VERSION = "1.2.1" local micro = import("micro") local shell = import("micro/shell") local buffer = import("micro/buffer") local config = import("micro/config") local util = import("micro/util") local utf = import("unicode/utf8") config.RegisterCommonOption("aspell", "check", "auto") config.RegisterCommonOption("aspell", "lang", "") config.RegisterCommonOption("aspell", "dict", "") config.RegisterCommonOption("aspell", "sugmode", "normal") config.RegisterCommonOption("aspell", "args", "") function init() config.MakeCommand("addpersonal", addpersonal, config.NoComplete) config.MakeCommand("acceptsug", acceptsug, config.NoComplete) config.AddRuntimeFile("aspell", config.RTHelp, "help/") end local filterModes = { xml = "sgml", ["c++"] = "ccpp", c = "ccpp", html = "html", html4 = "html", html5 = "html", perl = "perl", perl6 = "perl", tex = "tex", markdown = "markdown", -- Aspell has comment mode, in which only lines starting with # are checked -- but it doesn't work for some reason } local lock = false local next = nil function runAspell(buf, onExit, ...) local options = {"pipe", "--encoding=utf-8"} if filterModes[buf:FileType()] then options[#options + 1] = "--mode=" .. filterModes[buf:FileType()] end if buf.Settings["aspell.lang"] ~= "" then options[#options + 1] = "--lang=" .. buf.Settings["aspell.lang"] end if buf.Settings["aspell.dict"] ~= "" then options[#options + 1] = "--master=" .. buf.Settings["aspell.dict"] end if buf.Settings["aspell.sugmode"] ~= "" then options[#options + 1] = "--sug-mode=" .. buf.Settings["aspell.sugmode"] end for _, argument in ipairs(split(buf.Settings["aspell.args"], " ")) do options[#options + 1] = argument end local job = shell.JobSpawn("aspell", options, nil, nil, onExit, buf, unpack(arg)) -- Enable terse mode shell.JobSend(job, "!\n") for i=0, buf:LinesNum() - 1 do local line = util.String(buf:LineBytes(i)) -- Escape for aspell (it interprets lines that start -- with % @ ^ ! etc.) line = "^" .. line .. "\n" shell.JobSend(job, line) end job.Stdin:Close() end function spellcheck(buf) local check = buf.Settings["aspell.check"] if check == "on" or (check == "auto" and filterModes[buf:FileType()]) then if lock then next = buf else lock = true runAspell(buf, highlight) end else -- If we aren't supposed to spellcheck, clear the messages buf:ClearMessages("aspell") end end -- Parses the output of Aspell and returns the list of all misspells. function parseOutput(out) local patterns = {"^# (.-) (%d+)$", "^& (.-) %d+ (%d+): (.+)$"} if out:find("command not found") then micro.InfoBar():Error( "Make sure that Aspell is installed and available in your PATH") return {} elseif not out:find("International Ispell Version") then -- Something went wrong, we'll show what Aspell has to say micro.InfoBar():Error("Aspell: " .. out) return {} end local misspells = {} local linenumber = 1 local lines = split(out, "\n") for _, line in ipairs(lines) do if line == "" then linenumber = linenumber + 1 else for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do if string.find(line, pattern) then local word, offset, suggestions = string.match(line, pattern) offset = tonumber(offset) local len = utf.RuneCountInString(word) misspells[#misspells + 1] = { word = word, mstart = buffer.Loc(offset - 1, linenumber - 1), mend = buffer.Loc(offset - 1 + len, linenumber - 1), suggestions = suggestions and split(suggestions, ", ") or {}, } end end end end return misspells end function highlight(out, args) local buf = args[1] buf:ClearMessages("aspell") -- This is a hack that keeps the text shifted two columns to the right -- even when no gutter messages are shown local msg = "This message shouldn't be visible (Aspell plugin)" local bmsg = buffer.NewMessageAtLine("aspell", msg, 0, buffer.MTError) buf:AddMessage(bmsg) for _, misspell in ipairs(parseOutput(out)) do local msg = nil if #(misspell.suggestions) > 0 then msg = misspell.word .. " -> " .. table.concat(misspell.suggestions, ", ") else msg = misspell.word .. " ->X" end local bmsg = buffer.NewMessage("aspell", msg, misspell.mstart, misspell.mend, buffer.MTWarning) buf:AddMessage(bmsg) end lock = false if next ~= nil then spellcheck(next) next = nil end end function parseMessages(messages) local patterns = {"^(.-) %-> (.+)$", "^(.-) %->X$"} if messages == nil then return {} end local misspells = {} for i=1, #messages do local message = messages[i] if message.Owner == "aspell" then for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do if string.find(message.Msg, pattern) then local word, suggestions = string.match(message.Msg, pattern) misspells[#misspells + 1] = { word = word, mstart = -message.Start, mend = -message.End, suggestions = suggestions and split(suggestions, ", ") or {}, } end end end end return misspells end function addpersonal(bp, args) local buf = bp.Buf local loc = buf:GetActiveCursor().Loc for _, misspell in ipairs(parseMessages(buf.Messages)) do local wordInBuf = util.String(buf:Substr(misspell.mstart, misspell.mend)) if loc:GreaterEqual(misspell.mstart) and loc:LessEqual(misspell.mend) and wordInBuf == misspell.word then local options = {"pipe", "--encoding=utf-8"} if buf.Settings["aspell.lang"] ~= "" then options[#options + 1] = "--lang=" .. buf.Settings["aspell.lang"] end if buf.Settings["aspell.dict"] ~= "" then options[#options + 1] = "--master=" .. buf.Settings["aspell.dict"] end for _, argument in ipairs(split(buf.Settings["aspell.args"], " ")) do options[#options + 1] = argument end local job = shell.JobSpawn("aspell", options, nil, nil, function () spellcheck(buf) end) shell.JobSend(job, "*" .. misspell.word .. "\n#\n") job.Stdin:Close() if args then return end return true end end if args then return end return false end function acceptsug(bp, args) local buf = bp.Buf local n = nil if args and #args > 0 then n = tonumber(args[1]) end local loc = buf:GetActiveCursor().Loc for _, misspell in ipairs(parseMessages(buf.Messages)) do local wordInBuf = util.String(buf:Substr(misspell.mstart, misspell.mend)) if loc:GreaterEqual(misspell.mstart) and loc:LessEqual(misspell.mend) and wordInBuf == misspell.word then if misspell.suggestions[n] then -- If n is in the range we'll accept n-th suggestion buf:GetActiveCursor():GotoLoc(misspell.mend) buf:Replace(misspell.mstart, misspell.mend, misspell.suggestions[n]) spellcheck(buf) if args then return end return true elseif #(misspell.suggestions) > 0 then -- If n is 0 indicating acceptsug was called with no arguments -- we will cycle through the suggestions autocomplete-like buf:GetActiveCursor():GotoLoc(misspell.mend) buf:Remove(misspell.mstart, misspell.mend) buf:Autocomplete(function () return misspell.suggestions, misspell.suggestions end) spellcheck(buf) if args then return end return true end end end if args then return end return false end function split(str, pat) local t = {} local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(t, cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) table.insert(t, cap) end return t end -- We need to spellcheck every time, the buffer is modified. Sadly there's -- no such thing as onBufferModified() function onBufferOpen(buf) spellcheck(buf) end -- The following callbacks are undocumented function onRune(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onCycleAutocompleteBack(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- The following were copied from help keybindings -- function onCursorUp(bp) -- end -- function onCursorDown(bp) -- end -- function onCursorPageUp(bp) -- end -- function onCursorPageDown(bp) -- end -- function onCursorLeft(bp) -- end -- function onCursorRight(bp) -- end -- function onCursorStart(bp) -- end -- function onCursorEnd(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToStart(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToEnd(bp) -- end -- function onSelectUp(bp) -- end -- function onSelectDown(bp) -- end -- function onSelectLeft(bp) -- end -- function onSelectRight(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToStartOfText(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToStartOfTextToggle(bp) -- end -- function onWordRight(bp) -- end -- function onWordLeft(bp) -- end -- function onSelectWordRight(bp) -- end -- function onSelectWordLeft(bp) -- end function onMoveLinesUp(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onMoveLinesDown(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onDeleteWordRight(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onDeleteWordLeft(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onSelectLine(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToStartOfLine(bp) -- end -- function onSelectToEndOfLine(bp) -- end function onInsertNewline(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onInsertSpace(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onBackspace(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onDelete(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onCenter(bp) -- end function onInsertTab(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onSave(bp) -- end -- function onSaveAll(bp) -- end -- function onSaveAs(bp) -- end -- function onFind(bp) -- end -- function onFindLiteral(bp) -- end -- function onFindNext(bp) -- end -- function onFindPrevious(bp) -- end function onUndo(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onRedo(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onCopy(bp) -- end -- function onCopyLine(bp) -- end function onCut(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onCutLine(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onDuplicateLine(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onDeleteLine(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onIndentSelection(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onOutdentSelection(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onOutdentLine(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onIndentLine(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end function onPaste(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onSelectAll(bp) -- end -- function onOpenFile(bp) -- end -- function onStart(bp) -- end -- function onEnd(bp) -- end -- function onPageUp(bp) -- end -- function onPageDown(bp) -- end -- function onSelectPageUp(bp) -- end -- function onSelectPageDown(bp) -- end -- function onHalfPageUp(bp) -- end -- function onHalfPageDown(bp) -- end -- function onStartOfLine(bp) -- end -- function onEndOfLine(bp) -- end -- function onStartOfText(bp) -- end -- function onStartOfTextToggle(bp) -- end -- function onParagraphPrevious(bp) -- end -- function onParagraphNext(bp) -- end -- function onToggleHelp(bp) -- end -- function onToggleDiffGutter(bp) -- end -- function onToggleRuler(bp) -- end -- function onJumpLine(bp) -- end -- function onClearStatus(bp) -- end -- function onShellMode(bp) -- end -- function onCommandMode(bp) -- end -- function onQuit(bp) -- end -- function onQuitAll(bp) -- end -- function onAddTab(bp) -- end -- function onPreviousTab(bp) -- end -- function onNextTab(bp) -- end -- function onNextSplit(bp) -- end -- function onUnsplit(bp) -- end -- function onVSplit(bp) -- end -- function onHSplit(bp) -- end -- function onPreviousSplit(bp) -- end -- function onToggleMacro(bp) -- end function onPlayMacro(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end -- function onSuspend(bp) -- Unix only -- end -- function onScrollUp(bp) -- end -- function onScrollDown(bp) -- end -- function onSpawnMultiCursor(bp) -- end -- function onSpawnMultiCursorUp(bp) -- end -- function onSpawnMultiCursorDown(bp) -- end -- function onSpawnMultiCursorSelect(bp) -- end -- function onRemoveMultiCursor(bp) -- end -- function onRemoveAllMultiCursors(bp) -- end -- function onSkipMultiCursor(bp) -- end -- function onNone(bp) -- end -- function onJumpToMatchingBrace(bp) -- end function onAutocomplete(bp) spellcheck(bp.Buf) end