diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 594c79b8..d5c00377 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -721,6 +721,33 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
+<summary markdown="span"> 🔸deConz LXC </summary>
+<p align="center"><img src="https://phoscon.de/img/phoscon-logo128x.svg" height="100"/></p>
+<h1 align="center" id="heading"> deConz LXC </h1>
+To create a new Proxmox deConz LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://github.com/tteck/Proxmox/raw/main/ct/deconz-v3.sh)"
+<h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡</h3>
+**deConz Interface - IP:80**
+⚙️ **To Update deConz**
+Run in the LXC Console
+apt update && apt upgrade -y
 <summary markdown="span"> Zwavejs2MQTT LXC </summary>