#!/bin/bash # Internal Initialization source "${DIP_FUNCTIONS}" if [[ -r "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_NAME}.conf" ]]; then source "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_NAME}.conf" fi if [[ -r "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_EXEC}.conf" ]]; then source "${DIP_BASE_DIR}/conf.d/${DIP_AGENT_EXEC}.conf" fi if [[ -z "$agent_update_dns_do_token" ]]; then logerr "ERROR: Need 'agent_update_dns_do_token' to be defined to your DigitalOcean API Access Token" exit 99 fi if [[ -z "$agent_update_dns_do_domain" ]]; then logerr "ERROR: Need 'agent_update_dns_do_domain' to be defined to your DigitalOcean Domain Name" exit 99 fi # Main if valid_ipv4 "$DIP_CUR_IP"; then log "Updating DigitalOcean DNS IPv4 Record: ${DIP_RECORD} to ${DIP_CUR_IP}" record_id4=$(curl --silent --request GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_do_token" "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/$agent_update_dns_do_domain/records" | jq ".domain_records[] | select(.name==\"${DIP_RECORD}\" and .type==\"A\") | .id") if [[ -n "$record_id4" ]]; then curl --silent -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_do_token" -d '{"data":"'$DIP_CUR_IP'"}' "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/$agent_update_dns_do_domain/records/$record_id4" > /dev/null; fi fi if valid_ipv6 "$DIP_CUR_IP"; then log "Updating DigitalOcean DNS IPv6 Record: ${DIP_RECORD} to ${DIP_CUR_IP}" record_id6=$(curl --silent --request GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_do_token" "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/$agent_update_dns_do_domain/records" | jq ".domain_records[] | select(.name==\"${DIP_RECORD}\" and .type==\"AAAA\") | .id") if [[ -n "$record_id6" ]]; then curl --silent -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $agent_update_dns_do_token" -d '{"data":"'$DIP_CUR_IP'"}' "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/$agent_update_dns_do_domain/records/$record_id6" > /dev/null; fi fi