# Prometheus Alert Manager (Upstart unit) description "An exporter for collectd. It accepts collectd's binary network protocol as sent by collectd's network plugin and metrics in JSON format via HTTP POST as sent by collectd's write_http plugin, and transforms and exposes them for consumption by Prometheus." start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [06] env ALERTMANAGER=/usr/bin/collectd_exporter env USER=prometheus env GROUP=prometheus env DEFAULTS=/etc/default/collectd_exporter env RUNDIR=/var/run/collectd_exporter env PID_FILE=/var/run/collectd_exporter/collectd_exporter.pid pre-start script [ -e $DEFAULTS ] && . $DEFAULTS mkdir -p $RUNDIR || true chmod 0750 $RUNDIR || true chown $USER:$GROUP $RUNDIR || true end script script # read settings like GOMAXPROCS from "/etc/default/collectd_exporter", if available. [ -e $DEFAULTS ] && . $DEFAULTS export GOMAXPROCS=${GOMAXPROCS:-2} exec start-stop-daemon -c $USER -g $GROUP -p $PID_FILE -x $ALERTMANAGER -S -- $ARGS end script respawn respawn limit 10 10 kill timeout 10