters. - unicode Simulates icons and arrows using similar Unicode glyphs. - fancy Custom icons and arrows. Requires a patched font. - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' -< - -Default: "compatible" - -Symbols can be inserted into statuslines by using the following variables -(just insert the variables as text in your segments): - - VARIABLE DESCRIPTION ~ - $BRANCH Inserts a branch symbol - $RO Inserts a read-only symbol - $FT Inserts a filetype symbol - $LINE Inserts a line number symbol - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3.1 Compatible symbols *Powerline-symbols-compatible* - -These symbols will work in any configuration, and do not require a special -font to work. This option will replace the fancy icons with plain text, and -the pointy dividers with straight lines. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3.2 Fancy symbols *Powerline-symbols-fancy* - -These symbols require a custom font to work. A font patcher is provided for -adding the required symbols to any outline font and some bitmap fonts, see -|Powerline-fonts| and the provided README file for usage details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3.3 Overriding symbols *Powerline_symbols_override* - -You can override symbols by adding your symbols to the -g:Powerline_symbols_override dictionary. Example: If you want the branch -symbol to be "∓" (hex code 0x2213) and the line symbol to be "L" you can add -the following to your |vimrc|: > - - let g:Powerline_symbols_override = { - \ 'BRANCH': [0x2213], - \ 'LINE': 'L', - \ } -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3.4 Overriding dividers *Powerline_dividers_override* - -If you for some reason want to override the dividers then you can set -g:Powerline_dividers_override to a list with exactly four elements: - - 1: Hard right-pointing arrow - 2: Soft right-pointing arrow - 3: Hard left-pointing arrow - 4: Soft left-pointing arrow - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_dividers_override = ['>>', '>', '<<', '<'] -< - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.3.5 Overriding mode names *Powerline_mode* - -You can change the names used for modes at the far left by setting some -variables in your |vimrc|. For example you can change "N" to "NORMAL" with: > - - let g:Powerline_mode_n = 'NORMAL' -< -The variables are all named beginning with 'g:Powerline_mode_', as follows: - -mode name default note ~ -Normal n ' N ' (surrounded by spaces) -Insert i INSERT -Replace R REPLACE |Replace-mode| -Visual v VISUAL |Visual-mode| -Visual linewise V V⋅LINE -Visual blockwise cv V⋅BLOCK -Select s SELECT |Select-mode| -Select linewise S S⋅LINE -Select blockwise cs S⋅BLOCK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -4.4 Powerline_theme *Powerline_theme* - -This option defines the theme Powerline uses. The available themes are located -in autoload/Powerline/Themes/. A theme is a pre-defined set of Powerline -segments which make up the statusline. - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_theme = 'skwp' -< - -Default: "default" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.5 Powerline_colorscheme *Powerline_colorscheme* - -This option defines the colorscheme Powerline uses. The available colorschemes -are located in autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/. - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_colorscheme = 'skwp' -< - -Default: "default" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.6 Powerline_stl_path_style *Powerline_stl_path_style* - -There are currently four ways to display the current path and file name. The -default is to only display the file name like the %t statusline item. By -setting this configuration value you can choose from the following ways -display the current path and file name: - - VALUE DESCRIPTION ~ - filename Display only the file name using the %t statusline item. - short Display a short path. The home directory is substituted with - "~", the first directory is displayed with its full name, and - subsequent directories are shortened to their first letter. - I.e. "/home/user/foo/bar/baz.vim" becomes "~/f/b/baz.vim" and - "long/relative/path/foo/bar/baz.vim becomes - "long/r/p/f/b/baz.vim". - relative Display a relative path, similar to the %f statusline item. - full Display the full path, similar to the %F statusline item. - -Example: > - - let g:Powerline_stl_path_style = 'full' -< - -Default: "relative" - -============================================================================== -5. Fonts *Powerline-fonts* - -TODO - -============================================================================== -6. Customization *Powerline-customization* - -There are currently two ways of customizing Powerline: Basic customization -using a couple of functions to insert and remove existing segments from the -statusline, and advanced customization using your own autoload files. The -customization features of Powerline allow you to create your own statuslines -without ever touching the original source code. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -6.1 Basic customization *Powerline-basic-customization* - -Powerline provides the following functions to alter the default statusline -look. These functions should be called from your |vimrc| file or another file -which is sourced at Vim startup. - -Note: These functions are currently applied to all statuslines, so if you -insert a segment after a segment which is present in many statuslines (e.g. -the "filename" segment), all the statuslines will have the inserted segment. -This behavior may be changed in a future version of Powerline. - -Note: Remember to clear your cache with |:PowerlineClearCache| after changing -your statusline! - -Example: > - - " Insert the charcode segment after the filetype segment - call Pl#Theme#InsertSegment('charcode', 'after', 'filetype') - - " Replace the scrollpercent segment with the charcode segment - call Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment('scrollpercent', 'fileinfo') -< - *Pl#Theme#InsertSegment* -Pl#Theme#InsertSegment({newsegment}, {location}, {targetsegment}) - -This function inserts {newsegment} before or after {targetsegment}. The -{location} parameter specifies the location of the new segment, valid values -are "before" and "after". You can see all the available segments in -autoload/Powerline/Segments.vim and the files specified in -|Powerline-cust-segments|. - -Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment({targetsegment}) *Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment* - -This function removes the {targetsegment} segment entirely. - -Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment({oldsegment}, {newsegment}) *Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment* - -This function replaces {oldsegment} with {newsegment}. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -6.2 Advanced customization *Powerline-advanced-customization* - -Because Powerline utilizes Vim's autoload functionality, you can easily create -your own segments, themes, functions and colorschemes without touching the -original source code. This is a bit more complex than using the utility -functions, but it allows you to do a lot more with your statusline. - -Your custom autoload files should be stored in your |runtimepath| (usually in -"~/.vim/autoload/Powerline/*"). - -Note: Remember to clear your cache with |:PowerlineClearCache| after changing -your statusline! - -6.2.1 Colorschemes *Powerline-cust-colorschemes* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Colorschemes should be stored as separate files in -{runtimepath}/autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/. - -SYNTAX ~ - -TODO - -EXAMPLE ~ - -TODO - -6.2.2 Functions *Powerline-cust-functions* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Functions should be stored as separate files in -{runtimepath}/autoload/Powerline/Functions/. - -SYNTAX ~ - -TODO - -EXAMPLE ~ - -TODO - -6.2.3 Segments *Powerline-cust-segments* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Segments should be stored as separate files in -{runtimepath}/autoload/Powerline/Segments/. - -SYNTAX ~ - -TODO - -EXAMPLE ~ - -TODO - -6.2.4 Themes *Powerline-cust-themes* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Themes should be stored as separate files in -{runtimepath}/autoload/Powerline/Themes/. - -SYNTAX ~ - -TODO - -EXAMPLE ~ - -TODO - -============================================================================== -7. License *Powerline-license* - -Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ - -============================================================================== -8. Known issues *Powerline-known-issues* - -See the issue tracker at -https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/issues - -============================================================================== -9. Contributing *Powerline-contributing* - -If you experience any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue on -GitHub. Fork the source repository on GitHub and send a pull request if you -have any code improvements. - -Author: Kim Silkebækken -Source repository: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline - -============================================================================== -vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:ft=help:norl: diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/tags b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/tags deleted file mode 100644 index c81aba9a..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/doc/tags +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -:PowerlineClearCache Powerline.txt /*:PowerlineClearCache* -Pl#Theme#InsertSegment Powerline.txt /*Pl#Theme#InsertSegment* -Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment Powerline.txt /*Pl#Theme#RemoveSegment* -Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment Powerline.txt /*Pl#Theme#ReplaceSegment* -Powerline Powerline.txt /*Powerline* -Powerline-advanced-customization Powerline.txt /*Powerline-advanced-customization* -Powerline-basic-customization Powerline.txt /*Powerline-basic-customization* -Powerline-configuration Powerline.txt /*Powerline-configuration* -Powerline-contents Powerline.txt /*Powerline-contents* -Powerline-contributing Powerline.txt /*Powerline-contributing* -Powerline-cust-colorschemes Powerline.txt /*Powerline-cust-colorschemes* -Powerline-cust-functions Powerline.txt /*Powerline-cust-functions* -Powerline-cust-segments Powerline.txt /*Powerline-cust-segments* -Powerline-cust-themes Powerline.txt /*Powerline-cust-themes* -Powerline-customization Powerline.txt /*Powerline-customization* -Powerline-fonts Powerline.txt /*Powerline-fonts* -Powerline-introduction Powerline.txt /*Powerline-introduction* -Powerline-known-issues Powerline.txt /*Powerline-known-issues* -Powerline-license Powerline.txt /*Powerline-license* -Powerline-recommended-settings Powerline.txt /*Powerline-recommended-settings* -Powerline-requirements Powerline.txt /*Powerline-requirements* -Powerline-symbols-compatible Powerline.txt /*Powerline-symbols-compatible* -Powerline-symbols-fancy Powerline.txt /*Powerline-symbols-fancy* -Powerline-usage Powerline.txt /*Powerline-usage* -Powerline.txt Powerline.txt /*Powerline.txt* -Powerline_cache_enabled Powerline.txt /*Powerline_cache_enabled* -Powerline_cache_file Powerline.txt /*Powerline_cache_file* -Powerline_colorscheme Powerline.txt /*Powerline_colorscheme* -Powerline_dividers_override Powerline.txt /*Powerline_dividers_override* -Powerline_mode Powerline.txt /*Powerline_mode* -Powerline_stl_path_style Powerline.txt /*Powerline_stl_path_style* -Powerline_symbols Powerline.txt /*Powerline_symbols* -Powerline_symbols_override Powerline.txt /*Powerline_symbols_override* -Powerline_theme Powerline.txt /*Powerline_theme* diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/PowerlineSymbols.sfd b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/PowerlineSymbols.sfd deleted file mode 100755 index 34d7d0c8..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/PowerlineSymbols.sfd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,319 +0,0 @@ -SplineFontDB: 3.0 -FontName: PowerlineSymbols -FullName: PowerlineSymbols -FamilyName: PowerlineSymbols -Weight: Medium -Copyright: -UComments: "2011-11-21: Created." -Version: 001.000 -ItalicAngle: 0 -UnderlinePosition: -98.6328 -UnderlineWidth: 48.8281 -Ascent: 800 -Descent: 200 -LayerCount: 2 -Layer: 0 0 "Back" 1 -Layer: 1 0 "Fore" 0 -XUID: [1021 211 26716215 11021609] -FSType: 0 -OS2Version: 0 -OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0 -OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1 -CreationTime: 1321867751 -ModificationTime: 1326665029 -OS2TypoAscent: 0 -OS2TypoAOffset: 1 -OS2TypoDescent: 0 -OS2TypoDOffset: 1 -OS2TypoLinegap: 90 -OS2WinAscent: 0 -OS2WinAOffset: 1 -OS2WinDescent: 0 -OS2WinDOffset: 1 -HheadAscent: 0 -HheadAOffset: 1 -HheadDescent: 0 -HheadDOffset: 1 -OS2Vendor: 'PfEd' -MarkAttachClasses: 1 -DEI: 91125 -Encoding: UnicodeFull -Compacted: 1 -UnicodeInterp: none -NameList: Adobe Glyph List -DisplaySize: -24 -AntiAlias: 1 -FitToEm: 1 -WinInfo: 0 31 18 -BeginPrivate: 0 -EndPrivate -BeginChars: 1114112 9 - -StartChar: uni2B80 -Encoding: 11136 11136 0 -Width: 621 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -0 1000 m 1 - 621 379 l 1 - 0 -243 l 1 - 0 1000 l 1 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B81 -Encoding: 11137 11137 1 -Width: 621 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -10 991 m 0 - 16 997 23 1000 32 1000 c 0 - 41 1000 48 996 54 990 c 2 - 613 400 l 2 - 619 394 621 386 621 378 c 0 - 621 370 618 362 613 357 c 2 - 54 -233 l 2 - 48 -239 41 -242 32 -242 c 0 - 23 -242 16 -240 10 -234 c 0 - 4 -228 0 -221 0 -212 c 0 - 0 -203 3 -196 8 -190 c 2 - 547 379 l 1 - 8 948 l 2 - 3 954 0 961 0 970 c 0 - 0 979 4 985 10 991 c 0 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B82 -Encoding: 11138 11138 2 -Width: 621 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -621 1000 m 5 - 621 -243 l 5 - 0 379 l 5 - 621 1000 l 5 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B83 -Encoding: 11139 11139 3 -Width: 621 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -612 991 m 0 - 618 985 621 979 621 970 c 0 - 621 961 619 954 613 948 c 2 - 74 379 l 1 - 613 -190 l 2 - 619 -196 621 -203 621 -212 c 0 - 621 -221 618 -228 612 -234 c 0 - 606 -240 598 -242 589 -242 c 0 - 580 -242 574 -239 568 -233 c 2 - 8 357 l 2 - 3 362 0 370 0 378 c 0 - 0 386 3 394 8 400 c 2 - 568 990 l 2 - 574 996 580 1000 589 1000 c 0 - 598 1000 606 997 612 991 c 0 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B61 -Encoding: 11105 11105 4 -Width: 555 -VWidth: 0 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -0 800 m 5 - 92 800 l 5 - 92 513 l 5 - 253 513 l 5 - 253 444 l 5 - 0 444 l 5 - 0 800 l 5 -236 312 m 5 - 339 312 l 5 - 468 67 l 5 - 468 312 l 5 - 555 312 l 5 - 555 -44 l 5 - 453 -44 l 5 - 323 200 l 5 - 323 -44 l 5 - 236 -44 l 5 - 236 312 l 5 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B60 -Encoding: 11104 11104 5 -Width: 676 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -0 197 m 1 - 94 207 419 279 419 384 c 2 - 419 537 l 1 - 278 501 l 1 - 478 794 l 1 - 677 501 l 1 - 536 537 l 1 - 536 384 l 2 - 536 196 208 126 208 21 c 2 - 208 -244 l 1 - 0 -244 l 1 - 0 197 l 1 -0 288 m 1 - 0 405 0 944 0 944 c 1 - 208 944 l 1 - 208 944 208 451 208 334 c 1 - 185 311 12 288 0 288 c 1 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B62 -Encoding: 11106 11106 6 -Width: 428 -VWidth: 0 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -88 677 m 2 - 429 677 l 1 - 429 589 l 1 - 88 589 l 1 - 88 162 l 1 - 198 162 l 1 - 198 343 l 1 - 374 343 l 1 - 374 427 l 1 - 198 427 l 1 - 198 506 l 1 - 429 506 l 1 - 429 274 l 1 - 416 263 391 255 374 255 c 2 - 286 255 l 1 - 286 162 l 2 - 286 114 246 74 198 74 c 2 - 88 74 l 2 - 40 74 0 114 0 162 c 2 - 0 589 l 2 - 0 637 40 677 88 677 c 2 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B63 -Encoding: 11107 11107 7 -Width: 428 -VWidth: 0 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -0 677 m 5 - 341 677 l 6 - 389 677 429 637 429 589 c 6 - 429 506 l 6 - 429 458 389 418 341 418 c 6 - 287 418 l 5 - 287 162 l 6 - 287 114 247 74 199 74 c 6 - 89 74 l 6 - 41 74 1 114 1 162 c 6 - 1 274 l 6 - 0 274 l 6 - 0 506 l 5 - 89 506 l 5 - 89 162 l 5 - 199 162 l 5 - 199 506 l 5 - 341 506 l 5 - 341 589 l 5 - 0 589 l 5 - 0 677 l 5 -EndSplineSet -EndChar - -StartChar: uni2B64 -Encoding: 11108 11108 8 -Width: 546 -VWidth: 0 -Flags: HMW -LayerCount: 2 -Fore -SplineSet -273 733 m 4 - 429 733 430 538 430 538 c 5 - 430 420 l 5 - 547 420 l 5 - 547 303 l 5 - 547 303 546 -9 273 -9 c 4 - 0 -9 0 303 0 303 c 5 - 0 420 l 5 - 117 420 l 5 - 117 538 l 5 - 117 538 117 733 273 733 c 4 -273 655 m 4 - 195 655 195 576 195 420 c 5 - 352 420 l 5 - 352 576 351 655 273 655 c 4 -273 342 m 4 - 195 342 195 147 273 147 c 4 - 351 147 351 342 273 342 c 4 -EndSplineSet -EndChar -EndChars -BitmapFont: 10 10 8 2 1 -BDFChar: 0 11136 6 0 4 -2 7 -JAC+4q"X@:^jlCb -BDFChar: 1 11137 6 0 4 -2 7 -J3Y4g#RCta5_&h7 -BDFChar: 2 11138 6 1 5 -2 7 -#T,OGq"T(n(^L*A -BDFChar: 3 11139 6 1 5 -2 7 -#S8+DJ:Km-&-r79 -BDFChar: 4 11105 6 1 4 -1 7 -J:N1>!0GR3O8o7\ -BDFChar: 5 11104 7 0 5 -2 7 -^rYQ3 -BDFChar: 8 11108 5 0 5 0 6 -0M"b4bku\c -EndBitmapFont -BitmapFont: 12 10 10 2 1 -BDFChar: 0 11136 7 0 6 -2 11 -!!%Pbi:-O>r:od>^jlCb -BDFChar: 1 11137 7 0 6 -3 11 -!!%O7+:ne]":,P]5_&h7 -BDFChar: 2 11138 7 0 6 -2 11 -!!!-1*'AWHr-UUH$j6P1 -BDFChar: 3 11139 7 0 6 -2 11 -!!!--&0O5gJ3Y4g#Qt,- -BDFChar: 4 11105 7 0 5 0 8 -J:N1>!$jBP,QIfE -BDFChar: 5 11104 8 0 8 -3 11 -z^];.Ma8juqa8j9]a8jQehuLOm^];.Mz -BDFChar: 6 11106 5 1 6 0 8 -!-j$]R"1Qc?iU0, -BDFChar: 7 11107 5 0 5 0 7 -p]QtGOH>Q3 -BDFChar: 8 11108 7 0 5 0 8 -0M"`*r63C_GQ7^D -EndBitmapFont -EndSplineFont diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/README.rst b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/README.rst deleted file mode 100755 index 35b3d5d0..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/README.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -====================== -Powerline font patcher -====================== - -:Author: Kim Silkebækken (kim.silkebaekken+vim@gmail.com) - -Description ------------ - -This font patcher creates dividers and symbols for use with Powerline. The -script requires Python 2 and FontForge compiled with Python bindings. - -Patched fonts are renamed by default (" for Powerline" is added to the font -name) so they don't conflict with existing fonts. Use the ``--no-rename`` -option to disable font renaming. - -Glyph table ------------ - -All the glyphs are stored in the ``U+2B60``-``U+2BFF`` range ("Misc symbols -and arrows"). - -+------------+-------------------+ -| Code point | Description | -+============+===================+ -| ``U+2B60`` | Branch symbol | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B61`` | LN (line) symbol | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B62`` | FT symbol, part 1 | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B63`` | FT symbol, part 2 | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B64`` | Padlock (closed) | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B80`` | Hard right arrow | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B81`` | Soft right arrow | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B82`` | Hard left arrow | -+------------+-------------------+ -| ``U+2B83`` | Soft left arrow | -+------------+-------------------+ - -=================== -Font patching guide -=================== - -There's a `GitHub wiki page`_ dedicated to community-contributed patched -fonts. You may download one of the fonts on that page if you don't want to -patch the fonts yourself. - -If you do patch a font that's not included in the wiki (and you have -permission to distribute it), please include it on the wiki page. - -**Note:** The fonts in the wiki may be outdated, and may have different -glyphs than the ones provided in the latest version of Powerline. It's -recommended that you always patch your fonts yourself if you have the -required software. - -.. _`GitHub wiki page`: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/wiki/Patched-fonts - -Linux ------ - -1. Install fontforge with Python bindings. For Ubuntu users the required - package is ``python-fontforge``, for Arch Linux users the required - package is ``fontforge``. It should be something similar for other - distros. - -2. Run the font patcher:: - - $ /path/to/fontpatcher MyFontFile.ttf - -3. Copy the font file into ``~/.fonts`` (or another X font directory):: - - $ cp MyFontFile-Powerline.otf ~/.fonts - - **Note:** If the font is a pure bitmap font (e.g. a PCF font) it will be - stored in the BDF format. This is usually not a problem, and you may - convert the font back to the PCF format using ``bdftopcf`` if you want - to. All other fonts will be stored in the OTF format regardless of the - original format. - -4. Update your font cache:: - - $ sudo fc-cache -vf - - **Note:** If you use vim in rxvt-unicode in the client/daemon mode, you - may need to close all running terminals as well for the font to be - updated. - -5. **For gvim users:** Update the GUI font in your ``vimrc`` file:: - - set guifont=MyFont\ for\ Powerline - - **For terminal users:** Update your terminal configuration to use the - patched font. - -6. Update your ``vimrc`` configuration to use the new symbols:: - - let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' - -7. Make sure that the cache file is deleted:: - - $ rm /tmp/Powerline.cache - -8. Start vim and enjoy your new statusline! - -OS X ----- - -1. Check if you have a FontForge version with Python support by running - ``fontforge -version``. You should see something like this:: - - $ fontforge -version - Copyright (c) 2000-2011 by George Williams. - Executable based on sources from 13:48 GMT 22-Feb-2011-D. - Library based on sources from 13:48 GMT 22-Feb-2011. - fontforge 20110222 - libfontforge 20110222 - - Make sure that the executable version number doesn't have ``NoPython`` in - it. If everything looks OK, skip ahead to step 4. - -2. If you have FontForge but with ``NoPython`` in the version number, please - try to update to a later version:: - - $ brew uninstall fontforge - $ brew update - $ brew install --use-gcc fontforge - - **Note:** You may have to use ``--use-clang`` instead of ``--use-gcc`` - when compiling FontForge. - -3. If you don't have FontForge, install it with Homebrew:: - - $ brew update - $ brew install --use-gcc fontforge - -4. Patch your fonts by passing the ``fontpatcher`` script as a parameter to - FontForge:: - - $ fontforge -script /path/to/fontpatcher MyFontFile.ttf - -5. Install the font by double-clicking the font file in Finder and click - "Install this font" from the preview window. - -6. **For gvim users:** Update the GUI font in your ``vimrc`` file:: - - set guifont=MyFont\ for\ Powerline - - **For terminal users:** Update your terminal configuration to use the - patched font. - -7. Update your ``vimrc`` configuration to use the new symbols:: - - let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' - -8. Make sure that the cache file is deleted:: - - $ rm /tmp/Powerline.cache - -9. Start vim and enjoy your new statusline! diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/fontpatcher b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/fontpatcher deleted file mode 100755 index 2c54a3fa..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/fontpatcher +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -"""Font patcher for Powerline. - -Creates dividers and symbols for use with Powerline. Requires FontForge with Python bindings. - -Stores glyphs in the 2b60-2bff Unicode range ("Misc symbols and arrows"). - -[2b60] Branch symbol -[2b61] LN (line) symbol -[2b62] FT symbol 1 -[2b63] FT symbol 2 -[2b64] Padlock (closed) symbol -[2b80] Hard right arrow -[2b81] Soft right arrow -[2b82] Hard left arrow -[2b83] Soft left arrow -""" - -from __future__ import division - -import argparse -import os -import sys -import re - -try: - import fontforge - import psMat -except ImportError: - sys.stderr.write('The required FontForge modules could not be loaded.\n\n') - - if sys.version_info.major > 2: - sys.stderr.write('FontForge only supports Python 2. Please run this script with the Python 2 executable - e.g. "python2 {0}"\n'.format(sys.argv[0])) - else: - sys.stderr.write('You need FontForge with Python bindings for this script to work.\n') - - sys.exit(1) - -# Handle command-line arguments -parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Font patcher for Powerline. Creates dividers and symbols in FontForge-compatible font files. Requires FontForge with Python bindings. Stores glyphs in the U+2B80-U+2BFF range ("Miscellaneous symbols and arrows"). Stores the patched font as a new, renamed font file by default.') - -parser.add_argument('fonts', help='font file to patch', metavar='font', nargs='+') -parser.add_argument('--no-rename', help='don\'t add " for Powerline" to the font name', default=True, action='store_false', dest='rename') -parser.add_argument('--symbol-font', help='font file with symbols', metavar='font', dest='symbol_font', default='{0}/PowerlineSymbols.sfd'.format(sys.path[0])) -parser.add_argument('--fix-mono', help='fixes some mono-fonts which have glyphs of 0 widths', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fixmono') -parser.add_argument('--fix-win', help='modifies font names such that Windows correctly recognizes font families', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fixwin') - -args = parser.parse_args() - -SYM_ATTR = { - # Right/left-aligned glyphs will have their advance width reduced in order to overlap the next glyph slightly - 0x2b60: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': 'y' , 'overlap': False }, - 0x2b61: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, - 0x2b62: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, - 0x2b63: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, - 0x2b64: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, - 0x2b80: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, - 0x2b81: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, - 0x2b82: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, - 0x2b83: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, -} - -# Open symbol font -try: - symbols = fontforge.open(args.symbol_font) -except EnvironmentError: - sys.exit(1) - -# Patch provided fonts -for font_path in args.fonts: - try: - font = fontforge.open(font_path) - except EnvironmentError: - sys.exit(1) - - # Rename font - if args.rename: - font.familyname += ' for Powerline' - font.fullname += ' for Powerline' - font.fontname += 'ForPowerline' - font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Preferred Family', font.familyname) - font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Compatible Full', font.fullname) - if args.fixwin: - font.fontname = re.sub(r'\W', '', font.familyname) - - # Force the em size to be equal - symbols.em = font.em - - # Initial font dimensions - font_dim = { - 'xmin' : 0, - 'ymin' : -font.descent, - 'xmax' : 0, - 'ymax' : font.ascent, - - 'width' : 0, - 'height': 0, - } - - # Find the biggest char width and height - # - # 0x00-0x17f is the Latin Extended-A range - # 0x2500-0x2600 is the box drawing range - for glyph in range(0x00, 0x17f) + range(0x2500, 0x2600): - try: - (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = font[glyph].boundingBox() - except TypeError: - continue - - if font_dim['width'] == 0: - font_dim['width'] = font[glyph].width - - if ymin < font_dim['ymin']: font_dim['ymin'] = ymin - if ymax > font_dim['ymax']: font_dim['ymax'] = ymax - if xmax > font_dim['xmax']: font_dim['xmax'] = xmax - - # Calculate font height - font_dim['height'] = abs(font_dim['ymin']) + font_dim['ymax'] - - # Update the font encoding to ensure that the Unicode glyphs are available - font.encoding = 'ISO10646' - - # Fetch this property before adding outlines - onlybitmaps = font.onlybitmaps - - def get_dim(glyph): - bbox = glyph.boundingBox() - - return { - 'xmin' : bbox[0], - 'ymin' : bbox[1], - 'xmax' : bbox[2], - 'ymax' : bbox[3], - - 'width' : bbox[2] + (-bbox[0]), - 'height': bbox[3] + (-bbox[1]), - } - - # Create glyphs from symbol font - for sym_glyph in symbols.glyphs(): - sym_attr = SYM_ATTR[sym_glyph.unicode] - - # Prepare symbol glyph dimensions - sym_dim = get_dim(sym_glyph) - - # Select and copy symbol from its encoding point - symbols.selection.select(sym_glyph.encoding) - symbols.copy() - - # Select and paste symbol to its unicode code point - font.selection.select(sym_glyph.unicode) - font.paste() - - # Now that we have copy/pasted the glyph, it's time to scale and move it - - # Handle glyph stretching - if 'x' in sym_attr['stretch']: - # Stretch the glyph horizontally - scale_ratio = font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width'] - - font.transform(psMat.scale(scale_ratio, 1)) - if 'y' in sym_attr['stretch']: - # Stretch the glyph vertically - scale_ratio = font_dim['height'] / sym_dim['height'] - - font.transform(psMat.scale(1, scale_ratio)) - - # Use the dimensions from the pasted and stretched glyph - sym_dim = get_dim(font[sym_glyph.unicode]) - - # Center-align the glyph vertically - font_ycenter = font_dim['height'] / 2 - sym_ycenter = sym_dim['height'] / 2 - - # First move it to the ymax (top) - font.transform(psMat.translate(0, font_dim['ymax'] - sym_dim['ymax'])) - - # Then move it the y center difference - font.transform(psMat.translate(0, sym_ycenter - font_ycenter)) - - # Ensure that the glyph doesn't extend outside the font's bounding box - if sym_dim['width'] > font_dim['width']: - # The glyph is too wide, scale it down to fit - scale_matrix = psMat.scale(font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width'], 1) - - font.transform(scale_matrix) - - # Use the dimensions from the stretched glyph - sym_dim = get_dim(font[sym_glyph.unicode]) - - # Handle glyph alignment - if sym_attr['align'] == 'c': - # Center align - align_matrix = psMat.translate(font_dim['width'] / 2 - sym_dim['width'] / 2 , 0) - elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r': - # Right align - align_matrix = psMat.translate(font_dim['width'] - sym_dim['width'], 0) - else: - # No alignment (left alignment) - align_matrix = psMat.translate(0, 0) - - font.transform(align_matrix) - - if sym_attr['overlap'] is True: - overlap_width = font.em / 48 - - # Stretch the glyph slightly horizontally if it should overlap - font.transform(psMat.scale((sym_dim['width'] + overlap_width) / sym_dim['width'], 1)) - - if sym_attr['align'] == 'l': - # The glyph should be left-aligned, so it must be moved overlap_width to the left - # This only applies to left-aligned glyphs because the glyph is scaled to the right - font.transform(psMat.translate(-overlap_width, 0)) - - # Ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows - font[sym_glyph.unicode].width = font_dim['width'] - - if font.bitmapSizes and not onlybitmaps: - # If this is an outline font with bitmaps, regenerate bitmaps for the changed glyphs - font.selection.changed() - - for size in font.bitmapSizes: - font.regenBitmaps((size, )) - - output_name, extension = os.path.split(font_path)[1].rsplit('.', 1) - if extension.lower() not in ['ttf', 'otf']: - # Default to OpenType if input is not TrueType/OpenType - extension = 'otf' - if args.fixmono: - for glyph in font.glyphs(): - if glyph.width == 0: glyph.width = font_dim['width'] - - if onlybitmaps: - # Generate BDF font - font.generate('{0}-Powerline.bdf'.format(output_name, bitmap_type='bdf')) - else: - # Generate OTF/TTF font - font.generate('{0}-Powerline.{1}'.format(output_name, extension)) - diff --git a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/plugin/Powerline.vim b/sources_forked/vim-powerline/plugin/Powerline.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 5454aa49..00000000 --- a/sources_forked/vim-powerline/plugin/Powerline.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -" Powerline - The ultimate statusline utility -" -" Author: Kim Silkebækken -" Source repository: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline - -" Script initialization {{{ - if exists('g:Powerline_loaded') || &compatible || version < 702 - finish - endif - - let g:Powerline_loaded = 1 -" }}} -" Commands {{{ - command! PowerlineClearCache call Pl#ClearCache() - command! PowerlineReloadColorscheme call Pl#ReloadColorscheme() -" }}} -" Set default options {{{ - for [s:key, s:value] in items({ - \ 'theme' : 'default' - \ , 'colorscheme' : 'default' - \ , 'symbols' : 'compatible' - \ , 'symbols_override' : {} - \ , 'dividers_override': [] - \ , 'stl_path_style' : 'relative' - \ , 'cache_enabled' : 1 - \ }) - - if ! exists('g:Powerline_' . s:key) - exec printf('let g:Powerline_%s = %s', s:key, string(s:value)) - endif - - unlet! s:key s:value - endfor - - if ! exists('g:Powerline_cache_file') - exec 'let g:Powerline_cache_file = '. string(printf('%s/Powerline_%s_%s_%s.cache' - \ , simplify(expand(':p:h') .'/..') - \ , g:Powerline_theme - \ , g:Powerline_colorscheme - \ , g:Powerline_symbols - \ )) - endif -" }}} -" Autocommands {{{ - function! s:CreateAutocmds() - augroup PowerlineMain - autocmd! - - " Reload statuslines when changing color scheme - autocmd ColorScheme * - \ call Pl#Load() - - autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter,FileType,BufUnload * - \ call Pl#UpdateStatusline(1) - - autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave * - \ call Pl#UpdateStatusline(0) - - autocmd BufWritePost */autoload/Powerline/Colorschemes/*.vim - \ :PowerlineReloadColorscheme - augroup END - endfunction - - augroup PowerlineStartup - autocmd! - - autocmd VimEnter * call s:CreateAutocmds() | call Pl#UpdateStatusline(1) - augroup END -" }}} diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/README.md b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/README.md index e7182452..008fb3dd 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/README.md +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/README.md @@ -1,101 +1,60 @@ -# ack.vim # +# ack.vim This plugin is a front for the Perl module [App::Ack](http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/ack/ack). Ack can be used as a replacement for 99% of the uses of _grep_. This plugin will allow you to run ack from vim, and shows the results in a split window. -The *Official Version* of this plugin is available at [vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2572). - -## Installation ## - +## Installation ### Ack -You have to install [ack](http://betterthangrep.com/), of course. - -Install on Debian / Ubuntu with: - - sudo apt-get install ack-grep - -Install on Fedora with: - - su -l -c 'yum install ack' - -Install on openSUSE with: - - sudo zypper install ack - -Install on Gentoo with: - - sudo emerge ack - -Install with Homebrew: - - brew install ack - -Install with MacPorts: - - sudo port install p5-app-ack - -Install with Gentoo Prefix: - - emerge ack - -Install on FreeBSD with: - - cd /usr/ports/textproc/p5-ack/ && make install clean - -You can specify a custom ack name and path in your .vimrc like so: - - let g:ackprg=" -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" - -Otherwise, you are on your own. +You will need the ack(>= 2.0), of course, to install it follow the +[manual](http://beyondgrep.com/install/) ### The Plugin -If you have [Rake](http://rake.rubyforge.org/) installed, you can just run: `rake install`. +To install it is recommended to use one of the popular package managers for Vim, +rather than installing by drag and drop all required files into your `.vim` folder. -Otherwise, the file ack.vim goes in ~/.vim/plugin, and the ack.txt file belongs in ~/.vim/doc. Be sure to run +#### Manual (not recommended) - :helptags ~/.vim/doc +Just +[download](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim/archive/kb-improve-readme.zip) the +plugin and put it in your `~/.vim/`(or `%PROGRAMFILES%/Vim/vimfiles` on windows) -afterwards. +#### Vundle + Bundle 'mileszs/ack.vim' -## Usage ## +#### NeoBundle - :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}] + NeoBundle 'mileszs/ack.vim' -Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current directory) for the {pattern}. +## Usage + + :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directories}] + +Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current directory) for +the {pattern}. Files containing the search term will be listed in the split window, along with the line number of the occurrence, once for each occurrence. [Enter] on a line in this window will open the file, and place the cursor on the matching line. -Just like where you use :grep, :grepadd, :lgrep, and :lgrepadd, you can use `:Ack`, `:AckAdd`, `:LAck`, and `:LAckAdd` respectively. (See `doc/ack.txt`, or install and `:h Ack` for more information.) +Just like where you use :grep, :grepadd, :lgrep, and :lgrepadd, you can use +`:Ack`, `:AckAdd`, `:LAck`, and `:LAckAdd` respectively. +(See `doc/ack.txt`, or install and `:h Ack` for more information.) -**From the [ack docs](http://betterthangrep.com/)** (my favorite feature): +For more ack options see +[ack documentation](http://beyondgrep.com/documentation/) - --type=TYPE, --type=noTYPE - - Specify the types of files to include or exclude from a search. TYPE is a filetype, like perl or xml. --type=perl can also be specified as --perl, and --type=noperl can be done as --noperl. - - If a file is of both type "foo" and "bar", specifying --foo and --nobar will exclude the file, because an exclusion takes precedence over an inclusion. - - Type specifications can be repeated and are ORed together. - - See ack --help=types for a list of valid types. - -### Gotchas ### - -Some characters have special meaning, and need to be escaped your search pattern. For instance, '#'. You have to escape it like this `:Ack '\\\#define foo'` to search for `#define foo`. (From [blueyed in issue #5](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim/issues/5).) - -### Keyboard Shortcuts ### +### Keyboard Shortcuts In the quickfix window, you can use: o to open (same as enter) + O to open and close quickfix window go to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results) t to open in new tab T to open in new tab silently @@ -106,9 +65,67 @@ In the quickfix window, you can use: q to close the quickfix window This Vim plugin is derived (and by derived, I mean copied, essentially) from -Antoine Imbert's blog post [Ack and Vim -Integration](http://blog.ant0ine.com/typepad/2007/03/ack-and-vim-integration.html) (in -particular, the function at the bottom of the post). I added a help file that +Antoine Imbert's blog post +[Ack and Vim Integration](http://blog.ant0ine.com/typepad/2007/03/ack-and-vim-integration.html) +(in particular, the function at the bottom of the post). I added a help file that provides just enough reference to get you going. I also highly recommend you -check out the docs for the Perl script 'ack', for obvious reasons: [ack - -grep-like text finder](http://betterthangrep.com/). +check out the docs for the Perl script 'ack', for obvious reasons: +[ack - grep-like text finder](http://beyondgrep.com/). + +### Gotchas + +Some characters have special meaning, and need to be escaped your search +pattern. For instance, '#'. You have to escape it like this `:Ack '\\\#define +foo'` to search for '#define foo'. (From blueyed in issue #5.) + +## Changelog + +### 1.0 + +* Remove support to ack 1.x +* Start to use a Changelog +* Use `autoload` directory to define functions, instead of `plugin`. +* Add option to auto fold the results(`g:ack_autofold_results`) +* Improve documentation, list all options and shortcuts +* Improve highlight option to work when passes directories or use quotes. +* Add g:ack_mapping +* Add g:ack_default_options +* Add a help toggle `?