# Ossec server provisioning recipe # install the ossec-hids-server package and push the # default configuration from the templates if node['platform_family'] == "rhel" include_recipe "yum-atomic" elsif node['platform_family'] == "debian" include_recipe "apt-atomic" end class Chef::Recipe include OssecCore end package "ossec-hids-server" # Get all the agents at once, more efficient if Chef::Config[:solo] Chef::Log.warn('This recipe uses search. Chef Solo does not support search') else ossec_agents = search(:node, "roles:ossec-agent "\ "AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}") # set local command/active-response flags ossec_set_filtered_flags!("command", "active-response", "syslog_files") ossec_set_syscheck_flags!("ignore") # resolve searches in server rules ossec_hostname_search() # resolve email_alerts location searches ossec_event_location_search() # initialize the agent hash on the first run if node["ossec"]["agents"].nil? node.normal["ossec"]["agents"] = {} end ossec_agents.each do |agent| # don't process thy self if agent["ipaddress"] == node["ipaddress"] next end agent_hash = ossec_agent_create_parameters(agent, node) # this agent is running fine, go to the next one if ossec_agent_is_active?(agent_hash[:id]) node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["status"] = "active" next end # check that the agent ID still point to the same IP and hostname # otherwise, delete the record from the ossec server if not ossec_verify_agent(agent_hash, node) Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: deleting server record for agent '#{agent_hash[:id]}'") node.normal["ossec"]["agents"].delete(agent_hash[:id]) end # if this agent doesn't have a valid key, generate one if not ossec_agent_has_valid_key?(agent_hash, node) Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent '#{agent_hash[:id]}' needs a key. Generating one.") agent_hash[:key] = ossec_generate_agent_key(agent_hash) agent_hash[:rid] = "todo" agent_hash[:status] = "key_exists" end # save agent parameters agent_hash.each do |k,v| node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]][k] = v end # Don't continue if the agent has a valid key but doesn't know it yet if not ossec_agent_knows_key?(agent_hash, agent) Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent '#{agent_hash[:id]}' didn't pick up its key yet.") next end # Check if it needs a queue cleanup if ossec_agent_needs_rid?(agent_hash[:id], agent) ruby_block "ossec queue rid" do block do if File.exists?("/var/ossec/queue/rids/#{agent_hash[:id]}") File.delete("/var/ossec/queue/rids/#{agent_hash[:id]}") Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: deleted queue for agent '#{agent_hash[:id]}'") else Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: No queue for agent '#{agent_hash[:id]}.'") end node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"] = "done" end notifies :restart, "service[ossec-server]", :delayed end # done with this agent, go to the next one next end # If after all that, the agent is still not active, mark it as so if not ossec_agent_is_active?(agent_hash[:id]) if ossec_agent_is_zombie?(agent_hash[:id]) node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["status"] = "zombie" # if the agent is a zombie, perform a rid of its queue on the next run Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent #{agent_hash[:id]} is a zombie. " + "Request queue deletion") node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"] = "todo" else node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["status"] = "disconnected" Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent #{agent_hash[:id]} connection failed. " + "Performing restart") #cmd = Chef::ShellOut.new("/var/ossec/bin/agent_control -R #{agent_hash[:id]}") cmd = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("/var/ossec/bin/agent_control -R #{agent_hash[:id]}") cmd_ret = cmd.run_command end end end # Remove the attributes of an agent from the ossec server if the agent doesn't # exist on Chef and the last keep_alive is more than 7 days old node["ossec"]["agents"].each do |agent_id, params| if params[:status].eql?('key_exists') next end agent = ossec_agents.select{ |n| (n[:ossec][:agents].has_key?(agent_id) \ && n[:ossec][:agent][:enable]) }.first if not agent.nil? next end if ossec_agent_should_be_removed?(agent_id) Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: Removing old agent '#{agent_id}' - '#{params[:name]}'") node["ossec"]["agents"].delete(agent_id) else Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent '#{agent_id}' - '#{params[:name]}' is candidate for removal") node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_id]["status"] = 'candidate_for_removal' end end end template "/var/ossec/etc/client.keys" do mode '0440' owner "root" group "ossec" end template "/var/ossec/rules/local_rules.xml" do owner "root" group "root" notifies :restart, "service[ossec-server]", :delayed end template "/var/ossec/etc/local_decoder.xml" do owner "root" group "root" notifies :restart, "service[ossec-server]", :delayed end template "/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf" do source "ossec-server.conf.erb" owner "ossec" group "ossec" manage_symlink_source true variables( :ossec_agents => ossec_agents ) notifies :restart, "service[ossec-server]", :delayed end template "/var/ossec/etc/internal_options.conf" do mode "0444" owner "root" group "root" notifies :restart, "service[ossec-server]", :delayed end service "ossec-server" do #provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init service_name node["ossec"]["server"]["service_name"] supports :start => true, :stop => true, :restart => true, :status => true action [ :start ] only_if { File.exist?("/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf") } end