# KeePassXC-Unlocker KeePassXC Unlocker is a took designed to utilize your system's keyring to unlock your KeePassXC database(s) on login and session unlocking. Currently this only works on Linux, but the aim is to get this working on macOS as well, and maybe Windows, if someone's willing to help write the Windows portions and test, but I don't run Windows. ## Command Help: ``` Usage: keepassxc-unlocker [arguments] Commands: add - Add an entry to the keyring remove - Remove an entry from the keyring service - Add or Remove user service for automation unlock - Unlock all KeePassXC databases from keyring watch - Monitor screensaver lock/unlock events help - Show this help message Service Options: add - Add systemd user service to automate unlock remove - Remove systemd user service and automation status - Status of service ```