From 25fcca086dbbeaa64e416e00d3eda3d488c5085a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:35:36 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 01/26] Create

 ct/ | 315 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d9c5723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${RD}
+  _____ _____ _    _  ____  _      ______ 
+ |  __ \_   _| |  | |/ __ \| |    |  ____|
+ | |__) || | | |__| | |  | | |    | |__   
+ |  ___/ | | |  __  | |  | | |    |  __|  
+ | | v3 _| |_| |  | | |__| | |____| |____ 
+ |_|   |_____|_|  |_|\____/|______|______|
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}2GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="2"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}1vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}512MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="512"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="2"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 1 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="1"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 512 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="512"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
+echo -e "${APP}${CL} should be reachable by going to the following URL.
+         ${BL}http://${IP}${CL} \n"

From c0f8c301163da041441c36a2e5d3fceeb0e1cc10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:36:01 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 02/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From f0e981cf8ea23a8c5a835194418693d03a1dbf82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:36:39 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 03/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From 555dd55cbbf47a7bbb460259e8cf0ed625bad899 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:39:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 04/26] Update

 setup/ | 79 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 29b0721a..7547937a 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,29 +37,26 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
-apt-get update &>/dev/null
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
+apt update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
-apt-get update &>/dev/null
-apt-get -qqy install \
-    curl \
-    sudo &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
+apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null
+apt-get install -y sudo &>/dev/null
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Pi-hole... "
+msg_info "Installing Pi-hole"
 curl -sSL | bash
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Pi-hole"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 rm /etc/motd
 rm /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -80,11 +69,11 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
-echo -en "${GN} Cleanup... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
 rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From 870a2a6029813bf3244e6e3e991cadfbc7f5124a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:44:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 05/26] Create

 ct/ | 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fc2d0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${YW}
+   _____            __                  
+  / ____|          / _|                 
+ | |  __ _ __ __ _| |_ __ _ _ __   __ _ 
+ | | |_ |  __/ _  |  _/ _  |  _ \ / _  |
+ | |__| | | | (_| | || (_| | | | | (_| |
+  \_____|_|v3\__,_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}2GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="2"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}1vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}512MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="512"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="2"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 1 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="1"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 512 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="512"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
+echo -e "${APP} should be reachable by going to the following URL.
+         ${BL}http://${IP}:3000${CL} \n"

From 00bfa3f89b91fc5fffd6af2e51f46ee032a4da0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:44:51 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 06/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From 810ee98a673040526f7c19c8b5fe766db077b16a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:49:39 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 07/26] Update

 setup/ | 76 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 7dc47536..3fb1037b 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,36 +37,35 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
 apt update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
 apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y sudo &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y gnupg &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y apt-transport-https &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y software-properties-common &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Grafana Repository... "
+msg_info "Setting up Grafana Repository"
 wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add - &>/dev/null
 echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Grafana Repository"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Grafana... "
+msg_info "Installing Grafana"
 apt-get update &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y grafana &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Grafana"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 rm /etc/motd
 rm /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -87,12 +78,13 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
 systemctl start grafana-server
 systemctl enable grafana-server.service &>/dev/null
-echo -en "${GN} Cleanup... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
 rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From 1a2d4a8eb88303fcce4837f7b879cde57f79e58f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:54:36 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 08/26] Create

 ct/ | 314 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 314 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11572293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${YW}
+  _____        __ _            _____  ____  
+ |_   _|      / _| |          |  __ \|  _ \ 
+   | |  _ __ | |_| |_ v3___  _| |  | | |_) |
+   | | |  _ \|  _| | | | \ \/ / |  | |  _ < 
+  _| |_| | | | | | | |_| |>  <| |__| | |_) |
+ |_____|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_____/|____/ 
+        with Telegraf
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}8GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="8"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}512MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="2048"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 8Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="8"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="2"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2048 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="2048"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"

