#!/usr/bin/env bash ### # Check for root name. ## root=$1 shift if [[ -z "$root" ]]; then echo "you must pass 2 arguments; first for root name, second for child name" exit fi ### # Check for child name ## child=$1 if [[ -z "$child" ]]; then echo "you must pass 2 arguments; first for root name ($root), second for child name" exit fi ### # Use the child name as the password because Java Keystore requires it ## pw="$child" ### # Generate the root certificate ## root_key="$root.key" root_pem="$root.pem" root_key_nopass="$root-nopass.key" # TODO parameterize root_subj="/C=US/ST=TN/L=Nashville/O=Fixme/OU=Ops/CN=$root\_ca" root_p12="$root.p12" ### # Generate the root private key ## if [[ -e "$root_key" ]]; then echo "$root_key already exits" else echo "generate $root_key" openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:"$pw" -out "$root_key" 4096 fi ### # Genereate the the root privacy enhanced email (PEM) ## if [[ -e "$root_pem" ]]; then echo "$root_pem already exits" else echo "generate $root_pem" openssl req -new -x509 -days 3652 -key "$root_key" -out "$root_pem" -passin pass:"$pw" -subj "$root_subj" fi ### # Generate the root public key (P12) ## if [[ -e "$root_p12" ]]; then echo "$root_p12 already exits" else echo "generate $root_p12" openssl pkcs12 -export -in "$root_pem" -inkey "$root_key" -passin pass:"$pw" -passout pass:"$pw" -out "$root_p12" \ -name "$root" fi ### # Generate the child certificate ## child_name="${root}_${child}" child_key="$child_name.key" child_pem="$child_name.pem" child_csr="$child_name.csr" child_subj="/C=US/ST=TN/L=Nashville/O=Stratasan/OU=Ops/CN=$child_name" child_p12="$child_name.p12" child_jks="$child_name.jks" ### # Generate the child private key ## if [[ -e "$child_key" ]]; then echo "$child_key already exits" else echo "generate $child_key" openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:"$pw" -out "$child_key" 4096 fi ### # Genereate the the child privacy enhanced email (PEM) ## if [[ -e "$child_pem" ]]; then echo "$child_pem already exits" else echo "generate $child_csr" openssl req -new -key "$child_key" -passin pass:"$pw" -out "$child_csr" -subj "$child_subj" echo "generate $child_pem" openssl x509 -req -days 36524 -in "$child_csr" -CA "$root_pem" -CAkey "$root_key" -passin pass:"$pw" -set_serial 1 \ -out "$child_pem" fi ### # Generate the child public key (P12) ## if [[ -e "$child_p12" ]]; then echo "$child_p12 already exits" else echo "generate $child_p12" openssl pkcs12 -export -in "$child_pem" -inkey "$child_key" -passin pass:"$pw" -passout pass:"$pw" -out "$child_p12" \ -certfile "$root_pem" -caname "$root" -name "$child_name" fi ### # Generate the Java Keystore (JKS) ## if [[ -e "$child_jks" ]]; then echo "$child_jks already exits" else keytool="keytool" if [[ -n $(command -v $keytool) ]]; then echo "generate $child_jks with $root trustedCertEntry" $keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -noprompt -file "$root_pem" -destkeystore "$child_jks" -storepass "$pw" \ -alias "$root" -v echo "supplement $child_jks with $child PrivateKeyEntry" $keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore "$child_jks" -storepass "$pw" -srckeystore "$child_p12" \ -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass "$pw" -alias "$child_name" -v else echo "$keytool is not installed" fi fi echo "Generating version of '$root_key' without password as '$root_key_nopass'." openssl rsa -in "$root_key" -out "$root_key_nopass" -passin pass:"$pw"