describe file('/etc/vault/config/server.hcl') do it { should be_a_file } expected = <<-EOF listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 0 } default_lease_ttl="24h" max_lease_ttl="24h" EOF its(:content) { should eq(expected) } end describe file('/etc/systemd/system/vault.service') do it { should_not be_a_file } end describe file('/etc/init/vault.conf') do it { should be_a_file } its(:content) { should_not match /syslog/ } end if os[:family] == 'amazon' # serverspec assumes 'service' resource to be # init.d for rhel-based os. have to just check # that it is running, that means that it started # with the instance describe command('sudo initctl list | grep vault | grep -v grep') do its(:stdout) { should match(/vault start\/running/) } its(:stderr) { should be_empty } end describe processes("vault") do its('users') { should eq ['root'] } end else describe service('vault') do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end end describe file('/var/log/vault.log') do it { should be_a_file } its(:content) { should match(/WARNING: Dev mode is enabled!/) } end