import Vue from 'vue'; import axios from 'axios'; import VueQr from 'vue-qr' import VueCookies from 'vue-cookies' import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue' import Notifications from 'vue-notification' import VueGoodTablePlugin from 'vue-good-table' Vue.use(VueCookies) Vue.use(BootstrapVue) Vue.use(Notifications) Vue.use(VueGoodTablePlugin) Vue.use(VueQr) let axios_cfg = function(url, data='', type='form') { if (data == '') { return { method: 'get', url: url }; } else if (type == 'form') { return { method: 'post', url: url, data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }; } else if (type == 'file') { return { method: 'post', url: url, data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } }; } else if (type == 'json') { return { method: 'post', url: url, data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; } }; new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'Identity', // filterable: true, }, { label: 'Account Status', field: 'AccountStatus', filterable: true, }, { label: 'Active Connections', field: 'Connections', filterable: true, }, { label: 'Expiration Date', field: 'ExpirationDate', type: 'date', dateInputFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', dateOutputFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', formatFn: function (value) { return value != "" ? value : "" } }, { label: 'Revocation Date', field: 'RevocationDate', type: 'date', dateInputFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', dateOutputFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', formatFn: function (value) { return value != "" ? value : "" } }, { label: 'Actions', field: 'actions', sortable: false, tdClass: 'text-right', globalSearchDisabled: true, }, ], rows: [], actions: [ { name: 'u-change-password', label: 'Change password', class: 'btn-warning', showWhenStatus: 'Active', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ['passwdAuth'], }, { name: 'u-2fa', label: '2FA', class: 'btn-success', showWhenStatus: 'Active', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ['totpAuth'], }, { name: 'u-revoke', label: 'Revoke', class: 'btn-warning', showWhenStatus: 'Active', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-delete', label: 'Delete', class: 'btn-danger', showWhenStatus: 'Revoked', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-delete', label: 'Delete', class: 'btn-danger', showWhenStatus: 'Expired', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-rotate', label: 'Rotate', class: 'btn-warning', showWhenStatus: 'Revoked', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-rotate', label: 'Rotate', class: 'btn-warning', showWhenStatus: 'Expired', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-unrevoke', label: 'Unrevoke', class: 'btn-primary', showWhenStatus: 'Revoked', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-download-config', label: 'Download config', class: 'btn-info', showWhenStatus: 'Active', Require2FA: "true", showForServerRole: ['master', 'slave'], showForModule: ["core"], }, { name: 'u-edit-ccd', label: 'Edit routes', class: 'btn-primary', showWhenStatus: 'Active', showForServerRole: ['master'], showForModule: ["ccd"], }, { name: 'u-edit-ccd', label: 'Show routes', class: 'btn-primary', showWhenStatus: 'Active', showForServerRole: ['slave'], showForModule: ["ccd"], } ], filters: { hideRevoked: true, }, serverRole: "master", lastSync: "unknown", modulesEnabled: [], u: { newUserName: '', newUserPassword: '', newPassword: '', modalActionStatus: '', modalActionMessage: '', modalNewUserVisible: false, modalShowCcdVisible: false, modalChangePasswordVisible: false, modalRotateUserVisible: false, modalDeleteUserVisible: false, modalRegister2faVisible: false, openvpnConfig: '', secret: '', token: '', twofaurl: '', ccd: { Name: '', ClientAddress: '', CustomRoutes: [] }, newRoute: {}, } }, watch: { }, mounted: function () { this.getUserData(); this.getServerSetting(); this.filters.hideRevoked = this.$cookies.isKey('hideRevoked') ? (this.$cookies.get('hideRevoked') == "true") : false }, created() { let _this = this; _this.$root.$on('u-revoke', function (msg) { let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/revoke', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.getUserData(); _this.$notify({title: 'User ' + _this.username + ' revoked!', type: 'warn'}) }).catch(function(error) { console.error() _this.$notify({title: 'Failed to revoke user ' + _this.username , type: 'error'}) }); }) _this.$root.$on('u-unrevoke', function () { let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/unrevoke', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.getUserData(); _this.$notify({title: 'User ' + _this.username + ' unrevoked!', type: 'success'}) }).catch(function(error) { console.error() _this.$notify({title: 'Failed to unrevoke user ' + _this.username , type: 'error'}) }); }) _this.$root.$on('u-rotate', function () { _this.u.modalRotateUserVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); }) _this.$root.$on('u-delete', function () { _this.u.modalDeleteUserVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); }) _this.$root.$on('u-download-config', function () { let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/config/show', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { const blob = new Blob([], { type: 'text/plain' }) const link = document.createElement('a') link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob) = _this.username + ".ovpn" URL.revokeObjectURL(link.href) }).catch(function(error) { console.error() _this.$notify({title: 'Failed to download config for user ' + _this.username , type: 'error'}) }); }) _this.$root.$on('u-edit-ccd', function () { _this.u.modalShowCcdVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/ccd', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.ccd =; }); }) _this.$root.$on('u-disconnect-user', function () { _this.u.modalShowCcdVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/disconnect', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { console.log(; }); }) _this.$root.$on('u-change-password', function () { _this.u.modalChangePasswordVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); }) _this.