#! /bin/sh if [ -z "$1" -o "$1" == "man" ]; then exec /usr/bin/pod2man -n CA-RENEW-CERT -s 1 -d "12 February 2010" \ -r "ca-scripts version 0.9" -c "SSL Certificate Authority utilities" $0 elif [ "$1" == "html" ]; then exec /usr/bin/pod2html --title "ca-renew-cert(1)" < $0 elif [ "$1" == "text" ]; then exec /usr/bin/pod2text -o $0 fi echo "Unrecognised output format '$1', try man, html, or text." exit 1 =pod =head1 NAME ca-renew-cert - renew a previously generated X.509 certificate =head1 SYNOPSIS B -t I [B<-f> I] [B<-d> I] I B [B<-h>] | [B<--help>] =head1 DESCRIPTION B renews certificates generated with ca-create-cert(1), extending their validity for a configurable number of days, defaulting to B. =head1 OPTIONS B can infer the correct cached configurations to use for certificate renewal from the hostname of a I or I, the username of a I, or the path to a previously generated certificate of any type. =over =item B<-t> I, B<--type> I This argument is mandatory and tells B what type of certificate it is renewing, either I, I, or I. =item B<-f> I, B<--config> I Load the ca-scripts configuration from I instead of I. =item B<-d> I, B<--days> I Renew the certificate to be valid for I days instead of the default B set in the configuration file. =back =head1 BUGS B is currently very careful to re-use the original key and certificate serial when it renews a certificate. This is not strictly necessary for most renewals, and may in fact reduce the long-term security of your SSL certificates. The usual renewal process is to re-generate a new CSR and private key with the same DN and sign it as valid for the required time period. This has the unfortunate side-effect of rendering unreadable all S/MIME e-mail and data encrypted with the previous certificate and private key. It will also invalidate any old digital signatures created with the previous certificate. Instead, B re-signs the old CSR with the same serial and a new validity period, which ensures that no data is lost. Arguably, it would be better to support both modes of renewal, and re-generate a new CSR and key for I and I certificates while re-signing old CSRs for I certificates. This may be implemented in future releases. =head1 AVAILABILITY New releases of the ca-scripts utilities can be found at L. A L for development versions also exists. =head1 AUTHORS Copyright 2009, 2010 Alex Bramley a.bramley@gmail.com =head1 SEE ALSO ca-create-cert(1), ca-scripts.conf(5), openssl(1ssl), ca(1ssl), req(1ssl), x509(1ssl), config(5ssl), and x509v3_config(5ssl). =cut