diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0fb0b7c4..76f53e91 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ Over the last 10 years I have used and tweaked Vim. This is the ultimate vimrc ( There are two versions: -* **Basic**: If you want something small just copy [basic.vim](https://github.com/amix/vimrc/blob/master/vimrcs/basic.vim) into your ~/.vimrc and you will have a great basic setup -* **Awesome**: This includes a ton of useful plugins, color schemes and configurations +* **The Basic**: If you want something small just copy [basic.vim](https://github.com/amix/vimrc/blob/master/vimrcs/basic.vim) into your ~/.vimrc and you will have a good basic setup +* **The Awesome**: Includes a ton of useful plugins, color schemes and configurations -I would of course recommend using the awesome version.c +I would of course recommend using the awesome version. ## How to install the Awesome version? -The awesome version includes a lot of great plugins, configurations and color schemes that make Vim a lot better. To install it simply do following: +The awesome version includes a lot of great plugins, configurations and color schemes that make Vim a lot better. To install it simply do following from your terminal: git clone https://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh -I also recommend using [Source Code Pro font from Adobe](https://typekit.com/fonts/source-code-pro) (it's free and awesome font for writing and programming). The Awesome vimrc is already setup to try to use it +I also recommend using [the Hack font](http://sourcefoundry.org/hack/) (it's free and awesome font designed for source code). The Awesome vimrc is already setup to try to use it. ## How to install the Basic version? -The basic version is basically just one file and no plugins. You can check out [basic.vim](https://github.com/amix/vimrc/blob/master/vimrcs/basic.vim). +The basic version is basically just one file and no plugins. Simply copy [basic.vim](https://github.com/amix/vimrc/blob/master/vimrcs/basic.vim) and paste it into your vimrc. This is useful to install on remote servers where you don't need many plugins and you don't do many edits. @@ -67,25 +67,24 @@ Distraction free mode using [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each of them provide a much better Vim experience! -* [pathogen.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen): Manages the runtime path of the plugins -* [snipMate.vim](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate): snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim -* [bufexplorer.zip](https://github.com/vim-scripts/bufexplorer.zip): Buffer Explorer / Browser. This plugin can be opened with `` +* [ag.vim](https://github.com/rking/ag.vim): Vim plugin for `the_silver_searcher` (ag) -- a wicked fast grep +* [bufexplorer.zip](https://github.com/vim-scripts/bufexplorer.zip): Quickly and easily switch between buffers. This plugin can be opened with `` +* [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim): Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. It's mapped to `` +* [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and [vim-zenroom2](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom2): +* [lightline.vim](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim): A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim * [NERD Tree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree): A tree explorer plugin for vim -* [ack.vim](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim): Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' -* [ag.vim](https://github.com/rking/ag.vim): A much faster Ack -* [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim): Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. It's mapped to ``, because `` is used by YankRing * [mru.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/mru.vim): Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files. This plugin can be opened with `` * [open_file_under_cursor.vim](https://github.com/amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim): Open file under cursor when pressing `gf` +* [pathogen.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen): Manage your vim runtimepath +* [snipmate.vim](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate): snipmate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim +* [syntastic](https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic): Syntax checking hacks for vim +* [vim-commentary](https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary): Comment stuff out. Use `gcc` to comment out a line (takes a count), `gc` to comment out the target of a motion. `gcu` uncomments a set of adjacent commented lines. +* [vim-expand-region](https://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region): Allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination +* [vim-fugitive](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive): A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal * [vim-indent-object](https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object): Defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts * [vim-multiple-cursors](https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors): Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim, CTRL+N is remapped to CTRL+S (due to YankRing) -* [vim-expand-region](https://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region): Allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination. -* [vim-fugitive](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive): A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal -* [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and [vim-zenroom2](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom2): -Remove all clutter and focus only on the essential. Similar to iA Writer or Write Room [Read more here](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19744) -* [vim-commentary](https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary): Comment stuff out. Use `gcc` to comment out a line (takes a count), `gc` to comment out the target of a motion. `gcu` uncomments a set of adjacent commented lines. -* [syntastic](https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic): Syntax checking hacks for vim * [vim-yankstack](https://github.com/maxbrunsfeld/vim-yankstack): Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes -* [lightline.vim](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim): A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim +Remove all clutter and focus only on the essential. Similar to iA Writer or Write Room [Read more here](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19744) ## Included color schemes @@ -115,13 +114,11 @@ After you have installed the setup you can create **~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vi map ct :cd ~/Desktop/Todoist/todoist map cw :cd ~/Desktop/Wedoist/wedoist -You can also install your own plugins, for instance, via pathogen we can install [vim-rails](https://github.com/tpope/vim-rails): +You can also install your own plugins, for instance, via pathogen you can install [vim-rails](https://github.com/tpope/vim-rails): cd ~/.vim_runtime git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-rails.git sources_non_forked/vim-rails -Now you have vim-rails installed ;-) - ## Key Mappings @@ -195,13 +192,9 @@ Switch CWD to the directory of the open buffer: map cd :cd %:p:h:pwd -Open vimgrep and put the cursor in the right position: +Open `ag.vim` and put the cursor in the right position: - map g :vimgrep // **/*. - -Vimgreps in the current file: - - map :vimgrep // % + map g :Ag Remove the Windows ^M - when the encodings gets messed up: @@ -240,9 +233,9 @@ Visual mode pressing `*` or `#` searches for the current selection: vnoremap * :call VisualSelection('f') vnoremap # :call VisualSelection('b') -When you press gv you vimgrep after the selected text: +When you press gv you `ag.vim` after the selected text: - vnoremap gv :call VisualSelection('gv') + vnoremap gv :call VisualSelection('gv', '') When you press `r` you can search and replace the selected text: @@ -273,7 +266,7 @@ Bash like keys for the command line: cnoremap cnoremap -Write the file as sudo (only on Unix). Super useful when you open a file and you don't have permissions to save your changes. [Vim tip](http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Su-write): +Write the file as sudo (works only on Unix). Super useful when you open a file and you don't have permissions to save your changes. [Vim tip](http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Su-write): :W @@ -293,7 +286,7 @@ Shortcuts using `` instead of special chars ### Cope Do :help cope if you are unsure what cope is. It's super useful! -When you search with vimgrep, display your results in cope by doing: +When you search with `ag.vim`, display your results in cope by doing: `cc` To go to the next search result do: @@ -313,5 +306,3 @@ Vimscript mappings: Do following: * Remove `~/.vim_runtime` * Remove any lines that reference `.vim_runtime` in your `~/.vimrc` - -