{%- from "prometheus/map.jinja" import alertmanager with context %} # Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server. ARGS="-config.file {{alertmanager.dir.config}}/alertmanager.yml -storage.path {{alertmanager.dir.storage}}" # The alert manager supports the following options: # -config.file string # Alertmanager configuration file name. # (default "/etc/prometheus/alertmanager.yml") # -log.level value # Only log messages with the given severity or above. # Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]. (default info) # -storage.path string # Base path for data storage. # (default "/var/lib/prometheus/alertmanager/") # -web.external-url string # The URL under which Alertmanager is externally reachable (for example, # if Alertmanager is served via a reverse proxy). Used for generating # relative and absolute links back to Alertmanager itself. If the URL has # a path portion, it will be used to prefix all HTTP endpoints served by # Alertmanager. If omitted, relevant URL components will be derived # automatically. # -web.listen-address string # Address to listen on for the web interface and API. (default ":9093") # -web.local-assets string # Path to static assets/templates directory. # (default "/usr/share/prometheus/alertmanager/")