`(like NERDTree) + +### 1.0.1 + +* Fixes #124. Bug with `g:ack_autofold_results` + +### 1.0.2 + +* Add compatibility with [vim-dispatch](https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch) + +### 1.0.3 + +* Fixes #127. Use `&l:hlsearch` instead of `v:hlsearch` to keep compatibility +with versions that does not have this variable. + +### 1.0.4 + +* Fixes #128. Always apply mappings, even when using vim-dispatch. + +### 1.0.5 + +* Fixes #128. Fixes the `errorformat` for ack when using vim-dispatch. +* Do not use vim-dispatch by default. To use vim-dispath must set +`g:ack_use_dispatch` + +### 1.0.6 + +* Fixes highlight function to work when user passes options. Ex.: Ack -i test + Thank's @mannih. (#131, #134) + +### 1.0.7 + +* Fixes highlight function to work when passes more than one option, or options +with double dashes(--option) Thank's to @MiguelLatorre and @mannih + +### 1.0.8 + +* Fixes (again) highlight, now using negative look behind. +* Change mappings `o` and `O` to behave as documented diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/Rakefile b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/Rakefile deleted file mode 100644 index af5a8695..00000000 --- a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/Rakefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -# Added by Josh Nichols, a.k.a. technicalpickles -require 'rake' - -files = ['doc/ack.txt', 'plugin/ack.vim'] - -desc 'Install plugin and documentation' -task :install do - vimfiles = if ENV['VIMFILES'] - ENV['VIMFILES'] - elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ - File.expand_path("~/vimfiles") - else - File.expand_path("~/.vim") - end - files.each do |file| - target_file = File.join(vimfiles, file) - FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(target_file) - FileUtils.cp file, target_file - - puts " Copied #{file} to #{target_file}" - end - -end diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/autoload/ack.vim b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/autoload/ack.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fae73b1f --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/autoload/ack.vim @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +function! ack#Ack(cmd, args) + redraw + echo "Searching ..." + + " If no pattern is provided, search for the word under the cursor + if empty(a:args) + let l:grepargs = expand("") + else + let l:grepargs = a:args . join(a:000, ' ') + end + echom l:grepargs + let l:ackprg_run = g:ackprg + + " Format, used to manage column jump + if a:cmd =~# '-g$' + let g:ackformat="%f" + let l:ackprg_run = substitute(l:ackprg_run, '-H\|--column', '', 'g') + else + let g:ackformat="%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%l:%m" + endif + + let grepprg_bak = &grepprg + let grepformat_bak = &grepformat + let &grepprg=l:ackprg_run + let &grepformat=g:ackformat + + try + " NOTE: we escape special chars, but not everything using shellescape to + " allow for passing arguments etc + if g:ack_use_dispatch + let &l:errorformat = g:ackformat + let &l:makeprg=g:ackprg." " . escape(l:grepargs, '|#%') + Make + else + silent execute a:cmd . " " . escape(l:grepargs, '|#%') + endif + + finally + let &grepprg=grepprg_bak + let &grepformat=grepformat_bak + endtry + + if a:cmd =~# '^l' + let s:handler = g:ack_lhandler + let s:apply_mappings = g:ack_apply_lmappings + let s:close_cmd = ':lclose' + else + let s:handler = g:ack_qhandler + let s:apply_mappings = g:ack_apply_qmappings + let s:close_cmd = ':cclose' + endif + + if !g:ack_use_dispatch + call ack#show_results() + else + copen + endif + call apply_maps() + call highlight(l:grepargs) + + redraw! +endfunction + +function! ack#show_results() + execute s:handler +endfunction + +function! s:apply_maps() + let g:ack_mappings.q = s:close_cmd + + execute "nnoremap ? :call ack#quick_help()" + + if s:apply_mappings && &ft == "qf" + if g:ack_autoclose + for key_map in items(g:ack_mappings) + execute printf("nnoremap %s %s", get(key_map, 0), get(key_map, 1) . s:close_cmd) + endfor + execute "nnoremap " . s:close_cmd + else + for key_map in items(g:ack_mappings) + execute printf("nnoremap %s %s", get(key_map, 0), get(key_map, 1)) + endfor + endif + + if exists("g:ackpreview") " if auto preview in on, remap j and k keys + execute "nnoremap j j" + execute "nnoremap k k" + endif + endif +endfunction + +function! ack#quick_help() + execute "edit " . globpath(&rtp, "doc/ack_quick_help.txt") + + silent normal gg + setlocal buftype=nofile + setlocal bufhidden=hide + setlocal noswapfile + setlocal nobuflisted + setlocal nomodifiable + setlocal filetype=help + setlocal nonumber + setlocal norelativenumber + setlocal nowrap + setlocal foldlevel=20 + setlocal foldmethod=diff + nnoremap ? :q!:call ack#show_results() +endfunction + +function! s:highlight(args) + if !g:ackhighlight + return + endif + + let @/ = matchstr(a:args, "\\v(-)\@", "n") +endfunction + +function! ack#AckFromSearch(cmd, args) + let search = getreg('/') + " translate vim regular expression to perl regular expression. + let search = substitute(search, '\(\\<\|\\>\)', '\\b', 'g') + call ack#Ack(a:cmd, '"' . search . '" ' . a:args) +endfunction + +function! s:GetDocLocations() + let dp = '' + for p in split(&rtp, ',') + let p = p . '/doc/' + if isdirectory(p) + let dp = p . '*.txt ' . dp + endif + endfor + + return dp +endfunction + +function! ack#AckHelp(cmd, args) + let args = a:args . ' ' . s:GetDocLocations() + call ack#Ack(a:cmd, args) +endfunction + +function! ack#AckWindow(cmd, args) + let files = tabpagebuflist() + " remove duplicated filenames (files appearing in more than one window) + let files = filter(copy(sort(files)), 'index(files,v:val,v:key+1)==-1') + call map(files, "bufname(v:val)") + " remove unnamed buffers as quickfix (empty strings before shellescape) + call filter(files, 'v:val != ""') + " expand to full path (avoid problems with cd/lcd in au QuickFixCmdPre) + let files = map(files, "shellescape(fnamemodify(v:val, ':p'))") + let args = a:args . ' ' . join(files) + call ack#Ack(a:cmd, args) +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack.txt b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack.txt index ec06da3a..6b1be331 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack.txt @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ shows the results in a split window. Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current directory) for the {pattern}. Behaves just like the |:grep| command, but will open the |Quickfix| window for you. If [!] is not given the first - error is jumped to. + occurence is jumped to. :AckAdd [options] {pattern} [{directory}] *:AckAdd* @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ shows the results in a split window. :AckHelp[!] [options] {pattern} *:AckHelp* - Search vim documentation files for the {pattern}. Behaves just like the + Search vim documentation files for the {pattern}. Behaves just like the |:Ack| command, but searches only vim documentation .txt files :LAckHelp [options] {pattern} *:LAckHelp* @@ -53,6 +53,16 @@ shows the results in a split window. Just like |:AckHelp| but instead of the |quickfix| list, matches are placed in the current |location-list|. +:AckWindow[!] [options] {pattern} *:AckWindow* + + Search all buffers visible in the screen (current tab page only) files for + the {pattern}. + +:LAckWindow [options] {pattern} *:LAckWindow* + + Just like |:AckWindow| but instead of the |quickfix| list, matches are + placed in the current |location-list|. + Files containing the search term will be listed in the split window, along with the line number of the occurrence, once for each occurrence. on a line in this window will open the file, and place the cursor on the matching @@ -60,6 +70,151 @@ line. See http://betterthangrep.com/ for more information. + +============================================================================== +CONFIGURATION *ack-configuration* + + *g:ackprg* +g:ackprg +Default for ubuntu: "ack-grep" +Default for other systems: "ack" + +Use this option to specify the ack command and its options + +Example: +> + let g:ackprg = "other-bin-ack" +< + + *g:ack_default_options* +g:ack_default_options +Default: " -s -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" + +Use this option to specify the options used by ack + +Example: +> + let g:ack_default_options = + \ " -s -H --nocolor --nogroup --column --smart-case --follow" +< + + *g:ack_apply_qmappings* +g:ack_apply_qmappings +Default: 1 + +This option enable mappings on quickview window. + + *g:ack_apply_lmappings* +g:ack_apply_lmappings +Default: 1 + +This option enable mappings on Location list window. + + *g:ack_mappings* +g:ack_mappings +Default: { + \ "t": "T", + \ "T": "TgTj", + \ "o": "", + \ "O": ":ccl", + \ "go": "j", + \ "h": "K", + \ "H": "Kb", + \ "v": "HbJt", + \ "gv": "HbJ" } + +This option list all maps create on quickfix/Location list window. + +Example, if you want to open the result in the middle of the screen: +> + let g:ack_mappings = { "o": "zz" } +< + + *g:ack_qhandler* +g:ack_qhandler +Default: "botright copen" + +Command to open the quickview window. + +If you want to open a quickview window with 30 lines you can do: +> + let g:ack_qhandler = "botright copen 30" +< + + *g:ack_lhandler* +g:ack_lhandler +Default: "botright lopen" + +Command to open the Location list window. + +If you want to open a Location list window with 30 lines you can do: +> + let g:ack_lhandler = "botright lopen 30" +< + + *g:ackhighlight* + +g:ackhighlight +Default: 0 + +Use this option to highlight the searched term. + +Example: +> + let g:ackhighlight = 1 +< + + *g:ack_autoclose* +g:ack_autoclose +Default: 0 + +Use this option to specify whether to close the quickfix window after +using any of the shortcuts. + +Example: +> + let g:ack_autoclose = 1 +< + + *g:ack_autofold_results* + +g:ack_autofold_results +Default: 0 + +Use this option to fold the results in quickfix by file name. Only the current +fold will be open by default and while you press 'j' and 'k' to move between the +results if you hit other fold the last one will be closed and the current will +be open. + +Example: +> + let g:ack_autofold_results = 1 +< + + *g:ackpreview* + +g:ackpreview +Default: 0 + +Use this option to automagically open the file with 'j' or 'k'. + +Example: +> + let g:ackpreview = 1 +< + + *g:ack_use_dispatch* + +g:ack_use_dispatch +Default: 0 + +Use this option to use vim-dispatch to search the results in background + +Example: +> + let g:ack_use_dispatch = 1 +< + ============================================================================== MAPPINGS *ack-mappings* @@ -67,6 +222,8 @@ The following keyboard shortcuts are available in the quickfix window: o open file (same as enter). +O open file and close quickfix window. + go preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results). t open in a new tab. diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack_quick_help.txt b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack_quick_help.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c52f6cb --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/doc/ack_quick_help.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +==== ack.vim quick help =============== + + *?:* Show this help + *t:* Open in a new tab + *T:* Open in a new tab silently + *o:* Open + *O:* Open and close result window + *go:* Preview + *h:* Horizontal open + *H:* Horizontal open silently + *v:* Vertical open + *gv:* Vertical open silently + +======================================== diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/ftplugin/qf.vim b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/ftplugin/qf.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27564fa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/ftplugin/qf.vim @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +if exists("g:ack_autofold_results") && g:ack_autofold_results + setlocal foldlevel=0 + setlocal foldmethod=expr + setlocal foldexpr=matchstr(getline(v:lnum),'^[^\|]\\+')==#matchstr(getline(v:lnum+1),'^[^\|]\\+')?1:'<1' + setlocal foldenable + setlocal foldclose=all + setlocal foldopen=all + nnoremap j jzz +endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/plugin/ack.vim b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/plugin/ack.vim index ccd46861..6d6c55bc 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/plugin/ack.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ack.vim/plugin/ack.vim @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ -" NOTE: You must, of course, install the ack script -" in your path. -" On Debian / Ubuntu: -" sudo apt-get install ack-grep -" With MacPorts: -" sudo port install p5-app-ack -" With Homebrew: -" brew install ack +if !exists("g:ack_default_options") + let g:ack_default_options = " -s -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" +endif " Location of the ack utility if !exists("g:ackprg") - let s:ackcommand = executable('ack-grep') ? 'ack-grep' : 'ack' - let g:ackprg=s:ackcommand." -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" + if executable('ack') + let g:ackprg = "ack" + elseif executable('ack-grep') + let g:ackprg = "ack-grep" + else + finish + endif + let g:ackprg .= g:ack_default_options endif if !exists("g:ack_apply_qmappings") @@ -21,100 +22,54 @@ if !exists("g:ack_apply_lmappings") let g:ack_apply_lmappings = !exists("g:ack_lhandler") endif +if !exists("g:ack_use_dispatch") + let g:ack_use_dispatch = 0 +end + +let s:ack_mappings = { + \ "t": "T", + \ "T": "TgTj", + \ "o": "", + \ "O": "pc", + \ "go": "p", + \ "h": "K", + \ "H": "Kb", + \ "v": "HbJt", + \ "gv": "HbJ" } + +if exists("g:ack_mappings") + let g:ack_mappings = extend(s:ack_mappings, g:ack_mappings) +else + let g:ack_mappings = s:ack_mappings +endif + if !exists("g:ack_qhandler") - let g:ack_qhandler="botright copen" + let g:ack_qhandler = "botright copen" endif if !exists("g:ack_lhandler") - let g:ack_lhandler="botright lopen" + let g:ack_lhandler = "botright lopen" endif -function! s:Ack(cmd, args) - redraw - echo "Searching ..." +if !exists("g:ackhighlight") + let g:ackhighlight = 0 +endif - " If no pattern is provided, search for the word under the cursor - if empty(a:args) - let l:grepargs = expand("") - else - let l:grepargs = a:args . join(a:000, ' ') - end +if !exists("g:ack_autoclose") + let g:ack_autoclose = 0 +endif - " Format, used to manage column jump - if a:cmd =~# '-g$' - let g:ackformat="%f" - else - let g:ackformat="%f:%l:%c:%m" - end +if !exists("g:ack_autofold_results") + let g:ack_autofold_results = 0 +endif - let grepprg_bak=&grepprg - let grepformat_bak=&grepformat - try - let &grepprg=g:ackprg - let &grepformat=g:ackformat - silent execute a:cmd . " " . escape(l:grepargs, '|') - finally - let &grepprg=grepprg_bak - let &grepformat=grepformat_bak - endtry - - if a:cmd =~# '^l' - exe g:ack_lhandler - let l:apply_mappings = g:ack_apply_lmappings - else - exe g:ack_qhandler - let l:apply_mappings = g:ack_apply_qmappings - endif - - if l:apply_mappings - exec "nnoremap q :ccl" - exec "nnoremap t T" - exec "nnoremap T TgT" - exec "nnoremap o " - exec "nnoremap go " - exec "nnoremap h K" - exec "nnoremap H Kb" - exec "nnoremap v HbJt" - exec "nnoremap gv HbJ" - endif - - " If highlighting is on, highlight the search keyword. - if exists("g:ackhighlight") - let @/=a:args - set hlsearch - end - - redraw! -endfunction - -function! s:AckFromSearch(cmd, args) - let search = getreg('/') - " translate vim regular expression to perl regular expression. - let search = substitute(search,'\(\\<\|\\>\)','\\b','g') - call s:Ack(a:cmd, '"' . search .'" '. a:args) -endfunction - -function! s:GetDocLocations() - let dp = '' - for p in split(&rtp,',') - let p = p.'/doc/' - if isdirectory(p) - let dp = p.'*.txt '.dp - endif - endfor - return dp -endfunction - -function! s:AckHelp(cmd,args) - let args = a:args.' '.s:GetDocLocations() - call s:Ack(a:cmd,args) -endfunction - -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Ack call s:Ack('grep',) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckAdd call s:Ack('grepadd', ) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckFromSearch call s:AckFromSearch('grep', ) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAck call s:Ack('lgrep', ) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAckAdd call s:Ack('lgrepadd', ) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckFile call s:Ack('grep -g', ) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help AckHelp call s:AckHelp('grep',) -command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help LAckHelp call s:AckHelp('lgrep',) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Ack call ack#Ack('grep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckAdd call ack#Ack('grepadd', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckFromSearch call ack#AckFromSearch('grep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAck call ack#Ack('lgrep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAckAdd call ack#Ack('lgrepadd', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckFile call ack#Ack('grep -g', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help AckHelp call ack#AckHelp('grep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help LAckHelp call ack#AckHelp('lgrep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help AckWindow call ack#AckWindow('grep', ) +command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=help LAckWindow call ack#AckWindow('lgrep', ) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim index f233c197..19ac1463 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ let [s:pref, s:bpref, s:opts, s:new_opts, s:lc_opts] = \ 'key_loop': ['s:keyloop', 0], \ 'lazy_update': ['s:lazy', 0], \ 'match_func': ['s:matcher', {}], + \ 'match_window': ['s:mw', ''], \ 'match_window_bottom': ['s:mwbottom', 1], \ 'match_window_reversed': ['s:mwreverse', 1], \ 'max_depth': ['s:maxdepth', 40], @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ let [s:pref, s:bpref, s:opts, s:new_opts, s:lc_opts] = " Global options let s:glbs = { 'magic': 1, 'to': 1, 'tm': 0, 'sb': 1, 'hls': 0, 'im': 0, - \ 'report': 9999, 'sc': 0, 'ss': 0, 'siso': 0, 'mfd': 200, 'mouse': 'n', + \ 'report': 9999, 'sc': 0, 'ss': 0, 'siso': 0, 'mfd': 200, 'ttimeout': 0, \ 'gcr': 'a:blinkon0', 'ic': 1, 'lmap': '', 'mousef': 0, 'imd': 1 } " Keymaps @@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ let s:hlgrps = { \ 'PrtText': 'Normal', \ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant', \ } -" s:opts() {{{2 +" Get the options {{{2 fu! s:opts(...) unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps for each in ['byfname', 'regexp', 'extensions'] | if exists('s:'.each) @@ -201,6 +202,9 @@ fu! s:opts(...) let {va} = {s:bpref.ke} en endfo + " Match window options + cal s:match_window_opts() + " One-time values if a:0 && a:1 != {} unl va for [ke, va] in items(a:1) @@ -217,7 +221,6 @@ fu! s:opts(...) en | endfo if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100]) - let s:mxheight = max([s:mxheight, 1]) let s:glob = s:showhidden ? '.*\|*' : '*' let s:igntype = empty(s:usrign) ? -1 : type(s:usrign) let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash() @@ -238,13 +241,36 @@ fu! s:opts(...) cal extend(s:prtmaps, s:urprtmaps) en endf + +fu! s:match_window_opts() + let s:mw_pos = + \ s:mw =~ 'top\|bottom' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'top\|bottom') : + \ exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom') ? ( s:mwbottom ? 'bottom' : 'top' ) + \ : 'bottom' + let s:mw_order = + \ s:mw =~ 'order:[^,]\+' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'order:\zs[^,]\+') : + \ exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed') ? ( s:mwreverse ? 'btt' : 'ttb' ) + \ : 'btt' + let s:mw_max = + \ s:mw =~ 'max:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'max:\zs\d\+')) : + \ exists('g:ctrlp_max_height') ? s:mxheight + \ : 10 + let s:mw_min = + \ s:mw =~ 'min:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'min:\zs\d\+')) : 1 + let [s:mw_max, s:mw_min] = [max([s:mw_max, 1]), max([s:mw_min, 1])] + let s:mw_min = min([s:mw_min, s:mw_max]) + let s:mw_res = + \ s:mw =~ 'results:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'results:\zs\d\+')) + \ : min([s:mw_max, &lines]) + let s:mw_res = max([s:mw_res, 1]) +endf "}}}1 " * Open & Close {{{1 fu! s:Open() cal s:log(1) cal s:getenv() cal s:execextvar('enter') - sil! exe 'keepa' ( s:mwbottom ? 'bo' : 'to' ) '1new ControlP' + sil! exe 'keepa' ( s:mw_pos == 'top' ? 'to' : 'bo' ) '1new ControlP' cal s:buffunc(1) let [s:bufnr, s:winw] = [bufnr('%'), winwidth(0)] let [s:focus, s:prompt] = [1, ['', '', '']] @@ -297,7 +323,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#clra() if isdirectory(cadir) let cafiles = split(s:glbpath(s:fnesc(cadir, 'g', ','), '**', 1), "\n") let eval = '!isdirectory(v:val) && v:val !~ ''\v[\/]cache[.a-z]+$|\.log$''' - sil! cal map(filter(cafiles, eval), 'delete(v:val)') + sil! cal map(s:ifilter(cafiles, eval), 'delete(v:val)') en cal ctrlp#clr() endf @@ -362,7 +388,7 @@ fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd) let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')] en if has('win32') || has('win64') - let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|&&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '') + let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|\&\&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '') en let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n") @@ -433,7 +459,7 @@ endf fu! s:MatchIt(items, pat, limit, exc) let [lines, id] = [[], 0] let pat = - \ s:byfname ? map(split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@ 0 + if s:byfname() && index(lst, ';') > 0 let fbar = index(lst, ';') let lst_1 = s:sublist(lst, 0, fbar - 1) let lst_2 = len(lst) - 1 > fbar ? s:sublist(lst, fbar + 1, -1) : [''] @@ -494,15 +529,19 @@ fu! s:SplitPattern(str) endf " * BuildPrompt() {{{1 fu! s:Render(lines, pat) - let [&ma, lines, s:height] = [1, a:lines, min([len(a:lines), s:winh])] - let pat = s:byfname ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@' ).( s:byfname ? 'd' : '>' ).'> ' + let base = ( s:regexp ? 'r' : '>' ).( s:byfname() ? 'd' : '>' ).'> ' let str = escape(s:getinput(), '\') let lazy = str == '' || exists('s:force') || !has('autocmd') ? 0 : s:lazy if a:upd && !lazy && ( s:matches || s:regexp || exists('s:did_exp') @@ -581,11 +620,8 @@ fu! s:SetDefTxt() if s:deftxt == '0' || ( s:deftxt == 1 && !s:ispath ) | retu | en let txt = s:deftxt if !type(txt) - let txt = txt && !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd) - \ ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([s:crfpath])[0] : '' - let txt = txt != '' ? txt.s:lash(s:crfpath) : '' - el - let txt = expand(txt, 1) + let path = s:crfpath.s:lash(s:crfpath) + let txt = txt && !stridx(path, s:dyncwd) ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([path])[0] : '' en let s:prompt[0] = txt endf @@ -735,7 +771,7 @@ endf fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char) let lines = copy(s:lines) - if s:byfname + if s:byfname() cal map(lines, 'split(v:val, ''[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$'')[-1]') en " Cycle through matches, use s:jmpchr to store last jump @@ -904,6 +940,11 @@ fu! s:ToggleKeyLoop() en endf +fu! s:ToggleMRURelative() + cal ctrlp#mrufiles#tgrel() + cal s:PrtClearCache() +endf + fu! s:PrtSwitcher() let [s:force, s:matches] = [1, 1] cal s:BuildPrompt(1) @@ -937,14 +978,21 @@ fu! s:SetWD(args) en endf " * AcceptSelection() {{{1 -fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...) - let [md, useb] = [a:mode, 0] - if !type(a:line) - let [filpath, bufnr, useb] = [a:line, a:line, 1] +fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(...) + let useb = 0 + if a:0 == 1 && type(a:1) == 4 + let [md, line] = [a:1['action'], a:1['line']] + let atl = has_key(a:1, 'tail') ? a:1['tail'] : '' el - let filpath = fnamemodify(a:line, ':p') - if s:nonamecond(a:line, filpath) - let bufnr = str2nr(matchstr(a:line, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$')) + let [md, line] = [a:1, a:2] + let atl = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : '' + en + if !type(line) + let [filpath, bufnr, useb] = [line, line, 1] + el + let filpath = fnamemodify(line, ':p') + if s:nonamecond(line, filpath) + let bufnr = str2nr(matchstr(line, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$')) let [filpath, useb] = [bufnr, 1] el let bufnr = bufnr('^'.filpath.'$') @@ -952,7 +1000,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...) en cal s:PrtExit() let tail = s:tail() - let j2l = a:0 ? a:1 : matchstr(tail, '^ +\zs\d\+$') + let j2l = atl != '' ? atl : matchstr(tail, '^ +\zs\d\+$') if ( s:jmptobuf =~ md || ( s:jmptobuf && md =~ '[et]' ) ) && bufnr > 0 \ && !( md == 'e' && bufnr == bufnr('%') ) let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)] @@ -980,7 +1028,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...) " Reset &switchbuf option let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, ''] " Open new window/buffer - let [fid, tail] = [( useb ? bufnr : filpath ), ( a:0 ? ' +'.a:1 : tail )] + let [fid, tail] = [( useb ? bufnr : filpath ), ( atl != '' ? ' +'.atl : tail )] let args = [cmd, fid, tail, 1, [useb, j2l]] cal call('s:openfile', args) let &swb = swb @@ -1011,24 +1059,34 @@ fu! s:SpecInputs(str) retu 0 endf -fu! s:AcceptSelection(mode) - if a:mode != 'e' && s:OpenMulti(a:mode) != -1 | retu | en +fu! s:AcceptSelection(action) + let [md, icr] = [a:action[0], match(a:action, 'r') >= 0] + let subm = icr || ( !icr && md == 'e' ) + if !subm && s:OpenMulti(md) != -1 | retu | en let str = s:getinput() - if a:mode == 'e' | if s:SpecInputs(str) | retu | en | en + if subm | if s:SpecInputs(str) | retu | en | en " Get the selected line let line = ctrlp#getcline() - if a:mode != 'e' && !s:itemtype && line == '' + if !subm && !s:itemtype && line == '' && line('.') > s:offset \ && str !~ '\v^(\.\.([\/]\.\.)*[\/]?[.\/]*|/|\\|\?|\@.+)$' - cal s:CreateNewFile(a:mode) | retu + cal s:CreateNewFile(md) | retu en if empty(line) | retu | en " Do something with it if s:openfunc != {} && has_key(s:openfunc, s:ctype) let actfunc = s:openfunc[s:ctype] + let type = has_key(s:openfunc, 'arg_type') ? s:openfunc['arg_type'] : 'list' el - let actfunc = s:itemtype < 3 ? 'ctrlp#acceptfile' : s:getextvar('accept') + if s:itemtype < 3 + let [actfunc, type] = ['ctrlp#acceptfile', 'dict'] + el + let [actfunc, exttype] = [s:getextvar('accept'), s:getextvar('act_farg')] + let type = exttype == 'dict' ? exttype : 'list' + en en - cal call(actfunc, [a:mode, line]) + let actargs = type == 'dict' ? [{ 'action': md, 'line': line, 'icr': icr }] + \ : [md, line] + cal call(actfunc, actargs) endf " - CreateNewFile() {{{1 fu! s:CreateNewFile(...) @@ -1187,7 +1245,10 @@ fu! s:OpenNoMarks(md, line) cal s:remarksigns() cal s:BuildPrompt(0) elsei a:md == 'x' - cal call(s:openfunc[s:ctype], [a:md, a:line], s:openfunc) + let type = has_key(s:openfunc, 'arg_type') ? s:openfunc['arg_type'] : 'dict' + let argms = type == 'dict' ? [{ 'action': a:md, 'line': a:line }] + \ : [a:md, a:line] + cal call(s:openfunc[s:ctype], argms, s:openfunc) elsei a:md == 'd' let dir = fnamemodify(a:line, ':h') if isdirectory(dir) @@ -1278,7 +1339,7 @@ fu! s:mixedsort(...) let [cln, cml] = [ctrlp#complen(a:1, a:2), s:compmatlen(a:1, a:2)] if s:ispath let ms = [] - if s:height < 21 + if s:res_count < 21 let ms += [s:compfnlen(a:1, a:2)] if s:itemtype !~ '^[12]$' | let ms += [s:comptime(a:1, a:2)] | en if !s:itemtype | let ms += [s:comparent(a:1, a:2)] | en @@ -1324,12 +1385,21 @@ fu! ctrlp#statusline() let prv = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, -1)][1] let s:ctype = tps[s:itemtype][0] let focus = s:focus ? 'prt' : 'win' - let byfname = s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path' + let byfname = s:ispath ? s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path' : 'line' let marked = s:opmul != '0' ? \ exists('s:marked') ? ' <'.s:dismrk().'>' : ' <->' : '' if s:status != {} - let args = [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, s:ctype, nxt, marked] - let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], args, s:status) + let argms = + \ has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{ + \ 'focus': focus, + \ 'byfname': byfname, + \ 'regex': s:regexp, + \ 'prev': prv, + \ 'item': s:ctype, + \ 'next': nxt, + \ 'marked': marked, + \ }] : [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, s:ctype, nxt, marked] + let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], argms, s:status) el let item = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.s:ctype.' %*' let focus = '%#CtrlPMode2# '.focus.' %*' @@ -1349,8 +1419,13 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#progress(enum, ...) if has('macunix') || has('mac') | sl 1m | en let txt = a:0 ? '(press ctrl-c to abort)' : '' - let &l:stl = s:status != {} ? call(s:status['prog'], [a:enum], s:status) - \ : '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*' + if s:status != {} + let argms = has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict' + \ ? [{ 'str': a:enum }] : [a:enum] + let &l:stl = call(s:status['prog'], argms, s:status) + el + let &l:stl = '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*' + en redraws endf " *** Paths {{{2 @@ -1376,6 +1451,11 @@ fu! s:pathshorten(str) retu matchstr(a:str, '^.\{9}').'...' \ .matchstr(a:str, '.\{'.( s:winw - 16 ).'}$') endf + +fu! s:offset(lines, height) + let s:offset = s:mw_order == 'btt' ? ( a:height - s:res_count ) : 0 + retu s:offset > 0 ? ( repeat([''], s:offset) + a:lines ) : a:lines +endf " Directory completion {{{3 fu! s:dircompl(be, sd) if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en @@ -1464,7 +1544,7 @@ fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd) endf fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items) - let cwd = s:dyncwd.( s:dyncwd !~ '[\/]$' ? s:lash : '' ) + let cwd = s:dyncwd.s:lash() if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], cwd) let idx = strlen(cwd) retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)') @@ -1529,8 +1609,7 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#syntax() if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo - if !hlexists('CtrlPLinePre') - \ && synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$' + if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$' sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg' en sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$' @@ -1599,6 +1678,18 @@ fu! s:dosigns() retu exists('s:marked') && s:bufnr > 0 && s:opmul != '0' && has('signs') endf " Lists & Dictionaries {{{2 +fu! s:ifilter(list, str) + let [rlist, estr] = [[], substitute(a:str, 'v:val', 'each', 'g')] + for each in a:list + try + if eval(estr) + cal add(rlist, each) + en + cat | con | endt + endfo + retu rlist +endf + fu! s:dictindex(dict, expr) for key in keys(a:dict) if a:dict[key] == a:expr | retu key | en @@ -1808,7 +1899,6 @@ endf fu! s:modevar() let s:matchtype = s:mtype() let s:ispath = s:ispathitem() - if !s:ispath | let s:byfname = 0 | en let s:mfunc = s:mfunc() let s:nolim = s:getextvar('nolim') let s:dosort = s:getextvar('sort') @@ -1820,6 +1910,10 @@ fu! s:nosort() \ || ( s:itemtype =~ '\v^(1|2)$' && s:prompt == ['', '', ''] ) || !s:dosort endf +fu! s:byfname() + retu s:ispath && s:byfname +endf + fu! s:narrowable() retu exists('s:act_add') && exists('s:matched') && s:matched != [] \ && exists('s:mdata') && s:mdata[:2] == [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp] @@ -1834,7 +1928,7 @@ fu! s:getinput(...) if gmd =~ 't' && gmd =~ 'k' && !a:0 && matchstr(str, '.$') =~ '\k' retu join(prt, '') en - let [pf, rz] = [( s:byfname ? 'f' : 'p' ), ( s:regexp ? 'r' : 'z' )] + let [pf, rz] = [( s:byfname() ? 'f' : 'p' ), ( s:regexp ? 'r' : 'z' )] for dict in s:abbrev['abbrevs'] let dmd = has_key(dict, 'mode') ? dict['mode'] : '' let pat = escape(dict['pattern'], '~') @@ -1916,7 +2010,7 @@ fu! s:getenv() let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]] let [s:crword, s:crnbword] = [expand('', 1), expand('', 1)] let [s:crgfile, s:crline] = [expand('', 1), getline('.')] - let [s:winh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mxheight, &lines]), getpos('.')] + let [s:winmaxh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mw_max, &lines]), getpos('.')] let [s:crbufnr, s:crvisual] = [bufnr('%'), s:lastvisual()] let s:crfile = bufname('%') == '' \ ? '['.s:crbufnr.'*No Name]' : expand('%:p', 1) @@ -1939,7 +2033,8 @@ endf fu! s:log(m) if exists('g:ctrlp_log') && g:ctrlp_log | if a:m let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir() - sil! exe 'redi! >' cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log' + let apd = g:ctrlp_log > 1 ? '>' : '' + sil! exe 'redi! >'.apd cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log' el sil! redi END en | en @@ -2023,7 +2118,7 @@ endf fu! s:mfunc() let mfunc = 'match' - if s:byfname && s:ispath + if s:byfname() let mfunc = 's:matchfname' elsei s:itemtype > 2 let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' } @@ -2102,7 +2197,9 @@ fu! s:getextvar(key) endf fu! ctrlp#getcline() - retu !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : '' + let [linenr, offset] = [line('.'), ( s:offset > 0 ? s:offset : 0 )] + retu !empty(s:lines) && !( offset && linenr <= offset ) + \ ? s:lines[linenr - 1 - offset] : '' endf fu! ctrlp#getmarkedlist() @@ -2134,6 +2231,10 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#call(func, ...) retu call(a:func, a:000) endf + +fu! ctrlp#getvar(var) + retu {a:var} +endf "}}}1 " * Initialization {{{1 fu! ctrlp#setlines(...) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim index 7d955b57..89bda895 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim @@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#accept(mode, str) en endf -fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add(dir) +fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add(dir, ...) let str = 'Directory to bookmark: ' let cwd = a:dir != '' ? a:dir : s:getinput(str, getcwd(), 'dir') if cwd == '' | retu | en let cwd = fnamemodify(cwd, ':p') - let name = s:getinput('Bookmark as: ', cwd) + let name = a:0 && a:1 != '' ? a:1 : s:getinput('Bookmark as: ', cwd) if name == '' | retu | en let name = tr(name, ' ', ' ') cal s:savebookmark(name, cwd) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim index aa67afa6..a38cad56 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ let s:types = { \ 'lisp' : '%slisp%slisp%sf', \ 'lua' : '%slua%slua%sf', \ 'make' : '%smake%smake%sm', + \ 'ocaml' : '%socaml%socaml%scmMvtfCre', \ 'pascal' : '%spascal%spascal%sfp', \ 'perl' : '%sperl%sperl%sclps', \ 'php' : '%sphp%sphp%scdvf', @@ -248,7 +249,9 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(mode, ...) let s:btmode = a:mode if a:0 && !empty(a:1) - let s:bufname = fnamemodify(a:1, ':p') + let s:btmode = 0 + let bname = a:1 =~# '^%$\|^#\d*$' ? expand(a:1) : a:1 + let s:bufname = fnamemodify(bname, ':p') en retu s:id endf diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim index 67a299c6..313d8c2f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim @@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#changes#cmd(mode, ...) let s:clmode = a:mode if a:0 && !empty(a:1) - let s:bufnr = bufnr('^'.fnamemodify(a:1, ':p').'$') + let s:clmode = 0 + let bname = a:1 =~# '^%$\|^#\d*$' ? expand(a:1) : a:1 + let s:bufnr = bufnr('^'.fnamemodify(bname, ':p').'$') en retu s:id endf diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim index 091e66c2..4e6d4adc 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#dir#init(...) endf fu! ctrlp#dir#accept(mode, str) - let path = a:mode == 'h' ? getcwd() : s:cwd.ctrlp#utils#lash().a:str + let path = a:mode == 'h' ? getcwd() : s:cwd.ctrlp#call('s:lash', s:cwd).a:str if a:mode =~ 't\|v\|h' cal ctrlp#exit() en diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim index e82bf1b5..5bec47ee 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ en let g:loaded_ctrlp_line = 1 cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, { - \ 'init': 'ctrlp#line#init()', + \ 'init': 'ctrlp#line#init(s:crbufnr)', \ 'accept': 'ctrlp#line#accept', \ 'lname': 'lines', \ 'sname': 'lns', @@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ fu! s:syntax() en endf " Public {{{1 -fu! ctrlp#line#init() - let [bufs, lines] = [ctrlp#buffers('id'), []] +fu! ctrlp#line#init(bufnr) + let [lines, bufnr] = [[], exists('s:bufnr') ? s:bufnr : a:bufnr] + let bufs = exists('s:lnmode') && s:lnmode ? ctrlp#buffers('id') : [bufnr] for bufnr in bufs let [lfb, bufn] = [getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), bufname(bufnr)] if lfb == [] && bufn != '' @@ -57,7 +58,13 @@ fu! ctrlp#line#accept(mode, str) en endf -fu! ctrlp#line#id() +fu! ctrlp#line#cmd(mode, ...) + let s:lnmode = a:mode + if a:0 && !empty(a:1) + let s:lnmode = 0 + let bname = a:1 =~# '^%$\|^#\d*$' ? expand(a:1) : a:1 + let s:bufnr = bufnr('^'.fnamemodify(bname, ':p').'$') + en retu s:id endf "}}} diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim index e34f4504..a1821114 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim @@ -126,6 +126,10 @@ fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs() retu s:mrbs endf +fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#tgrel() + let {s:re} = !{s:re} +endf + fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#cachefile() if !exists('s:cadir') || !exists('s:cafile') let s:cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir().ctrlp#utils#lash().'mru' diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim index cd4d9097..626363a4 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim @@ -22,32 +22,36 @@ cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, { let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) " Utilities {{{1 fu! s:findcount(str) - let [tg, fname] = split(a:str, '\t\+\ze[^\t]\+$') + let [tg, ofname] = split(a:str, '\t\+\ze[^\t]\+$') let tgs = taglist('^'.tg.'$') if len(tgs) < 2 - retu [1, 1] + retu [0, 0, 0, 0] en let bname = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p') - let fname = expand(fnamemodify(simplify(fname), ':s?^[.\/]\+??:p:.'), 1) - let [fnd, ct, pos, idx] = [0, 0, 0, 0] - wh idx < len(tgs) - if bname == fnamemodify(tgs[idx]["filename"], ':p') - cal insert(tgs, remove(tgs, idx)) - brea - en - let idx += 1 - endw - for each in tgs - let ct += 1 - let fulname = fnamemodify(each["filename"], ':p') + let fname = expand(fnamemodify(simplify(ofname), ':s?^[.\/]\+??:p:.'), 1) + let [fnd, cnt, pos, ctgs, otgs] = [0, 0, 0, [], []] + for tgi in tgs + let lst = bname == fnamemodify(tgi["filename"], ':p') ? 'ctgs' : 'otgs' + cal call('add', [{lst}, tgi]) + endfo + let ntgs = ctgs + otgs + for tgi in ntgs + let cnt += 1 + let fulname = fnamemodify(tgi["filename"], ':p') if stridx(fulname, fname) >= 0 \ && strlen(fname) + stridx(fulname, fname) == strlen(fulname) let fnd += 1 - let pos = ct + let pos = cnt en - if fnd > 1 | brea | en endfo - retu [fnd, pos] + let cnt = 0 + for tgi in ntgs + let cnt += 1 + if tgi["filename"] == ofname + let [fnd, pos] = [0, cnt] + en + endfo + retu [1, fnd, pos, len(ctgs)] endf fu! s:filter(tags) @@ -89,27 +93,33 @@ endf fu! ctrlp#tag#accept(mode, str) cal ctrlp#exit() let str = matchstr(a:str, '^[^\t]\+\t\+[^\t]\+\ze\t') - let [tg, fnd] = [split(str, '^[^\t]\+\zs\t')[0], s:findcount(str)] + let [tg, fdcnt] = [split(str, '^[^\t]\+\zs\t')[0], s:findcount(str)] let cmds = { \ 't': ['tab sp', 'tab stj'], \ 'h': ['sp', 'stj'], \ 'v': ['vs', 'vert stj'], \ 'e': ['', 'tj'], \ } - let cmd = fnd[0] == 1 ? cmds[a:mode][0] : cmds[a:mode][1] + let utg = fdcnt[3] < 2 && fdcnt[0] == 1 && fdcnt[1] == 1 + let cmd = !fdcnt[0] || utg ? cmds[a:mode][0] : cmds[a:mode][1] let cmd = a:mode == 'e' && ctrlp#modfilecond(!&aw) \ ? ( cmd == 'tj' ? 'stj' : 'sp' ) : cmd let cmd = a:mode == 't' ? ctrlp#tabcount().cmd : cmd - if fnd[0] == 1 + if !fdcnt[0] || utg if cmd != '' exe cmd en let save_cst = &cst set cst& - cal feedkeys(":".fnd[1]."ta ".tg."\r", 'nt') + cal feedkeys(":".( utg ? fdcnt[2] : "" )."ta ".tg."\r", 'nt') let &cst = save_cst el - cal feedkeys(":".cmd." ".tg."\r", 'nt') + let ext = "" + if fdcnt[1] < 2 && fdcnt[2] + let [sav_more, &more] = [&more, 0] + let ext = fdcnt[2]."\r".":let &more = ".sav_more."\r" + en + cal feedkeys(":".cmd." ".tg."\r".ext, 'nt') en cal ctrlp#setlcdir() endf diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt index cf3e23a4..e697b937 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt @@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ Overview:~ |ctrlp_cmd|...................Default command used for the default mapping. |ctrlp_by_filename|...........Default to filename mode or not. |ctrlp_regexp|................Default to regexp mode or not. - |ctrlp_match_window_bottom|...Where to show the match window. - |ctrlp_match_window_reversed|.Sort order in the match window. - |ctrlp_max_height|............Max height of the match window. + |ctrlp_match_window|..........Order, height and position of the match window. |ctrlp_switch_buffer|.........Jump to an open buffer if already opened. |ctrlp_reuse_window|..........Reuse special windows (help, quickfix, etc). |ctrlp_tabpage_position|......Where to put the new tab page. @@ -77,6 +75,11 @@ Overview:~ |ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive|...MRU files are case sensitive or not. |ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update|...Save to disk whenever a new entry is added. + BufferTag mode: (to enable, see |ctrlp-extensions|) + |g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin|....The location of the ctags-compatible binary. + |g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc|....The encoding used for the ctags command. + |g:ctrlp_buftag_types|........Add new filetypes and set the cmd arguments. + Advanced options: |ctrlp_open_func|.............Use custom file opening functions. |ctrlp_status_func|...........Change CtrlP's two statuslines. @@ -114,21 +117,30 @@ Set this to 1 to set regexp search as the default: > < Can be toggled on/off by pressing inside the prompt. - *'g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom'* -Set this to 0 to show the match window at the top of the screen: > - let g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom = 1 + *'g:ctrlp_match_window'* +Change the postion, the listing order of results, the minimum and the maximum +heights of the match window: > + let g:ctrlp_match_window = '' < +Example: > + let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:10,results:10' +< +The position: (default: bottom) + top - show the match window at the top of the screen. + bottom - show the match window at the bottom of the screen. - *'g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed'* -Change the listing order of the files in the match window. The default setting -(1) is from bottom to top: > - let g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed = 1 -< +The listing order of results: (default: btt) + order:ttb - from top to bottom. + order:btt - from bottom to top. - *'g:ctrlp_max_height'* -Set the maximum height of the match window: > - let g:ctrlp_max_height = 10 -< +The minimum and maximum heights: + min:{n} - show minimum {n} lines (default: 1). + max:{n} - show maximum {n} lines (default: 10). + +The maximum number of results: + results:{n} - list maximum {n} results (default: sync with max height). + +Note: When a setting isn't set, its default value will be used. *'g:ctrlp_switch_buffer'* When opening a file, if it's already open in a window somewhere, CtrlP will try @@ -323,18 +335,21 @@ Some examples: > let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.hg', 'for /f "tokens=1" %%a in (''hg root'') ' \ . 'do hg --cwd %s status -numac -I . %%a'] " Windows < -Note #1: if the fallback_command is empty or the 'fallback' key is not defined, +Note #1: in the |Dictionary| format, 'fallback' and 'ignore' are optional. In +the |List| format, fallback_command is optional. + +Note #2: if the fallback_command is empty or the 'fallback' key is not defined, |globpath()| will then be used when scanning outside of a repository. -Note #2: unless the |Dictionary| format is used and 'ignore' is defined and set +Note #3: unless the |Dictionary| format is used and 'ignore' is defined and set to 1, the |wildignore| and |g:ctrlp_custom_ignore| options do not apply when these custom commands are being used. When not present, 'ignore' is set to 0 by default to retain the performance advantage of using external commands. -Note #3: when changing the option's variable type, remember to |:unlet| it +Note #4: when changing the option's variable type, remember to |:unlet| it first or restart Vim to avoid the "E706: Variable type mismatch" error. -Note #4: you can use a |b:var| to set this option on a per buffer basis. +Note #5: you can use a |b:var| to set this option on a per buffer basis. *'g:ctrlp_max_history'* The maximum number of input strings you want CtrlP to remember. The default @@ -563,6 +578,9 @@ Example: > Set this to 1 to show only MRU files in the current working directory: > let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 0 < +Note: you can use a custom mapping to toggle this option inside the prompt: > + let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'ToggleMRURelative()': [''] } +< *'g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order'* Set this to 1 to disable sorting when searching in MRU mode: > @@ -734,6 +752,27 @@ Structure of the function: > endfunction < +Note: you can extend any of the above options with { 'arg_type': 'dict' } to +enable passing all the function arguments in a single Dictionary argument. Use +the existing argument names as keys in this Dictionary. + +Example: > + let g:ctrlp_status_func = { + \ 'arg_type' : 'dict', + \ 'enter': 'Function_Name_1', + \ 'exit': 'Function_Name_2', + \ } + + function! Function_Name_1(dict) + " where dict == { + " \ 'focus': value, + " \ 'byfname': value, + " \ 'regex': value, + " \ ... + " } + endfunction +< + =============================================================================== COMMANDS *ctrlp-commands* @@ -1076,8 +1115,8 @@ Available extensions:~ *:CtrlPLine* * Line mode:~ - Name: 'line' - - Command: ":CtrlPLine" - - Search for a line in all listed buffers. + - Command: ":CtrlPLine [buffer]" + - Search for a line in all listed buffers or in the specified [buffer]. *:CtrlPChange* *:CtrlPChangeAll* @@ -1164,7 +1203,7 @@ Highlighting:~ Statuslines:~ * Highlight groups: - CtrlPMode1 : 'file' or 'path', and the current mode (Character) + CtrlPMode1 : 'file' or 'path' or 'line', and the current mode (Character) CtrlPMode2 : 'prt' or 'win', 'regex', the working directory (|hl-LineNr|) CtrlPStats : the scanning status (Function) @@ -1249,10 +1288,16 @@ Special thanks:~ * Christopher Fredén * Zahary Karadjov * Jo De Boeck + * Rudi Grinberg + * Timothy Mellor =============================================================================== CHANGELOG *ctrlp-changelog* + + Combine *g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom* *g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed* and + *g:ctrlp_max_height* into |g:ctrlp_match_window|. + + New option: |g:ctrlp_match_window|. + Before 2012/11/30~ + New options: |g:ctrlp_abbrev|, diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim index b6f9a27e..c7b8fa3f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim @@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPBufTag com! -bar CtrlPBufTagAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(1)) com! -bar CtrlPRTS cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#rtscript#id()) com! -bar CtrlPUndo cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#undo#id()) -com! -bar CtrlPLine cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#line#id()) + +com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPLine + \ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#line#cmd(1, )) com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPChange \ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(0, )) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c64d4aae --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/goyo.vim/plugin/goyo.vim @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +" Copyright (c) 2013 Junegunn Choi +" +" MIT License +" +" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +" the following conditions: +" +" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +" +" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +" MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +" NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +" LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +" OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +" WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +let s:cpo_save = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +function! s:get_color(group, attr) + return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:attr) +endfunction + +function! s:set_color(group, attr, color) + let gui = has('gui_running') + execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color) +endfunction + +function! s:blank() + let main = bufwinnr(t:goyo_master) + if main != -1 + execute main . 'wincmd w' + else + call s:goyo_off() + endif +endfunction + +function! s:init_pad(command) + execute a:command + + setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodifiable nobuflisted noswapfile + \ nonu nocursorline nocursorcolumn winfixwidth winfixheight statusline=\ + if exists('&rnu') + setlocal nornu + endif + if exists('&colorcolumn') + setlocal colorcolumn= + endif + let bufnr = winbufnr(0) + + execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' + return bufnr +endfunction + +function! s:setup_pad(bufnr, vert, size) + let win = bufwinnr(a:bufnr) + execute win . 'wincmd w' + execute (a:vert ? 'vertical ' : '') . 'resize ' . max([0, a:size]) + augroup goyop + autocmd WinEnter,CursorMoved nested call s:blank() + autocmd WinLeave call s:hide_statusline() + augroup END + + " To hide scrollbars of pad windows in GVim + let diff = winheight(0) - line('$') - (has('gui_running') ? 2 : 0) + if diff > 0 + setlocal modifiable + call append(0, map(range(1, diff), '""')) + normal! gg + setlocal nomodifiable + endif + execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w' +endfunction + +function! s:hmargin() + let nwidth = max([len(string(line('$'))) + 1, &numberwidth]) + let width = t:goyo_width + (&number ? nwidth : 0) + return (&columns - width) +endfunction + +function! s:resize_pads() + let hmargin = s:hmargin() + let tmargin = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_top', 4) + let bmargin = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_bottom', 4) + + augroup goyop + autocmd! + augroup END + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.t, 0, tmargin - 1) + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.b, 0, bmargin - 2) + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.l, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1) + call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.r, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1) +endfunction + +function! s:tranquilize() + let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg') + for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit', + \ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn'] + " -1 on Vim / '' on GVim + if bg == -1 || empty(bg) + call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', get(g:, 'goyo_bg', 'black')) + call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', 'NONE') + else + call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', bg) + call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', bg) + endif + call s:set_color(grp, '', 'NONE') + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:hide_statusline() + let &l:statusline = repeat(' ', winwidth(0)) +endfunction + +function! s:goyo_on(width) + let s:orig_tab = tabpagenr() + + " New tab + tab split + + let t:goyo_master = winbufnr(0) + let t:goyo_width = a:width + let t:goyo_pads = {} + let t:goyo_revert = + \ { 'laststatus': &laststatus, + \ 'showtabline': &showtabline, + \ 'fillchars': &fillchars, + \ 'winminwidth': &winminwidth, + \ 'winwidth': &winwidth, + \ 'winminheight': &winminheight, + \ 'winheight': &winheight, + \ 'ruler': &ruler, + \ 'sidescroll': &sidescroll, + \ 'sidescrolloff': &sidescrolloff + \ } + if has('gui_running') + let t:goyo_revert.guioptions = &guioptions + endif + + " vim-gitgutter + let t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter = get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0) + if t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter + silent! GitGutterDisable + endif + + " vim-signify + let t:goyo_disabled_signify = exists('b:sy') && b:sy.active + if t:goyo_disabled_signify + SignifyToggle + endif + + " vim-airline + let t:goyo_disabled_airline = exists("#airline") + if t:goyo_disabled_airline + AirlineToggle + endif + + " vim-powerline + let t:goyo_disabled_powerline = exists("#PowerlineMain") + if t:goyo_disabled_powerline + augroup PowerlineMain + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! PowerlineMain + endif + + " lightline.vim + let t:goyo_disabled_lightline = exists('#LightLine') + if t:goyo_disabled_lightline + silent! call lightline#disable() + endif + + if !get(g:, 'goyo_linenr', 0) + setlocal nonu + if exists('&rnu') + setlocal nornu + endif + endif + if exists('&colorcolumn') + setlocal colorcolumn= + endif + + " Global options + let &winheight = max([&winminheight, 1]) + set winminheight=1 + set winheight=1 + set winminwidth=1 winwidth=1 + set laststatus=0 + set showtabline=0 + set noruler + set fillchars+=vert:\ + set fillchars+=stl:. + set fillchars+=stlnc:\ + set sidescroll=1 + set sidescrolloff=0 + + " Hide left-hand scrollbars + if has('gui_running') + set guioptions-=l + set guioptions-=L + endif + + let t:goyo_pads.l = s:init_pad('vertical topleft new') + let t:goyo_pads.r = s:init_pad('vertical botright new') + let t:goyo_pads.t = s:init_pad('topleft new') + let t:goyo_pads.b = s:init_pad('botright new') + + call s:resize_pads() + call s:tranquilize() + + augroup goyo + autocmd! + autocmd BufWinLeave call s:goyo_off() + autocmd TabLeave * call s:goyo_off() + autocmd VimResized * call s:resize_pads() + autocmd ColorScheme * call s:tranquilize() + autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave call s:hide_statusline() + augroup END + + call s:hide_statusline() + if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[0]') + call g:goyo_callbacks[0]() + endif + silent! doautocmd User GoyoEnter +endfunction + +function! s:goyo_off() + if !exists('#goyo') + return + endif + + " Oops, not this tab + if !exists('t:goyo_revert') + return + endif + + " Clear auto commands + augroup goyo + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! goyo + augroup goyop + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! goyop + + let goyo_revert = t:goyo_revert + let goyo_disabled_gitgutter = t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter + let goyo_disabled_signify = t:goyo_disabled_signify + let goyo_disabled_airline = t:goyo_disabled_airline + let goyo_disabled_powerline = t:goyo_disabled_powerline + let goyo_disabled_lightline = t:goyo_disabled_lightline + let goyo_orig_buffer = t:goyo_master + let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')] + + if tabpagenr() == 1 + tabnew + normal! gt + bd + endif + tabclose + execute 'normal! '.s:orig_tab.'gt' + if winbufnr(0) == goyo_orig_buffer + execute printf('normal! %dG%d|', line, col) + endif + + let wmw = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminwidth') + let ww = remove(goyo_revert, 'winwidth') + let &winwidth = ww + let &winminwidth = wmw + let wmh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminheight') + let wh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winheight') + let &winheight = max([wmh, 1]) + let &winminheight = wmh + let &winheight = wh + + for [k, v] in items(goyo_revert) + execute printf("let &%s = %s", k, string(v)) + endfor + execute 'colo '. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default') + + if goyo_disabled_gitgutter + silent! GitGutterEnable + endif + + if goyo_disabled_signify + silent! if !b:sy.active + SignifyToggle + endif + endif + + if goyo_disabled_airline && !exists("#airline") + AirlineToggle + silent! AirlineRefresh + endif + + if goyo_disabled_powerline && !exists("#PowerlineMain") + doautocmd PowerlineStartup VimEnter + silent! PowerlineReloadColorscheme + endif + + if goyo_disabled_lightline + silent! call lightline#enable() + endif + + if exists('#Powerline') + doautocmd Powerline ColorScheme + endif + + if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[1]') + call g:goyo_callbacks[1]() + endif + silent! doautocmd User GoyoLeave +endfunction + +function! s:goyo(bang, ...) + let width = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'goyo_width', 80) + + if a:bang + if exists('#goyo') + call s:goyo_off() + endif + else + if exists('#goyo') == 0 + call s:goyo_on(width) + elseif a:0 > 0 + let t:goyo_width = width + call s:resize_pads() + else + call s:goyo_off() + end + end +endfunction + +command! -nargs=? -bar -bang Goyo call s:goyo('' == '!', ) + +let &cpo = s:cpo_save +unlet s:cpo_save + diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown index 60869dea..4234b54f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown @@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree: as you left it * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab, share trees across tabs, or a mix of both. - * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netw), so if - you :edit a directory a (slighly modified) NERD tree will appear in the + * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netrw), so if + you :edit a directory a (slightly modified) NERD tree will appear in the current window * A programmable menu system is provided (simulates right clicking on a node) - * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesytem + * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesystem operations (create/delete/move/copy files/directories) * There's an API for adding your own keymappings @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Installation cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git -Then reload vim, run `:helptags`, and check out `:help NERD_tree.txt`. +Then reload vim, run `:Helptags`, and check out `:help NERD_tree.txt`. Faq @@ -80,11 +80,16 @@ A. Stick this in your vimrc: `autocmd vimenter * NERDTree` __Q. How can I open a NERDTree automatically when vim starts up if no files were specified?__ -A. Stick this in your vimrc `autocmd vimenter * if !argc() | NERDTree | endif` +A. Stick this in your vimrc + + autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1 + autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 0 && !exists("s:std_in") | NERDTree | endif __Q. How can I map a specific key or shortcut to open NERDTree?__ -A. Stick this in your vimrc to open NERDTree with `Ctrl+n` (you can set whatever key you want): `map :NERDTreeToggle` +A. Stick this in your vimrc to open NERDTree with `Ctrl+n` (you can set whatever key you want): + +`map :NERDTreeToggle` __Q. How can I close vim if the only window left open is a NERDTree?__ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim index 3a2d71a6..539e7838 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim @@ -9,29 +9,6 @@ endfunction " SECTION: General Functions {{{1 "============================================================ -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#bufInWindows(bnum){{{2 -"[[STOLEN FROM VTREEEXPLORER.VIM]] -"Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number. -"Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks! -" -"Args: -"bnum: the subject buffers buffer number -function! nerdtree#bufInWindows(bnum) - let cnt = 0 - let winnum = 1 - while 1 - let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum) - if bufnum < 0 - break - endif - if bufnum ==# a:bnum - let cnt = cnt + 1 - endif - let winnum = winnum + 1 - endwhile - - return cnt -endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#checkForBrowse(dir) {{{2 "inits a secondary nerd tree in the current buffer if appropriate @@ -57,81 +34,6 @@ function! nerdtree#compareNodes(n1, n2) return a:n1.path.compareTo(a:n2.path) endfunction -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#createDefaultBindings() {{{2 -function! nerdtree#createDefaultBindings() - let s = '' . s:SID() . '_' - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."handleMiddleMouse" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."handleLeftClick" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."activateDirNode" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "FileNode", 'callback': s."activateFileNode" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."activateBookmark" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."activateAll" }) - - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."activateDirNode" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "FileNode", 'callback': s."activateFileNode" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."activateBookmark" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."activateAll" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openHSplit" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openVSplit" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openHSplit" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openVSplit" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreview, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeCurrent" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewVSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeVSplit" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeHSplit" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreview, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeCurrent" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewVSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeVSplit" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeHSplit" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."openNodeRecursively" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdir, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."upDirCurrentRootClosed" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."upDirCurrentRootOpen" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."chRoot" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapChdir, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."chCwd" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapQuit, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."closeTreeWindow" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCWD, 'scope': "all", 'callback': "nerdtree#chRootCwd" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."refreshRoot" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapRefresh, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."refreshCurrent" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapHelp, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."displayHelp" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleZoom, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleZoom" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowHidden" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleIgnoreFilter" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowFiles" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowBookmarks" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."closeCurrentDir" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."closeChildren" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapMenu, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."showMenu" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToParent" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToFirstChild" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToLastChild" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."jumpToRoot" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToNextSibling" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToPrevSibling" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openInNewTab" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openInNewTabSilent" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openInNewTab" }) - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openInNewTabSilent" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."openExplorer" }) - - call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."deleteBookmark" }) -endfunction - " FUNCTION: nerdtree#deprecated(func, [msg]) {{{2 " Issue a deprecation warning for a:func. If a second arg is given, use this " as the deprecation message @@ -147,15 +49,6 @@ function! nerdtree#deprecated(func, ...) endif endfunction -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#escChars(dir) {{{2 -function! nerdtree#escChars() - if nerdtree#runningWindows() - return " `\|\"#%&,?()\*^<>" - endif - - return " \\`\|\"#%&,?()\*^<>[]" -endfunction - " FUNCTION: nerdtree#exec(cmd) {{{2 " same as :exec cmd but eventignore=all is set for the duration function! nerdtree#exec(cmd) @@ -165,68 +58,11 @@ function! nerdtree#exec(cmd) let &ei = old_ei endfunction -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#findAndRevealPath() {{{2 -function! nerdtree#findAndRevealPath() - try - let p = g:NERDTreePath.New(expand("%:p")) - catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ - call nerdtree#echo("no file for the current buffer") - return - endtry - - if p.isUnixHiddenPath() - let showhidden=g:NERDTreeShowHidden - let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = 1 - endif - - if !nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() - try - let cwd = g:NERDTreePath.New(getcwd()) - catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ - call nerdtree#echo("current directory does not exist.") - let cwd = p.getParent() - endtry - - if p.isUnder(cwd) - call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary(cwd.str()) - else - call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary(p.getParent().str()) - endif - else - if !p.isUnder(g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootForTab().path) - if !nerdtree#isTreeOpen() - call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary('') - else - call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() - endif - let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = g:NERDTreeShowHidden - call nerdtree#chRoot(g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(p.getParent())) - else - if !nerdtree#isTreeOpen() - call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary("") - endif - endif - endif - call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() - call b:NERDTreeRoot.reveal(p) - - if p.isUnixHiddenFile() - let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = showhidden - endif -endfunction - " FUNCTION: nerdtree#has_opt(options, name) {{{2 function! nerdtree#has_opt(options, name) return has_key(a:options, a:name) && a:options[a:name] == 1 endfunction -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#invokeKeyMap(key) {{{2 -"this is needed since I cant figure out how to invoke dict functions from a -"key map -function! nerdtree#invokeKeyMap(key) - call g:NERDTreeKeyMap.Invoke(a:key) -endfunction - " FUNCTION: nerdtree#loadClassFiles() {{{2 function! nerdtree#loadClassFiles() runtime lib/nerdtree/path.vim @@ -238,12 +74,17 @@ function! nerdtree#loadClassFiles() runtime lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/opener.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/creator.vim + runtime lib/nerdtree/flag_set.vim + runtime lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim + runtime lib/nerdtree/ui.vim + runtime lib/nerdtree/event.vim + runtime lib/nerdtree/notifier.vim endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#postSourceActions() {{{2 function! nerdtree#postSourceActions() call g:NERDTreeBookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) - call nerdtree#createDefaultBindings() + call nerdtree#ui_glue#createDefaultBindings() "load all nerdtree plugins runtime! nerdtree_plugin/**/*.vim @@ -254,44 +95,6 @@ function! nerdtree#runningWindows() return has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") endfunction -" Function: s:SID() {{{2 -function s:SID() - if !exists("s:sid") - let s:sid = matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze_SID$') - endif - return s:sid -endfun - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#tabpagevar(tabnr, var) {{{2 -function! nerdtree#tabpagevar(tabnr, var) - let currentTab = tabpagenr() - let old_ei = &ei - set ei=all - - exec "tabnext " . a:tabnr - let v = -1 - if exists('t:' . a:var) - exec 'let v = t:' . a:var - endif - exec "tabnext " . currentTab - - let &ei = old_ei - - return v -endfunction - -" Function: nerdtree#treeExistsForBuffer() {{{2 -" Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current buffer -function! nerdtree#treeExistsForBuf() - return exists("b:NERDTreeRoot") -endfunction - -" Function: nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() {{{2 -" Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current tab -function! nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() - return exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") -endfunction - "FUNCTION: nerdtree#treeMarkupReg(dir) {{{2 function! nerdtree#treeMarkupReg() if g:NERDTreeDirArrows @@ -311,76 +114,9 @@ function! nerdtree#treeWid() return 2 endfunction -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#upDir(keepState) {{{2 -"moves the tree up a level -" -"Args: -"keepState: 1 if the current root should be left open when the tree is -"re-rendered -function! nerdtree#upDir(keepState) - let cwd = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) - if cwd ==# "/" || cwd =~# '^[^/]..