# shared functions and constants # using @tpm_plugins is now deprecated in favor of using @plugin syntax tpm_plugins_variable_name="@tpm_plugins" SHARED_TPM_PATH="" # sets a "global variable" for the current file shared_set_tpm_path_constant() { local string_path="$(tmux show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH | cut -f2 -d=)/" # manually expanding tilde or `$HOME` variable. string_path="${string_path/#\~/$HOME}" SHARED_TPM_PATH="${string_path/#\$HOME/$HOME}" } _tmux_conf_contents() { cat /etc/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf 2>/dev/null } shared_get_tpm_plugins_list() { # DEPRECATED: lists plugins from @tpm_plugins option echo "$(tmux show-option -gqv "$tpm_plugins_variable_name")" # read set -g @plugin "tmux-plugins/tmux-example-plugin" entries _tmux_conf_contents | awk '/^ *set +-g +@plugin/ { gsub(/'\''/,""); gsub(/'\"'/,""); print $4 }' } # Allowed plugin name formats: # 1. "user/plugin_name" # 2. "user/plugin_name:branch" # 3. "gh:user/plugin_name" # 4. "gh:user/plugin_name:branch" # 5. "github:user/plugin_name" # 6. "github:user/plugin_name:branch" # 7. "http://github.com/user/plugin_name" # 8. "https://github.com/user/plugin_name:branch" # 9. "git://github.com/user/plugin_name.git" # 10. "git://github.com/user/plugin_name.git:branch" # 11. "git://domain.tld/plugin_name" # 12. "git://domain.tld/plugin_name:branch" # 13. "http://domain.tld/plugin_name" # 14. "https://domain.tld/plugin_name" # 15. "ftp://domain.tld/plugin_name" # 16. "file://local/path/plugin_name" shared_plugin_name() { local plugin; plugin="$1" # get only the part after the last slash, e.g. "plugin_name.git:branch" local plugin_basename; plugin_basename="$(basename "$plugin")" # remove branch (if it exists) to get only "plugin_name.git" local plugin_name; plugin_name="${plugin_basename%:*}" # remove ".git" extension (if it exists) to get only "plugin_name" plugin_name="${plugin_name%.git}" printf "%s\\n" "$plugin_name" } shared_plugin_path() { local plugin=$1 local plugin_name=$(shared_plugin_name "$plugin") echo "$SHARED_TPM_PATH$plugin_name/" } # TMUX messaging is weird. You only get a nice clean pane if you do it with # `run-shell` command. echo_message() { local message="$1" tmux run-shell "echo '$message'" } reload_tmux_environment() { tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 } plugin_already_installed() { local plugin="$1" local plugin_path="$(shared_plugin_path "$plugin")" cd "$plugin_path" #&& unmarry from git #git remote >/dev/null 2>&1 } end_message() { echo_message "" echo_message "TMUX environment reloaded." echo_message "" echo_message "Done, press ENTER to continue." } set_false() { return 1 } # Ensures a message is displayed for 5 seconds in tmux prompt. # Does not override the 'display-time' tmux option. display_message() { local message="$1" # display_duration defaults to 5 seconds, if not passed as an argument if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then local display_duration="$2" else local display_duration="5000" fi # saves user-set 'display-time' option local saved_display_time=$(get_tmux_option "display-time" "750") # sets message display time to 5 seconds tmux set-option -gq display-time "$display_duration" # displays message tmux display-message "$message" # restores original 'display-time' value tmux set-option -gq display-time "$saved_display_time" }