# mkstage4 This is a bash script to create stage 4 tarballs either for the running system, or a system at a specified mount point. The script is a new edition of an earlier [mkstage4 script](https://github.com/gregf/bin/blob/master/mkstage4) by Greg Fitzgerald (unmaintained as of 2012) which is itself a revamped edition of the [original mkstage4](http://blinkeye.ch/dokuwiki/doku.php/projects/mkstage4) by Reto Glauser (unmaintaied as of 2009). More information on mkstage4 can be found on its own Chymeric Tutorials article: [mkstage4 - Stage 4 Tarballs Made Easy](http://tutorials.chymera.eu/blog/2014/05/18/mkstage4-stage4-tarballs-made-easy/). ## Installation The script can be run directly from its containing folder (and thus, is installed simply by downloading or cloning it from here - and adding run permissions): ```bash git clone https://github.com/TheChymera/mkstage4.git /your/mkstage4/directory cd /your/mkstage4/directory chmod +x mkstage4.sh ``` For [Gentoo Linux](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentoo_linux) and [Derivatives](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Gentoo_Linux_derivatives), mkstage4 is also available in [Portage](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portage_(software)) via the *[chymeric overlay](https://github.com/TheChymera/chymeric)* (which can be enabled with just two commands, as seen in [the README](https://github.com/TheChymera/chymeric)). After you have enabled the overlay, just run the following command: ``` emerge app-backup/mkstage4 ``` ## Usage *If you are running the script from the containing folder (first install method) please make sure you use the `./mkstage4.sh` command instead of just `mkstage4`!* Archive your current system (mounted at /): ```bash mkstage4 -s archive_name ``` Archive system located at a custom mount point: ```bash mkstage4 -t /custom/mount/point archive_name ``` Command line arguments: ``` mkstage4 [-q -c -b] [-s || -t ] [custom-tar-options] -q: activates quiet mode (no confirmation). -c: excludes connman network lists. -b: excludes boot directory. -l: excludes lost+found directory. -s: makes tarball of current system. -t: makes tarball of system located at the . -h: displays help message. ``` ## Extract Tarball Tarballs created with mkstage4 can be extracted with: ```bash tar xvjpf archive_name.tar.bz2 ``` ## Dependencies * **[Bash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell))** - in [Portage](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portage_(software)) as **app-shells/bash** * **[tar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing))** - in Portage as **app-arch/tar** *Please note that these are very basic dependencies and should already be included in any Linux system.* --- Released under the GPLv3 license. Project led by Horea Christian (address all correspondence to: h.chr@mail.ru).