# ovpn-admin Simple web UI to manage OpenVPN users, their certificates & routes in Linux. While backend is written in Go, frontend is based on Vue.js. Originally created in [Flant](https://flant.com/) for internal needs & used for years, then updated to be more modern and [publicly released](https://blog.flant.com/introducing-ovpn-admin-web-interface-for-openvpn/) in March'21. Your contributions are welcome! ## Features * Adding OpenVPN users (generating certificates for them); * Revoking/restoring users certificates; * Generating ready-to-user config files; * Providing metrics for Prometheus, including certificates expiration date, number of (connected/total) users, information about connected users; * (optionally) Specifying CCD (`client-config-dir`) for each user; * (optionally) Operating in a master/slave mode (syncing certs & CCD with other server); * (optionally) Specifying/changing password for additional authorization in OpenVPN; * (optionally) Specifying the Kubernetes LoadBalancer if it's used in front of the OpenVPN server (to get an automatically defined `remote` in the `client.conf.tpl` template). ### Screenshots Managing users in ovpn-admin: ![ovpn-admin UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flant/ovpn-admin/master/img/ovpn-admin-users.png) An example of dashboard made using ovpn-admin metrics: ![ovpn-admin metrics](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flant/ovpn-admin/master/img/ovpn-admin-metrics.png) ## Installation ### Disclaimer This tool uses external calls for `bash`, `coreutils` and `easy-rsa`, thus **Linux systems only are supported** at the moment. ### 1. Docker There is a ready-to-use [docker-compose.yaml](https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin/blob/master/docker-compose.yaml), so you can just change/add values you need and start it with [start.sh](https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin/blob/master/start.sh). Requirements. You need [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) installed. Commands to execute: ```bash git clone https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin.git cd ovpn-admin ./start.sh ``` ### 2. Building from source Requirements. You need Linux with the following components installed: - [golang](https://golang.org/doc/install) - [packr2](https://github.com/gobuffalo/packr#installation) - [nodejs/npm](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) Commands to execute: ```bash git clone https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin.git cd ovpn-admin ./bootstrap.sh ./build.sh ./ovpn-admin ``` (Please don't forget to configure all needed params in advance.) ### 3. Prebuilt binary (WIP) You can also download and use prebuilt binaries from the [releases](https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin/releases) page — just choose a relevant tar.gz file. To use password authentication (the `--auth` flag) you have to install [openvpn-user](https://github.com/pashcovich/openvpn-user/releases). This tool should be available in your `$PATH` and its binary should be executable (`+x`). ## Usage ``` usage: ovpn-admin [] Flags: --help show context-sensitive help (try also --help-long and --help-man) --listen.host="" host for ovpn-admin (or $OVPN_LISTEN_HOST) --listen.port="8080" port for ovpn-admin (or $OVPN_LISTEN_PROT) --role="master" server role, master or slave (or $OVPN_ROLE) --master.host="" (or $OVPN_MASTER_HOST) URL for the master server --master.basic-auth.user="" user for master server's Basic Auth (or $OVPN_MASTER_USER) --master.basic-auth.password="" (or $OVPN_MASTER_PASSWORD) password for master server's Basic Auth --master.sync-frequency=600 master host data sync frequency in seconds (or $OVPN_MASTER_SYNC_FREQUENCY) --master.sync-token=TOKEN master host data sync security token (or $OVPN_MASTER_TOKEN) --ovpn.network="" (or $OVPN_NETWORK) NETWORK/MASK_PREFIX for OpenVPN server --ovpn.server=HOST:PORT:PROTOCOL ... (or $OVPN_SERVER) HOST:PORT:PROTOCOL for OpenVPN server can have multiple values --ovpn.server.behindLB enable if your OpenVPN server is behind Kubernetes (or $OVPN_LB) Service having the LoadBalancer type --ovpn.service="openvpn-external" (or $OVPN_LB_SERVICE) the name of Kubernetes Service having the LoadBalancer type if your OpenVPN server is behind it --mgmt=main= ... (or $OVPN_MGMT) ALIAS=HOST:PORT for OpenVPN server mgmt interface; can have multiple values --metrics.path="/metrics" URL path for exposing collected metrics (or $OVPN_METRICS_PATH) --easyrsa.path="./easyrsa/" path to easyrsa dir (or $EASYRSA_PATH) --easyrsa.index-path="./easyrsa/pki/index.txt" (or $OVPN_INDEX_PATH) path to easyrsa index file --ccd enable client-config-dir (or $OVPN_CCD) --ccd.path="./ccd" path to client-config-dir (or $OVPN_CCD_PATH) --templates.clientconfig-path="" (or $OVPN_TEMPLATES_CC_PATH) path to custom client.conf.tpl --templates.ccd-path="" path to custom ccd.tpl (or $OVPN_TEMPLATES_CCD_PATH) --auth.password enable additional password authorization (or $OVPN_AUTH) --auth.db="./easyrsa/pki/users.db" (or $OVPN_AUTH_DB_PATH) database path for password authorization --debug enable debug mode (or $OVPN_DEBUG) --verbose enable verbose mode (or $OVPN_VERBOSE) --version show application version ``` ## Further information Please feel free to use [issues](https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin/issues) and [discussions](https://github.com/flant/ovpn-admin/discussions) to get help from maintainers & community.