$' - call nerdtree#echo("already at top dir") - else - if !a:keepState - call b:NERDTreeRoot.close() - endif - - let oldRoot = b:NERDTreeRoot - - if empty(b:NERDTreeRoot.parent) - let path = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.getParent() - let newRoot = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(path) - call newRoot.open() - call newRoot.transplantChild(b:NERDTreeRoot) - let b:NERDTreeRoot = newRoot - else - let b:NERDTreeRoot = b:NERDTreeRoot.parent - endif - - if g:NERDTreeChDirMode ==# 2 - call b:NERDTreeRoot.path.changeToDir() - endif - - call nerdtree#renderView() - call oldRoot.putCursorHere(0, 0) - endif -endfunction - -" Function: nerdtree#unique(list) {{{2 -" returns a:list without duplicates -function! nerdtree#unique(list) - let uniqlist = [] - for elem in a:list - if index(uniqlist, elem) ==# -1 - let uniqlist += [elem] - endif - endfor - return uniqlist -endfunction - " SECTION: View Functions {{{1 "============================================================ -" -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#centerView() {{{2 -"centers the nerd tree window around the cursor (provided the nerd tree -"options permit) -function! nerdtree#centerView() - if g:NERDTreeAutoCenter - let current_line = winline() - let lines_to_top = current_line - let lines_to_bottom = winheight(nerdtree#getTreeWinNum()) - current_line - if lines_to_top < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold || lines_to_bottom < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold - normal! zz - endif - endif -endfunction -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#chRoot(node) {{{2 -" changes the current root to the selected one -function! nerdtree#chRoot(node) - call s:chRoot(a:node) -endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#closeTree() {{{2 "Closes the primary NERD tree window for this tab function! nerdtree#closeTree() @@ -513,7 +249,7 @@ function! nerdtree#dumpHelp() let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp .": toggle help\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Bookmark commands~\n" - let @h=@h."\" :Bookmark \n" + let @h=@h."\" :Bookmark []\n" let @h=@h."\" :BookmarkToRoot \n" let @h=@h."\" :RevealBookmark \n" let @h=@h."\" :OpenBookmark \n" @@ -558,92 +294,6 @@ function! nerdtree#echoWarning(msg) echohl normal endfunction -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#firstUsableWindow(){{{2 -"find the window number of the first normal window -function! nerdtree#firstUsableWindow() - let i = 1 - while i <= winnr("$") - let bnum = winbufnr(i) - if bnum != -1 && getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') ==# '' - \ && !getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow') - \ && (!getbufvar(bnum, '&modified') || &hidden) - return i - endif - - let i += 1 - endwhile - return -1 -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#getPath(ln) {{{2 -"Gets the full path to the node that is rendered on the given line number -" -"Args: -"ln: the line number to get the path for -" -"Return: -"A path if a node was selected, {} if nothing is selected. -"If the 'up a dir' line was selected then the path to the parent of the -"current root is returned -function! nerdtree#getPath(ln) - let line = getline(a:ln) - - let rootLine = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum() - - "check to see if we have the root node - if a:ln == rootLine - return b:NERDTreeRoot.path - endif - - if !g:NERDTreeDirArrows - " in case called from outside the tree - if line !~# '^ *[|`▸▾ ]' || line =~# '^$' - return {} - endif - endif - - if line ==# nerdtree#treeUpDirLine() - return b:NERDTreeRoot.path.getParent() - endif - - let indent = nerdtree#indentLevelFor(line) - - "remove the tree parts and the leading space - let curFile = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(line, 0) - - let wasdir = 0 - if curFile =~# '/$' - let wasdir = 1 - let curFile = substitute(curFile, '/\?$', '/', "") - endif - - let dir = "" - let lnum = a:ln - while lnum > 0 - let lnum = lnum - 1 - let curLine = getline(lnum) - let curLineStripped = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) - - "have we reached the top of the tree? - if lnum == rootLine - let dir = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) . dir - break - endif - if curLineStripped =~# '/$' - let lpindent = nerdtree#indentLevelFor(curLine) - if lpindent < indent - let indent = indent - 1 - - let dir = substitute (curLineStripped,'^\\', "", "") . dir - continue - endif - endif - endwhile - let curFile = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.drive . dir . curFile - let toReturn = g:NERDTreePath.New(curFile) - return toReturn -endfunction - "FUNCTION: nerdtree#getTreeWinNum() {{{2 "gets the nerd tree window number for this tab function! nerdtree#getTreeWinNum() @@ -654,111 +304,11 @@ function! nerdtree#getTreeWinNum() endif endfunction -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#indentLevelFor(line) {{{2 -function! nerdtree#indentLevelFor(line) - let level = match(a:line, '[^ \-+~▸▾`|]') / nerdtree#treeWid() - " check if line includes arrows - if match(a:line, '[▸▾]') > -1 - " decrement level as arrow uses 3 ascii chars - let level = level - 1 - endif - return level -endfunction - "FUNCTION: nerdtree#isTreeOpen() {{{2 function! nerdtree#isTreeOpen() return nerdtree#getTreeWinNum() != -1 endfunction -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#isWindowUsable(winnumber) {{{2 -"Returns 0 if opening a file from the tree in the given window requires it to -"be split, 1 otherwise -" -"Args: -"winnumber: the number of the window in question -function! nerdtree#isWindowUsable(winnumber) - "gotta split if theres only one window (i.e. the NERD tree) - if winnr("$") ==# 1 - return 0 - endif - - let oldwinnr = winnr() - call nerdtree#exec(a:winnumber . "wincmd p") - let specialWindow = getbufvar("%", '&buftype') != '' || getwinvar('%', '&previewwindow') - let modified = &modified - call nerdtree#exec(oldwinnr . "wincmd p") - - "if its a special window e.g. quickfix or another explorer plugin then we - "have to split - if specialWindow - return 0 - endif - - if &hidden - return 1 - endif - - return !modified || nerdtree#bufInWindows(winbufnr(a:winnumber)) >= 2 -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#jumpToChild(direction) {{{2 -" Args: -" direction: 0 if going to first child, 1 if going to last -function! nerdtree#jumpToChild(currentNode, direction) - if a:currentNode.isRoot() - return nerdtree#echo("cannot jump to " . (a:direction ? "last" : "first") . " child") - end - let dirNode = a:currentNode.parent - let childNodes = dirNode.getVisibleChildren() - - let targetNode = childNodes[0] - if a:direction - let targetNode = childNodes[len(childNodes) - 1] - endif - - if targetNode.equals(a:currentNode) - let siblingDir = a:currentNode.parent.findOpenDirSiblingWithVisibleChildren(a:direction) - if siblingDir != {} - let indx = a:direction ? siblingDir.getVisibleChildCount()-1 : 0 - let targetNode = siblingDir.getChildByIndex(indx, 1) - endif - endif - - call targetNode.putCursorHere(1, 0) - - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#jumpToSibling(currentNode, forward) {{{2 -" moves the cursor to the sibling of the current node in the given direction -" -" Args: -" forward: 1 if the cursor should move to the next sibling, 0 if it should -" move back to the previous sibling -function! nerdtree#jumpToSibling(currentNode, forward) - let sibling = a:currentNode.findSibling(a:forward) - - if !empty(sibling) - call sibling.putCursorHere(1, 0) - call nerdtree#centerView() - endif -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg){{{2 -"prints out the given msg and, if the user responds by pushing 'y' then the -"buffer with the given bufnum is deleted -" -"Args: -"bufnum: the buffer that may be deleted -"msg: a message that will be echoed to the user asking them if they wish to -" del the buffer -function! nerdtree#promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg) - echo a:msg - if nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y' - exec "silent bdelete! " . a:bufnum - endif -endfunction - "FUNCTION: nerdtree#putCursorOnBookmarkTable(){{{2 "Places the cursor at the top of the bookmarks table function! nerdtree#putCursorOnBookmarkTable() @@ -770,7 +320,7 @@ function! nerdtree#putCursorOnBookmarkTable() return cursor(1, 2) endif - let rootNodeLine = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum() + let rootNodeLine = b:NERDTree.ui.getRootLineNum() let line = 1 while getline(line) !~# '^>-\+Bookmarks-\+$' @@ -810,116 +360,10 @@ function! nerdtree#renderBookmarks() endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#renderView {{{2 -"The entry function for rendering the tree function! nerdtree#renderView() - setlocal modifiable - - "remember the top line of the buffer and the current line so we can - "restore the view exactly how it was - let curLine = line(".") - let curCol = col(".") - let topLine = line("w0") - - "delete all lines in the buffer (being careful not to clobber a register) - silent 1,$delete _ - - call nerdtree#dumpHelp() - - "delete the blank line before the help and add one after it - if g:NERDTreeMinimalUI == 0 - call setline(line(".")+1, "") - call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) - endif - - if b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks - call nerdtree#renderBookmarks() - endif - - "add the 'up a dir' line - if !g:NERDTreeMinimalUI - call setline(line(".")+1, nerdtree#treeUpDirLine()) - call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) - endif - - "draw the header line - let header = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI', 'truncateTo': winwidth(0)}) - call setline(line(".")+1, header) - call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) - - "draw the tree - let old_o = @o - let @o = b:NERDTreeRoot.renderToString() - silent put o - let @o = old_o - - "delete the blank line at the top of the buffer - silent 1,1delete _ - - "restore the view - let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff - let &scrolloff=0 - call cursor(topLine, 1) - normal! zt - call cursor(curLine, curCol) - let &scrolloff = old_scrolloff - - setlocal nomodifiable -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition {{{2 -"Renders the tree and ensures the cursor stays on the current node or the -"current nodes parent if it is no longer available upon re-rendering -function! nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition() - let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() - - "go up the tree till we find a node that will be visible or till we run - "out of nodes - while currentNode != {} && !currentNode.isVisible() && !currentNode.isRoot() - let currentNode = currentNode.parent - endwhile - - call nerdtree#renderView() - - if currentNode != {} - call currentNode.putCursorHere(0, 0) - endif + call b:NERDTree.render() endfunction " -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#restoreScreenState() {{{2 -" -"Sets the screen state back to what it was when nerdtree#saveScreenState was last -"called. -" -"Assumes the cursor is in the NERDTree window -function! nerdtree#restoreScreenState() - if !exists("b:NERDTreeOldTopLine") || !exists("b:NERDTreeOldPos") || !exists("b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize") - return - endif - exec("silent vertical resize ".b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize) - - let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff - let &scrolloff=0 - call cursor(b:NERDTreeOldTopLine, 0) - normal! zt - call setpos(".", b:NERDTreeOldPos) - let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: nerdtree#saveScreenState() {{{2 -"Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window -"scroll position -function! nerdtree#saveScreenState() - let win = winnr() - try - call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() - let b:NERDTreeOldPos = getpos(".") - let b:NERDTreeOldTopLine = line("w0") - let b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize = winwidth("") - call nerdtree#exec(win . "wincmd w") - catch /^NERDTree.InvalidOperationError/ - endtry -endfunction - "FUNCTION: nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces){{{2 "returns the given line with all the tree parts stripped off " @@ -941,6 +385,9 @@ function! nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces) "strip off any executable flags let line = substitute (line, '*\ze\($\| \)', "","") + "strip off any generic flags + let line = substitute (line, '\[[^]]*\]', "","") + let wasdir = 0 if line =~# '/$' let wasdir = 1 @@ -957,424 +404,4 @@ function! nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces) return line endfunction -"SECTION: Interface bindings {{{1 -"============================================================ - -"FUNCTION: s:activateAll() {{{2 -"handle the user activating the updir line -function! s:activateAll() - if getline(".") ==# nerdtree#treeUpDirLine() - return nerdtree#upDir(0) - endif -endfunction -"FUNCTION: s:activateDirNode() {{{2 -"handle the user activating a tree node -function! s:activateDirNode(node) - call a:node.activate({'reuse': 1}) -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:activateFileNode() {{{2 -"handle the user activating a tree node -function! s:activateFileNode(node) - call a:node.activate({'reuse': 1, 'where': 'p'}) -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:activateBookmark() {{{2 -"handle the user activating a bookmark -function! s:activateBookmark(bm) - call a:bm.activate(!a:bm.path.isDirectory ? {'where': 'p'} : {}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#bookmarkNode(name) {{{2 -" Associate the current node with the given name -function! nerdtree#bookmarkNode(...) - let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() - if currentNode != {} - let name = a:1 - if empty(name) - let name = currentNode.path.getLastPathComponent(0) - endif - try - call currentNode.bookmark(name) - call nerdtree#renderView() - catch /^NERDTree.IllegalBookmarkNameError/ - call nerdtree#echo("bookmark names must not contain spaces") - endtry - else - call nerdtree#echo("select a node first") - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:chCwd(node) {{{2 -function! s:chCwd(node) - try - call a:node.path.changeToDir() - catch /^NERDTree.PathChangeError/ - call nerdtree#echoWarning("could not change cwd") - endtry -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:chRoot(node) {{{2 -" changes the current root to the selected one -function! s:chRoot(node) - call a:node.makeRoot() - call nerdtree#renderView() - call b:NERDTreeRoot.putCursorHere(0, 0) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:chRootCwd() {{{2 -" changes the current root to CWD -function! nerdtree#chRootCwd() - try - let cwd = g:NERDTreePath.New(getcwd()) - catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ - call nerdtree#echo("current directory does not exist.") - return - endtry - if cwd.str() == g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootForTab().path.str() - return - endif - call nerdtree#chRoot(g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(cwd)) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#clearBookmarks(bookmarks) {{{2 -function! nerdtree#clearBookmarks(bookmarks) - if a:bookmarks ==# '' - let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() - if currentNode != {} - call currentNode.clearBookmarks() - endif - else - for name in split(a:bookmarks, ' ') - let bookmark = g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkFor(name) - call bookmark.delete() - endfor - endif - call nerdtree#renderView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:closeChildren(node) {{{2 -" closes all childnodes of the current node -function! s:closeChildren(node) - call a:node.closeChildren() - call nerdtree#renderView() - call a:node.putCursorHere(0, 0) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:closeCurrentDir(node) {{{2 -" closes the parent dir of the current node -function! s:closeCurrentDir(node) - let parent = a:node.parent - if parent ==# {} || parent.isRoot() - call nerdtree#echo("cannot close tree root") - else - call a:node.parent.close() - call nerdtree#renderView() - call a:node.parent.putCursorHere(0, 0) - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:closeTreeWindow() {{{2 -" close the tree window -function! s:closeTreeWindow() - if b:NERDTreeType ==# "secondary" && b:NERDTreePreviousBuf != -1 - exec "buffer " . b:NERDTreePreviousBuf - else - if winnr("$") > 1 - call nerdtree#closeTree() - else - call nerdtree#echo("Cannot close last window") - endif - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:deleteBookmark(bm) {{{2 -" if the cursor is on a bookmark, prompt to delete -function! s:deleteBookmark(bm) - echo "Are you sure you wish to delete the bookmark:\n\"" . a:bm.name . "\" (yN):" - - if nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y' - try - call a:bm.delete() - call nerdtree#renderView() - redraw - catch /^NERDTree/ - call nerdtree#echoWarning("Could not remove bookmark") - endtry - else - call nerdtree#echo("delete aborted" ) - endif - -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:displayHelp() {{{2 -" toggles the help display -function! s:displayHelp() - let b:treeShowHelp = b:treeShowHelp ? 0 : 1 - call nerdtree#renderView() - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:handleLeftClick() {{{2 -"Checks if the click should open the current node -function! s:handleLeftClick() - let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() - if currentNode != {} - - "the dir arrows are multibyte chars, and vim's string functions only - "deal with single bytes - so split the line up with the hack below and - "take the line substring manually - let line = split(getline(line(".")), '\zs') - let startToCur = "" - for i in range(0,len(line)-1) - let startToCur .= line[i] - endfor - - if currentNode.path.isDirectory - if startToCur =~# nerdtree#treeMarkupReg() && startToCur =~# '[+~▾▸] \?$' - call currentNode.activate() - return - endif - endif - - if (g:NERDTreeMouseMode ==# 2 && currentNode.path.isDirectory) || g:NERDTreeMouseMode ==# 3 - let char = strpart(startToCur, strlen(startToCur)-1, 1) - if char !~# nerdtree#treeMarkupReg() - if currentNode.path.isDirectory - call currentNode.activate() - else - call currentNode.activate({'reuse': 1, 'where': 'p'}) - endif - return - endif - endif - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:handleMiddleMouse() {{{2 -function! s:handleMiddleMouse() - let curNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() - if curNode ==# {} - call nerdtree#echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) - return - endif - - if curNode.path.isDirectory - call nerdtree#openExplorer(curNode) - else - call curNode.open({'where': 'h'}) - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToFirstChild() {{{2 -" wrapper for the jump to child method -function! s:jumpToFirstChild(node) - call nerdtree#jumpToChild(a:node, 0) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToLastChild() {{{2 -" wrapper for the jump to child method -function! s:jumpToLastChild(node) - call nerdtree#jumpToChild(a:node, 1) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToParent(node) {{{2 -" moves the cursor to the parent of the current node -function! s:jumpToParent(node) - if !empty(a:node.parent) - call a:node.parent.putCursorHere(1, 0) - call nerdtree#centerView() - else - call nerdtree#echo("cannot jump to parent") - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToRoot() {{{2 -" moves the cursor to the root node -function! s:jumpToRoot() - call b:NERDTreeRoot.putCursorHere(1, 0) - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToNextSibling(node) {{{2 -function! s:jumpToNextSibling(node) - call nerdtree#jumpToSibling(a:node, 1) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:jumpToPrevSibling(node) {{{2 -function! s:jumpToPrevSibling(node) - call nerdtree#jumpToSibling(a:node, 0) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#openBookmark(name) {{{2 -" put the cursor on the given bookmark and, if its a file, open it -function! nerdtree#openBookmark(name) - try - let targetNode = g:NERDTreeBookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) - call targetNode.putCursorHere(0, 1) - redraw! - catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError/ - call nerdtree#echo("note - target node is not cached") - let bookmark = g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) - let targetNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.New(bookmark.path) - endtry - if targetNode.path.isDirectory - call targetNode.openExplorer() - else - call targetNode.open({'where': 'p'}) - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openHSplit(target) {{{2 -function! s:openHSplit(target) - call a:target.activate({'where': 'h'}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openVSplit(target) {{{2 -function! s:openVSplit(target) - call a:target.activate({'where': 'v'}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openExplorer(node) {{{2 -function! s:openExplorer(node) - call a:node.openExplorer() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openInNewTab(target) {{{2 -function! s:openInNewTab(target) - call a:target.activate({'where': 't'}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openInNewTabSilent(target) {{{2 -function! s:openInNewTabSilent(target) - call a:target.activate({'where': 't', 'stay': 1}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:openNodeRecursively(node) {{{2 -function! s:openNodeRecursively(node) - call nerdtree#echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait...") - call a:node.openRecursively() - call nerdtree#renderView() - redraw - call nerdtree#echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait... DONE") -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeCurrent(node) {{{2 -function! s:previewNodeCurrent(node) - call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'p', 'keepopen': 1}) -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeHSplit(node) {{{2 -function! s:previewNodeHSplit(node) - call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'h', 'keepopen': 1}) -endfunction - -"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeVSplit(node) {{{2 -function! s:previewNodeVSplit(node) - call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'v', 'keepopen': 1}) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: nerdtree#revealBookmark(name) {{{2 -" put the cursor on the node associate with the given name -function! nerdtree#revealBookmark(name) - try - let targetNode = g:NERDTreeBookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) - call targetNode.putCursorHere(0, 1) - catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError/ - call nerdtree#echo("Bookmark isnt cached under the current root") - endtry -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:refreshRoot() {{{2 -" Reloads the current root. All nodes below this will be lost and the root dir -" will be reloaded. -function! s:refreshRoot() - call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while...") - call b:NERDTreeRoot.refresh() - call nerdtree#renderView() - redraw - call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while... DONE") -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:refreshCurrent(node) {{{2 -" refreshes the root for the current node -function! s:refreshCurrent(node) - let node = a:node - if !node.path.isDirectory - let node = node.parent - endif - - call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while...") - call node.refresh() - call nerdtree#renderView() - redraw - call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while... DONE") -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:showMenu(node) {{{2 -function! s:showMenu(node) - let mc = g:NERDTreeMenuController.New(g:NERDTreeMenuItem.AllEnabled()) - call mc.showMenu() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:toggleIgnoreFilter() {{{2 -" toggles the use of the NERDTreeIgnore option -function! s:toggleIgnoreFilter() - let b:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = !b:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled - call nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition() - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowBookmarks() {{{2 -" toggles the display of bookmarks -function! s:toggleShowBookmarks() - let b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = !b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks - if b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks - call nerdtree#renderView() - call nerdtree#putCursorOnBookmarkTable() - else - call nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition() - endif - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowFiles() {{{2 -" toggles the display of hidden files -function! s:toggleShowFiles() - let b:NERDTreeShowFiles = !b:NERDTreeShowFiles - call nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition() - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowHidden() {{{2 -" toggles the display of hidden files -function! s:toggleShowHidden() - let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = !b:NERDTreeShowHidden - call nerdtree#renderViewSavingPosition() - call nerdtree#centerView() -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:toggleZoom() {{{2 -" zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window -function! s:toggleZoom() - if exists("b:NERDTreeZoomed") && b:NERDTreeZoomed - let size = exists("b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize") ? b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize : g:NERDTreeWinSize - exec "silent vertical resize ". size - let b:NERDTreeZoomed = 0 - else - exec "vertical resize" - let b:NERDTreeZoomed = 1 - endif -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:upDirCurrentRootOpen() {{{2 -function! s:upDirCurrentRootOpen() - call nerdtree#upDir(1) -endfunction - -" FUNCTION: s:upDirCurrentRootClosed() {{{2 -function! s:upDirCurrentRootClosed() - call nerdtree#upDir(0) -endfunction - " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8607389d --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim @@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ +if exists("g:loaded_nerdtree_ui_glue_autoload") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_nerdtree_ui_glue_autoload = 1 + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#createDefaultBindings() {{{1 +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#createDefaultBindings() + let s = '' . s:SID() . '_' + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."handleMiddleMouse" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."handleLeftClick" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."activateDirNode" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "FileNode", 'callback': s."activateFileNode" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."activateBookmark" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>', 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."activateAll" }) + + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."activateDirNode" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "FileNode", 'callback': s."activateFileNode" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."activateBookmark" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."activateAll" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openHSplit" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openVSplit" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openHSplit" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openVSplit" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreview, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeCurrent" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewVSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeVSplit" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."previewNodeHSplit" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreview, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeCurrent" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewVSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeVSplit" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."previewNodeHSplit" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."openNodeRecursively" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdir, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."upDirCurrentRootClosed" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."upDirCurrentRootOpen" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."chRoot" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapChdir, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."chCwd" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapQuit, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."closeTreeWindow" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCWD, 'scope': "all", 'callback': "nerdtree#ui_glue#chRootCwd" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."refreshRoot" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapRefresh, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."refreshCurrent" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapHelp, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."displayHelp" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleZoom, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleZoom" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowHidden" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleIgnoreFilter" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowFiles" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."toggleShowBookmarks" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."closeCurrentDir" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."closeChildren" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapMenu, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."showMenu" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToParent" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToFirstChild" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToLastChild" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot, 'scope': "all", 'callback': s."jumpToRoot" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToNextSibling" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."jumpToPrevSibling" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openInNewTab" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent, 'scope': "Node", 'callback': s."openInNewTabSilent" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openInNewTab" }) + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."openInNewTabSilent" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl, 'scope': "DirNode", 'callback': s."openExplorer" }) + + call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark, 'scope': "Bookmark", 'callback': s."deleteBookmark" }) +endfunction + + +"SECTION: Interface bindings {{{1 +"============================================================ + +"FUNCTION: s:activateAll() {{{1 +"handle the user activating the updir line +function! s:activateAll() + if getline(".") ==# nerdtree#treeUpDirLine() + return nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(0) + endif +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:activateDirNode() {{{1 +"handle the user activating a tree node +function! s:activateDirNode(node) + call a:node.activate({'reuse': 1}) +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:activateFileNode() {{{1 +"handle the user activating a tree node +function! s:activateFileNode(node) + call a:node.activate({'reuse': 1, 'where': 'p'}) +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:activateBookmark() {{{1 +"handle the user activating a bookmark +function! s:activateBookmark(bm) + call a:bm.activate(!a:bm.path.isDirectory ? {'where': 'p'} : {}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#bookmarkNode(name) {{{1 +" Associate the current node with the given name +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#bookmarkNode(...) + let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() + if currentNode != {} + let name = a:1 + if empty(name) + let name = currentNode.path.getLastPathComponent(0) + endif + try + call currentNode.bookmark(name) + call b:NERDTree.render() + catch /^NERDTree.IllegalBookmarkNameError/ + call nerdtree#echo("bookmark names must not contain spaces") + endtry + else + call nerdtree#echo("select a node first") + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:chCwd(node) {{{1 +function! s:chCwd(node) + try + call a:node.path.changeToDir() + catch /^NERDTree.PathChangeError/ + call nerdtree#echoWarning("could not change cwd") + endtry +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:chRoot(node) {{{1 +" changes the current root to the selected one +function! s:chRoot(node) + call a:node.makeRoot() + call b:NERDTree.render() + call b:NERDTreeRoot.putCursorHere(0, 0) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:nerdtree#ui_glue#chRootCwd() {{{1 +" changes the current root to CWD +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#chRootCwd() + try + let cwd = g:NERDTreePath.New(getcwd()) + catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ + call nerdtree#echo("current directory does not exist.") + return + endtry + if cwd.str() == g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootForTab().path.str() + return + endif + call s:chRoot(g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(cwd)) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: nnerdtree#ui_glue#clearBookmarks(bookmarks) {{{1 +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#clearBookmarks(bookmarks) + if a:bookmarks ==# '' + let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() + if currentNode != {} + call currentNode.clearBookmarks() + endif + else + for name in split(a:bookmarks, ' ') + let bookmark = g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkFor(name) + call bookmark.delete() + endfor + endif + call b:NERDTree.render() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:closeChildren(node) {{{1 +" closes all childnodes of the current node +function! s:closeChildren(node) + call a:node.closeChildren() + call b:NERDTree.render() + call a:node.putCursorHere(0, 0) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:closeCurrentDir(node) {{{1 +" closes the parent dir of the current node +function! s:closeCurrentDir(node) + let parent = a:node.parent + if parent ==# {} || parent.isRoot() + call nerdtree#echo("cannot close tree root") + else + while g:NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir && !parent.parent.isRoot() + if parent.parent.getVisibleChildCount() == 1 + call parent.close() + let parent = parent.parent + else + break + endif + endwhile + call parent.close() + call b:NERDTree.render() + call parent.putCursorHere(0, 0) + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:closeTreeWindow() {{{1 +" close the tree window +function! s:closeTreeWindow() + if b:NERDTreeType ==# "secondary" && b:NERDTreePreviousBuf != -1 + exec "buffer " . b:NERDTreePreviousBuf + else + if winnr("$") > 1 + call nerdtree#closeTree() + else + call nerdtree#echo("Cannot close last window") + endif + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:deleteBookmark(bm) {{{1 +" if the cursor is on a bookmark, prompt to delete +function! s:deleteBookmark(bm) + echo "Are you sure you wish to delete the bookmark:\n\"" . a:bm.name . "\" (yN):" + + if nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y' + try + call a:bm.delete() + call b:NERDTree.render() + redraw + catch /^NERDTree/ + call nerdtree#echoWarning("Could not remove bookmark") + endtry + else + call nerdtree#echo("delete aborted" ) + endif + +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:displayHelp() {{{1 +" toggles the help display +function! s:displayHelp() + let b:treeShowHelp = b:treeShowHelp ? 0 : 1 + call b:NERDTree.render() + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:findAndRevealPath() {{{1 +function! s:findAndRevealPath() + try + let p = g:NERDTreePath.New(expand("%:p")) + catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ + call nerdtree#echo("no file for the current buffer") + return + endtry + + if p.isUnixHiddenPath() + let showhidden=g:NERDTreeShowHidden + let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = 1 + endif + + if !g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() + try + let cwd = g:NERDTreePath.New(getcwd()) + catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ + call nerdtree#echo("current directory does not exist.") + let cwd = p.getParent() + endtry + + if p.isUnder(cwd) + call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary(cwd.str()) + else + call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary(p.getParent().str()) + endif + else + if !p.isUnder(g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetRootForTab().path) + if !nerdtree#isTreeOpen() + call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary('') + else + call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() + endif + let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = g:NERDTreeShowHidden + call s:chRoot(g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(p.getParent())) + else + if !nerdtree#isTreeOpen() + call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary("") + endif + endif + endif + call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() + call b:NERDTreeRoot.reveal(p) + + if p.isUnixHiddenFile() + let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = showhidden + endif +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:handleLeftClick() {{{1 +"Checks if the click should open the current node +function! s:handleLeftClick() + let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() + if currentNode != {} + + "the dir arrows are multibyte chars, and vim's string functions only + "deal with single bytes - so split the line up with the hack below and + "take the line substring manually + let line = split(getline(line(".")), '\zs') + let startToCur = "" + for i in range(0,len(line)-1) + let startToCur .