From 6929e35b00bd4bf055ff497becd7f0413727b4c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Maksim Pecherskiy Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:16:17 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Cleaning up my_confs. --- maximum_awesome_vimrc | 114 ------------------------------------------ my_configs.vim | 87 ++++++++++++++++---------------- vimrcs/basic.vim | 19 ++++--- 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 maximum_awesome_vimrc diff --git a/maximum_awesome_vimrc b/maximum_awesome_vimrc deleted file mode 100644 index f040e9bd..00000000 --- a/maximum_awesome_vimrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -" set up pathogen, -filetype on " without this vim emits a zero exit status, later, because of :ft off -filetype off -call pathogen#infect() -filetype plugin indent on - -" don't bother with vi compatibility -set nocompatible - -" enable syntax highlighting -syntax enable - -set autoindent -set autoread " reload files when changed on disk, i.e. via `git checkout` -set backspace=2 " Fix broken backspace in some setups -set backupcopy=yes " see :help crontab -set clipboard=unnamed " yank and paste with the system clipboard -set directory-=. " don't store swapfiles in the current directory -set encoding=utf-8 -set expandtab " expand tabs to spaces -set ignorecase " case-insensitive search -set incsearch " search as you type -set laststatus=2 " always show statusline -set list " show trailing whitespace -set listchars=tab:▸\ ,trail:▫ -set number " show line numbers -set ruler " show where you are -set scrolloff=3 " show context above/below cursorline -set shiftwidth=2 " normal mode indentation commands use 2 spaces -set showcmd -set smartcase " case-sensitive search if any caps -set softtabstop=2 " insert mode tab and backspace use 2 spaces -set tabstop=8 " actual tabs occupy 8 characters -set wildignore=log/**,node_modules/**,target/**,tmp/**,*.rbc -set wildmenu " show a navigable menu for tab completion -set wildmode=longest,list,full - -" Enable basic mouse behavior such as resizing buffers. -set mouse=a -if exists('$TMUX') " Support resizing in tmux - set ttymouse=xterm2 -endif - -" keyboard shortcuts -let mapleader = ',' -map h -map j -map k -map l -map l :Align -nmap a :Ack -nmap b :CtrlPBuffer -nmap d :NERDTreeToggle -nmap f :NERDTreeFind -nmap t :CtrlP -nmap T :CtrlPClearCache:CtrlP -nmap ] :TagbarToggle -nmap :call whitespace#strip_trailing() -nmap g :GitGutterToggle -nmap c Kwbd -map V :source ~/.vimrc:filetype detect:exe ":echo 'vimrc reloaded'" - -" plugin settings -let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'order:ttb,max:20' -let g:NERDSpaceDelims=1 -let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0 - -" Use The Silver Searcher -if executable('ag') - let g:ackprg = 'ag --nogroup --column' - - " Use Ag over Grep - set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor - - " Use ag in CtrlP for listing files. Lightning fast and respects .gitignore - let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""' -endif - -" fdoc is yaml -autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.fdoc set filetype=yaml -" md is markdown -autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown -" extra rails.vim help -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand decorator app/decorators -glob=**/* -suffix=_decorator.rb -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand observer app/observers -glob=**/* -suffix=_observer.rb -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand feature features -glob=**/* -suffix=.feature -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand job app/jobs -glob=**/* -suffix=_job.rb -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand mediator app/mediators -glob=**/* -suffix=_mediator.rb -autocmd User Rails silent! Rnavcommand stepdefinition features/step_definitions -glob=**/* -suffix=_steps.rb -" automatically rebalance windows on vim resize -autocmd VimResized * :wincmd = - -" Fix Cursor in TMUX -if exists('$TMUX') - let &t_SI = "\Ptmux;\\]50;CursorShape=1\x7\\\" - let &t_EI = "\Ptmux;\\]50;CursorShape=0\x7\\\" -else - let &t_SI = "\]50;CursorShape=1\x7" - let &t_EI = "\]50;CursorShape=0\x7" -endif - -" Go crazy! -if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.local")) - " In your .vimrc.local, you might like: - " - " set autowrite - " set nocursorline - " set nowritebackup - " set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l,[,] " Wrap arrow keys between lines - " - " autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source ~/.vimrc - " noremap! jj - source ~/.vimrc.local -endif diff --git a/my_configs.vim b/my_configs.vim index 1823396a..34c0685d 100644 --- a/my_configs.vim +++ b/my_configs.vim @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -set mouse=a +"set mouse=a colorscheme molokai set background=dark let g:molokai_original = 1 @@ -6,89 +6,88 @@ let g:molokai_original = 1 "syntax enable "set background=dark let g:airline_theme = 'molokai' -set smartindent -autocmd BufWritePre * :FixWhitespace +"set smartindent +"autocmd BufWritePre * :FixWhitespace set timeoutlen=2000 set pastetoggle= -inoremap jk -nnoremap ; : +"inoremap jk +"nnoremap ; : #set colorcolumn=80 " Open Vim, be able to undo -set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo -set undolevels=1000 -set undoreload=10000 +"set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo +"set undolevels=1000 +"set undoreload=10000 " System wide copy paste -set clipboard=unnamedplus +"set clipboard=unnamedplus " Make Y behave like other capitals -map Y y$ +"map Y y$ " " " Start scrolling 3 lines before the border set scrolloff=3 " " " Automatically reread files that have been changed externally -set autoread +"set autoread " " " Make ^e and ^y scroll 3 lines instead of 1 -nnoremap 3 -nnoremap 3 +"nnoremap 3 +"nnoremap 3 " " " don't move the cursor after pasting " " (by jumping to back start of previously changed text) -noremap p p`[ -noremap P P`[ +"noremap p p`[ +"noremap P P`[ " " " Reselect visual block after indent/outdent -vnoremap < >gv +"vnoremap < >gv " Turn off the christmas lights -nnoremap :nohlsearch +"nnoremap :nohlsearch " Allow saving as root by w!! -cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null % +"cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null % " Finde merge conflict markers -nmap cf /\v^[<=>]{7}( .*\|$) +"nmap cf /\v^[<=>]{7}( .*\|$) " Use to preview Markdown files... -function! s:setupMarkup() - nnoremap p :silent !open -a '%:p' -endfunction +"function! s:setupMarkup() +" nnoremap p :silent !open -a '%:p' +"endfunction " Navigate splits more easily -map h -map j -map k -map l +"map h +"map j +"map k +"map l " " These makes j/k move up/down a screen line instead of a physical file line (for wrapped lines) -nmap k gk -nmap j gj +"nmap k gk +"nmap j gj " autocmd BufEnter * if &modifiable | NERDTreeFind | wincmd p | endif " Easymotion {{{ -let g:EasyMotion_do_mapping = 0 +"let g:EasyMotion_do_mapping = 0 -nnoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(0, 0) -onoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(0, 0) -vnoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(1, 0) +"nnoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(0, 0) +"onoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(0, 0) +"vnoremap f :call EasyMotion#F(1, 0) -nnoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(0, 1) -onoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(0, 1) -vnoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(1, 1) +"nnoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(0, 1) +"onoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(0, 1) +"vnoremap F :call EasyMotion#F(1, 1) -onoremap t :call EasyMotion#T(0, 0) -onoremap T :call EasyMotion#T(0, 1) +"onoremap t :call EasyMotion#T(0, 0) +"onoremap T :call EasyMotion#T(0, 1) " }}} -source ~/.vim_runtime/maximum_awesome_vimrc +"source ~/.vim_runtime/maximum_awesome_vimrc -set tabstop=2 -set shiftwidth=2 -set expandtab -set smartindent -set autoindent +"set tabstop=2 +"set shiftwidth=2 +"set expandtab +"set smartindentl:s diff --git a/vimrcs/basic.vim b/vimrcs/basic.vim index 8c17c8c6..f3fb5740 100644 --- a/vimrcs/basic.vim +++ b/vimrcs/basic.vim @@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ set nobackup set nowb set noswapfile - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Text, tab and indent related """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" @@ -283,6 +282,9 @@ set statusline=\ %{HasPaste()}%F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ CWD:\ %r%{getcwd()}%h\ \ \ Line:\ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Editing mappings """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +" Remap ; to : +nnoremap ; : + " Remap VIM 0 to first non-blank character map 0 ^ @@ -300,13 +302,14 @@ if has("mac") || has("macunix") endif " Delete trailing white space on save, useful for Python and CoffeeScript ;) -func! DeleteTrailingWS() - exe "normal mz" - %s/\s\+$//ge - exe "normal `z" -endfunc -autocmd BufWrite *.py :call DeleteTrailingWS() -autocmd BufWrite *.coffee :call DeleteTrailingWS() +"func! DeleteTrailingWS() + "exe "normal mz" + "%s/\s\+$//ge + "exe "normal `z" +"endfunc +"autocmd BufWrite *.py :call DeleteTrailingWS() +"autocmd BufWrite *.coffee :call DeleteTrailingWS() +autocmd BufWritePre * :FixWhitespace """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""