From 419044ee27f87fad532e8295198d6effb973a013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:54:58 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 09/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From fd2199f8a0477dc342e212592bfadff55b1126c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:00:02 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 10/26] Update

 setup/ | 81 +++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 220f9bae..b1156a0c 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,40 +37,39 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
 apt update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
 apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y sudo &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y lsb-base &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y lsb-release &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y gnupg2 &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up InfluxDB Repository... "
+msg_info "Setting up InfluxDB Repository"
 wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add - &>/dev/null
 echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up InfluxDB Repository"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing InfluxDB... "
+msg_info "Installing InfluxDB"
 apt-get update &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y influxdb &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed InfluxDB"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Telegraf... "
+msg_info "Installing Telegraf"
 apt-get install -y telegraf &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Telegraf"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 rm /etc/motd
 rm /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -91,11 +82,11 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
-echo -en "${GN} Cleanup... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
 rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From fc19e6b239bc929fb10b8fe3ea250701253b6a74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:04:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 11/26] Create

 ct/ | 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..776f2752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${BL}
+  __  __           _      _____           _             _ 
+ |  \/  |         | |    / ____|         | |           | |
+ | \  / | ___  ___| |__ | |     ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ __ _| |
+ | |\/| |/ _ \/ __|  _ \| | v3 / _ \  _ \| __|  __/ _  | |
+ | |  | |  __/\__ \ | | | |___|  __/ | | | |_| | | (_| | |
+ |_|  |_|\___||___/_| |_|\_____\___|_| |_|\__|_|  \__,_|_|
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}2GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="2"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}1vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}512MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="512"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="2"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 1 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="1"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 512 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="512"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
+echo -e "${APP} should be reachable by going to the following URL.
+      ${BL}http://${IP}${CL} \n"

From 10c7f01d7219c759cabc7e5d892f58a32eea0d59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:05:15 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 12/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From 2f9868d9b640c8d4a828c760556cb55446de2a03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:10:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 13/26] Update

 setup/ | 79 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 13ec017e..936c1663 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,38 +37,37 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
 apt update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
 apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y sudo &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Node.js Repository... "
+msg_info "Setting up Node.js Repository"
 sudo curl -sL | sudo -E bash - &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Node.js Repository"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Node.js... "
+msg_lnfo "Installing Node.js"
 apt-get install -y nodejs &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Node.js"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing MeshCentral... "
+msg_info "Installing MeshCentral"
 mkdir /opt/meshcentral
 cd /opt/meshcentral
 npm install meshcentral &>/dev/null
 node node_modules/meshcentral --install &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed MeshCentral"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 rm /etc/motd
 rm /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -89,11 +80,11 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
-echo -en "${GN} Cleanup... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
 rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From 4b9763411d0452a0fb0750688f4b885f341da9b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:15:53 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 14/26] Create

 ct/ | 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d4e3f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${BL}
+   ____                      _          _____            _             _ _           
+  / __ \                    | |        / ____|          | |           | | |          
+ | |  | |_ __ ___ v3__ _  __| | __ _  | |     ___  _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | | | ___ _ __ 
+ | |  | |  _   _ \ / _  |/ _  |/ _  | | |    / _ \|  _ \| __|  __/ _ \| | |/ _ \  __|
+ | |__| | | | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| | | |___| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | |  __/ |   
+  \____/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|  \_____\___/|_| |_|\__|_|  \___/|_|_|\___|_|   
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}8GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="8"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2048MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="2048"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 8Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="8"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="2"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2048 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="2048"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
+echo -e "${APP} should be reachable by going to the following URL.
+         ${BL}https://${IP}:8043${CL} \n"