= line[i] + endfor + + if currentNode.path.isDirectory + if startToCur =~# nerdtree#treeMarkupReg() && startToCur =~# '[+~▾▸] \?$' + call currentNode.activate() + return + endif + endif + + if (g:NERDTreeMouseMode ==# 2 && currentNode.path.isDirectory) || g:NERDTreeMouseMode ==# 3 + let char = strpart(startToCur, strlen(startToCur)-1, 1) + if char !~# nerdtree#treeMarkupReg() + if currentNode.path.isDirectory + call currentNode.activate() + else + call currentNode.activate({'reuse': 1, 'where': 'p'}) + endif + return + endif + endif + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:handleMiddleMouse() {{{1 +function! s:handleMiddleMouse() + let curNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() + if curNode ==# {} + call nerdtree#echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) + return + endif + + if curNode.path.isDirectory + call nerdtree#openExplorer(curNode) + else + call curNode.open({'where': 'h'}) + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToChild(direction) {{{2 +" Args: +" direction: 0 if going to first child, 1 if going to last +function! s:jumpToChild(currentNode, direction) + if a:currentNode.isRoot() + return nerdtree#echo("cannot jump to " . (a:direction ? "last" : "first") . " child") + end + let dirNode = a:currentNode.parent + let childNodes = dirNode.getVisibleChildren() + + let targetNode = childNodes[0] + if a:direction + let targetNode = childNodes[len(childNodes) - 1] + endif + + if targetNode.equals(a:currentNode) + let siblingDir = a:currentNode.parent.findOpenDirSiblingWithVisibleChildren(a:direction) + if siblingDir != {} + let indx = a:direction ? siblingDir.getVisibleChildCount()-1 : 0 + let targetNode = siblingDir.getChildByIndex(indx, 1) + endif + endif + + call targetNode.putCursorHere(1, 0) + + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#invokeKeyMap(key) {{{1 +"this is needed since I cant figure out how to invoke dict functions from a +"key map +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#invokeKeyMap(key) + call g:NERDTreeKeyMap.Invoke(a:key) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToFirstChild() {{{1 +" wrapper for the jump to child method +function! s:jumpToFirstChild(node) + call s:jumpToChild(a:node, 0) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToLastChild() {{{1 +" wrapper for the jump to child method +function! s:jumpToLastChild(node) + call s:jumpToChild(a:node, 1) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToParent(node) {{{1 +" moves the cursor to the parent of the current node +function! s:jumpToParent(node) + if !empty(a:node.parent) + call a:node.parent.putCursorHere(1, 0) + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() + else + call nerdtree#echo("cannot jump to parent") + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToRoot() {{{1 +" moves the cursor to the root node +function! s:jumpToRoot() + call b:NERDTreeRoot.putCursorHere(1, 0) + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToNextSibling(node) {{{1 +function! s:jumpToNextSibling(node) + call s:jumpToSibling(a:node, 1) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToPrevSibling(node) {{{1 +function! s:jumpToPrevSibling(node) + call s:jumpToSibling(a:node, 0) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:jumpToSibling(currentNode, forward) {{{2 +" moves the cursor to the sibling of the current node in the given direction +" +" Args: +" forward: 1 if the cursor should move to the next sibling, 0 if it should +" move back to the previous sibling +function! s:jumpToSibling(currentNode, forward) + let sibling = a:currentNode.findSibling(a:forward) + + if !empty(sibling) + call sibling.putCursorHere(1, 0) + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#openBookmark(name) {{{1 +" put the cursor on the given bookmark and, if its a file, open it +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#openBookmark(name) + try + let targetNode = g:NERDTreeBookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) + call targetNode.putCursorHere(0, 1) + redraw! + catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError/ + call nerdtree#echo("note - target node is not cached") + let bookmark = g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) + let targetNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.New(bookmark.path) + endtry + if targetNode.path.isDirectory + call targetNode.openExplorer() + else + call targetNode.open({'where': 'p'}) + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openHSplit(target) {{{1 +function! s:openHSplit(target) + call a:target.activate({'where': 'h'}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openVSplit(target) {{{1 +function! s:openVSplit(target) + call a:target.activate({'where': 'v'}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openExplorer(node) {{{1 +function! s:openExplorer(node) + call a:node.openExplorer() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openInNewTab(target) {{{1 +function! s:openInNewTab(target) + call a:target.activate({'where': 't'}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openInNewTabSilent(target) {{{1 +function! s:openInNewTabSilent(target) + call a:target.activate({'where': 't', 'stay': 1}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:openNodeRecursively(node) {{{1 +function! s:openNodeRecursively(node) + call nerdtree#echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait...") + call a:node.openRecursively() + call b:NERDTree.render() + redraw + call nerdtree#echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait... DONE") +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeCurrent(node) {{{1 +function! s:previewNodeCurrent(node) + call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'p', 'keepopen': 1}) +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeHSplit(node) {{{1 +function! s:previewNodeHSplit(node) + call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'h', 'keepopen': 1}) +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:previewNodeVSplit(node) {{{1 +function! s:previewNodeVSplit(node) + call a:node.open({'stay': 1, 'where': 'v', 'keepopen': 1}) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#revealBookmark(name) {{{1 +" put the cursor on the node associate with the given name +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#revealBookmark(name) + try + let targetNode = g:NERDTreeBookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) + call targetNode.putCursorHere(0, 1) + catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError/ + call nerdtree#echo("Bookmark isnt cached under the current root") + endtry +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:refreshRoot() {{{1 +" Reloads the current root. All nodes below this will be lost and the root dir +" will be reloaded. +function! s:refreshRoot() + call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while...") + call b:NERDTreeRoot.refresh() + call b:NERDTree.render() + redraw + call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while... DONE") +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:refreshCurrent(node) {{{1 +" refreshes the root for the current node +function! s:refreshCurrent(node) + let node = a:node + if !node.path.isDirectory + let node = node.parent + endif + + call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while...") + call node.refresh() + call b:NERDTree.render() + redraw + call nerdtree#echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while... DONE") +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#setupCommands() {{{1 +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#setupCommands() + command! -n=? -complete=dir -bar NERDTree :call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary('') + command! -n=? -complete=dir -bar NERDTreeToggle :call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary('') + command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeClose :call nerdtree#closeTreeIfOpen() + command! -n=1 -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -bar NERDTreeFromBookmark call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary('') + command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeMirror call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateMirror() + command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeFind call s:findAndRevealPath() + command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeFocus call NERDTreeFocus() + command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeCWD call NERDTreeCWD() +endfunction + +" Function: s:SID() {{{1 +function s:SID() + if !exists("s:sid") + let s:sid = matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze_SID$') + endif + return s:sid +endfun + +" FUNCTION: s:showMenu(node) {{{1 +function! s:showMenu(node) + let mc = g:NERDTreeMenuController.New(g:NERDTreeMenuItem.AllEnabled()) + call mc.showMenu() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:toggleIgnoreFilter() {{{1 +function! s:toggleIgnoreFilter() + call b:NERDTree.ui.toggleIgnoreFilter() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowBookmarks() {{{1 +function! s:toggleShowBookmarks() + call b:NERDTree.ui.toggleShowBookmarks() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowFiles() {{{1 +function! s:toggleShowFiles() + call b:NERDTree.ui.toggleShowFiles() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:toggleShowHidden() {{{1 +" toggles the display of hidden files +function! s:toggleShowHidden() + call b:NERDTree.ui.toggleShowHidden() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:toggleZoom() {{{1 +function! s:toggleZoom() + call b:NERDTree.ui.toggleZoom() +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(keepState) {{{1 +"moves the tree up a level +" +"Args: +"keepState: 1 if the current root should be left open when the tree is +"re-rendered +function! nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(keepState) + let cwd = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) + if cwd ==# "/" || cwd =~# '^[^/]..$' + call nerdtree#echo("already at top dir") + else + if !a:keepState + call b:NERDTreeRoot.close() + endif + + let oldRoot = b:NERDTreeRoot + + if empty(b:NERDTreeRoot.parent) + let path = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.getParent() + let newRoot = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(path) + call newRoot.open() + call newRoot.transplantChild(b:NERDTreeRoot) + let b:NERDTreeRoot = newRoot + else + let b:NERDTreeRoot = b:NERDTreeRoot.parent + endif + + if g:NERDTreeChDirMode ==# 2 + call b:NERDTreeRoot.path.changeToDir() + endif + + call b:NERDTree.render() + call oldRoot.putCursorHere(0, 0) + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:upDirCurrentRootOpen() {{{1 +function! s:upDirCurrentRootOpen() + call nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(1) +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:upDirCurrentRootClosed() {{{1 +function! s:upDirCurrentRootClosed() + call nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(0) +endfunction + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERD_tree.txt b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERD_tree.txt index 47f34726..5d5b3f6f 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERD_tree.txt +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERD_tree.txt @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree: as you left it * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab, share trees across tabs, or a mix of both. - * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netw), so if - you :edit a directory a (slighly modified) NERD tree will appear in the + * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netrw), so if + you :edit a directory a (slightly modified) NERD tree will appear in the current window * A programmable menu system is provided (simulates right clicking on a node) - * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesytem + * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesystem operations (create/delete/move/copy files/directories) * There's an API for adding your own keymappings @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree: < :NERDTreeFromBookmark *:NERDTreeFromBookmark* Opens a fresh NERD tree with the root initialized to the dir for - . This only reason to use this command over :NERDTree is for + . The only reason to use this command over :NERDTree is for the completion (which is for bookmarks rather than directories). :NERDTreeToggle [ | ] *:NERDTreeToggle* @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ click bookmarks or use the |NERDTree-o| mapping to activate them. See also, Note that the following commands are only available in the NERD tree buffer. -:Bookmark +:Bookmark [] Bookmark the current node as . If there is already a bookmark, it is overwritten. must not contain spaces. If is not provided, it defaults to the file or directory name. @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ gs......Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gs| O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O| x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x| X.......Recursively close all children of the current node.......|NERDTree-X| -e.......Edit the current dif.....................................|NERDTree-e| +e.......Edit the current dir.....................................|NERDTree-e| ...............same as |NERDTree-o|. double-click.......same as the |NERDTree-o| map. @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ Default key: O Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively Applies to: directories. -Recursively opens the selelected directory. +Recursively opens the selected directory. All files and directories are cached, but if a directory would not be displayed due to file filters (see |'NERDTreeIgnore'| |NERDTree-f|) or the @@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ Jump to the previous sibling of the selected node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-C* Default key: C -Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir -Applies to: directories. +Map option: NERDTreeMapChangeRoot +Applies to: files and directories. Make the selected directory node the new tree root. If a file is selected, its parent is used. @@ -609,17 +609,19 @@ NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc. |'loaded_nerd_tree'| Turns off the script. -|'NERDChristmasTree'| Tells the NERD tree to make itself colourful - and pretty. - |'NERDTreeAutoCenter'| Controls whether the NERD tree window centers when the cursor moves within a specified distance to the top/bottom of the window. + |'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'| Controls the sensitivity of autocentering. |'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'| Tells the NERD tree whether to be case sensitive or not when sorting nodes. +|'NERDTreeSortHiddenFirst'| Tells the NERD tree whether to take the dot + at the beginning of the hidden file names + into account when sorting nodes. + |'NERDTreeChDirMode'| Tells the NERD tree if/when it should change vim's current working directory. @@ -631,8 +633,13 @@ NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc. |'NERDTreeIgnore'| Tells the NERD tree which files to ignore. +|'NERDTreeRespectWildIgnore'| Tells the NERD tree to respect |'wildignore'|. + |'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'| Where the bookmarks are stored. +|'NERDTreeBookmarksSort'| Whether the bookmarks list is sorted on + display. + |'NERDTreeMouseMode'| Tells the NERD tree how to handle mouse clicks. @@ -667,8 +674,8 @@ NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc. |'NERDTreeDirArrows'| Tells the NERD tree to use arrows instead of + ~ chars when displaying directories. -|'NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir'| - Casade open while selected directory has only +|'NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir'| + Cascade open while selected directory has only one child that also is a directory. |'NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer'| Tells the NERD tree to automatically remove @@ -686,15 +693,6 @@ If this plugin is making you feel homicidal, it may be a good idea to turn it off with this line in your vimrc: > let loaded_nerd_tree=1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - *'NERDChristmasTree'* -Values: 0 or 1. -Default: 1. - -If this option is set to 1 then some extra syntax highlighting elements are -added to the nerd tree to make it more colourful. - -Set it to 0 for a more vanilla looking tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *'NERDTreeAutoCenter'* @@ -780,7 +778,7 @@ If set to 1, doing a > < will open up a "secondary" NERD tree instead of a netrw in the target window. -Secondary NERD trees behaves slighly different from a regular trees in the +Secondary NERD trees behaves slightly different from a regular trees in the following respects: 1. 'o' will open the selected file in the same window as the tree, replacing it. @@ -817,6 +815,13 @@ line: > The file filters can be turned on and off dynamically with the |NERDTree-f| mapping. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'NERDTreeRespectWildIgnore'* +Values: 0 or 1. +Default: 0. + +If set to 1, the |'wildignore'| setting is respected. + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'* Values: a path @@ -824,6 +829,14 @@ Default: $HOME/.NERDTreeBookmarks This is where bookmarks are saved. See |NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'NERDTreeBookmarksSort'* +Values: 0 or 1 +Default: 1 + +If set to 0 then the bookmarks list is not sorted. +If set to 1 the bookmarks list is sorted. + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *'NERDTreeMouseMode'* Values: 1, 2 or 3. @@ -987,16 +1000,17 @@ option: > < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - *'NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir'* + *'NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir'* Values: 0 or 1 Default: 1. When opening dir nodes, this option tells NERDTree to recursively open dirs that have only one child which is also a dir. NERDTree will stop when it finds -a dir that contains anything but another single dir. This option may be useful -for Java projects. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: > - let NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir=0 - let NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir=1 +a dir that contains anything but another single dir. This option also causes +the |NERDTree-x| mapping to close dirs in the same manner. This option may be +useful for Java projects. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: > + let NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir=0 + let NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir=1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -1046,6 +1060,9 @@ NERDTreeAddKeyMap({options}) *NERDTreeAddKeyMap()* "callback" - the function the new mapping will be bound to "quickhelpText" - the text that will appear in the quickhelp (see |NERDTree-?|) + "override" - if 1 then this new mapping will override whatever previous + mapping was defined for the key/scope combo. Useful for overriding the + default mappings. Additionally, a "scope" argument may be supplied. This constrains the mapping so that it is only activated if the cursor is on a certain object. @@ -1062,8 +1079,8 @@ NERDTreeAddKeyMap({options}) *NERDTreeAddKeyMap()* call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ \ 'key': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'NERDTreeCDHandler', - \ 'quickhelpText': 'echo full path of current node' }) - \ 'scope': 'DirNode' + \ 'quickhelpText': 'echo full path of current node', + \ 'scope': 'DirNode' }) function! NERDTreeCDHandler(dirnode) call a:dirnode.changeToDir() diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/bookmark.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/bookmark.vim index 0d37b478..6de9be4c 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/bookmark.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/bookmark.vim @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ function! s:Bookmark.AddBookmark(name, path) endif endfor call add(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), s:Bookmark.New(a:name, a:path)) - call s:Bookmark.Sort() + if g:NERDTreeBookmarksSort ==# 1 + call s:Bookmark.Sort() + endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.Bookmarks() {{{1 @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkNames() endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) {{{1 -" Class method to read all bookmarks from the bookmarks file intialize +" Class method to read all bookmarks from the bookmarks file initialize " bookmark objects for each one. " " Args: @@ -101,7 +103,9 @@ function! s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) call nerdtree#echo(invalidBookmarksFound . " invalid bookmarks were read. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") endif endif - call s:Bookmark.Sort() + if g:NERDTreeBookmarksSort ==# 1 + call s:Bookmark.Sort() + endif endif endfunction @@ -271,7 +275,7 @@ function! s:Bookmark.toRoot() let targetNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.New(s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(self.name).path) endtry call targetNode.makeRoot() - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call targetNode.putCursorHere(0, 0) endif endfunction @@ -289,7 +293,7 @@ function! s:Bookmark.validate() return 1 else call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call nerdtree#echo(self.name . "now points to an invalid location. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") return 0 endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim index 7f0721f0..86f951ae 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim @@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ let g:NERDTreeCreator = s:Creator "FUNCTION: s:Creator._bindMappings() {{{1 function! s:Creator._bindMappings() - "make do the same as the default 'o' mapping - exec "nnoremap :call nerdtree#invokeKeyMap('". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode ."')" + "make do the same as the activate node mapping + nnoremap :call nerdtree#ui_glue#invokeKeyMap(g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode) call g:NERDTreeKeyMap.BindAll() - command! -buffer -nargs=? Bookmark :call nerdtree#bookmarkNode('') - command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 RevealBookmark :call nerdtree#revealBookmark('') - command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 OpenBookmark :call nerdtree#openBookmark('') - command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=* ClearBookmarks call nerdtree#clearBookmarks('') + command! -buffer -nargs=? Bookmark :call nerdtree#ui_glue#bookmarkNode('') + command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 RevealBookmark :call nerdtree#ui_glue#revealBookmark('') + command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 OpenBookmark :call nerdtree#ui_glue#openBookmark('') + command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=* ClearBookmarks call nerdtree#ui_glue#clearBookmarks('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=+ BookmarkToRoot call g:NERDTreeBookmark.ToRoot('') - command! -buffer -nargs=0 ClearAllBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.ClearAll() call nerdtree#renderView() - command! -buffer -nargs=0 ReadBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) call nerdtree#renderView() + command! -buffer -nargs=0 ClearAllBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.ClearAll() call b:NERDTree.render() + command! -buffer -nargs=0 ReadBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) call b:NERDTree.render() command! -buffer -nargs=0 WriteBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.Write() endfunction @@ -49,26 +49,23 @@ function! s:Creator.createPrimary(name) call path.changeToDir() endif - if nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() + if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() if nerdtree#isTreeOpen() call nerdtree#closeTree() endif unlet t:NERDTreeBufName endif - let newRoot = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(path) - call newRoot.open() - call self._createTreeWin() + call self._createNERDTree(path) + let b:NERDTreeType = "primary" let b:treeShowHelp = 0 let b:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = 1 let b:NERDTreeShowFiles = g:NERDTreeShowFiles let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = g:NERDTreeShowHidden let b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks - let b:NERDTreeRoot = newRoot - let b:NERDTreeType = "primary" - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call b:NERDTreeRoot.putCursorHere(0, 0) call self._broadcastInitEvent() @@ -99,18 +96,26 @@ function! s:Creator.createSecondary(dir) exec "silent edit " . self._nextBufferName() let b:NERDTreePreviousBuf = bufnr(previousBuf) - - let b:NERDTreeRoot = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(path) - call b:NERDTreeRoot.open() - + call self._createNERDTree(path) call self._setCommonBufOptions() let b:NERDTreeType = "secondary" - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call self._broadcastInitEvent() endfunction +" FUNCTION: s:Creator._createNERDTree(path) {{{1 +function! s:Creator._createNERDTree(path) + let b:NERDTree = g:NERDTree.New(a:path) + "TODO: This is kept for compatability only since many things use + "b:NERDTreeRoot instead of the new NERDTree.root + "Remove this one day + let b:NERDTreeRoot = b:NERDTree.root + + call b:NERDTree.root.open() +endfunction + " FUNCTION: s:Creator.CreateMirror() {{{1 function! s:Creator.CreateMirror() let creator = s:Creator.New() @@ -122,12 +127,12 @@ function! s:Creator.createMirror() "get the names off all the nerd tree buffers let treeBufNames = [] for i in range(1, tabpagenr("$")) - let nextName = nerdtree#tabpagevar(i, 'NERDTreeBufName') + let nextName = self._tabpagevar(i, 'NERDTreeBufName') if nextName != -1 && (!exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") || nextName != t:NERDTreeBufName) call add(treeBufNames, nextName) endif endfor - let treeBufNames = nerdtree#unique(treeBufNames) + let treeBufNames = self._uniq(treeBufNames) "map the option names (that the user will be prompted with) to the nerd "tree buffer names @@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ function! s:Creator.createMirror() return endif - if nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() && nerdtree#isTreeOpen() + if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() && nerdtree#isTreeOpen() call nerdtree#closeTree() endif @@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ function! s:Creator.createMirror() call self._createTreeWin() exec 'buffer ' . bufferName if !&hidden - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() endif endfunction @@ -279,8 +284,8 @@ function! s:Creator._setCommonBufOptions() let b:NERDTreeShowFiles = g:NERDTreeShowFiles let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = g:NERDTreeShowHidden let b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks - setfiletype nerdtree call self._bindMappings() + setlocal filetype=nerdtree endfunction "FUNCTION: s:Creator._setupStatusline() {{{1 @@ -290,6 +295,24 @@ function! s:Creator._setupStatusline() endif endfunction +" FUNCTION: s:Creator._tabpagevar(tabnr, var) {{{1 +function! s:Creator._tabpagevar(tabnr, var) + let currentTab = tabpagenr() + let old_ei = &ei + set ei=all + + exec "tabnext " . a:tabnr + let v = -1 + if exists('t:' . a:var) + exec 'let v = t:' . a:var + endif + exec "tabnext " . currentTab + + let &ei = old_ei + + return v +endfunction + "FUNCTION: s:Creator.TogglePrimary(dir) {{{1 function! s:Creator.TogglePrimary(dir) let creator = s:Creator.New() @@ -304,13 +327,13 @@ endfunction "dir: the full path for the root node (is only used if the NERD tree is being "initialized. function! s:Creator.togglePrimary(dir) - if nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() + if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() if !nerdtree#isTreeOpen() call self._createTreeWin() if !&hidden - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() endif - call nerdtree#restoreScreenState() + call b:NERDTree.ui.restoreScreenState() else call nerdtree#closeTree() endif @@ -319,4 +342,16 @@ function! s:Creator.togglePrimary(dir) endif endfunction +" Function: s:Creator._uniq(list) {{{1 +" returns a:list without duplicates +function! s:Creator._uniq(list) + let uniqlist = [] + for elem in a:list + if index(uniqlist, elem) ==# -1 + let uniqlist += [elem] + endif + endfor + return uniqlist +endfunction + " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/event.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/event.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..964e8ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/event.vim @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +"CLASS: Event +"============================================================ +let s:Event = {} +let g:NERDTreeEvent = s:Event + +function! s:Event.New(nerdtree, subject, action, params) abort + let newObj = copy(self) + let newObj.nerdtree = a:nerdtree + let newObj.subject = a:subject + let newObj.action = a:action + let newObj.params = a:params + return newObj +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/flag_set.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/flag_set.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d8d3359 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/flag_set.vim @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +"CLASS: FlagSet +"============================================================ +let s:FlagSet = {} +let g:NERDTreeFlagSet = s:FlagSet + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet.addFlag(scope, flag) {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet.addFlag(scope, flag) + let flags = self._flagsForScope(a:scope) + if index(flags, a:flag) == -1 + call add(flags, a:flag) + end +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet.clearFlags(scope) {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet.clearFlags(scope) + let self._flags[a:scope] = [] +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet._flagsForScope(scope) {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet._flagsForScope(scope) + if !has_key(self._flags, a:scope) + let self._flags[a:scope] = [] + endif + return self._flags[a:scope] +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet.New() {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet.New() + let newObj = copy(self) + let newObj._flags = {} + return newObj +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet.removeFlag(scope, flag) {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet.removeFlag(scope, flag) + let flags = self._flagsForScope(a:scope) + + let i = index(flags, a:flag) + if i >= 0 + call remove(flags, i) + endif +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: FlagSet.renderToString() {{{1 +function! s:FlagSet.renderToString() + let flagstring = "" + for i in values(self._flags) + let flagstring .= join(i) + endfor + + if len(flagstring) == 0 + return "" + endif + + return '[' . flagstring . ']' +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/key_map.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/key_map.vim index 86457652..2411406e 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/key_map.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/key_map.vim @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function! s:KeyMap.bind() let premap = self.key == "" ? " " : " " - exec 'nnoremap '. self.key . premap . ':call nerdtree#invokeKeyMap("'. keymapInvokeString .'")' + exec 'nnoremap '. self.key . premap . ':call nerdtree#ui_glue#invokeKeyMap("'. keymapInvokeString .'")' endfunction "FUNCTION: KeyMap.Remove(key, scope) {{{1 @@ -79,6 +79,16 @@ endfunction "If a keymap has the scope of "all" then it will be called if no other keymap "is found for a:key and the scope. function! s:KeyMap.Invoke(key) + + "required because clicking the command window below another window still + "invokes the mapping - but changes the window cursor + "is in first + " + "TODO: remove this check when the vim bug is fixed + if !g:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() + return {} + endif + let node = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() if !empty(node) @@ -124,8 +134,14 @@ endfunction "FUNCTION: KeyMap.Create(options) {{{1 function! s:KeyMap.Create(options) - let newKeyMap = copy(self) let opts = extend({'scope': 'all', 'quickhelpText': ''}, copy(a:options)) + + "dont override other mappings unless the 'override' option is given + if get(opts, 'override', 0) == 0 && !empty(s:KeyMap.FindFor(opts['key'], opts['scope'])) + return + end + + let newKeyMap = copy(self) let newKeyMap.key = opts['key'] let newKeyMap.quickhelpText = opts['quickhelpText'] let newKeyMap.callback = opts['callback'] diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/menu_item.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/menu_item.vim index 6fb9d9e3..92c1bbbf 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/menu_item.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/menu_item.vim @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ endfunction "callback function! s:MenuItem.execute() if len(self.children) - let mc = s:MenuController.New(self.children) + let mc = g:NERDTreeMenuController.New(self.children) call mc.showMenu() else if self.callback != -1 diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a41490b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +"CLASS: NERDTree +"============================================================ +let s:NERDTree = {} +let g:NERDTree = s:NERDTree + +" Function: s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuffer() {{{1 +" Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current buffer +function! s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() + return exists("b:NERDTreeRoot") +endfunction + +" Function: s:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() {{{1 +" Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current tab +function! s:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() + return exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") +endfunction + +function! s:NERDTree.ForCurrentBuf() + if s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() + return b:NERDTree + else + return {} + endif +endfunction + +function! s:NERDTree.New(path) + let newObj = copy(self) + let newObj.ui = g:NERDTreeUI.New(newObj) + let newObj.root = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(a:path) + + return newObj +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.render() {{{1 +"A convenience function - since this is called often +function! s:NERDTree.render() + call self.ui.render() +endfunction + diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/notifier.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/notifier.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b445f8ad --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/notifier.vim @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +"CLASS: Notifier +"============================================================ +let s:Notifier = {} + +function! s:Notifier.AddListener(event, funcname) + let listeners = s:Notifier.GetListenersForEvent(a:event) + if listeners == [] + let listenersMap = s:Notifier.GetListenersMap() + let listenersMap[a:event] = listeners + endif + call add(listeners, a:funcname) +endfunction + +function! s:Notifier.NotifyListeners(event, path, params) + let event = g:NERDTreeEvent.New(b:NERDTree, a:path, a:event, a:params) + + for listener in s:Notifier.GetListenersForEvent(a:event) + call {listener}(event) + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:Notifier.GetListenersMap() + if !exists("s:refreshListenersMap") + let s:refreshListenersMap = {} + endif + return s:refreshListenersMap +endfunction + +function! s:Notifier.GetListenersForEvent(name) + let listenersMap = s:Notifier.GetListenersMap() + return get(listenersMap, a:name, []) +endfunction + +let g:NERDTreePathNotifier = deepcopy(s:Notifier) + diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/opener.