# # Cookbook Name:: zabbix # Recipe:: database_postgresql # # Copyright 2017, Linux-Help.org # Authors: # Eric Renfro # include_recipe 'chef-vault' if node['zabbix']['database']['repo']['pgdg'] node.default['postgresql']['enable_pgdg_apt'] = true node.default['postgresql']['enable_pgdg_yum'] = true node.default['postgresql']['version'] = "9.6" end node.default['postgresql']['pg_hba'] = [ { type: 'local', db: 'all', user: 'postgres', addr: nil, method: 'ident' }, { type: 'local', db: 'all', user: 'all', addr: nil, method: 'md5' }, { type: 'host', db: 'all', user: 'all', addr: '', method: 'md5' }, { type: 'host', db: 'all', user: 'all', addr: '::1/128', method: 'md5' }, ] include_recipe 'postgresql::server' directory '/tmp/database' do owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0755' action :create not_if "sudo -u postgres psql -lqtA | grep -q '^zabbix'" end cookbook_file '/tmp/database/schema.sql' do sensitive true source %W{ host-#{node['fqdn']}/schema.sql postgresql/#{node['zabbix']['version']}/schema.sql } backup false action :nothing subscribes :create, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end cookbook_file '/tmp/database/images.sql' do sensitive true source %W{ host-#{node['fqdn']}/images.sql postgresql/#{node['zabbix']['version']}/images.sql } backup false action :nothing subscribes :create, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end cookbook_file '/tmp/database/data.sql' do sensitive true source %W{ host-#{node['fqdn']}/data.sql postgresql/#{node['zabbix']['version']}/data.sql } backup false action :nothing subscribes :create, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end bash 'create_zabbix_db_user' do user 'postgres' #sensitive true credentials = chef_vault_item("secrets", "zabbix") code <<-EOH psql -c "CREATE USER \"#{credentials['username']}\" WITH PASSWORD '#{credentials['password']}';" psql -c "CREATE DATABASE \"#{credentials['database']}\" WITH OWNER \"#{credentials['username']}\" ENCODING 'UTF-8';" EOH action :nothing subscribes :run, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end bash 'initialize_zabbix_db' do sensitive true credentials = chef_vault_item("secrets", "zabbix") environment({ "PGUSER" => credentials['username'], "PGPASSWORD" => credentials['password'] }) code <<-EOH psql -d zabbix -f /tmp/database/schema.sql psql -d zabbix -f /tmp/database/images.sql psql -d zabbix -f /tmp/database/data.sql EOH action :nothing subscribes :run, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end directory "cleanup" do path "/tmp/database" recursive true action :nothing subscribes :delete, 'directory[/tmp/database]', :immediately end