======= Grafana ======= A beautiful, easy to use and feature rich Graphite dashboard replacement and graph editor. Sample pillars ============== Server deployments ------------------ Server installed from system package .. code-block:: yaml grafana: server: enabled: true admin: user: admin password: passwd database: engine: sqlite Server installed with PostgreSQL database .. code-block:: yaml grafana: server: enabled: true admin: user: admin password: passwd database: engine: postgresql host: localhost port: 5432 name: grafana user: grafana password: passwd Collector setup --------------- Used to aggregate dashboards from monitoring node. .. code-block:: yaml grafana: collector: enabled: true Client setups ------------- Client enforced data sources .. code-block:: yaml grafana: client: enabled: true server: protocol: https host: grafana.host port: 3000 token: token datasource: graphite: type: graphite host: mtr01.domain.com protocol: https port: 443 elasticsearch: type: elasticsearch host: log01.domain.com port: 80 user: admin password: password index: grafana-dash Client defined and enforced dashboard .. code-block:: yaml grafana: client: enabled: true server: host: grafana.host port: 3000 token: token dashboard: system_metrics: title: "Generic system metrics" style: dark editable: false row: top: title: "First row" Client enforced dashboards defined in salt-mine .. code-block:: yaml grafana: client: enabled: true remote_data: engine: salt_mine server: host: grafana.host port: 3000 token: token Usage ===== There's a difference between JSON dashboard representation and models we us. Lists are replaced by dictionaries to support mergings and interpolations. The default format of Grafana dashboards with lists for rows, panels and targets. .. code-block:: yaml system_metrics: title: graph editable: true hideControls: false rows: - title: Usage height: 250px panels: - title: Panel Title span: 6 editable: false type: graph targets: - refId: A target: "support_prd.cfg01_iot_tcpcloud_eu.cpu.0.idle" datasource: graphite01 renderer: flot showTitle: true The modified version of Grafana dashboard format that supports character interpolation. .. code-block:: yaml system_metrics: system_metrics2: title: graph editable: true hideControls: false row: usage: title: Usage height: 250px panel: usage-panel: title: Panel Title span: 6 editable: false type: graph target: A: refId: A target: "support_prd.cfg01_iot_tcpcloud_eu.cpu.0.idle" datasource: graphite01 renderer: flot showTitle: true Read more ========= * http://grafana.org/ * http://docs.grafana.org/reference/export_import/