#!/usr/bin/env bash # get available compression types declare -A compressTypes compressTypes=( ["bz2"]="bzip2 pbzip2 lbzip2" ["gz"]="gzip pigz" ["lrz"]="lrzip" ["lz"]="lzip plzip" ["lz4"]="lz4" ["lzo"]="lzop" ["xz"]="xz pixz" ["zst"]="zstd" ) declare -A compressAvail for ext in "${!compressTypes[@]}"; do for exechk in ${compressTypes[${ext}]}; do binchk=$(command -v "${exechk}") if [[ -n "$binchk" ]]; then compressAvail+=(["${ext}"]="$binchk") fi done done # set flag variables to null/default optQuiet=false function showHelp() { echo "Usage:" echo "$(basename "$0") [-q ] [-s || -t <target>] <archivename> [-- [additional-tar-options]]" echo echo "-q activates quiet mode (no confirmation)" echo "-s extracts archive in current directory" echo "-t <path> extracts archive in target <path>" echo "-h display this help message." if [[ "$1" -ge 0 ]]; then exit "$1" else exit 0 fi } function errorMsg() { local rc=0 if [[ "$1" -gt 0 ]]; then rc="$1" shift fi echo "$*" >&2 if [[ "$rc" -gt 0 ]]; then exit "$rc" fi } # reads options: tarArgs=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do while getopts ":t:sqh" flag; do case "$flag" in t) targetPath="$OPTARG";; s) targetPath="$(pwd)";; q) optQuiet=true;; h) showHelp 0;; \?) errorMsg 1 "Invalid option: -$OPTARG";; :) errorMsg 1 "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.";; esac done || exit 1 [[ $OPTIND -gt $# ]] && break # reached the end of parameters shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # Free processed options so far OPTIND=1 # we must reset OPTIND if [[ -z "$archiveFile" ]]; then archiveFile=$1 else tarArgs[${#tarArgs[*]}]=$1 fi shift # remove saved arg done # checks if run as root: if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): must run as root" exit 250 fi if [[ ! -r "$archiveFile" ]]; then echo "ERROR: archive file (\`$archiveFile\`) does not exist" exit 1 fi archiveExt="${archiveFile##*.}" if [[ "${archiveFile%%."$archiveExt"}" != *.tar ]]; then echo "The stage file you are trying to unpack (\`$archiveFile\`) does not appear to be an archived TAR file" echo "${archiveFile%%."$archiveExt"}" exit 1 fi if [[ -n "$targetPath" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "$targetPath" ]]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): target path '$targetPath' does not exist" exit 1 fi # make sure targetPath path ends with slash if [[ "$targetPath" != */ ]]; then targetPath="${targetPath}/" fi else echo "ERROR: Neither -s or -t <path> provided" exit 2 fi # Check if specified type is available if [[ -z "${compressAvail[$archiveExt]}" ]]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): specified archive compression type not supported." echo "Supported: ${compressAvail[*]}" exit 1 fi compressOptions=("${compressAvail[$archiveExt]}") case "$archiveExt" in xz) compressOptions+=("-T0");; zst) compressOptions+=("-T0");; esac tarOptions=( "-x" "--xattrs-include=*.*" "--numeric-owner" "--use-compress-prog=${compressOptions[*]}" ) tarOptions+=("${tarArgs[@]}") # if not in optQuiet mode, this message will be displayed: if ! $optQuiet; then echo "Are you sure that you want to extract a stage archive to the system" echo "to the destination path?" echo "$targetPath" echo echo "COMMAND LINE PREVIEW:" echo 'tar' "${tarOptions[@]}" -f "$archiveFile" -C "$targetPath" echo echo -n 'Type "yes" to continue or anything else to quit: ' read -r promptAgree if [[ "${promptAgree,,}" == "yes" ]]; then optQuiet=true fi fi # start stage4 creation: if $optQuiet; then tar "${tarOptions[@]}" -f "$archiveFile" -C "$targetPath" fi