#!/bin/bash # Internal Initialization source "${DIP_FUNCTIONS}" if [[ -r "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_NAME}.conf" ]]; then source "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_NAME}.conf" fi if [[ -r "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_EXEC}.conf" ]]; then source "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_EXEC}.conf" fi if [[ -z "$agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token" ]]; then logerr "ERROR: Need 'agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token' to be defined to your Linode API Access Token" exit 99 fi # Get Domain Name _update_dns_linode_v4_get_domain() { local domain_id local response local page local total_pages local i=2 local p=1 while read -r response do if [[ -n "$(echo "$response" | jq 'select(.errors != null)')" ]] then return 1 fi page=$(echo "$response" | jq ".page") total_pages=$(echo "$response" | jq ".pages") while true do h=$(printf "%s" "$DIP_RECORD" | cut -d . -f $i-100) if [[ -z "$h" ]] then return 1 fi domain_id="$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$(echo "$response" | jq --arg domain "$h" '.data[] | select(.domain==$domain).id')")" if [[ -n "$domain_id" ]] then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$DIP_RECORD" | cut -d . -f-$p) _domain=$h _domain_id=$domain_id return 0 fi p=$i (( i++ )) || true done if [[ $page -ge $total_pages ]] then return 1 fi done <<< "$(curl --silent -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token" "https://api.linode.com/v4/domains/")" return 1 } _update_dns_linode_v4_get_record_id() { local domain=$1 local dtype=$2 local subdomain=$3 local response local record_id if [[ "${#subdomain}" -gt "${#domain}" ]]; then subdomain="${subdomain:0:${#subdomain}-${#domain}-1}" else subdomain="@" fi response=$(curl \ --silent \ -X GET \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token" \ "https://api.linode.com/v4/domains/$domain/records") #sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$(echo "$response" | jq ".domain_names[].name" )" record_id="$(echo "$response" | jq --arg subdomain "$subdomain" --arg dtype "$dtype" '.data[] | select(.name==$subdomain and .type==$dtype).id')" if [[ -z "$record_id" ]] then return 1 else _record_id=$record_id return 0 fi } if _update_dns_linode_v4_get_domain; then if valid_ipv4 "$DIP_CUR_IP"; then log "Updating Linode DNS IPv4 Record: ${DIP_RECORD} to ${DIP_CUR_IP}" if _update_dns_do_get_record_id "$_domain_id" "A" "$_sub_domain" then curl --silent \ -X PUT \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token" \ -d '{"target":"'$DIP_CUR_IP'"}' \ "https://api.linode.com/v4/domains/$_domain_id/records/$_record_id" > /dev/null; else logerr "WARN: No A record exists for $DIP_RECORD" fi fi if valid_ipv6 "$DIP_CUR_IP"; then log "Updating Linux DNS IPv6 Record: ${DIP_RECORD} to ${DIP_CUR_IP}" if _update_dns_do_get_record_id "$_domain_id" "AAAA" "$_sub_domain" then curl --silent \ -X PUT \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_linode_v4_token" \ -d '{"target":"'$DIP_CUR_IP'"}' \ "https://api.linode.com/v4/domains/$_domain_id/records/$_record_id" > /dev/null; else logerr "WARN: No AAAA record exists for $DIP_RECORD" fi fi else logerr "ERROR: Cannot find domain in Linode DNS API" exit 99 fi