diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2987a78..a635c76 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -258,6 +258,18 @@ This configuration supports the following builtin variables: - `#{username_ssh}`: SSH aware username information, blank when not connected to a remote server through SSH/Mosh +Beside custom variables mentioned above, the `tmux_conf_theme_status_left` and +`tmux_conf_theme_status_right` variables support usual tmux syntax, e.g. using +`#()` to call an external command that inserts weather information provided by +[wttr.in]: +``` +tmux_conf_theme_status_right='#{prefix}#{pairing}#{synchronized} #(curl wttr.in?format=3) , %R , %d %b | #{username}#{root} | #{hostname} ' +``` + +![Weather information from wttr.in](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/553208/52175490-07797c00-27a5-11e9-9fb6-42eec4fe4188.png) + +[wttr.in]: https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in#one-line-output + ### Accessing the macOS clipboard from within tmux sessions [Chris Johnsen created the `reattach-to-user-namespace`