From d2c59f9aebcafe897543b70d6ec6ca6868c3d69c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:16:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 15/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From 603ab6d6f22f5fecbf7bbc1818a54e996f1969f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:21:01 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 16/26] Update

 setup/ | 79 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 52edef5c..c03a47ff 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,16 +37,15 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
-apt-get update &>/dev/null
-apt-get -y upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
+apt update &>/dev/null
+apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
 apt-get -y install curl &>/dev/null
 apt-get -y install sudo &>/dev/null
 apt-get -y install gnupg &>/dev/null
@@ -65,16 +56,16 @@ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add
 echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list &>/dev/null
 apt-get update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -y install mongodb-org &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Omada Controller... "
+msg_info "Installing Omada Controller"
 wget -qL
 sudo dpkg -i Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.0.30_linux_x64.deb &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Omada Controller"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 chmod -x /etc/update-motd.d/*
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -86,11 +77,11 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
-echo -en "${GN} Cleaning Up... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
-rm -rf /tmp/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From ceef851aa78dc4a3b3e8f908efb9505389e40ced Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:22:15 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 17/26] Update

 ct/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
index 5d4e3f47..fbd3b664 100644
--- a/ct/
+++ b/ct/
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
 pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
 export CTID=$CT_ID
-export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
-export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OSTYPE=ubuntu
+export PCT_OSVERSION=20.04
 export PCT_OPTIONS="
   -features $FEATURES

From 1bd3052db10360083d6594ca772740e03adb838f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:28:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 18/26] Create

 ct/ | 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ct/

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16fa88a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${BL}
+  _    _       _ ______ _ 
+ | |  | |     (_)  ____(_)
+ | |  | |_ __  _| |__   _ 
+ | |  | |  _ \| |  __| | |
+ | |__| | | | | | |    | |
+  \____/|_| |_|_|_| v3 |_|
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}8GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="8"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2048MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="2048"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 8Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="8"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="2"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2048 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="2048"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
+echo -e "${APP}${CL} should be reachable by going to the following URL.
+         ${BL}https://${IP}:8443${CL} \n"

From 462f2a11ce3759ba6b0fa5c23f85cfc17e4a5cc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:28:58 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 19/26] Rename to

 ct/{ =>} | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename ct/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
similarity index 100%
rename from ct/
rename to ct/

From 10b88cb53ea8a71153cfb6a6937e534654e47b16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:32:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 20/26] Update

 setup/ | 70 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index 3c00fe08..79ff07d2 100644
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -1,38 +1,31 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
-set -o errexit 
-set -o errtrace 
-set -o nounset 
-set -o pipefail 
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
-trap die ERR
-trap 'die "Script interrupted."' INT
-function error_exit() {
-  trap - ERR
-  local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.'
-  local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m"
-  local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR:LXC] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE"
-  msg "$FLAG $REASON"
-  exit $EXIT
-function msg() {
-  local TEXT="$1"
-  echo -e "$TEXT"
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
 RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
 BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
 GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
 CL=`echo "\033[m"`
-echo -en "${GN} Setting up Container OS... "
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+msg_info "Setting up Container OS "
 sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen
 locale-gen >/dev/null
 while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
@@ -45,27 +38,26 @@ while [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; do
     exit 1
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
-echo -en "${GN} Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)${CL} "
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Set up Container OS"
+msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)"
-echo -en "${GN} Updating Container OS... "
+msg_info "Updating Container OS"
 apt update &>/dev/null
 apt-get -qqy upgrade &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Updated Container OS"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing Dependencies... "
+msg_info "Installing Dependencies"
 apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null
 apt-get install -y sudo &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed Dependencies"
-echo -en "${GN} Installing UniFi Network Application... "
+msg_info "Installing UniFi Network Application"
 wget -qL && bash --skip &>/dev/null
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Installed UniFi Network Application"
 PASS=$(grep -w "root" /etc/shadow | cut -b6);
   if [[ $PASS != $ ]]; then
-echo -en "${GN} Customizing Container... "
+msg_info "Customizing Container"
 rm /etc/motd
 rm /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
 touch ~/.hushlogin
@@ -78,11 +70,11 @@ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,3840
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//')
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \r"
+msg_ok "Customized Container"
-echo -en "${GN} Cleanup... "
+msg_info "Cleaning up"
 apt-get autoremove >/dev/null
 apt-get autoclean >/dev/null
 rm -rf /var/{cache,log}/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-echo -e "${CM}${CL} \n"
+msg_ok "Cleaned"