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/opener.vim index bcc0d4fc..845e55c4 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/opener.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/opener.vim @@ -3,6 +3,29 @@ let s:Opener = {} let g:NERDTreeOpener = s:Opener +"FUNCTION: s:Opener._bufInWindows(bnum){{{1 +"[[STOLEN FROM VTREEEXPLORER.VIM]] +"Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number. +"Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks! +" +"Args: +"bnum: the subject buffers buffer number +function! s:Opener._bufInWindows(bnum) + let cnt = 0 + let winnum = 1 + while 1 + let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum) + if bufnum < 0 + break + endif + if bufnum ==# a:bnum + let cnt = cnt + 1 + endif + let winnum = winnum + 1 + endwhile + + return cnt +endfunction "FUNCTION: Opener._checkToCloseTree(newtab) {{{1 "Check the class options and global options (i.e. NERDTreeQuitOnOpen) to see "if the tree should be closed now. @@ -21,6 +44,24 @@ function! s:Opener._checkToCloseTree(newtab) endif endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:Opener._firstUsableWindow(){{{1 +"find the window number of the first normal window +function! s:Opener._firstUsableWindow() + let i = 1 + while i <= winnr("$") + let bnum = winbufnr(i) + if bnum != -1 && getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') ==# '' + \ && !getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow') + \ && (!getbufvar(bnum, '&modified') || &hidden) + return i + endif + + let i += 1 + endwhile + return -1 +endfunction + "FUNCTION: Opener._gotoTargetWin() {{{1 function! s:Opener._gotoTargetWin() if b:NERDTreeType ==# "secondary" @@ -48,6 +89,37 @@ function! s:Opener._gotoTargetWin() endif endfunction +"FUNCTION: s:Opener._isWindowUsable(winnumber) {{{1 +"Returns 0 if opening a file from the tree in the given window requires it to +"be split, 1 otherwise +" +"Args: +"winnumber: the number of the window in question +function! s:Opener._isWindowUsable(winnumber) + "gotta split if theres only one window (i.e. the NERD tree) + if winnr("$") ==# 1 + return 0 + endif + + let oldwinnr = winnr() + call nerdtree#exec(a:winnumber . "wincmd p") + let specialWindow = getbufvar("%", '&buftype') != '' || getwinvar('%', '&previewwindow') + let modified = &modified + call nerdtree#exec(oldwinnr . "wincmd p") + + "if its a special window e.g. quickfix or another explorer plugin then we + "have to split + if specialWindow + return 0 + endif + + if &hidden + return 1 + endif + + return !modified || self._bufInWindows(winbufnr(a:winnumber)) >= 2 +endfunction + "FUNCTION: Opener.New(path, opts) {{{1 "Args: " @@ -190,7 +262,7 @@ function! s:Opener._openDirectory(node) call self._gotoTargetWin() if empty(self._where) call a:node.makeRoot() - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call a:node.putCursorHere(0, 0) elseif self._where == 't' call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary(a:node.path.str()) @@ -206,12 +278,12 @@ endfunction "FUNCTION: Opener._previousWindow() {{{1 function! s:Opener._previousWindow() - if !nerdtree#isWindowUsable(winnr("#")) && nerdtree#firstUsableWindow() ==# -1 + if !self._isWindowUsable(winnr("#")) && self._firstUsableWindow() ==# -1 call self._newSplit() else try - if !nerdtree#isWindowUsable(winnr("#")) - call nerdtree#exec(nerdtree#firstUsableWindow() . "wincmd w") + if !self._isWindowUsable(winnr("#")) + call nerdtree#exec(self._firstUsableWindow() . "wincmd w") else call nerdtree#exec('wincmd p') endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/path.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/path.vim index 58bb0138..ea6aa032 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/path.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/path.vim @@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ function! s:Path.bookmarkNames() endfunction "FUNCTION: Path.cacheDisplayString() {{{1 -function! s:Path.cacheDisplayString() - let self.cachedDisplayString = self.getLastPathComponent(1) +function! s:Path.cacheDisplayString() abort + let self.cachedDisplayString = self.flagSet.renderToString() + + let self.cachedDisplayString .= self.getLastPathComponent(1) if self.isExecutable let self.cachedDisplayString = self.cachedDisplayString . '*' @@ -103,6 +105,10 @@ function! s:Path.compareTo(path) elseif thisSS > thatSS return 1 else + if !g:NERDTreeSortHiddenFirst + let thisPath = substitute(thisPath, '^[._]', '', '') + let thatPath = substitute(thatPath, '^[._]', '', '') + endif "if the sort sequences are the same then compare the paths "alphabetically let pathCompare = g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort ? thisPath <# thatPath : thisPath " + endif + + return " \\`\|\"#%&,?()\*^<>[]" +endfunction + "FUNCTION: Path.getDir() {{{1 " "Returns this path if it is a directory, else this paths parent. @@ -439,6 +471,7 @@ function! s:Path.New(path) call newPath.readInfoFromDisk(s:Path.AbsolutePathFor(a:path)) let newPath.cachedDisplayString = "" + let newPath.flagSet = g:NERDTreeFlagSet.New() return newPath endfunction @@ -516,6 +549,13 @@ endfunction "FUNCTION: Path.refresh() {{{1 function! s:Path.refresh() call self.readInfoFromDisk(self.str()) + call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.NotifyListeners('refresh', self, {}) + call self.cacheDisplayString() +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: Path.refreshFlags() {{{1 +function! s:Path.refreshFlags() + call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.NotifyListeners('refreshFlags', self, {}) call self.cacheDisplayString() endfunction @@ -604,7 +644,7 @@ endfunction " " returns a string that can be used with :cd function! s:Path._strForCd() - return escape(self.str(), nerdtree#escChars()) + return escape(self.str(), self._escChars()) endfunction "FUNCTION: Path._strForEdit() {{{1 @@ -612,25 +652,15 @@ endfunction "Return: the string for this path that is suitable to be used with the :edit "command function! s:Path._strForEdit() - let p = escape(self.str({'format': 'UI'}), nerdtree#escChars()) - let cwd = getcwd() . s:Path.Slash() + let p = escape(self.str(), self._escChars()) - "return a relative path if we can - let isRelative = 0 - if nerdtree#runningWindows() - let isRelative = stridx(tolower(p), tolower(cwd)) == 0 - else - let isRelative = stridx(p, cwd) == 0 - endif + "make it relative + let p = fnamemodify(p, ':.') - if isRelative - let p = strpart(p, strlen(cwd)) - - "handle the edge case where the file begins with a + (vim interprets - "the +foo in `:e +foo` as an option to :edit) - if p[0] == "+" - let p = '\' . p - endif + "handle the edge case where the file begins with a + (vim interprets + "the +foo in `:e +foo` as an option to :edit) + if p[0] == "+" + let p = '\' . p endif if p ==# '' @@ -652,7 +682,7 @@ function! s:Path._strForGlob() let toReturn = lead . join(self.pathSegments, s:Path.Slash()) if !nerdtree#runningWindows() - let toReturn = escape(toReturn, nerdtree#escChars()) + let toReturn = escape(toReturn, self._escChars()) endif return toReturn endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim index e3a068ed..a24c2704 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ unlet s:TreeDirNode.activate function! s:TreeDirNode.activate(...) let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {} call self.toggleOpen(opts) - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call self.putCursorHere(0, 0) endfunction @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ function! s:TreeDirNode._initChildren(silent) let globDir = dir.str({'format': 'Glob'}) if version >= 703 - let filesStr = globpath(globDir, '*', 1) . "\n" . globpath(globDir, '.*', 1) + let filesStr = globpath(globDir, '*', !g:NERDTreeRespectWildIgnore) . "\n" . globpath(globDir, '.*', !g:NERDTreeRespectWildIgnore) else let filesStr = globpath(globDir, '*') . "\n" . globpath(globDir, '.*') endif @@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ function! s:TreeDirNode._initChildren(silent) try let path = g:NERDTreePath.New(i) call self.createChild(path, 0) + call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.NotifyListeners('init', path, {}) catch /^NERDTree.\(InvalidArguments\|InvalidFiletype\)Error/ let invalidFilesFound += 1 endtry @@ -438,6 +439,20 @@ function! s:TreeDirNode.refresh() endif endfunction +"FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.refreshFlags() {{{1 +unlet s:TreeDirNode.refreshFlags +function! s:TreeDirNode.refreshFlags() + call self.path.refreshFlags() + for i in self.children + call i.refreshFlags() + endfor +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.refreshDirFlags() {{{1 +function! s:TreeDirNode.refreshDirFlags() + call self.path.refreshFlags() +endfunction + "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.reveal(path) {{{1 "reveal the given path, i.e. cache and open all treenodes needed to display it "in the UI @@ -450,7 +465,7 @@ function! s:TreeDirNode.reveal(path) if self.path.equals(a:path.getParent()) let n = self.findNode(a:path) - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call n.putCursorHere(1,0) return endif @@ -500,7 +515,7 @@ function! s:TreeDirNode.toggleOpen(...) if self.isOpen ==# 1 call self.close() else - if g:NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir == 0 + if g:NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir == 0 call self.open(opts) else call self.openAlong(opts) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_file_node.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_file_node.vim index ab8d3719..b4924d78 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_file_node.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/tree_file_node.vim @@ -178,79 +178,20 @@ function! s:TreeFileNode.findSibling(direction) return {} endfunction -"FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.getLineNum(){{{1 -"returns the line number this node is rendered on, or -1 if it isnt rendered -function! s:TreeFileNode.getLineNum() - "if the node is the root then return the root line no. - if self.isRoot() - return s:TreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum() - endif - - let totalLines = line("$") - - "the path components we have matched so far - let pathcomponents = [substitute(b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}), '/ *$', '', '')] - "the index of the component we are searching for - let curPathComponent = 1 - - let fullpath = self.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) - - - let lnum = s:TreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum() - while lnum > 0 - let lnum = lnum + 1 - "have we reached the bottom of the tree? - if lnum ==# totalLines+1 - return -1 - endif - - let curLine = getline(lnum) - - let indent = nerdtree#indentLevelFor(curLine) - if indent ==# curPathComponent - let curLine = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) - - let curPath = join(pathcomponents, '/') . '/' . curLine - if stridx(fullpath, curPath, 0) ==# 0 - if fullpath ==# curPath || strpart(fullpath, len(curPath)-1,1) ==# '/' - let curLine = substitute(curLine, '/ *$', '', '') - call add(pathcomponents, curLine) - let curPathComponent = curPathComponent + 1 - - if fullpath ==# curPath - return lnum - endif - endif - endif - endif - endwhile - return -1 -endfunction - "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.GetRootForTab(){{{1 "get the root node for this tab function! s:TreeFileNode.GetRootForTab() - if nerdtree#treeExistsForTab() + if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() return getbufvar(t:NERDTreeBufName, 'NERDTreeRoot') end return {} endfunction -"FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum(){{{1 -"gets the line number of the root node -function! s:TreeFileNode.GetRootLineNum() - let rootLine = 1 - while getline(rootLine) !~# '^\(/\|<\)' - let rootLine = rootLine + 1 - endwhile - return rootLine -endfunction - "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.GetSelected() {{{1 "gets the treenode that the cursor is currently over function! s:TreeFileNode.GetSelected() try - let path = nerdtree#getPath(line(".")) + let path = b:NERDTree.ui.getPath(line(".")) if path ==# {} return {} endif @@ -270,7 +211,7 @@ endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.isRoot() {{{1 "returns 1 if this node is b:NERDTreeRoot function! s:TreeFileNode.isRoot() - if !nerdtree#treeExistsForBuf() + if !g:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() throw "NERDTree.NoTreeError: No tree exists for the current buffer" endif @@ -348,7 +289,7 @@ endfunction "recurseUpward: try to put the cursor on the parent if the this node isnt "visible function! s:TreeFileNode.putCursorHere(isJump, recurseUpward) - let ln = self.getLineNum() + let ln = b:NERDTree.ui.getLineNum(self) if ln != -1 if a:isJump mark ' @@ -357,11 +298,11 @@ function! s:TreeFileNode.putCursorHere(isJump, recurseUpward) else if a:recurseUpward let node = self - while node != {} && node.getLineNum() ==# -1 + while node != {} && b:NERDTree.ui.getLineNum(node) ==# -1 let node = node.parent call node.open() endwhile - call nerdtree#renderView() + call b:NERDTree.render() call node.putCursorHere(a:isJump, 0) endif endif @@ -372,6 +313,11 @@ function! s:TreeFileNode.refresh() call self.path.refresh() endfunction +"FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.refreshFlags() {{{1 +function! s:TreeFileNode.refreshFlags() + call self.path.refreshFlags() +endfunction + "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.rename() {{{1 "Calls the rename method for this nodes path obj function! s:TreeFileNode.rename(newName) diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed93d80c --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +"CLASS: UI +"============================================================ +let s:UI = {} +let g:NERDTreeUI = s:UI + + +function! s:UI.lolcats() + echomsg "lolcats" +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.centerView() {{{2 +"centers the nerd tree window around the cursor (provided the nerd tree +"options permit) +function! s:UI.centerView() + if g:NERDTreeAutoCenter + let current_line = winline() + let lines_to_top = current_line + let lines_to_bottom = winheight(nerdtree#getTreeWinNum()) - current_line + if lines_to_top < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold || lines_to_bottom < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold + normal! zz + endif + endif +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.new(nerdtree) {{{1 +function! s:UI.New(nerdtree) + let newObj = copy(self) + let newObj.nerdtree = a:nerdtree + return newObj +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.getPath(ln) {{{1 +"Gets the full path to the node that is rendered on the given line number +" +"Args: +"ln: the line number to get the path for +" +"Return: +"A path if a node was selected, {} if nothing is selected. +"If the 'up a dir' line was selected then the path to the parent of the +"current root is returned +function! s:UI.getPath(ln) + let line = getline(a:ln) + + let rootLine = self.getRootLineNum() + + "check to see if we have the root node + if a:ln == rootLine + return b:NERDTreeRoot.path + endif + + if !g:NERDTreeDirArrows + " in case called from outside the tree + if line !~# '^ *[|`▸▾ ]' || line =~# '^$' + return {} + endif + endif + + if line ==# nerdtree#treeUpDirLine() + return b:NERDTreeRoot.path.getParent() + endif + + let indent = self._indentLevelFor(line) + + "remove the tree parts and the leading space + let curFile = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(line, 0) + + let wasdir = 0 + if curFile =~# '/$' + let wasdir = 1 + let curFile = substitute(curFile, '/\?$', '/', "") + endif + + let dir = "" + let lnum = a:ln + while lnum > 0 + let lnum = lnum - 1 + let curLine = getline(lnum) + let curLineStripped = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) + + "have we reached the top of the tree? + if lnum == rootLine + let dir = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) . dir + break + endif + if curLineStripped =~# '/$' + let lpindent = self._indentLevelFor(curLine) + if lpindent < indent + let indent = indent - 1 + + let dir = substitute (curLineStripped,'^\\', "", "") . dir + continue + endif + endif + endwhile + let curFile = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.drive . dir . curFile + let toReturn = g:NERDTreePath.New(curFile) + return toReturn +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.getLineNum(file_node){{{1 +"returns the line number this node is rendered on, or -1 if it isnt rendered +function! s:UI.getLineNum(file_node) + "if the node is the root then return the root line no. + if a:file_node.isRoot() + return b:NERDTree.ui.getRootLineNum() + endif + + let totalLines = line("$") + + "the path components we have matched so far + let pathcomponents = [substitute(b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI'}), '/ *$', '', '')] + "the index of the component we are searching for + let curPathComponent = 1 + + let fullpath = a:file_node.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) + + let lnum = b:NERDTree.ui.getRootLineNum() + while lnum > 0 + let lnum = lnum + 1 + "have we reached the bottom of the tree? + if lnum ==# totalLines+1 + return -1 + endif + + let curLine = getline(lnum) + + let indent = self._indentLevelFor(curLine) + if indent ==# curPathComponent + let curLine = nerdtree#stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) + + let curPath = join(pathcomponents, '/') . '/' . curLine + if stridx(fullpath, curPath, 0) ==# 0 + if fullpath ==# curPath || strpart(fullpath, len(curPath)-1,1) ==# '/' + let curLine = substitute(curLine, '/ *$', '', '') + call add(pathcomponents, curLine) + let curPathComponent = curPathComponent + 1 + + if fullpath ==# curPath + return lnum + endif + endif + endif + endif + endwhile + return -1 +endfunction + + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.getRootLineNum(){{{1 +"gets the line number of the root node +function! s:UI.getRootLineNum() + let rootLine = 1 + while getline(rootLine) !~# '^\(/\|<\)' + let rootLine = rootLine + 1 + endwhile + return rootLine +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI._indentLevelFor(line) {{{2 +function! s:UI._indentLevelFor(line) + let level = match(a:line, '[^ \-+~▸▾`|]') / nerdtree#treeWid() + " check if line includes arrows + if match(a:line, '[▸▾]') > -1 + " decrement level as arrow uses 3 ascii chars + let level = level - 1 + endif + return level +endfunction + + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.restoreScreenState() {{{2 +" +"Sets the screen state back to what it was when nerdtree#saveScreenState was last +"called. +" +"Assumes the cursor is in the NERDTree window +function! s:UI.restoreScreenState() + if !has_key(self, '_screenState') + return + endif + exec("silent vertical resize " . self._screenState['oldWindowSize']) + + let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff + let &scrolloff=0 + call cursor(self._screenState['oldTopLine'], 0) + normal! zt + call setpos(".", self._screenState['oldPos']) + let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.saveScreenState() {{{2 +"Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window +"scroll position +function! s:UI.saveScreenState() + let win = winnr() + try + call nerdtree#putCursorInTreeWin() + let self._screenState = {} + let self._screenState['oldPos'] = getpos(".") + let self._screenState['oldTopLine'] = line("w0") + let self._screenState['oldWindowSize']= winwidth("") + call nerdtree#exec(win . "wincmd w") + catch /^NERDTree.InvalidOperationError/ + endtry +endfunction + +"FUNCTION: s:UI.render() {{{2 +function! s:UI.render() + setlocal modifiable + + "remember the top line of the buffer and the current line so we can + "restore the view exactly how it was + let curLine = line(".") + let curCol = col(".") + let topLine = line("w0") + + "delete all lines in the buffer (being careful not to clobber a register) + silent 1,$delete _ + + call nerdtree#dumpHelp() + + "delete the blank line before the help and add one after it + if g:NERDTreeMinimalUI == 0 + call setline(line(".")+1, "") + call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) + endif + + if b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks + call nerdtree#renderBookmarks() + endif + + "add the 'up a dir' line + if !g:NERDTreeMinimalUI + call setline(line(".")+1, nerdtree#treeUpDirLine()) + call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) + endif + + "draw the header line + let header = b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI', 'truncateTo': winwidth(0)}) + call setline(line(".")+1, header) + call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) + + "draw the tree + let old_o = @o + let @o = b:NERDTreeRoot.renderToString() + silent put o + let @o = old_o + + "delete the blank line at the top of the buffer + silent 1,1delete _ + + "restore the view + let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff + let &scrolloff=0 + call cursor(topLine, 1) + normal! zt + call cursor(curLine, curCol) + let &scrolloff = old_scrolloff + + setlocal nomodifiable +endfunction + + +"FUNCTION: UI.renderViewSavingPosition {{{1 +"Renders the tree and ensures the cursor stays on the current node or the +"current nodes parent if it is no longer available upon re-rendering +function! s:UI.renderViewSavingPosition() + let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected() + + "go up the tree till we find a node that will be visible or till we run + "out of nodes + while currentNode != {} && !currentNode.isVisible() && !currentNode.isRoot() + let currentNode = currentNode.parent + endwhile + + call b:NERDTree.render() + + if currentNode != {} + call currentNode.putCursorHere(0, 0) + endif +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleIgnoreFilter() {{{1 +" toggles the use of the NERDTreeIgnore option +function! s:UI.toggleIgnoreFilter() + let b:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = !b:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled + call b:NERDTree.ui.renderViewSavingPosition() + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks() {{{1 +" toggles the display of bookmarks +function! s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks() + let b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = !b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks + if b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks + call b:NERDTree.render() + call nerdtree#putCursorOnBookmarkTable() + else + call b:NERDTree.ui.renderViewSavingPosition() + endif + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowFiles() {{{1 +" toggles the display of hidden files +function! s:UI.toggleShowFiles() + let b:NERDTreeShowFiles = !b:NERDTreeShowFiles + call b:NERDTree.ui.renderViewSavingPosition() + call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowHidden() {{{1 +" toggles the display of hidden files +function! s:UI.toggleShowHidden() + let b:NERDTreeShowHidden = !b:NERDTreeShowHidden + call b:NERDTree.ui.renderViewSavingPosition() + call self.centerView() +endfunction + +" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleZoom() {{{1 +" zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window +function! s:UI.toggleZoom() + if exists("b:NERDTreeZoomed") && b:NERDTreeZoomed + let size = exists("b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize") ? b:NERDTreeOldWindowSize : g:NERDTreeWinSize + exec "silent vertical resize ". size + let b:NERDTreeZoomed = 0 + else + exec "vertical resize" + let b:NERDTreeZoomed = 1 + endif +endfunction diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim index 9b81ed37..e99a85be 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(a)dd a childnode', 'shortcut': 'a', 'callbac call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(m)ove the current node', 'shortcut': 'm', 'callback': 'NERDTreeMoveNode'}) call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(d)elete the current node', 'shortcut': 'd', 'callback': 'NERDTreeDeleteNode'}) -if has("gui_mac") || has("gui_macvim") +if has("gui_mac") || has("gui_macvim") call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(r)eveal in Finder the current node', 'shortcut': 'r', 'callback': 'NERDTreeRevealInFinder'}) call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(o)pen the current node with system editor', 'shortcut': 'o', 'callback': 'NERDTreeExecuteFile'}) call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({'text': '(q)uicklook the current node', 'shortcut': 'q', 'callback': 'NERDTreeQuickLook'}) @@ -82,13 +82,15 @@ endfunction function! s:promptToRenameBuffer(bufnum, msg, newFileName) echo a:msg if g:NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer || nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y' + let quotedFileName = "'" . a:newFileName . "'" " 1. ensure that a new buffer is loaded - exec "badd " . a:newFileName + exec "badd " . quotedFileName " 2. ensure that all windows which display the just deleted filename - " display a buffer for a new filename. + " display a buffer for a new filename. let s:originalTabNumber = tabpagenr() let s:originalWindowNumber = winnr() - exec "tabdo windo if winbufnr(0) == " . a:bufnum . " | exec ':e! " . a:newFileName . "' | endif" + let editStr = g:NERDTreePath.New(a:newFileName).str({'format': 'Edit'}) + exec "tabdo windo if winbufnr(0) == " . a:bufnum . " | exec ':e! " . editStr . "' | endif" exec "tabnext " . s:originalTabNumber exec s:originalWindowNumber . "wincmd w" " 3. We don't need a previous buffer anymore @@ -114,7 +116,10 @@ function! NERDTreeAddNode() let parentNode = b:NERDTreeRoot.findNode(newPath.getParent()) let newTreeNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.New(newPath) - if parentNode.isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children) + if empty(parentNode) + call b:NERDTreeRoot.refresh() + call b:NERDTree.render() + elseif parentNode.isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children) call parentNode.addChild(newTreeNode, 1) call NERDTreeRender() call newTreeNode.putCursorHere(1, 0) @@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ function! NERDTreeMoveNode() endif try - let bufnum = bufnr(curNode.path.str()) + let bufnum = bufnr("^".curNode.path.str()."$") call curNode.rename(newNodePath) call NERDTreeRender() @@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ function! NERDTreeDeleteNode() "if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to "close that buffer - let bufnum = bufnr(currentNode.path.str()) + let bufnum = bufnr("^".currentNode.path.str()."$") if buflisted(bufnum) let prompt = "\nNode deleted.\n\nThe file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) ==# -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)" call s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt) @@ -224,7 +229,10 @@ function! NERDTreeCopyNode() if confirmed try let newNode = currentNode.copy(newNodePath) - if !empty(newNode) + if empty(newNode) + call b:NERDTreeRoot.refresh() + call b:NERDTree.render() + else call NERDTreeRender() call newNode.putCursorHere(0, 0) endif diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim index 5bee03ad..28fd3ad1 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim @@ -45,28 +45,30 @@ function! s:initVariable(var, value) endfunction "SECTION: Init variable calls and other random constants {{{2 -call s:initVariable("g:NERDChristmasTree", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenter", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold", 3) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort", 0) +call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeSortHiddenFirst", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeChDirMode", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMinimalUI", 0) if !exists("g:NERDTreeIgnore") let g:NERDTreeIgnore = ['\~$'] endif call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile", expand('$HOME') . '/.NERDTreeBookmarks') +call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeBookmarksSort", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMouseMode", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold", 100) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeQuitOnOpen", 0) +call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeRespectWildIgnore", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowFiles", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowHidden", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowLineNumbers", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeSortDirs", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeDirArrows", !nerdtree#runningWindows()) -call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeCasadeOpenSingleChildDir", 1) +call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir", 1) if !exists("g:NERDTreeSortOrder") let g:NERDTreeSortOrder = ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$'] @@ -140,20 +142,13 @@ call nerdtree#loadClassFiles() " SECTION: Commands {{{1 "============================================================ -"init the command that users start the nerd tree with -command! -n=? -complete=dir -bar NERDTree :call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary('') -command! -n=? -complete=dir -bar NERDTreeToggle :call g:NERDTreeCreator.TogglePrimary('') -command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeClose :call nerdtree#closeTreeIfOpen() -command! -n=1 -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -bar NERDTreeFromBookmark call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreatePrimary('') -command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeMirror call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateMirror() -command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeFind call nerdtree#findAndRevealPath() -command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeFocus call NERDTreeFocus() -command! -n=0 -bar NERDTreeCWD call NERDTreeCWD() +call nerdtree#ui_glue#setupCommands() + " SECTION: Auto commands {{{1 "============================================================ augroup NERDTree "Save the cursor position whenever we close the nerd tree - exec "autocmd BufWinLeave ". g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() ."* call nerdtree#saveScreenState()" + exec "autocmd BufLeave ". g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() ."* call b:NERDTree.ui.saveScreenState()" "disallow insert mode in the NERDTree exec "autocmd BufEnter ". g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() ."* stopinsert" @@ -199,7 +194,7 @@ endfunction function! NERDTreeCWD() call NERDTreeFocus() - call nerdtree#chRootCwd() + call nerdtree#ui_glue#chRootCwd() endfunction " SECTION: Post Source Actions {{{1 call nerdtree#postSourceActions() diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/syntax/nerdtree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/syntax/nerdtree.vim index 636d2af7..5f7b49cc 100644 --- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/syntax/nerdtree.vim +++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/syntax/nerdtree.vim @@ -1,44 +1,64 @@ let s:tree_up_dir_line = '.. (up a dir)' -"NERDTreeFlags are syntax items that should be invisible, but give clues as to -"how things should be highlighted -syn match NERDTreeFlag #\~# -syn match NERDTreeFlag #\[RO\]# +syn match NERDTreeIgnore #\~# +syn match NERDTreeIgnore #\[RO\]# "highlighting for the .. (up dir) line at the top of the tree execute "syn match NERDTreeUp #\\V". s:tree_up_dir_line ."#" -"highlighting for the ~/+ symbols for the directory nodes -syn match NERDTreeClosable #\~\<# -syn match NERDTreeClosable #\~\.# -syn match NERDTreeOpenable #+\<# -syn match NERDTreeOpenable #+\.#he=e-1 - -"highlighting for the tree structural parts -syn match NERDTreePart #|# -syn match NERDTreePart #`# -syn match NERDTreePartFile #[|`]-#hs=s+1 contains=NERDTreePart - "quickhelp syntax elements -syn match NERDTreeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*:#hs=s+2,he=e-1 -syn match NERDTreeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*,#hs=s+2,he=e-1 -syn match NERDTreeHelpTitle #" .*\~#hs=s+2,he=e-1 contains=NERDTreeFlag -syn match NERDTreeToggleOn #".*(on)#hs=e-2,he=e-1 contains=NERDTreeHelpKey -syn match NERDTreeToggleOff #".*(off)#hs=e-3,he=e-1 contains=NERDTreeHelpKey +syn match NERDTreeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*:#ms=s+2,me=e-1 +syn match NERDTreeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*,#ms=s+2,me=e-1 +syn match NERDTreeHelpTitle #" .*\~#ms=s+2,me=e-1 +syn match NERDTreeToggleOn #(on)#ms=s+1,he=e-1 +syn match NERDTreeToggleOff #(off)#ms=e-3,me=e-1 syn match NERDTreeHelpCommand #" :.\{-}\>#hs=s+3 -syn match NERDTreeHelp #^".*# contains=NERDTreeHelpKey,NERDTreeHelpTitle,NERDTreeFlag,NERDTreeToggleOff,NERDTreeToggleOn,NERDTreeHelpCommand - -"highlighting for readonly files -syn match NERDTreeRO #.*\[RO\]#hs=s+2 contains=NERDTreeFlag,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreePart,NERDTreePartFile +syn match NERDTreeHelp #^".*# contains=NERDTreeHelpKey,NERDTreeHelpTitle,NERDTreeIgnore,NERDTreeToggleOff,NERDTreeToggleOn,NERDTreeHelpCommand "highlighting for sym links -syn match NERDTreeLink #[^-| `].* -> # contains=NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeOpenable,NERDTreeClosable,NERDTreeDirSlash +syn match NERDTreeLinkTarget #->.*# containedin=NERDTreeDir,NERDTreeFile +syn match NERDTreeLinkFile #.* ->#me=e-3 containedin=NERDTreeFile +syn match NERDTreeLinkDir #.*/ ->#me=e-3 containedin=NERDTreeDir "highlighing for directory nodes and file nodes -syn match NERDTreeDirSlash #/# -syn match NERDTreeDir #[^-| `].*/# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreeDirSlash,NERDTreeOpenable,NERDTreeClosable -syn match NERDTreeExecFile #[|` ].*\*\($\| \)# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreeRO,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark -syn match NERDTreeFile #|-.*# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreeRO,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeExecFile -syn match NERDTreeFile #`-.*# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreeRO,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeExecFile +syn match NERDTreeDirSlash #/# containedin=NERDTreeDir + +if g:NERDTreeDirArrows + syn match NERDTreeClosable #▾# containedin=NERDTreeDir,NERDTreeFile + syn match NERDTreeOpenable #▸# containedin=NERDTreeDir,NERDTreeFile + + syn match NERDTreeDir #[^▾▸ ].*/# + syn match NERDTreeExecFile #^ .*\*\($\| \)# contains=NERDTreeRO,NERDTreeBookmark + syn match NERDTreeFile #^[^"\.▾▸] *[^▾▸]*# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreeRO,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeExecFile + + "highlighting for readonly files + syn match NERDTreeRO # *\zs.*\ze \[RO\]# contains=NERDTreeIgnore,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeFile + + syn match NERDTreeFlags #^ *\zs\[.\]# containedin=NERDTreeFile + syn match NERDTreeFlags #\[.\]# containedin=NERDTreeDir +else + "highlighting for the ~/+ symbols for the directory nodes + syn match NERDTreeClosable #\~\<# + syn match NERDTreeClosable #\~\.# + syn match NERDTreeOpenable #+\<# + syn match NERDTreeOpenable #+\.#he=e-1 + + "highlighting for the tree structural parts + syn match NERDTreePart #|# + syn match NERDTreePart #`# + syn match NERDTreePartFile #[|`]-#hs=s+1 contains=NERDTreePart + + syn match NERDTreeDir #[^-| `].*/# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreeOpenable,NERDTreeClosable + syn match NERDTreeExecFile #[|` ].*\*\($\| \)# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark + syn match NERDTreeFile #|-.*# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeExecFile + syn match NERDTreeFile #`-.*# contains=NERDTreeLink,NERDTreePart,NERDTreePartFile,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreeExecFile + + "highlighting for readonly files + syn match NERDTreeRO #|-.*\[RO\]#he=e-5 contains=NERDTreeIgnore,NERDTreeBookmark,NERDTreePart,NERDTreePartFile + + syn match NERDTreeFlags #-\[.\]# containedin=NERDTreeFile,NERDTreePartFile + syn match NERDTreeFlags #[+~]\zs\[.\]# containedin=NERDTreeDir +endif + syn match NERDTreeCWD #^[-\+Bookmarks-\+$# contains=NERDTreeBookmark syn match NERDTreeBookmarkName #^>.\{-} #he=e-1 contains=NERDTreeBookmarksLeader syn match NERDTreeBookmark #^>.