====== Vault ====== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/saltstack-formulas/vault-formula.svg?branch=master Formulas for working with `Vault `_ Available states ================ .. contents:: :local: ``vault`` ---------- Install the vault binary ``vault.server`` --------------------- Install and configure the vault server To use it, just include *vault.server* in your *top.sls*, and configure it using pillars: :: vault: vault_version: 0.7.0 listen_protocol: tcp listen_port: 8200 listen_address: strict_tls: 0 default_lease_ttl: 24h max_lease_ttl: 24h self_signed_cert: enabled: false backend: {} dev_mode: true service: type: systemd Testing ======= Testing is done with `Test Kitchen `_ for machine setup and `inspec `_ for integration tests. Requirements ------------ * Ruby * Docker :: gem install bundler bundle install bundle exec kitchen test all