From f01fa8246f20c0af023c3faef6f320b8b877cf02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:41:50 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 21/26] Update

--- | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 89b7de8e..dfd796fe 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Home Assistant OS VM</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Home Assistant OS VM</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src=";v=4" alt="@home-assistant" width="100" height="100"/></p>
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Home Assistant Container LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Home Assistant Container LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" alt="Docker Logos | Docker" width="100" height="100"/>
 <img src=";v=4" alt="@home-assistant" width="100" height="100"/><img src=";v=4" alt="GitHub - portainer/portainer-docs: Portainer documentation" width="100" height="100"/></p>
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Podman Home Assistant Container LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Podman Home Assistant Container LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" width="100" height="100"/>
 <img src=";v=4" alt="@home-assistant" width="100" height="100"/><img/><img src="" height="80"/><img/></p>
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Homebridge LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Homebridge LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Update from the Homebridge UI
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸ESPHome LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> ESPHome LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Nginx Proxy Manager LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Nginx Proxy Manager LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" alt="hero" height="100"/></p>
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ bash -c "$(wget -qLO -
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸MQTT LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> MQTT LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="75"/></p>
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Node-Red LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Node-Red LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Mariadb LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Mariadb LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" alt="MariaDB"/><img src="" height="60"></p>
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Zigbee2MQTT LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Zigbee2MQTT LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Zwavejs2MQTT LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Zwavejs2MQTT LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸NocoDB LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> NocoDB LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -762,16 +762,14 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
 <h1 align="center" id="heading"> InfluxDB/Telegraf LXC </h1>
-To create a new Proxmox InfluxDB LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell (V2).
+To create a new Proxmox InfluxDB LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  2GB RAM - 8GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡</h3>
-After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate.
 ⚙️ **InfluxDB Configuration**
 Run in the LXC console
@@ -804,16 +802,14 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
 <h1 align="center" id="heading"> Grafana LXC </h1>
-To create a new Proxmox Grafana LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell (V2).
+To create a new Proxmox Grafana LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡</h3>
-After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate.
 **Grafana Interface - IP:3000**
 ⚙️ **Initial Login**
@@ -839,7 +835,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Docker LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Docker LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -868,7 +864,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Debian 11 LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Debian 11 LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" alt="Debian" height="100"/></p>
@@ -895,7 +891,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Ubuntu 21.10 LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Ubuntu 21.10 LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" alt="Ubuntu" height="100"/></p>
@@ -932,7 +928,7 @@ An application designed to optimize UniFi home and business networks with ease.
 To create a new Proxmox UniFi Network Application LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  2GB RAM - 8GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡</h3>
@@ -961,7 +957,7 @@ Omada Controller is software which is used to manage the EAP
 To create a new Proxmox Omada Controller LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  2GB RAM - 8GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡</h3>
@@ -995,7 +991,7 @@ MeshCentral is a full computer management web site. With MeshCentral, you can ru
 To create a new Proxmox MeshCentral LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡</h3>
@@ -1012,7 +1008,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Plex Media Server LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Plex Media Server LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1045,7 +1041,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Jellyfin Media Server LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Jellyfin Media Server LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
 <h1 align="center" id="heading"> Jellyfin Media Server LXC </h1>
@@ -1077,10 +1073,10 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
 <h1 align="center" id="heading"> Pi-hole LXC </h1>
-To create a new Proxmox Pi-hole LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell (V2).
+To create a new Proxmox Pi-hole LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
-bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
 <h3 align="center" id="heading">⚡ Default Settings:  512MiB RAM - 2GB Storage - 1vCPU ⚡</h3>
@@ -1102,7 +1098,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Technitium DNS LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Technitium DNS LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1130,7 +1126,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸AdGuard Home LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> AdGuard Home LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1158,7 +1154,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Uptime Kuma LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Uptime Kuma LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1188,7 +1184,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Heimdall Dashboard LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Heimdall Dashboard LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1218,7 +1214,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Dashy LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Dashy LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1250,7 +1246,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸PhotoPrism LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> PhotoPrism LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1293,7 +1289,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Daemon Sync Server LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Daemon Sync Server LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1318,7 +1314,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸MotionEye VMS LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> MotionEye VMS LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1405,7 +1401,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸WireGuard LXC </summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> WireGuard LXC </summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" height="100"/></p>
@@ -1456,7 +1452,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
-<summary markdown="span"> 🔸Vaultwarden LXC</summary>
+<summary markdown="span"> Vaultwarden LXC</summary>
 <p align="center"><img src="" width="100" height="100"/></p>