*$# contains=NERDTreeBookmarksLeader,NERDTreeBookmarkName,NERDTreeBookmarksHeader -if exists("g:NERDChristmasTree") && g:NERDChristmasTree - hi def link NERDTreePart Special - hi def link NERDTreePartFile Type - hi def link NERDTreeFile Normal - hi def link NERDTreeExecFile Title - hi def link NERDTreeDirSlash Identifier - hi def link NERDTreeClosable Type -else - hi def link NERDTreePart Normal - hi def link NERDTreePartFile Normal - hi def link NERDTreeFile Normal - hi def link NERDTreeClosable Title -endif +hi def link NERDTreePart Special +hi def link NERDTreePartFile Type +hi def link NERDTreeExecFile Title +hi def link NERDTreeDirSlash Identifier hi def link NERDTreeBookmarksHeader statement hi def link NERDTreeBookmarksLeader ignore @@ -76,13 +87,19 @@ hi def link NERDTreeHelpTitle Macro hi def link NERDTreeToggleOn Question hi def link NERDTreeToggleOff WarningMsg +hi def link NERDTreeLinkTarget Type +hi def link NERDTreeLinkFile Macro +hi def link NERDTreeLinkDir Macro + hi def link NERDTreeDir Directory hi def link NERDTreeUp Directory +hi def link NERDTreeFile Normal hi def link NERDTreeCWD Statement -hi def link NERDTreeLink Macro hi def link NERDTreeOpenable Title -hi def link NERDTreeFlag ignore +hi def link NERDTreeClosable Title +hi def link NERDTreeIgnore ignore hi def link NERDTreeRO WarningMsg hi def link NERDTreeBookmark Statement +hi def link NERDTreeFlags Number hi def link NERDTreeCurrentNode Search diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/.gitignore b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc07c931 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +*~ +*.swp +tags +.DS_Store diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/CONTRIBUTING.md b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..378b53b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# CONTRIBUTING +- - - +1\. [Bug reports / GitHub issues](#bugreps) +2\. [Submitting a patch](#patches) +3\. [General style notes](#generalstyle) +4\. [Syntax checker notes](#checkerstyle) +- - - + + + +## 1. Bug reports / GitHub issues + +Please note that the preferred channel for posting bug reports is the +[issue tracker at GitHub][0]. Reports posted elsewhere are less likely +to be seen by the core team. + +When reporting a bug make sure you search the existing GitHub issues +for the same/similar issues. If you find one, feel free to add a `+1` +comment with any additional information that may help us solve the +issue. + +When creating a new issue be sure to state the following: + +* steps to reproduce the bug; +* the version of Vim you are using (run `:ver` to find out); +* the version of syntastic you are using (see `:SyntasticInfo`). + +For syntax checker bugs also state the version of the checker executable +that you are using. Adding debugging information is typically useful +too: + +* open a file handled by your checker; +* set `g:syntastic_debug` to 1 or 3; +* run the checker; +* copy the output of `:mes`. + + + +## 2. Submitting a patch + +Before you consider adding features to syntastic, _please_ spend a few +minutes (re-)reading the latest version of the [manual][1]. Syntastic +is changing rapidly at times, and it's quite possible that some of the +features you want to add exist already. + +To submit a patch: + +* fork the [repo][2] on GitHub; +* make a [topic branch][3] and start hacking; +* submit a pull request based off your topic branch. + +Small, focused patches are preferred. + +Large changes to the code should be discussed with the core team first. +Create an issue and explain your plan and see what we say. + +Also make sure to update the manual whenever applicable. Nobody can use +features that aren't documented. + + + +## 3. General style notes + +Follow the coding conventions/styles used in the syntastic core: + +* use 4 space indents; +* don't use abbreviated keywords - e.g. use `endfunction`, not `endfun` +(there's always room for more fun!); +* don't use `l:` prefixes for variables unless actually required (i.e. +almost never); +* code for maintainability; we would rather a function be a couple of +lines longer and have (for example) some [explaining variables][4] to +aid readability. + + + +## 4. Syntax checker notes + +Make sure to read the [guide][5] if you plan to add new syntax checkers. + +Use the existing checkers as templates, rather than writing everything +from scratch. + +The preferred style for error format strings is one "clause" per line. +E.g. (from the `coffee` checker): + +```vim +let errorformat = + \ '%E%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,' . + \ 'Syntax%trror: In %f\, %m on line %l,' . + \ '%EError: In %f\, Parse error on line %l: %m,' . + \ '%EError: In %f\, %m on line %l,' . + \ '%W%f(%l): lint warning: %m,' . + \ '%W%f(%l): warning: %m,' . + \ '%E%f(%l): SyntaxError: %m,' . + \ '%-Z%p^,' . + \ '%-G%.%#' +``` + +[0]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/issues +[1]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/blob/master/doc/syntastic.txt +[2]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic +[3]: https://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wiki/Topic-Branches#using-topic-branches-when-contributing-patches +[4]: http://www.refactoring.com/catalog/extractVariable.html +[5]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checker-Guide diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/LICENCE b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/LICENCE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b1a9d81 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/LICENCE @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, December 2004 + +Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified +copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long +as the name is changed. + + DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f8ede1a --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/README.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ + , + / \,,_ .'| + ,{{| /}}}}/_.' _____________________________________________ + }}}}` '{{' '. / \ + {{{{{ _ ;, \ / Ladies and Gentlemen, \ + ,}}}}}} /o`\ ` ;) | | + {{{{{{ / ( | this is ... | + }}}}}} | \ | | + {{{{{{{{ \ \ | | + }}}}}}}}} '.__ _ | | _____ __ __ _ | + {{{{{{{{ /`._ (_\ / | / ___/__ ______ / /_____ ______/ /_(_)____ | + }}}}}}' | //___/ --=: \__ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ __ `/ ___/ __/ / ___/ | + jgs `{{{{` | '--' | ___/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ / /__ | + }}}` | /____/\__, /_/ /_/\__/\__,_/____/\__/_/\___/ | + | /____/ | + | / + \_____________________________________________/ + + +- - - +1\. [Introduction](#introduction) +2\. [Installation](#installation) +3\. [FAQ](#faq) +4\. [Other resources](#otherresources) +- - - + + + +## 1\. Introduction + +Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for [Vim][13] that runs files through +external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. This +can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved. If syntax errors +are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn't have to +compile their code or execute their script to find them. + +At the time of this writing, syntax checking plugins exist for ActionScript, +Ada, AppleScript, Arduino, AsciiDoc, ASM, BEMHTML, Bro, Bourne shell, C, +C++, C#, Cabal, Chef, CoffeeScript, Coco, Coq, CSS, Cucumber, CUDA, D, Dart, +DocBook, Dust, Elixir, Erlang, eRuby, Fortran, Gentoo metadata, GLSL, Go, +Haml, Haskell, Haxe, Handlebars, HSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, JSX, LESS, +Lex, Limbo, LISP, LLVM intermediate language, Lua, Markdown, MATLAB, NASM, +Objective-C, Objective-C++, OCaml, Perl, Perl POD, PHP, gettext Portable +Object, OS X and iOS property lists, Puppet, Python, R, Racket, Relax NG, +reStructuredText, RPM spec, Ruby, SASS/SCSS, Scala, Slim, Tcl, TeX, Texinfo, +Twig, TypeScript, Vala, Verilog, VHDL, VimL, xHtml, XML, XSLT, YACC, YAML, +z80, Zope page templates, and zsh. See the [wiki][3] for details about the +corresponding supported checkers. + +Below is a screenshot showing the methods that Syntastic uses to display syntax +errors. Note that, in practise, you will only have a subset of these methods +enabled. + +![Screenshot 1][0] + +1. Errors are loaded into the location list for the corresponding window. +2. When the cursor is on a line containing an error, the error message is echoed in the command window. +3. Signs are placed beside lines with errors - note that warnings are displayed in a different color. +4. There is a configurable statusline flag you can include in your statusline config. +5. Hover the mouse over a line containing an error and the error message is displayed as a balloon. +6. (not shown) Highlighting errors with syntax highlighting. Erroneous parts of lines can be highlighted. + + + +## 2\. Installation + + + +### 2.1\. Requirements + +Syntastic itself has rather relaxed requirements: it doesn't have any external +dependencies, and it needs a version of [Vim][13] compiled with a few common +features: `autocmd`, `eval`, `file_in_path`, `modify_fname`, `quickfix`, +`reltime`, and `user_commands`. Not all possible combinations of features that +include the ones above make equal sense on all operating systems, but Vim +version 7 or later with the "normal", "big", or "huge" feature sets should be +fine. + +Syntastic should work with any modern plugin managers for Vim, such as +[NeoBundle][14], [Pathogen][1], [Vim-Addon-Manager][15], [Vim-Plug][16], or +[Vundle][17]. Instructions for installing syntastic with [Pathogen][1] are +included below for completeness. + +Last but not least: syntastic doesn't know how to do any syntax checks by +itself. In order to get meaningful results you need to install external +checkers corresponding to the types of files you use. Please consult the +[wiki][3] for a list of supported checkers. + + + +### 2.2\. Installing syntastic with Pathogen + +If you already have [Pathogen][1] working then skip [Step 1](#step1) and go to +[Step 2](#step2). + + + +#### 2.2.1\. Step 1: Install pathogen.vim + +First I'll show you how to install Tim Pope's [Pathogen][1] so that it's easy to +install syntastic. Do this in your terminal so that you get the `pathogen.vim` +file and the directories it needs: +```sh +mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \ +curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim +``` +Next you *need* to add this to your `~/.vimrc`: +```vim +execute pathogen#infect() +``` + + + +#### 2.2.2\. Step 2: Install syntastic as a Pathogen bundle + +You now have pathogen installed and can put syntastic into `~/.vim/bundle` like +this: +```sh +cd ~/.vim/bundle && \ +git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git +``` +Quit vim and start it back up to reload it, then type: +```vim +:Helptags +``` +If you get an error when you do this, then you probably didn't install +[Pathogen][1] right. Go back to [Step 1](#step1) and make sure you did the +following: + +1. Created both the `~/.vim/autoload` and `~/.vim/bundle` directories. +2. Added the `call pathogen#infect()` line to your `~/.vimrc` file +3. Did the `git clone` of syntastic inside `~/.vim/bundle` +4. Have permissions to access all of these directories. + + + + +## 3\. FAQ + + + +__Q. I installed syntastic but it isn't reporting any errors...__ + +A. The most likely reason is that none of the syntax checkers that it requires +is installed. For example: by default, python requires either `flake8` or +`pylint` to be installed and in your `$PATH`. To see which executables are +supported, look at the [wiki][3]. Note that aliases do not work; the actual +executables must be available in your `$PATH`. Symbolic links are okay though. +You can see syntastic's idea of available checkers by running `:SyntasticInfo`. + +Another reason it could fail is that either the command line options or the +error output for a syntax checker may have changed. In this case, make sure you +have the latest version of the syntax checker installed. If it still fails then +create an issue - or better yet, create a pull request. + + + +__Q. The `python` checker complains about syntactically valid Python 3 constructs...__ + +A. Configure the `python` checker to call a Python 3 interpreter rather than +Python 2, e.g: +```vim +let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = '/path/to/python3' +``` + + + +__Q. The `perl` checker has stopped working...__ + +A. The `perl` checker runs `perl -c` against your file, which in turn +__executes__ any `BEGIN`, `UNITCHECK`, and `CHECK` blocks, and any `use` +statements in your file (cf. [perlrun][10]). This is probably fine if you +wrote the file yourself, but it's a security problem if you're checking third +party files. Since there is currently no way to disable this behaviour while +still producing useful results, the checker is now disabled by default. To +(re-)enable it, make sure the `g:syntastic_perl_checkers` list includes `perl`, +and set `g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker` to 1 in your vimrc: +```vim +let g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker = 1 +``` + + + +__Q. What happened to the `rustc` checker?__ + +A. It has been included in the [Rust compiler package][12]. If you have +a recent version of the Rust compiler, the checker should be picked up +automatically by syntastic. + + + +__Q. I run a checker and the location list is not updated...__ +__Q. I run`:lopen` or `:lwindow` and the error window is empty...__ + +A. By default the location list is changed only when you run the `:Errors` +command, in order to minimise conflicts with other plugins. If you want the +location list to always be updated when you run the checkers, add this line to +your vimrc: +```vim +let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1 +``` + + + +__Q. How can I pass additional arguments to a checker?__ + +A. Almost all syntax checkers use the `makeprgBuild()` function. Those checkers +that do can be configured using global variables. The general form of the +global `args` variables is `syntastic___args`. + +So, If you wanted to pass "--my --args --here" to the ruby mri checker you +would add this line to your vimrc: +```vim +let g:syntastic_ruby_mri_args = "--my --args --here" +``` + +See `:help syntastic-checker-options` for more information. + + + +__Q. Syntastic supports several checkers for my filetype - how do I tell it +which one(s) to use?__ + +A. Stick a line like this in your vimrc: +```vim +let g:syntastic__checkers = [''] +``` + +To see the list of supported checkers for your filetype look at the +[wiki][3]. + +e.g. Python has the following checkers, among others: `flake8`, `pyflakes`, +`pylint` and a native `python` checker. + +To tell syntastic to use `pylint`, you would use this setting: +```vim +let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['pylint'] +``` + +Checkers can be chained together like this: +```vim +let g:syntastic_php_checkers = ['php', 'phpcs', 'phpmd'] +``` + +This is telling syntastic to run the `php` checker first, and if no errors are +found, run `phpcs`, and then `phpmd`. + +You can also run checkers explicitly by calling `:SyntasticCheck `. + +e.g. to run `phpcs` and `phpmd`: +```vim +:SyntasticCheck phpcs phpmd +``` + +This works for any checkers available for the current filetype, even if they +aren't listed in `g:syntastic__checkers`. You can't run checkers for +"foreign" filetypes though (e.g. you can't run, say, a Python checker if the +filetype of the current file is `php`). + + + +__Q. What is the difference between syntax checkers and style checkers?__ + +A. The errors and warnings they produce are highlighted differently and can +be filtered by different rules, but otherwise the distinction is pretty much +arbitrary. There is an ongoing effort to keep things consistent, so you can +_generally_ expect messages produced by syntax checkers to be _mostly_ related +to syntax, and messages produced by style checkers to be _mostly_ about style. +But there can be no formal guarantee that, say, a style checker that runs into +a syntax error wouldn't die with a fatal message, nor that a syntax checker +wouldn't give you warnings against using some constructs as being bad practice. +There is also no guarantee that messages marked as "style" are less severe than +the ones marked as "syntax" (whatever that might mean). And there are even a +few Frankenstein checkers (for example `flake8` and `pylama`) that, by their +nature, produce both kinds of messages. Syntastic is not smart enough to be +able to sort out these things by itself. + +In fact it's more useful to look at this from the perspective of filtering +unwanted messages, rather than as an indicator of severity levels. The +distinction between syntax and style is orthogonal to the distinction between +errors and warnings, and thus you can turn off messages based on level, on +type, or both. + +e.g. To disable all style messages: +```vim +let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = { "type": "style" } +``` +See `:help syntastic_quiet_messages` for details. + + + +__Q. I have enabled multiple checkers for the current filetype. How can I +display all of the errors from all of the checkers together?__ + +A. Set `g:syntastic_aggregate_errors` to 1 in your vimrc: +```vim +let g:syntastic_aggregate_errors = 1 +``` + +See `:help syntastic-aggregating-errors` for more details. + + + +__Q. How can I jump between the different errors without using the location +list at the bottom of the window?__ + +A. Vim provides several built-in commands for this. See `:help :lnext` and +`:help :lprev`. + +If you use these commands a lot then you may want to add shortcut mappings to +your vimrc, or install something like [unimpaired][2], which provides such +mappings (among other things). + + + +__Q. The error window is closed automatically when I :quit the current buffer +but not when I :bdelete it?__ + +A. There is no safe way to handle that situation automatically, but you can +work around it: + +```vim +nnoremap :lclose:bdelete +cabbrev bd lclose\|bdelete +``` + + + + +## 4\. Other resources + +The preferred place for posting suggestions, reporting bugs, and general +discussions related to syntastic is the [issue tracker at GitHub][4]. +A guide for writing syntax checkers can be found in the [wiki][11]. +There are also a dedicated [google group][5], and a +[syntastic tag at StackOverflow][6]. + +Syntastic aims to provide a common interface to syntax checkers for as many +languages as possible. For particular languages, there are, of course, other +plugins that provide more functionality than syntastic. You might want to take +a look at [jedi-vim][7], [python-mode][8], or [YouCompleteMe][9]. + +[0]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/raw/master/_assets/screenshot_1.png +[1]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen +[2]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired +[3]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checkers +[4]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/issues +[5]: https://groups.google.com/group/vim-syntastic +[6]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/syntastic +[7]: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim +[8]: https://github.com/klen/python-mode +[9]: http://valloric.github.io/YouCompleteMe/ +[10]: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrun.html#*-c* +[11]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checker-Guide +[12]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/ +[13]: http://www.vim.org/ +[14]: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim +[15]: https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager +[16]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/ +[17]: https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim + + diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/_assets/screenshot_1.png b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/_assets/screenshot_1.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1b69f4b Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/_assets/screenshot_1.png differ diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/c.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/c.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32226482 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/c.vim @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload = 1 + +let s:save_cpo = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +" Public functions {{{1 + +" convenience function to determine the 'null device' parameter +" based on the current operating system +function! syntastic#c#NullOutput() " {{{2 + let known_os = has('unix') || has('mac') || syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() + return known_os ? '-o ' . syntastic#util#DevNull() : '' +endfunction " }}}2 + +" read additional compiler flags from the given configuration file +" the file format and its parsing mechanism is inspired by clang_complete +function! syntastic#c#ReadConfig(file) " {{{2 + " search in the current file's directory upwards + let config = findfile(a:file, '.;') + if config == '' || !filereadable(config) + return '' + endif + + " convert filename into absolute path + let filepath = fnamemodify(config, ':p:h') + + " try to read config file + try + let lines = readfile(config) + catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E48[45]/ + return '' + endtry + + " filter out empty lines and comments + call filter(lines, 'v:val !~ ''\v^(\s*#|$)''') + + " remove leading and trailing spaces + call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, ''\m^\s\+'', "", "")') + call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, ''\m\s\+$'', "", "")') + + let parameters = [] + for line in lines + let matches = matchstr(line, '\m\C^\s*-I\s*\zs.\+') + if matches != '' + " this one looks like an absolute path + if match(matches, '\m^\%(/\|\a:\)') != -1 + call add(parameters, '-I' . matches) + else + call add(parameters, '-I' . filepath . syntastic#util#Slash() . matches) + endif + else + call add(parameters, line) + endif + endfor + + return join(map(parameters, 'syntastic#util#shescape(v:val)')) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" GetLocList() for C-like compilers +function! syntastic#c#GetLocList(filetype, subchecker, options) " {{{2 + try + let flags = s:_getCflags(a:filetype, a:subchecker, a:options) + catch /\m\C^Syntastic: skip checks$/ + return [] + endtry + + let makeprg = syntastic#util#shexpand(g:syntastic_{a:filetype}_compiler) . + \ ' ' . flags . ' ' . syntastic#util#shexpand('%') + + let errorformat = s:_getCheckerVar('g', a:filetype, a:subchecker, 'errorformat', a:options['errorformat']) + + let postprocess = s:_getCheckerVar('g', a:filetype, a:subchecker, 'remove_include_errors', 0) ? + \ ['filterForeignErrors'] : [] + + " process makeprg + return SyntasticMake({ + \ 'makeprg': makeprg, + \ 'errorformat': errorformat, + \ 'postprocess': postprocess }) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +" Private functions {{{1 + +" initialize c/cpp syntax checker handlers +function! s:_init() " {{{2 + let s:handlers = [] + let s:cflags = {} + + call s:_regHandler('\m\', 's:_check_php', []) + call s:_regHandler('\m\', 's:_check_python', []) + call s:_regHandler('\m\" + echohl ErrorMsg + echomsg "syntastic: error: " . a:msg + echohl None +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#log#oneTimeWarn(msg) " {{{2 + if index(s:one_time_notices_issued, a:msg) >= 0 + return + endif + + call add(s:one_time_notices_issued, a:msg) + call syntastic#log#warn(a:msg) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" @vimlint(EVL102, 1, l:OLD_VAR) +function! syntastic#log#deprecationWarn(old, new, ...) " {{{2 + if exists('g:syntastic_' . a:old) && !exists('g:syntastic_' . a:new) + let msg = 'variable g:syntastic_' . a:old . ' is deprecated, please use ' + + if a:0 + let OLD_VAR = g:syntastic_{a:old} + try + let NEW_VAR = eval(a:1) + let msg .= 'in its stead: let g:syntastic_' . a:new . ' = ' . string(NEW_VAR) + let g:syntastic_{a:new} = NEW_VAR + catch + let msg .= 'g:syntastic_' . a:new . ' instead' + endtry + else + let msg .= 'g:syntastic_' . a:new . ' instead' + let g:syntastic_{a:new} = g:syntastic_{a:old} + endif + + call syntastic#log#oneTimeWarn(msg) + endif +endfunction " }}}2 +" @vimlint(EVL102, 0, l:OLD_VAR) + +function! syntastic#log#debug(level, msg, ...) " {{{2 + if !s:isDebugEnabled(a:level) + return + endif + + let leader = s:_logTimestamp() + call s:_logRedirect(1) + + if a:0 > 0 + " filter out dictionary functions + echomsg leader . a:msg . ' ' . + \ strtrans(string(type(a:1) == type({}) || type(a:1) == type([]) ? + \ filter(copy(a:1), 'type(v:val) != type(function("tr"))') : a:1)) + else + echomsg leader . a:msg + endif + + call s:_logRedirect(0) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#log#debugShowOptions(level, names) " {{{2 + if !s:isDebugEnabled(a:level) + return + endif + + let leader = s:_logTimestamp() + call s:_logRedirect(1) + + let vlist = copy(type(a:names) == type("") ? [a:names] : a:names) + if !empty(vlist) + call map(vlist, "'&' . v:val . ' = ' . strtrans(string(eval('&' . v:val)))") + echomsg leader . join(vlist, ', ') + endif + call s:_logRedirect(0) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#log#debugShowVariables(level, names) " {{{2 + if !s:isDebugEnabled(a:level) + return + endif + + let leader = s:_logTimestamp() + call s:_logRedirect(1) + + let vlist = type(a:names) == type("") ? [a:names] : a:names + for name in vlist + let msg = s:_formatVariable(name) + if msg != '' + echomsg leader . msg + endif + endfor + + call s:_logRedirect(0) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#log#debugDump(level) " {{{2 + if !s:isDebugEnabled(a:level) + return + endif + + call syntastic#log#debugShowVariables( a:level, sort(keys(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEFAULTS)) ) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +" Private functions {{{1 + +function! s:_isDebugEnabled_smart(level) " {{{2 + return and(g:syntastic_debug, a:level) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! s:_isDebugEnabled_dumb(level) " {{{2 + " poor man's bit test for bit N, assuming a:level == 2**N + return (g:syntastic_debug / a:level) % 2 +endfunction " }}}2 + +let s:isDebugEnabled = function(exists('*and') ? 's:_isDebugEnabled_smart' : 's:_isDebugEnabled_dumb') +lockvar s:isDebugEnabled + +function! s:_logRedirect(on) " {{{2 + if exists("g:syntastic_debug_file") + if a:on + try + execute 'redir >> ' . fnameescape(expand(g:syntastic_debug_file)) + catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/ + silent! redir END + unlet g:syntastic_debug_file + endtry + else + silent! redir END + endif + endif +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! s:_logTimestamp() " {{{2 + return 'syntastic: ' . split(reltimestr(reltime(g:_SYNTASTIC_START)))[0] . ': ' +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! s:_formatVariable(name) " {{{2 + let vals = [] + if exists('g:syntastic_' . a:name) + call add(vals, 'g:syntastic_' . a:name . ' = ' . strtrans(string(g:syntastic_{a:name}))) + endif + if exists('b:syntastic_' . a:name) + call add(vals, 'b:syntastic_' . a:name . ' = ' . strtrans(string(b:syntastic_{a:name}))) + endif + + return join(vals, ', ') +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +let &cpo = s:save_cpo +unlet s:save_cpo + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/postprocess.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/postprocess.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80fd7cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/postprocess.vim @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_postprocess_autoload") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_syntastic_postprocess_autoload = 1 + +let s:save_cpo = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +" Public functions {{{1 + +" merge consecutive blanks +function! syntastic#postprocess#compressWhitespace(errors) " {{{2 + for e in a:errors + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], "\001", '', 'g') + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], '\n', ' ', 'g') + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], '\m\s\{2,}', ' ', 'g') + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], '\m^\s\+', '', '') + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], '\m\s\+$', '', '') + endfor + + return a:errors +endfunction " }}}2 + +" remove spurious CR under Cygwin +function! syntastic#postprocess#cygwinRemoveCR(errors) " {{{2 + if has('win32unix') + for e in a:errors + let e['text'] = substitute(e['text'], '\r', '', 'g') + endfor + endif + + return a:errors +endfunction " }}}2 + +" decode XML entities +function! syntastic#postprocess#decodeXMLEntities(errors) " {{{2 + for e in a:errors + let e['text'] = syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(e['text']) + endfor + + return a:errors +endfunction " }}}2 + +" filter out errors referencing other files +function! syntastic#postprocess#filterForeignErrors(errors) " {{{2 + return filter(copy(a:errors), 'get(v:val, "bufnr") == ' . bufnr('')) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" make sure line numbers are not past end of buffers +" XXX: this loads all referenced buffers in memory +function! syntastic#postprocess#guards(errors) " {{{2 + let buffers = syntastic#util#unique(map(filter(copy(a:errors), 'v:val["valid"]'), 'str2nr(v:val["bufnr"])')) + + let guards = {} + for b in buffers + let guards[b] = len(getbufline(b, 1, '$')) + endfor + + for e in a:errors + if e['valid'] && e['lnum'] > guards[e['bufnr']] + let e['lnum'] = guards[e['bufnr']] + endif + endfor + + return a:errors +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +let &cpo = s:save_cpo +unlet s:save_cpo + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/preprocess.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/preprocess.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04c88583 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/preprocess.vim @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_preprocess_autoload") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_syntastic_preprocess_autoload = 1 + +let s:save_cpo = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +" Public functions {{{1 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#cabal(errors) " {{{2 + let out = [] + let star = 0 + for err in a:errors + if star + if err == '' + let star = 0 + else + let out[-1] .= ' ' . err + endif + else + call add(out, err) + if err =~ '\m^*\s' + let star = 1 + endif + endif + endfor + return out +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#checkstyle(errors) " {{{2 + let out = [] + let fname = expand('%') + for err in a:errors + if match(err, '\m') > -1 + let line = str2nr(matchstr(err, '\m\ \[[^]]+\])+\ze:'', "", "")') +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#killEmpty(errors) " {{{2 + return filter(copy(a:errors), 'v:val != ""') +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#perl(errors) " {{{2 + let out = [] + + for e in a:errors + let parts = matchlist(e, '\v^(.*)\sat\s(.*)\sline\s(\d+)(.*)$') + if !empty(parts) + call add(out, parts[2] . ':' . parts[3] . ':' . parts[1] . parts[4]) + endif + endfor + + return syntastic#util#unique(out) +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#prospector(errors) " {{{2 + " JSON artifacts + let true = 1 + let false = 0 + let null = '' + + " A hat tip to Marc Weber for this trick + " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17751186/iterating-over-a-string-in-vimscript-or-parse-a-json-file/19105763#19105763 + try + let errs = eval(join(a:errors, '')) + catch + let errs = {} + endtry + + let out = [] + if type(errs) == type({}) && has_key(errs, 'messages') && type(errs['messages']) == type([]) + for e in errs['messages'] + if type(e) == type({}) + try + if e['source'] ==# 'pylint' + let e['location']['character'] += 1 + endif + + let msg = + \ e['location']['path'] . ':' . + \ e['location']['line'] . ':' . + \ e['location']['character'] . ': ' . + \ e['code'] . ' ' . + \ e['message'] . ' ' . + \ '[' . e['source'] . ']' + + call add(out, msg) + catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E716/ + call syntastic#log#warn('checker python/prospector: unknown error format') + let out = [] + break + endtry + else + call syntastic#log#warn('checker python/prospector: unknown error format') + let out = [] + break + endif + endfor + else + call syntastic#log#warn('checker python/prospector: unknown error format') + endif + + return out +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#rparse(errors) " {{{2 + let errlist = copy(a:errors) + + " remove uninteresting lines and handle continuations + let i = 0 + while i < len(errlist) + if i > 0 && errlist[i][:1] == ' ' && errlist[i] !~ '\m\s\+\^$' + let errlist[i-1] .= errlist[i][1:] + call remove(errlist, i) + elseif errlist[i] !~ '\m^\(Lint:\|Lint checking:\|Error in\) ' + call remove(errlist, i) + else + let i += 1 + endif + endwhile + + let out = [] + let fname = '' + for e in errlist + if match(e, '\m^Lint: ') == 0 + let parts = matchlist(e, '\m^Lint: \(.*\): found on lines \([0-9, ]\+\)\(+\(\d\+\) more\)\=') + if len(parts) >= 3 + for line in split(parts[2], '\m,\s*') + call add(out, 'E:' . fname . ':' . line . ': ' . parts[1]) + endfor + endif + if len(parts) >= 5 && parts[4] != '' + call add(out, 'E:' . fname . ':0: ' . parts[1] . ' - ' . parts[4] . ' messages not shown') + endif + elseif match(e, '\m^Lint checking: ') == 0 + let fname = matchstr(e, '\m^Lint checking: \zs.*') + elseif match(e, '\m^Error in ') == 0 + call add(out, substitute(e, '\m^Error in .\+ : .\+\ze:\d\+:\d\+: ', 'E:' . fname, '')) + endif + endfor + + return out +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#tslint(errors) " {{{2 + return map(copy(a:errors), 'substitute(v:val, ''\m^\(([^)]\+)\)\s\(.\+\)$'', ''\2 \1'', "")') +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#preprocess#validator(errors) " {{{2 + let out = [] + for e in a:errors + let parts = matchlist(e, '\v^"([^"]+)"(.+)') + if len(parts) >= 3 + " URL decode, except leave alone any "+" + let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\m%\(\x\x\)', '\=nr2char("0x".submatch(1))', 'g') + let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\m\\"', '"', 'g') + let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\m\\\\', '\\', 'g') + call add(out, '"' . parts[1] . '"' . parts[2]) + endif + endfor + return out +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +let &cpo = s:save_cpo +unlet s:save_cpo + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27ef34b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/autoload/syntastic/util.vim @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ +if exists('g:loaded_syntastic_util_autoload') || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") + finish +endif +let g:loaded_syntastic_util_autoload = 1 + +let s:save_cpo = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +" Public functions {{{1 + +function! syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() " {{{2 + return has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#util#DevNull() " {{{2 + if syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() + return 'NUL' + endif + return '/dev/null' +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Get directory separator +function! syntastic#util#Slash() abort " {{{2 + return (!exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash) ? '/' : '\' +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Create a temporary directory +function! syntastic#util#tmpdir() " {{{2 + let tempdir = '' + + if (has('unix') || has('mac')) && executable('mktemp') + " TODO: option "-t" to mktemp(1) is not portable + let tmp = $TMPDIR != '' ? $TMPDIR : $TMP != '' ? $TMP : '/tmp' + let out = split(system('mktemp -q -d ' . tmp . '/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() . '-XXXXXXXX'), "\n") + if v:shell_error == 0 && len(out) == 1 + let tempdir = out[0] + endif + endif + + if tempdir == '' + if has('win32') || has('win64') + let tempdir = $TEMP . syntastic#util#Slash() . 'vim-syntastic-' . getpid() + elseif has('win32unix') + let tempdir = s:CygwinPath('/tmp/vim-syntastic-' . getpid()) + elseif $TMPDIR != '' + let tempdir = $TMPDIR . '/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() + else + let tempdir = '/tmp/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() + endif + endif + + return tempdir +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Recursively remove a directory +function! syntastic#util#rmrf(what) " {{{2 + if getftype(a:what) ==# 'dir' + if !exists('s:rmrf') + let s:rmrf = + \ has('unix') || has('mac') ? 'rm -rf' : + \ has('win32') || has('win64') ? 'rmdir /S /Q' : + \ has('win16') || has('win95') || has('dos16') || has('dos32') ? 'deltree /Y' : '' + endif + + if s:rmrf != '' + silent! call system(s:rmrf . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what)) + else + call s:_rmrf(a:what) + endif + else + silent! call delete(a:what) + endif +endfunction " }}}2 + +"search the first 5 lines of the file for a magic number and return a map +"containing the args and the executable +" +"e.g. +" +"#!