package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strings" "text/template" // "reflect" "bufio" "net" // "io" // "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "net/http" "" ) var ( listenHost = kingpin.Flag("","host for openvpn-admin").Default("").String() listenPort = kingpin.Flag("listen.port","port for openvpn-admin").Default("8080").String() easyrsaPath = kingpin.Flag("easyrsa.path", "path to easyrsa dir").Default("/etc/openvpn/easyrsa").String() indexTxtPath = kingpin.Flag("easyrsa.index-path", "path to easyrsa index file.").Default("/etc/openvpn/easyrsa/pki/index.txt").String() ccdCustom = kingpin.Flag("ccd.custom", "enable or disable custom routes").Default("false").Bool() ccdDir = kingpin.Flag("ccd.path", "path to client-config-dir").Default("/etc/openvpn/ccd").String() staticPath = kingpin.Flag("static.path", "path to static dir").Default("./static").String() ) const ( usernameRegexp = `^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+$` openvpnServerHost = "" openvpnServerPort = "7777" mgmtListenHost = "" mgmtListenPort = "7788" ) type openvpnClientConfig struct { Host string Port string CA string Cert string Key string TLS string } type ccdLine struct { addr string `json:"addr"` mask string `json:"mask"` desc string `json:"desc"` } type ccdFile struct { lines []ccdLine } type indexTxtLine struct { Flag string ExpirationDate string RevocationDate string SerialNumber string Filename string DistinguishedName string Identity string } type clientStatus struct { CommonName string RealAddress string BytesReceived string BytesSent string ConnectedSince string VirtualAddress string LastRef string ConnectedSinceFormated string LastRefFormated string } func userListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { userList, _ := json.Marshal(indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath))) fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userList) } func userCreateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userCreate(r.FormValue("username"))) } func userRevokeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userRevoke(r.FormValue("username"))) } func userUnrevokeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userUnrevoke(r.FormValue("username"))) } func userShowConfigHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Printf("username: %v\n%s\n", r.PostForm, r.FormValue("username")) fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", renderClientConfig(r.FormValue("username"))) } func userShowCcdHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Printf("username: %v\n%s\n", r.PostForm, r.FormValue("username")) fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", renderCcdConfig(r.FormValue("username"))) } func userApplyCcdHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() fmt.Printf("username: %v\n%s\n", r.PostForm, r.FormValue("username")) fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", ccdFileModify(r.FormValue("username"),ccdFileParser(r.FormValue("ccd")))) } func main() { kingpin.Parse() fmt.Println("Bind: http://" + *listenHost + ":" + *listenPort) fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(*staticPath)) http.Handle("/", fs) http.HandleFunc("/api/users/list", userListHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/create", userCreateHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/revoke", userRevokeHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/unrevoke", userUnrevokeHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/showconfig", userShowConfigHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/ccd/list", userShowCcdHandler) http.HandleFunc("/api/user/ccd/apply", userApplyCcdHandler) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*listenHost + ":" + *listenPort, nil)) } func fRead(path string) string { content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return string(content) } func fWrite(path, content string) { err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(content), 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func indexTxtParser(txt string) []indexTxtLine { indexTxt := []indexTxtLine{} txtLinesArray := strings.Split(txt, "\n") for _, v := range txtLinesArray { str := strings.Fields(v) if len(str) > 0 { switch { // case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "E"): case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "V"): indexTxt = append(indexTxt, indexTxtLine{Flag: str[0], ExpirationDate: str[1], SerialNumber: str[2], Filename: str[3], DistinguishedName: str[4], Identity: str[4][strings.Index(str[4], "=")+1:]}) case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "R"): indexTxt = append(indexTxt, indexTxtLine{Flag: str[0], ExpirationDate: str[1], RevocationDate: str[2], SerialNumber: str[3], Filename: str[4], DistinguishedName: str[5], Identity: str[5][strings.Index(str[5], "=")+1:]}) } } } return indexTxt } func renderIndexTxt(data []indexTxtLine) string { indexTxt := "" for _, line := range data { switch { case line.Flag == "V": // if line.distinguishedName != "/CN=server" { // fmt.Printf("%s\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.flag, line.expirationDate, line.serialNumber, line.filename, line.distinguishedName) indexTxt += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.Flag, line.ExpirationDate, line.SerialNumber, line.Filename, line.DistinguishedName) // } case line.Flag == "R": // if line.distinguishedName != "/CN=server" { // fmt.Printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.flag, line.expirationDate, line.revocationDate, line.serialNumber, line.filename, line.distinguishedName) indexTxt += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.Flag, line.ExpirationDate, line.RevocationDate, line.SerialNumber, line.Filename, line.DistinguishedName) // } // case line.flag == "E": } } return (indexTxt) } func renderClientConfig(username string) string { if checkUserExist(username) { conf := openvpnClientConfig{} conf.Host = openvpnServerHost conf.Port = openvpnServerPort conf.CA = fRead(*easyrsaPath + "/pki/ca.crt") conf.Cert = fRead(*easyrsaPath + "/pki/issued/" + username + ".crt") conf.Key = fRead(*easyrsaPath + "/pki/private/" + username + ".key") conf.TLS = fRead(*easyrsaPath + "/pki/ta.key") t, _ := template.ParseFiles("client.conf.tpl") var tmp bytes.Buffer