From 69a25b9d1cd405ca3e10efd1fb77326d02f6a728 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:44:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 22/26] Update CHANGELOG.MD

 CHANGELOG.MD | 66 ++--------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

index dc4074fb..3addae7a 100644
@@ -5,74 +5,12 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-## 2022-04-18
+## 2022-04-19
 ### Changed
-- **Adguard LXC**
+- **ALL LXC's**
   - New [V3 Install Script]( 
-- **Homebridge LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **Uptime Kuma LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Vaultwarden LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Motioneye LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Nginx Proxy Manager LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Daemon Sync Server LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Dashy LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Heimdall Dashboard LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Wireguard LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Node-Red LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **MQTT LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Mariadb LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Ubuntu 21.10 LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **NocoDB LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Plex Media Server LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Jellyfin Media Server LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-## 2022-04-17
-### Changed
-- **Zigbee2MQTT LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **Zwavejs2MQTT LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **ESPHome LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script 
-- **Technitium DNS LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **Podman Home Assistant LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **Docker LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **PhotoPrism LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-## 2022-04-16
-### Changed
-- **Home Assistant OS VM**
-  - New "Limited" V3 Install Script 
-- **Home Assistant Container LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
-- **Debian 11 LXC**
-  - New V3 Install Script
 ## 2022-04-13

From 7d53720e5ad5919f575807e443515a5cc5e49065 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:46:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 23/26] Update

 ct/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
index ebed4526..1a5c6fde 100644
--- a/ct/
+++ b/ct/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function advanced_settings() {
         echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
-        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS} ${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS}${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
         read CT_TYPE1
         if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Privileged" CT_TYPE="0"; 
         echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"

From b5d1fb21fd2cecfee4e45b05fce326c8ec47299e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:47:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 24/26] Update

 ct/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
index 2fd5a1ac..4df0bc04 100644
--- a/ct/
+++ b/ct/
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function advanced_settings() {
         echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
-        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS} ${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS}${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
         read CT_TYPE1
         if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Privileged" CT_TYPE="0"; 
         echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"

From 229539f58d1e8221a36fd52026695152c18378e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:48:35 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 25/26] Update

 ct/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
index c1da0388..462c3bf9 100644
--- a/ct/
+++ b/ct/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ CL=`echo "\033[m"`
 NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
 while true; do
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ function advanced_settings() {
         echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
-        echo -e "${YW}Type Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS}${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
         read CT_TYPE1
         if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Privileged" CT_TYPE="0"; 
         echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"

From 090a658fe53d10997012dfc4ece080fe7b36193d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:49:38 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 26/26] Update

 ct/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ct/ b/ct/
index 12e5d42c..9135bd34 100644
--- a/ct/
+++ b/ct/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ CL=`echo "\033[m"`
 NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
 while true; do
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ function advanced_settings() {
         echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
-        echo -e "${YW}Type Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type ${CROSS}${YW}Unprivileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Privileged"
         read CT_TYPE1
         if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Privileged" CT_TYPE="0"; 
         echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"