/usr/bin/perl -f -bar +" +"returns +" +"{'exe': '/usr/bin/perl', 'args': ['-f', '-bar']} +function! syntastic#util#parseShebang() " {{{2 + for lnum in range(1, 5) + let line = getline(lnum) + if line =~ '^#!' + let line = substitute(line, '\v^#!\s*(\S+/env(\s+-\S+)*\s+)?', '', '') + let exe = matchstr(line, '\m^\S*\ze') + let args = split(matchstr(line, '\m^\S*\zs.*')) + return { 'exe': exe, 'args': args } + endif + endfor + + return { 'exe': '', 'args': [] } +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Get the value of a variable. Allow local variables to override global ones. +function! syntastic#util#var(name, ...) " {{{2 + return + \ exists('b:syntastic_' . a:name) ? b:syntastic_{a:name} : + \ exists('g:syntastic_' . a:name) ? g:syntastic_{a:name} : + \ a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : '' +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Parse a version string. Return an array of version components. +function! syntastic#util#parseVersion(version) " {{{2 + return map(split(matchstr( a:version, '\v^\D*\zs\d+(\.\d+)+\ze' ), '\m\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Run 'command' in a shell and parse output as a version string. +" Returns an array of version components. +function! syntastic#util#getVersion(command) " {{{2 + return syntastic#util#parseVersion(system(a:command)) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Verify that the 'installed' version is at least the 'required' version. +" +" 'installed' and 'required' must be arrays. If they have different lengths, +" the "missing" elements will be assumed to be 0 for the purposes of checking. +" +" See http://semver.org for info about version numbers. +function! syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(installed, required) " {{{2 + return syntastic#util#compareLexi(a:installed, a:required) >= 0 +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Almost lexicographic comparison of two lists of integers. :) If lists +" have different lengths, the "missing" elements are assumed to be 0. +function! syntastic#util#compareLexi(a, b) " {{{2 + for idx in range(max([len(a:a), len(a:b)])) + let a_element = str2nr(get(a:a, idx, 0)) + let b_element = str2nr(get(a:b, idx, 0)) + if a_element != b_element + return a_element > b_element ? 1 : -1 + endif + endfor + " Everything matched, so it is at least the required version. + return 0 +endfunction " }}}2 + +" strwidth() was added in Vim 7.3; if it doesn't exist, we use strlen() +" and hope for the best :) +let s:width = function(exists('*strwidth') ? 'strwidth' : 'strlen') +lockvar s:width + +function! syntastic#util#screenWidth(str, tabstop) " {{{2 + let chunks = split(a:str, "\t", 1) + let width = s:width(chunks[-1]) + for c in chunks[:-2] + let cwidth = s:width(c) + let width += cwidth + a:tabstop - cwidth % a:tabstop + endfor + return width +endfunction " }}}2 + +"print as much of a:msg as possible without "Press Enter" prompt appearing +function! syntastic#util#wideMsg(msg) " {{{2 + let old_ruler = &ruler + let old_showcmd = &showcmd + + "This is here because it is possible for some error messages to + "begin with \n which will cause a "press enter" prompt. + let msg = substitute(a:msg, "\n", "", "g") + + "convert tabs to spaces so that the tabs count towards the window + "width as the proper amount of characters + let chunks = split(msg, "\t", 1) + let msg = join(map(chunks[:-2], 'v:val . repeat(" ", &tabstop - s:width(v:val) % &tabstop)'), '') . chunks[-1] + let msg = strpart(msg, 0, &columns - 1) + + set noruler noshowcmd + call syntastic#util#redraw(0) + + echo msg + + let &ruler = old_ruler + let &showcmd = old_showcmd +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Check whether a buffer is loaded, listed, and not hidden +function! syntastic#util#bufIsActive(buffer) " {{{2 + " convert to number, or hell breaks loose + let buf = str2nr(a:buffer) + + if !bufloaded(buf) || !buflisted(buf) + return 0 + endif + + " get rid of hidden buffers + for tab in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) + if index(tabpagebuflist(tab), buf) >= 0 + return 1 + endif + endfor + + return 0 +endfunction " }}}2 + +" start in directory a:where and walk up the parent folders until it +" finds a file matching a:what; return path to that file +function! syntastic#util#findInParent(what, where) " {{{2 + let here = fnamemodify(a:where, ':p') + + let root = syntastic#util#Slash() + if syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() && here[1] == ':' + " The drive letter is an ever-green source of fun. That's because + " we don't care about running syntastic on Amiga these days. ;) + let root = fnamemodify(root, ':p') + let root = here[0] . root[1:] + endif + + let old = '' + while here != '' + let p = split(globpath(here, a:what), '\n') + + if !empty(p) + return fnamemodify(p[0], ':p') + elseif here ==? root || here ==? old + break + endif + + let old = here + + " we use ':h:h' rather than ':h' since ':p' adds a trailing '/' + " if 'here' is a directory + let here = fnamemodify(here, ':p:h:h') + endwhile + + return '' +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Returns unique elements in a list +function! syntastic#util#unique(list) " {{{2 + let seen = {} + let uniques = [] + for e in a:list + if !has_key(seen, e) + let seen[e] = 1 + call add(uniques, e) + endif + endfor + return uniques +endfunction " }}}2 + +" A less noisy shellescape() +function! syntastic#util#shescape(string) " {{{2 + return a:string =~ '\m^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' ? a:string : shellescape(a:string) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" A less noisy shellescape(expand()) +function! syntastic#util#shexpand(string) " {{{2 + return syntastic#util#shescape(expand(a:string)) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" decode XML entities +function! syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(string) " {{{2 + let str = a:string + let str = substitute(str, '\m<', '<', 'g') + let str = substitute(str, '\m>', '>', 'g') + let str = substitute(str, '\m"', '"', 'g') + let str = substitute(str, '\m'', "'", 'g') + let str = substitute(str, '\m&', '\&', 'g') + return str +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#util#redraw(full) " {{{2 + if a:full + redraw! + else + redraw + endif +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! syntastic#util#dictFilter(errors, filter) " {{{2 + let rules = s:_translateFilter(a:filter) + " call syntastic#log#debug(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEBUG_TRACE, "applying filter:", rules) + try + call filter(a:errors, rules) + catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ + let msg = matchstr(v:exception, '\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:\zs.*') + call syntastic#log#error('quiet_messages: ' . msg) + endtry +endfunction " }}}2 + +" Return a [high, low] list of integers, representing the time +" (hopefully high resolution) since program start +" TODO: This assumes reltime() returns a list of integers. +function! syntastic#util#stamp() " {{{2 + return reltime(g:_SYNTASTIC_START) +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +" Private functions {{{1 + +function! s:_translateFilter(filters) " {{{2 + let conditions = [] + for k in keys(a:filters) + if type(a:filters[k]) == type([]) + call extend(conditions, map(copy(a:filters[k]), 's:_translateElement(k, v:val)')) + else + call add(conditions, s:_translateElement(k, a:filters[k])) + endif + endfor + + if conditions == [] + let conditions = ["1"] + endif + return len(conditions) == 1 ? conditions[0] : join(map(conditions, '"(" . v:val . ")"'), ' && ') +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! s:_translateElement(key, term) " {{{2 + if a:key ==? 'level' + let ret = 'v:val["type"] !=? ' . string(a:term[0]) + elseif a:key ==? 'type' + let ret = a:term ==? 'style' ? 'get(v:val, "subtype", "") !=? "style"' : 'has_key(v:val, "subtype")' + elseif a:key ==? 'regex' + let ret = 'v:val["text"] !~? ' . string(a:term) + elseif a:key ==? 'file' + let ret = 'bufname(str2nr(v:val["bufnr"])) !~# ' . string(a:term) + else + call syntastic#log#warn('quiet_messages: ignoring invalid key ' . strtrans(string(a:key))) + let ret = "1" + endif + return ret +endfunction " }}}2 + +function! s:_rmrf(what) " {{{2 + if !exists('s:rmdir') + let s:rmdir = syntastic#util#shescape(get(g:, 'netrw_localrmdir', 'rmdir')) + endif + + if getftype(a:what) ==# 'dir' + for f in split(globpath(a:what, '*'), "\n") + call s:_rmrf(f) + endfor + silent! call system(s:rmdir . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what)) + else + silent! call delete(a:what) + endif +endfunction " }}}2 + +" }}}1 + +let &cpo = s:save_cpo +unlet s:save_cpo + +" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: diff --git a/sources_non_forked/syntastic/doc/syntastic.txt b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/doc/syntastic.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6d8dbe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources_non_forked/syntastic/doc/syntastic.txt @@ -0,0 +1,840 @@ +*syntastic.txt* Syntax checking on the fly has never been so pimp. +*syntastic* + + + It's a bird! It's a plane! ZOMG It's ... ~ + + _____ __ __ _ ~ + / ___/__ ______ / /_____ ______/ /_(_)____ ~ + \__ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ __ `/ ___/ __/ / ___/ ~ + ___/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ / /__ ~ + /____/\__, /_/ /_/\__/\__,_/____/\__/_/\___/ ~ + /____/ ~ + + + + Reference Manual~ + + +============================================================================== +CONTENTS *syntastic-contents* + + 1.Intro........................................|syntastic-intro| + 1.1.Quick start............................|syntastic-quickstart| + 2.Functionality provided.......................|syntastic-functionality| + 2.1.The statusline flag....................|syntastic-statusline-flag| + 2.2.Error signs............................|syntastic-error-signs| + 2.3.Error window...........................|syntastic-error-window| + 2.4.Error highlighting.....................|syntastic-highlighting| + 2.5.Aggregating errors.....................|syntastic-aggregating-errors| + 2.6.Filtering errors.......................|syntastic-filtering-errors| + 3.Commands.....................................|syntastic-commands| + 4.Global Options...............................|syntastic-global-options| + 5.Checker Options..............................|syntastic-checker-options| + 5.1.Choosing which checkers to use.........|syntastic-filetype-checkers| + 5.2.Choosing the executable................|syntastic-config-exec| + 5.3.Configuring specific checkers..........|syntastic-config-makeprg| + 5.4.Sorting errors.........................|syntastic-config-sort| + 6.Notes........................................|syntastic-notes| + 6.1.Handling of composite filetypes........|syntastic-composite| + 6.2.Editing files over network.............|syntastic-netrw| + 6.3.Interaction with python-mode...........|syntastic-pymode| + 6.4.Interaction with YouCompleteMe.........|syntastic-ycm| + 6.5.Interaction with the fish shell........|syntastic-fish| + 6.6.Interaction with PowerShell............|syntastic-powershell| + 6.7.Using syntastic with the fizsh shell...|syntastic-fizsh| + 6.8.Interaction with Eclim.................|syntastic-eclim| + 6.9.Interaction with vim-virtualenv........|syntastic-vim-virtualenv| + 6.10.Interaction with vim-auto-save........|syntastic-vim-auto-save| + 7.About........................................|syntastic-about| + 8.License......................................|syntastic-license| + + +============================================================================== +1. Intro *syntastic-intro* + +Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin that runs files through external syntax +checkers. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved and +opened. If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy +because they didn't have to compile their code or execute their script to find +them. + +Syntastic comes in two parts: the syntax checker plugins, and the core. The +syntax checker plugins are defined on a per-filetype basis where each one wraps +up an external syntax checking program. The core script delegates off to these +plugins and uses their output to provide the syntastic functionality. + +Take a look at the wiki for a list of supported filetypes and checkers: + + https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checkers + +Note: This doc only deals with using syntastic. To learn how to write syntax +checker integrations, see the guide on the GitHub wiki: + + https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checker-Guide + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +1.1. Quick start *syntastic-quickstart* + +Syntastic comes preconfigured with a default list of enabled checkers per +filetype. This list is kept reasonably short to prevent slowing down Vim or +trying to use conflicting checkers. + +You can see the list of checkers available for the current filetype with the +|:SyntasticInfo| command. + +You probably want to override the configured list of checkers for the +filetypes you use, and also change the arguments passed to specific checkers +to suit your needs. See |syntastic-checker-options| for details. + +Use |:SyntasticCheck| to manually check right now. Use |:Errors| to open the +|location-list| window, and |:lclose| to close it. You can clear the error +list with |:SyntasticReset|, and you can use |:SyntasticToggleMode| to switch +between active (checking on writing the buffer) and passive (manual) checking. + +============================================================================== +2. Functionality provided *syntastic-functionality* + +Syntax checking can be done automatically or on demand (see +|'syntastic_mode_map'| and |:SyntasticToggleMode| for configuring this). + +When syntax checking is done, the features below can be used to notify the +user of errors. See |syntastic-global-options| for how to configure and +activate/deactivate these features. + + * A statusline flag + * Signs beside lines with errors + * The |location-list| can be populated with the errors for the associated + buffer + * Erroneous parts of lines can be highlighted (this functionality is only + provided by some syntax checkers) + * Balloons (if the |+balloon_eval| feature is compiled in) can be used to + display error messages for erroneous lines when hovering the mouse over + them + * Error messages from multiple checkers can be aggregated in a single list + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.1. The statusline flag *syntastic-statusline-flag* + +To use the statusline flag, this must appear in your |'statusline'| setting > + %{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} +< +Something like this could be more useful: > + set statusline+=%#warningmsg# + set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} + set statusline+=%* +< +When syntax errors are detected a flag will be shown. The content of the flag +is derived from the |syntastic_stl_format| option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.2. Error signs *syntastic-error-signs* + +Syntastic uses the |:sign| commands to mark lines with errors and warnings in +the sign column. To enable this feature, use the |'syntastic_enable_signs'| +option. + +Signs are colored using the Error and Todo syntax highlight groups by default. +If you wish to customize the colors for the signs, you can use the following +groups: + SyntasticErrorSign - For syntax errors, links to 'error' by default + SyntasticWarningSign - For syntax warnings, links to 'todo' by default + SyntasticStyleErrorSign - For style errors, links to 'SyntasticErrorSign' + by default + SyntasticStyleWarningSign - For style warnings, links to + 'SyntasticWarningSign' by default + +Example: > + highlight SyntasticErrorSign guifg=white guibg=red +< +To set up highlighting for the line where a sign resides, you can use the +following highlight groups: + SyntasticErrorLine + SyntasticWarningLine + SyntasticStyleErrorLine - Links to 'SyntasticErrorLine' by default + SyntasticStyleWarningLine - Links to 'SyntasticWarningLine' by default + +Example: > + highlight SyntasticErrorLine guibg=#2f0000 +< +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.3. The error window *syntastic-error-window* + +You can use the |:Errors| command to display the errors for the current buffer +in the |location-list|. + +Note that when you use |:Errors|, the current location list is overwritten +with Syntastic's own location list. + +By default syntastic doesn't fill the |location-list| with the errors found by +the checkers, in order to reduce clashes with other plugins. Consequently, if +you run |:lopen| or |:lwindow| rather than |:Errors| to open the error window you +wouldn't see syntastic's list of errors. If you insist on using |:lopen| or +|:lwindow| you should either run |:SyntasticSetLoclist| after running the checks, +or set |syntastic_always_populate_loc_list| which tells syntastic to update the +|location-list| automatically. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.4. Error highlighting *syntastic-highlighting* + +Some checkers provide enough information for syntastic to be able to highlight +errors. By default the SpellBad syntax highlight group is used to color errors, +and the SpellCap group is used for warnings. If you wish to customize the +colors for highlighting you can use the following groups: + SyntasticError - Links to 'SpellBad' by default + SyntasticWarning - Links to 'SpellCap' by default + SyntasticStyleError - Links to SyntasticError by default + SyntasticStyleWarning - Links to SyntasticWarning by default + +Example: > + highlight SyntasticError guibg=#2f0000 +< +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.5. Aggregating errors *syntastic-aggregating-errors* + +By default, namely if |'syntastic_aggregate_errors'| is unset, syntastic runs +in turn the checkers corresponding to the filetype of the current file (see +|syntastic-filetype-checkers|), and stops as soon as a checker reports any +errors. It then notifies you of the errors using the notification mechanisms +above. In this mode error lists are always produced by a single checker, and, +if you open the error window, the name of the checker that generated the errors +is shown on the statusline of the error window. + +If |'syntastic_aggregate_errors'| is set, syntastic runs all checkers that +apply (still cf. |syntastic-filetype-checkers|), then aggregates errors found +by all checkers in a single list, and notifies you. In this mode each error +message is labeled with the name of the checker that generated it, but you can +disable generation of these labels by turning off '|syntastic_id_checkers|'. + +If |'syntastic_sort_aggregated_errors'| is set (which is the default), messages +in the aggregated list are grouped by file, then sorted by line number, then +type, then column number. Otherwise messages produced by the same checker are +grouped together, and sorting within each group is decided by the variables +|'syntastic___sort'|. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +2.6 Filtering errors *syntastic-filtering-errors* + +You can selectively disable some of the errors found by checkers either +using |'syntastic_quiet_messages'|, or by specifying a list of patterns in +|'syntastic_ignore_files'|. + +See also: |'syntastic___quiet_messages'|. + +============================================================================== +3. Commands *syntastic-commands* + +:Errors *:Errors* + +When errors have been detected, use this command to pop up the |location-list| +and display the error messages. + +Please note that the |:Errors| command overwrites the current location list with +syntastic's own location list. + +:SyntasticToggleMode *:SyntasticToggleMode* + +Toggles syntastic between active and passive mode. See |'syntastic_mode_map'| +for more info. + +:SyntasticCheck *:SyntasticCheck* + +Manually cause a syntax check to be done. By default the checkers in the +|'g:syntastic__checkers'| or |'b:syntastic_checkers'| lists are run, +cf. |syntastic-filetype-checkers|. If |syntastic_aggregate_errors| is unset +(which is the default), checking stops the first time a checker reports any +errors; if |syntastic_aggregate_errors| is set, all checkers that apply are run +in turn, and all errors found are aggregated in a single list. + +The command may be followed by a (space separated) list of checkers. In this +case |'g:syntastic__checkers'| and |'b:syntastic_checkers'| are +ignored, and the checkers named by the command's arguments are run instead, in +the order specified. The rules of |syntastic_aggregate_errors| still apply. + +Example: > + :SyntasticCheck flake8 pylint +< +:SyntasticInfo *:SyntasticInfo* + +The command takes an optional argument, and outputs information about the +checkers available for the filetype named by said argument, or for the current +filetype if no argument was provided. + +:SyntasticReset *:SyntasticReset* + +Resets the list of errors and turns off all error notifiers. + +:SyntasticSetLoclist *:SyntasticSetLoclist* + +If |'syntastic_always_populate_loc_list'| is not set, the |location-list| is +not filled in automatically with the list of errors detected by the checkers. +This is useful if you run syntastic along with other plugins that use location +lists. The |:SyntasticSetLoclist| command allows you to stick the errors into +the location list explicitly. + +============================================================================== +4. Global Options *syntastic-global-options* + + + *'syntastic_check_on_open'* +Default: 0 +If enabled, syntastic will do syntax checks when buffers are first loaded as +well as on saving > + let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1 +< + *'syntastic_check_on_wq'* +Default: 1 +Normally syntastic runs syntax checks whenever buffers are written to disk. +If you want to skip these checks when you issue |:wq|, |:x|, and |:ZZ|, set this +variable to 0. > + let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0 +< + *'syntastic_aggregate_errors'* +Default: 0 +When enabled, syntastic runs all checkers that apply to the current filetype, +then aggregates errors found by all checkers and displays them. When disabled, +syntastic runs each checker in turn, and stops to display the results the first +time a checker finds any errors. > + let g:syntastic_aggregate_errors = 1 +< + *'syntastic_id_checkers'* +Default: 1 +When results from multiple checkers are aggregated in a single error list +(that is either when |syntastic_aggregate_errors| is enabled, or when checking +a file with a composite filetype), it might not be immediately obvious which +checker has produced a given error message. This variable instructs syntastic +to label error messages with the names of the checkers that created them. > + let g:syntastic_id_checkers = 0 +< + *'syntastic_sort_aggregated_errors'* +Default: 1 +By default, when results from multiple checkers are aggregated in a single +error list (that is either when |syntastic_aggregate_errors| is enabled, or +when checking a file with a composite filetype), errors are grouped by file, +then sorted by line number, then grouped by type (namely errors take precedence +over warnings), then they are sorted by column number. If you want to leave +messages grouped by checker output, set this variable to 0. > + let g:syntastic_sort_aggregated_errors = 0 +< + *'syntastic_echo_current_error'* +Default: 1 +If enabled, syntastic will echo current error to the command window. If +multiple errors are found on the same line, |syntastic_cursor_columns| is used +to decide which one is shown. > + let g:syntastic_echo_current_error = 1 +< + *'syntastic_cursor_columns'* +Default: 1 +This option controls which errors are echoed to the command window if +|syntastic_echo_current_error| is set and multiple errors are found on the same +line. When the option is enabled, the first error corresponding to the current +column is show. Otherwise, the first error on the current line is echoed, +regardless of the cursor position on the current line. + +When dealing with very large lists of errors, disabling this option can speed +up navigation significantly: > + let g:syntastic_cursor_column = 0 +< + *'syntastic_enable_signs'* +Default: 1 +Use this option to tell syntastic whether to use the |:sign| interface to mark +syntax errors: > + let g:syntastic_enable_signs = 1 +< + *'syntastic_error_symbol'* *'syntastic_style_error_symbol'* + *'syntastic_warning_symbol'* *'syntastic_style_warning_symbol'* +Use this option to control what the syntastic |:sign| text contains. Several +error symbols can be customized: + syntastic_error_symbol - For syntax errors, defaults to '>>' + syntastic_style_error_symbol - For style errors, defaults to 'S>' + syntastic_warning_symbol - For syntax warnings, defaults to '>>' + syntastic_style_warning_symbol - For style warnings, defaults to 'S>' + +Example: > + let g:syntastic_error_symbol = "✗" + let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = "⚠" +< + *'syntastic_enable_balloons'* +Default: 1 +Use this option to tell syntastic whether to display error messages in balloons +when the mouse is hovered over erroneous lines: > + let g:syntastic_enable_balloons = 1 +< +Note that Vim must be compiled with |+balloon_eval|. + + *'syntastic_enable_highlighting'* +Default: 1 +Use this option to tell syntastic whether to use syntax highlighting to mark +errors (where possible). Highlighting can be turned off with the following > + let g:syntastic_enable_highlighting = 0 +< + *'syntastic_always_populate_loc_list'* +Default: 0 +Enable this option to tell syntastic to always stick any detected errors into +the |location-list|: > + let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1 +< + *'syntastic_auto_jump'* +Default: 0 +Enable this option if you want the cursor to jump to the first detected issue +when saving or opening a file. + +When set to 0 the cursor won't jump automatically. > + let g:syntastic_auto_jump = 0 +< +When set to 1 the cursor will always jump to the first issue detected. > + let g:syntastic_auto_jump = 1 +< +When set to 2 the cursor will jump to the first issue detected, but only if +this issue is an error. > + let g:syntastic_auto_jump = 2 +< + *'syntastic_auto_loc_list'* +Default: 2 +Use this option to tell syntastic to automatically open and/or close the +|location-list| (see |syntastic-error-window|). + +When set to 0 the error window will not be opened or closed automatically. > + let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 0 +< +When set to 1 the error window will be automatically opened when errors are +detected, and closed when none are detected. > + let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1 +< +When set to 2 the error window will be automatically closed when no errors are +detected, but not opened automatically. > + let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 2 +< + *'syntastic_loc_list_height'* +Default: 10 +Use this option to specify the height of the location lists that syntastic +opens. > + let g:syntastic_loc_list_height = 5 +< + *'syntastic_ignore_files'* +Default: [] +Use this option to specify files that syntastic should never check. It's a +list of |regular-expression| patterns. The full paths of files (see |::p|) are +matched against these patterns, and the matches are case sensitive. Use |\c| +to specify case insensitive patterns. Example: > + let g:syntastic_ignore_files = ['\m^/usr/include/', '\m\c\.h$'] +< + *'syntastic_filetype_map'* +Default: {} +Use this option to map non-standard filetypes to standard ones. Corresponding +checkers are mapped accordingly, which allows syntastic to check files with +non-standard filetypes: > + let g:syntastic_filetype_map = { "latex": "tex", + \ "gentoo-metadata": "xml" } +< +Composite filetypes can also be mapped to simple types, which disables the +default behaviour of running both checkers against the input file: > + let g:syntastic_filetype_map = { "handlebars.html": "handlebars" } +< + *'syntastic_mode_map'* +Default: { "mode": "active", + "active_filetypes": [], + "passive_filetypes": [] } +Use this option to fine tune when automatic syntax checking is done (or not +done). + +The option should be set to something like: > + + let g:syntastic_mode_map = { "mode": "active", + \ "active_filetypes": ["ruby", "php"], + \ "passive_filetypes": ["puppet"] } +< +"mode" can be mapped to one of two values - "active" or "passive". When set +to "active", syntastic does automatic checking whenever a buffer is saved or +initially opened. When set to "passive" syntastic only checks when the user +calls |:SyntasticCheck|. + +The exceptions to these rules are defined with "active_filetypes" and +"passive_filetypes". In passive mode, automatic checks are still done for +filetypes in the "active_filetypes" array (and "passive_filetypes" is +ignored). In active mode, automatic checks are not done for any filetypes in +the "passive_filetypes" array ("active_filetypes" is ignored). + +If any of "mode", "active_filetypes", or "passive_filetypes" are left +unspecified, they default to values above. + +At runtime, the |:SyntasticToggleMode| command can be used to switch between +active and passive modes. + + *'syntastic_quiet_messages'* +Default: {} +Use this option to filter out some of the messages produced by checkers. The +option should be set to something like: > + let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = { "level": "warnings", + \ "type": "style", + \ "regex": '\m\[C03\d\d\]', + \ "file": ['\m^/usr/include/', '\m\c\.h$'] } +< +Each element turns off messages matching the patterns specified by the +corresponding value. Values are lists, but if a list consist of a single +element you can omit adding the brackets (e.g. you can write "style" instead +of ["style"]). Elements with values [] or '' are ignored (this is useful for +overriding filters, cf. |filter-overrides|). + + "level" - takes one of two values, "warnings" or "errors" + "type" - can be either "syntax" or "style" + "regex" - is matched against the messages' text as a case insensitive + |regular-expression| + "file" - is matched against the filename the error refers to, as a case + sensitive |regular-expression|. + +If |'syntastic_id_checkers'| is set, filters are applied before error messages +are labeled with the names of the checkers that created them. + +There are also checker-specific variants of this option, providing finer +control. They are named |'syntastic___quiet_messages'|. + +For a particular checker, if both a |'syntastic_quiet_messages'| filter and +a checker-specific filter are present, they are both applied (to the list of +errors produced by the said checker). In case of conflicting values for the +same keys, the values of the checker-specific filters take precedence. + + *filter-overrides* +Since filter elements with values [] or '' are ignored, you can disable global +filters for particular checkers, by setting the values of the corresponding +elements in |'syntastic___quiet_messages'| to [] or ''. For +example, the following setting will silence all warnings, except for the +ones produced by "pylint": > + let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = { "level": "warnings" } + let g:syntastic_python_pylint_quiet_messages = { "level" : [] } +< + *'syntastic_stl_format'* +Default: [Syntax: line:%F (%t)] +Use this option to control what the syntastic statusline text contains. Several +magic flags are available to insert information: + %e - number of errors + %w - number of warnings + %t - total number of warnings and errors + %fe - line number of first error + %fw - line number of first warning + %F - line number of first warning or error + +Several additional flags are available to hide text under certain conditions: + %E{...} - hide the text in the brackets unless there are errors + %W{...} - hide the text in the brackets unless there are warnings + %B{...} - hide the text in the brackets unless there are both warnings AND + errors +These flags can't be nested. + +Example: > + let g:syntastic_stl_format = '[%E{Err: %fe #%e}%B{, }%W{Warn: %fw #%w}]' +< +If this format is used and the current buffer has 5 errors and 1 warning +starting on lines 20 and 10 respectively then this would appear on the +statusline: > + [Err: 20 #5, Warn: 10 #1] +< +If the buffer had 2 warnings, starting on line 5 then this would appear: > + [Warn: 5 #2] +< + *'b:syntastic_skip_checks'* +Default: unset +Only the local form |'b:syntastic_skip_checks'| is used. When set to a true +value, no checks are run against the corresponding buffer. Example: > + let b:syntastic_skip_checks = 1 +< + *'syntastic_full_redraws'* +Default: 0 in GUI Vim and MacVim, 1 otherwise +Controls whether syntastic calls |:redraw| or |:redraw!| for screen redraws. +Changing it can in principle make screen redraws smoother, but it can also +cause screen to flicker, or cause ghost characters. Leaving it to the default +should be safe. + + *'syntastic_exit_checks'* +Default: 0 when running under "cmd.exe" on Windows, 1 otherwise +Syntastic attempts to catch abnormal termination conditions from checkers by +looking at their exit codes. The "cmd.exe" shell on Windows make these checks +meaningless, by returning 1 to Vim when the checkers exit with non-zero codes. +The above variable can be used to disable exit code checks in syntastic. + + *'syntastic_debug'* +Default: 0 +Set this to the sum of one or more of the following flags to enable +debugging: + + 1 - trace general workflow + 2 - dump location lists + 4 - trace notifiers + 8 - trace autocommands + 16 - dump options + 32 - trace running of specific checkers + +Example: > + let g:syntastic_debug = 1 +< +Syntastic will then add debugging messages to Vim's |message-history|. You can +examine these messages with |:mes|. + + *'syntastic_debug_file'* +Default: unset +When set, debugging messages are written to the file named by its value, in +addition to being added to Vim's |message-history|: > + let g:syntastic_debug_file = '~/syntastic.log' +< + *'syntastic_extra_filetypes'* +Default: [] +List of filetypes handled by checkers external to syntastic. If you have a Vim +plugin that adds a checker for syntastic, and if the said checker deals with a +filetype that is unknown to syntastic, you might consider adding that filetype +to this list: > + let g:syntastic_extra_filetypes = [ "make", "gitcommit" ] +< +This will allow |:SyntasticInfo| to do proper tab completion for the new +filetypes. + +============================================================================== +5. Checker Options *syntastic-checker-options* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +5.1 Choosing which checkers to use *syntastic-filetype-checkers* + + *'g:syntastic__checkers'* +You can tell syntastic which checkers to run for a given filetype by setting a +variable 'g:syntastic__checkers' to a list of checkers, e.g. > + let g:syntastic_php_checkers = ["php", "phpcs", "phpmd"] +< + *'b:syntastic_checkers'* +There is also a per-buffer version of this setting, 'b:syntastic_checkers'. +When set, it takes precedence over |'g:syntastic__checkers'|. You can +use this in an autocmd to configure specific checkers for particular paths: > + autocmd FileType python if stridx(expand("%:p"), "/some/path/") == 0 | + \ let b:syntastic_checkers = ["pylint"] | endif +< +If neither |'g:syntastic__checkers'| nor |'b:syntastic_checkers'| +is set, a default list of checker is used. Beware however that this list +deliberately kept minimal, for performance reasons. + +Take a look at the wiki to find out what checkers and filetypes are supported +by syntastic: + + https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/wiki/Syntax-Checkers + +Use |:SyntasticInfo| to see which checkers are available for a given filetype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +5.2 Choosing the executable *syntastic-config-exec* + + *'syntastic___exec'* +The executable run by a checker is normally defined automatically, when the +checker is registered. You can however override it, by setting the variable +'g:syntastic___exec': > + let g:syntastic_ruby_mri_exec = '~/bin/ruby2' +< +This variable has a local version, 'b:syntastic___exec', +which takes precedence over the global one in the corresponding buffer. + + *'b:syntastic__exec'* +And there is also a local variable named 'b:syntastic__exec', which +takes precedence over both 'b:syntastic___exec' and +'g:syntastic___exec' in the buffers where it is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +5.3 Configuring specific checkers *syntastic-config-makeprg* + +Most checkers use the 'makeprgBuild()' function and provide many options by +default - in fact you can customise every part of the command that gets called. + + *'syntastic___