# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ft=yaml --- logrotate: # default OS values can be overridden in 'lookup' dict # lookup: # pkg: logrotate # service: crond default_config: weekly: true rotate: 52 create: true compress: true dateext: true jobs: /tmp/var/log/mysql/error: config: - weekly - missingok - rotate 52 - compress - delaycompress - notifempty - create 640 root adm - sharedscripts mysql: path: - /tmp/var/log/mysql/*.log config: - weekly - missingok - rotate 52 - compress - delaycompress - notifempty - create 640 root adm - sharedscripts a_monthly_job: path: - /tmp/var/log/a_service/*.log config: - monthly - missingok - rotate 12 - compress - delaycompress - notifempty - create 640 root adm - sharedscripts syslog: path: - /var/log/cron - /var/log/maillog - /var/log/messages - /var/log/secure - /var/log/spooler - /var/log/slapd.log config: - sharedscripts - postrotate - /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true - endscript nginx_high_traf: path: - /var/log/nginx_high_traf/*.log config: - hourly - missingok - rotate {{ 30 * 24 }} # keep 1 month's worth of hourly logs - compress - notifempty - dateext - dateformat .%Y-%m-%d-%H00 - olddir /var/log/nginx_high_traf/archive - sharedscripts - postrotate - 'kill -USR1 $(cat /var/run/nginx_high_traf.pid)' - endscript nginx: contents: | /var/log/nginx/*.log{ weekly missingok compress delaycompress notifempty create 0640 www-data adm sharedscripts prerotate if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate ]; then \ run-parts /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate; \ fi \ endscript postrotate invoke-rc.d nginx rotate >/dev/null 2>&1 endscript }