======================= Salt Prometheus formula ======================= Power your metrics and alerting with a leading open-source monitoring solution. Sample pillars ============== Configure prometheus server --------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml prometheus: server: enabled: true dir: config: /srv/volumes/prometheus config_in_container: /opt/prometheus/config bind: port: 9090 address: external_port: 15010 target: kubernetes: api_ip: ssl_dir: /opt/prometheus/config cert_name: kubelet-client.crt key_name: kubelet-client.key etcd: ${etcd:server:members} recording: - name: 'instance:fd_utilization' query: >- process_open_fds / process_max_fds alert: PrometheusTargetDown: if: 'up != 1' labels: severity: down annotations: summary: 'Prometheus target down' storage: local: engine: "persisted" retention: "360h" memory_chunks: 1048576 max_chunks_to_persist: 524288 num_fingerprint_mutexes: 4096 alertmanager: notification_queue_capacity: 10000 config: global: scrape_interval: "15s" scrape_timeout: "15s" evaluation_interval: "1m" external_labels: region: 'region1' Configure alertmanager ---------------------- .. code-block:: yaml prometheus: alertmanager: enabled: true dir: config: /srv/volumes/prometheus bind: address: port: 9093 external_port: 15011 config: global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: ['alertname', 'region', 'service'] group_wait: 60s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 3h receiver: HTTP-notification inhibit_rules: - source_match: severity: 'down' target_match: severity: 'critical' equal: ['region', 'service'] - source_match: severity: 'down' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['region', 'service'] - source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['alertname', 'region', 'service'] receivers: - name: 'HTTP-notification' webhook_configs: - url: send_resolved: true Configure pushgateway --------------------- .. code-block:: yaml prometheus: pushgateway: enabled: true external_port: 15012 Documentation and Bugs ====================== To learn how to install and update salt-formulas, consult the documentation available online at: http://salt-formulas.readthedocs.io/ In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to the appropriate issue tracker. Use Github issue tracker for specific salt formula: https://github.com/salt-formulas/salt-formula-logrotate/issues For feature requests, bug reports or blueprints affecting entire ecosystem, use Launchpad salt-formulas project: https://launchpad.net/salt-formulas You can also join salt-formulas-users team and subscribe to mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~salt-formulas-users Developers wishing to work on the salt-formulas projects should always base their work on master branch and submit pull request against specific formula. https://github.com/salt-formulas/salt-formula-logrotate Any questions or feedback is always welcome so feel free to join our IRC channel: #salt-formulas @ irc.freenode.net