################################################################################ # This is a configuration file for 0x0 / The Null Pointer # # # # The default values here are set to generally reasonable defaults, but a # # couple of things need your attention. Specifically, make sure you set # # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI. You'll also probably want to configure # # FHOST_USE_X_SENDFILE and FHOST_USE_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT to match your webserver. # # # # Need help, or find anything confusing? Try opening up an issue! # # https://git.0x0.st/mia/0x0/issues/new # ################################################################################ # The database URL for the database 0x0 should use # # See https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/engines.html#backend-specific-urls # for help configuring these for your database. # # For small and medium servers, it's plenty sufficient to just use an sqlite # database. In this case, the database URI you want to use is just # # sqlite:/// + /path/to/your/database.db # # Until https://git.0x0.st/mia/0x0/issues/70 is resolved, it's recommended that # any sqlite databases use an absolute path, as relative paths aren't consistently # resolved. SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + '/path/to/database.sqlite' # The maximum allowable upload size, in bytes # # Keep in mind that this affects the expiration of files as well! The closer a # file is to the max content length, the less time it will last before being # deleted. MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 256 * 1024 * 1024 # Default: 256MiB # The maximum length of URLs we'll shorten, in characters # # If a user tries to submit a URL longer than this, we'll reject their request # with a 414 REQUEST URI TOO LONG. MAX_URL_LENGTH = 4096 # Use the X-SENDFILE header to speed up serving files w/ compatible webservers # # Some webservers can be configured use the X-Sendfile header to handle sending # large files on behalf of the application. If your server is setup to do # this, set this variable to True USE_X_SENDFILE = False # Use X-Accel-Redirect to speed up serving files w/ compatible webservers # # Other webservers, like nginx and Caddy, use the X-Accel-Redirect header to # accomplish a very similar thing to X-Sendfile (above). If your webserver is # configured to do this, set this variable to True # # Note: It's recommended that you use either X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect # when you deploy in production. FHOST_USE_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT = True # expect nginx by default # The directory that 0x0 should store uploaded files in # # Whenever a file is uploaded to 0x0, we store it here! Relative paths are # resolved relative to the working directory that 0x0 is being run from. FHOST_STORAGE_PATH = "up" # The maximum acceptable user-specified file extension # # When a user uploads a file, in most cases, we keep the file extension they # provide. But! If the specified file extension is longer than # FHOST_MAX_EXT_LENGTH, we truncate it. So if a user tries to upload the file # "myfile.withareallongext", but FHOST_MAX_EXT_LENGTH is set to 9, then the # extension that we keep is ".withareal" FHOST_MAX_EXT_LENGTH = 9 # A list of filetypes to use when the uploader doesn't specify one # # When a user uploads a file with no file extension, we try to find an extension that # works for that file. This configuration option is the first thing that we check. If # the type of a file without an extension is in this dict, then it'll be used as the file # extension for that file. # # For example, if the user uploads "myfile" with no extension, and the file is a jpeg # image, the file will get a URL like "eAa.jpg" # # For a list of MIME types you can use in this list, check # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types FHOST_EXT_OVERRIDE = { "audio/flac" : ".flac", "image/gif" : ".gif", "image/jpeg" : ".jpg", "image/png" : ".png", "image/svg+xml" : ".svg", "video/webm" : ".webm", "video/x-matroska" : ".mkv", "application/octet-stream" : ".bin", "text/plain" : ".log", "text/plain" : ".txt", "text/x-diff" : ".diff", } # Control which files aren't allowed to be uploaded # # Certain kinds of files are never accepted. If the file claims to be one of # these types of files, or if we look at the contents of the file and it looks # like one of these filetypes, then we reject the file outright with a 415 # UNSUPPORTED MEDIA EXCEPTION FHOST_MIME_BLACKLIST = [ "application/x-dosexec", "application/java-archive", "application/java-vm" ] # A list of IP addresses which are blacklisted from uploading files # # Can be set to the path of a file with an IP address on each line. The file # can also include comment lines using a pound sign (#). Paths are resolved # relative to the instance/ directory. # # If this is set to None, then no IP blacklist will be consulted. FHOST_UPLOAD_BLACKLIST = None # Enables support for detecting NSFW images # # Consult README.md for additional dependencies before setting to True NSFW_DETECT = False # The cutoff for when an image is considered NFSW # # When the NSFW detection algorithm generates an output higher than this # number, an image is considered to be NSFW. NSFW images aren't declined, but # are marked as NSFW. # # If NSFW_DETECT is set to False, then this has no effect. NSFW_THRESHOLD = 0.608 # A list of all characters which can appear in a URL # # If this list is too short, then URLs can very quickly become long. # Generally, the default value for this should work for basically all usecases. URL_ALPHABET = "DEQhd2uFteibPwq0SWBInTpA_jcZL5GKz3YCR14Ulk87Jors9vNHgfaOmMXy6Vx-" ################################################################################# # CONGRATULATIONS! You made it all the way through! # # If you want to go even further to customize your instance, try checking out # # the templates in the templates/ directory to customize your landing page, 404 # # page, and other error pages. # #################################################################################