
# Zim settings

# Select what modules you would like enabled.
# The second line of modules may depend on options set by modules in the first
# line. These dependencies are noted on the respective module's README.md.
zmodules=(directory environment git git-info history input utility custom pacman \
          syntax-highlighting history-substring-search prompt completion)


# Prompt

# Set your desired prompt here

# Completion

# set an optional host-specific filename for the completion cache file
# if none is provided, the default '.zcompdump' is used.

# Utility

# Uncomment to enable command correction prompts
# See: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html#Input_002fOutput
#setopt CORRECT

# Environment

# Set the string below to the desired terminal title format string.
# The terminal title is redrawn upon directory change, however, variables like 
# ${PWD} are only evaluated once. Use prompt expansion strings for dynamic data:
#   http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Simple-Prompt-Escapes
# The example below uses the following format: 'username@host:/current/directory'

# Input

# Uncomment to enable double-dot expansion.
# This appends '../' to your input for each '.' you type after an initial '..'

# Syntax-Highlighting

# This determines what highlighters will be used with the syntax-highlighting module.
# Documentation of the highlighters can be found here:
#   https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/docs/highlighters.md
# For (u)rxvt, termite and gnome-terminal users,
# removing the 'cursor' highlighter will fix the disappearing cursor problem
zhighlighters=(main brackets cursor)


# Load these ssh identities with the ssh module

# Pacman

# Set (optional) pacman front-end.

# Load any helper scripts as defined here