t.Execute(&tmp, conf) // fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tmp.String()) return (fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", tmp.String())) } fmt.Printf("User \"%s\" not found", username) return (fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" not found", username)) } func ccdFileParser(txt string) ccdFile { ccdFile := ccdFile{} txtLinesArray := strings.Split(txt, "\n") for _, v := range txtLinesArray { str := strings.Fields(v) if len(str) > 0 { switch { case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "ifconfig-push"): ccdFile.lines = append(ccdFile.lines, ccdLine{addr: str[2], mask: str[3], desc: "Client Address"}) case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "push"): ccdFile.lines = append(ccdFile.lines, ccdLine{addr: str[2], mask: str[3], desc: strings.Join(str[4:], "")}) } } } return ccdFile } func renderCcdConfig(username string) string { if checkCcdExist(username) { ccdFileParser(fRead(*ccdDir + "/" + username)) } fmt.Printf("ccd for user \"%s\" not found", username) return (fmt.Sprintf("ccd for user \"%s\" not found", username)) } func ccdFileModify(username string, ccdFile ccdFile) bool { if checkCcdExist(username) { } return true } // func crlFix() { os.Chmod(*easyrsaPath + "/pki", 0755) err := os.Chmod(*easyrsaPath + "/pki/crl.pem", 0640) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } func runBash(script string) string { fmt.Println(script) cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", script) stdout, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { return (fmt.Sprint(err) + " : " + string(stdout)) } return (string(stdout)) } func validateUsername(username string) bool { var validUsername = regexp.MustCompile(usernameRegexp) return (validUsername.MatchString(username)) } func checkUserExist(username string) bool { for _, u := range indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath)) { if u.DistinguishedName == ("/CN=" + username) { return (true) } } return (false) } func checkCcdExist(username string) bool { if *ccdCustom { if _, err := os.Stat(*ccdDir + "/" + username); err == nil { return (true) } else if os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Printf("ccd for user \"%s\" not found", username) return (false) } else { fmt.Printf("Something goes wrong during checking ccd for user \"%s\"", username) fmt.Printf("err: %s", err) return (false) } } return (false) } func usersList() []string { users := []string{} for _, line := range indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath)) { users = append(users, line.Identity) } return (users) } func userCreate(username string) string { if validateUsername(username) == false { fmt.Printf("Username \"%s\" incorrect, you can use only %s\n", username, usernameRegexp) return (fmt.Sprintf("Username \"%s\" incorrect, you can use only %s\n", username, usernameRegexp)) } if checkUserExist(username) { fmt.Printf("User \"%s\" already exists\n", username) return (fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" already exists\n", username)) } o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("date +%%Y-%%m-%%d\\ %%H:%%M:%%S && cd %s && ./easyrsa build-client-full %s nopass", *easyrsaPath, username)) fmt.Println(o) return ("") } func userRevoke(username string) string { if checkUserExist(username) { // check certificate valid flag 'V' o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("date +%%Y-%%m-%%d\\ %%H:%%M:%%S && cd %s && echo yes | ./easyrsa revoke %s && ./easyrsa gen-crl", *easyrsaPath, username)) crlFix() return (fmt.Sprintln(o)) } fmt.Printf("User \"%s\" not found", username) return (fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" not found", username)) } func userUnrevoke(username string) string { if checkUserExist(username) { // check certificate revoked flag 'R' usersFromIndexTxt := indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath)) for i := range usersFromIndexTxt { if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == ("/CN=" + username) { usersFromIndexTxt[i].Flag = "V" usersFromIndexTxt[i].RevocationDate = "" break } } fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt)) fmt.Print(renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt)) crlFix() return (fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User %s successfully unrevoked\"}", username)) } return (fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User \"%s\" not found\"}", username)) } func ovpnMgmtRead(conn net.Conn) string { buf := make([]byte, 32768) len, _ := conn.Read(buf) s := string(buf[:len]) return (s) } func mgmtConnectedUsersParser(text string) []clientStatus { u := []clientStatus{} isClientList := false isRouteTable := false scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(text)) for scanner.Scan() { txt := scanner.Text() if regexp.MustCompile(`^Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since$`).MatchString(txt) { isClientList = true continue } if regexp.MustCompile(`^ROUTING TABLE$`).MatchString(txt) { isClientList = false continue } if regexp.MustCompile(`^Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref$`).MatchString(txt) { isRouteTable = true continue } if regexp.MustCompile(`^GLOBAL STATS$`).MatchString(txt) { // isRouteTable = false // ineffectual assignment to isRouteTable (ineffassign) break } if isClientList { user := strings.Split(txt, ",") u = append(u, clientStatus{CommonName: user[0], RealAddress: user[1], BytesReceived: user[2], BytesSent: user[3], ConnectedSince: user[4]}) } if isRouteTable { user := strings.Split(txt, ",") for i := range u { if u[i].CommonName == user[1] { u[i].VirtualAddress = user[0] u[i].LastRef = user[3] break } } } } return (u) } func mgmtKillUserConnection(username string) { conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", mgmtListenHost+":"+mgmtListenPort) ovpnMgmtRead(conn) // read welcome message conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("kill %s\n", username))) fmt.Printf("%v", ovpnMgmtRead(conn)) conn.Close() } func mgmtGetActiveClients() []clientStatus { conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", mgmtListenHost+":"+mgmtListenPort) ovpnMgmtRead(conn) // read welcome message conn.Write([]byte("status\n")) activeClients := mgmtConnectedUsersParser(ovpnMgmtRead(conn)) conn.Close() return (activeClients) }