$root.$on('u-2fa', function () { _this.u.modalRegister2faVisible = true; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.username); data.append('secondfactor', _this.secondfactor); data.append('token', _this.token); _this.getUserTFAData(data); }) }, computed: { customAddressDynamic: function () { return this.u.ccd.ClientAddress == "dynamic" }, alertCssClass: function () { return this.u.modalActionStatus == 200 ? "alert-success" : "alert-danger" }, revokeFilterText: function() { return this.filters.hideRevoked ? "Show revoked" : "Hide revoked" }, filteredRows: function() { if (this.filters.hideRevoked) { return this.rows.filter(function(account) { return account.AccountStatus == "Active" }); } else { return this.rows } } }, methods: { rowStyleClassFn: function(row) { if (row.ConnectionStatus == 'Connected') { return 'connected-user' } if (row.AccountStatus == 'Revoked') { return 'revoked-user' } if (row.AccountStatus == 'Expired') { return 'expired-user' } return '' }, rowActionFn: function(e) { this.username =; this.secondfactor =; this.$root.$emit(; }, getUserData: function() { let _this = this; axios.request(axios_cfg('api/users/list')) .then(function(response) { _this.rows = Array.isArray( ? : []; }); }, getUserTFAData: function(data) { let _this = this; if (_this.secondfactor == 'disabled' ) { axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/2fa/secret', data, 'form')) .then(function (response) { _this.u.secret =; _this.u.twofaurl = "otpauth://totp/ovpn-" + _this.username + "?secret=" + _this.u.secret + "&issuer=OVPN"; }); } }, registerUser2faApp: function(username) { let _this = this; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', username); data.append('token', _this.u.token); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/2fa/register', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.u.modalRegister2faVisible = false; _this.getUserData(); _this.secondfactor = "enabled"; _this.u.token = ""; _this.u.secret = ""; _this.$notify({title: 'TOTP application registered for user ' + username, type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Register TOTP application for user ' + username + ' failed!', type: 'error'}); }) }, resetUser2faApp: function(username) { let _this = this; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', username); data.append('secondfactor', _this.secondfactor); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/2fa/reset', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.secondfactor = "disabled"; _this.getUserTFAData(data); _this.getUserData(); _this.$notify({title: 'TOTP application reset for user ' + username, type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Reset TOTP application for user ' + username + ' failed!', type: 'error'}); }) }, getServerSetting: function() { let _this = this; axios.request(axios_cfg('api/server/settings')) .then(function(response) { _this.serverRole =; _this.modulesEnabled =; if (_this.serverRole == "slave") { axios.request(axios_cfg('api/sync/last/successful')) .then(function(response) { _this.lastSync =; }); } }); }, createUser: function() { let _this = this; _this.u.modalActionMessage = ""; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', _this.u.newUserName); data.append('password', _this.u.newUserPassword); _this.username = _this.u.newUserName; axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/create', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.$notify({title: 'New user ' + _this.username + ' created', type: 'success'}); _this.u.modalNewUserVisible = false; _this.u.newUserName = ''; _this.u.newUserPassword = ''; _this.getUserData(); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'New user ' + _this.username + ' creation failed.', type: 'error'}); }); }, ccdApply: function() { let _this = this; _this.u.modalActionStatus= ""; _this.u.modalActionMessage = ""; axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/ccd/apply', JSON.stringify(_this.u.ccd), 'json')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'New CCD for user ' + _this.username + ' applied', type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Apply new CCD for user ' + _this.username + 'failed ', type: 'error'}); }); }, changeUserPassword: function(username) { let _this = this; _this.u.modalActionMessage = ""; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', username); data.append('password', _this.u.newPassword); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/change-password', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.u.newPassword = ''; _this.getUserData(); _this.u.modalChangePasswordVisible = false; _this.$notify({title: 'Password for user ' + username + ' changed!', type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Changing password for user ' + username + ' failed!', type: 'error'}); }); }, rotateUser: function(username) { let _this = this; _this.u.modalActionMessage = ""; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', username); data.append('password', _this.u.newPassword); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/rotate', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.u.newPassword = ''; _this.getUserData(); _this.u.modalRotateUserVisible = false; _this.$notify({title: 'Certificates for user ' + username + ' rotated!', type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Rotate certificates for user ' + username + ' failed!', type: 'error'}); }) }, deleteUser: function(username) { let _this = this; _this.u.deleteUserMessage = ""; let data = new URLSearchParams(); data.append('username', username); axios.request(axios_cfg('api/user/delete', data, 'form')) .then(function(response) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = 200; _this.u.newPassword = ''; _this.getUserData(); _this.u.modalDeleteUserVisible = false; _this.$notify({title: 'User ' + username + ' deleted!', type: 'success'}); }) .catch(function(error) { _this.u.modalActionStatus = error.response.status; _this.u.modalActionMessage =; _this.$notify({title: 'Deleting user ' + username + ' failed!', type: 'error'}); }) }, } })