{%- from "grafana/map.jinja" import server with context %} doc: name: Grafana description: A beautiful, easy to use and feature rich Graphite dashboard replacement and graph editor. role: server: name: server param: bind: name: Network value: {{ server.bind.address }}:{{ server.bind.port }} endpoint: {%- if server.bind.address == '' %} {%- for address in salt['grains.item']('ipv4')['ipv4'] %} {%- if address != '' %} grafana_server: name: default type: grafana_server address: http://{{ address }}:{{ server.bind.port }}/ protocol: http {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- else %} grafana_server: name: default type: grafana_server address: http://{{ server.bind.address }}:{{ server.bind.port }}/ protocol: http {%- endif %}